112 research outputs found

    Impact of intrinsic parameter fluctuations in ultra-thin body silicon-on-insulator MOSFET on 6-transistor SRAM cell

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    As CMOS device dimensions are being aggressively scaled, the device characteristic must be assessed against fundamental physical limits. Nanoscale device modelling and statistical circuit analysis is needed to provide designer with ability to explore innovative new MOSFET devices as well as understanding the limits of the scaling process. This work introduces a systematic simulation methodology to investigate the impact of intrinsic parameter fluctuation for a novel Ultra-Thin-Body (UTB) Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) transistor on the corresponding device and circuits. It provides essential link between physical device-level numerical simulation and circuit-level simulation. A systematic analysis of the effects of random discrete dopants, body thickness variations and line edge roughness on a well scaled 10 nm, 7.5 nm and 5 nm channel length UTB-SOI MOSFET is performed. To fully realise the performance benefits of UTB-SOI based SRAM cells a statistical circuit simulation methodology which can fully capture intrinsic parameter fluctuations information into the compact model is developed. The impact of intrinsic parameter fluctuations on the stability and performance of 6T SRAM has been investigated. A comparison with the behaviour of a 6T SRAM based on a conventional 35 nm MOSFET is also presented

    Intrinsic variability of nanoscale CMOS technology for logic and memory.

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    The continuous downscaling of CMOS technology, the main engine of development of the semiconductor Industry, is limited by factors that become important for nanoscale device size, which undermine proper device operation completely offset gains from scaling. One of the main problems is device variability: nominally identical devices are different at the microscopic level due to fabrication tolerance and the intrinsic granularity of matter. For this reason, structures, devices and materials for the next technology nodes will be chosen for their robustness to process variability, in agreement with the ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors). Examining the dispersion of various physical and geometrical parameters and the effect these have on device performance becomes necessary. In this thesis, I focus on the study of the dispersion of the threshold voltage due to intrinsic variability in nanoscale CMOS technology for logic and for memory. In order to describe this, it is convenient to have an analytical model that allows, with the assistance of a small number of simulations, to calculate the standard deviation of the threshold voltage due to the various contributions

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    Variability analysis of FinFET AC/RF performances through efficient physics-based simulations for the optimization of RF CMOS stages

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    A nearly insatiable appetite for the latest electronic device enables the electronic technology sector to maintain research momentum. The necessity for advancement with miniaturization of electronic devices is the need of the day. Aggressive downscaling of electronic devices face some fundamental limits and thus, buoy up the change in device geometry. MOSFETs have been the leading contender in the electronics industry for years, but the dire need for miniaturization is forcing MOSFET to be scaled to nano-scale and in sub-50 nm scale. Short channel effects (SCE) become dominant and adversely affect the performance of the MOSFET. So, the need for a novel structure was felt to suppress SCE to an acceptable level. Among the proposed devices, FinFETs (Fin Field Effect Transistors) were found to be most effective to counter-act SCE in electronic devices. Today, many industries are working on electronic circuits with FinFETs as their primary element.One of limitation which FinFET faces is device variability. The purpose of this work was to study the effect that different sources of parameter fluctuations have on the behavior and characteristics of FinFETs. With deep literature review, we have gained insight into key sources of variability. Different sources of variations, like random dopant fluctuation, line edge roughness, fin variations, workfunction variations, oxide thickness variation, and source/drain doping variations, were studied and their impact on the performance of the device was studied as well. The adverse effect of these variations fosters the great amount of research towards variability modeling. A proper modeling of these variations is required to address the device performance metric before the fabrication of any new generation of the device on the commercial scale. The conventional methods to address the characteristics of a device under variability are Monte-Carlo-like techniques. In Monte Carlo analysis, all process parameters can be varied individually or simultaneously in a more realistic approach. The Monte Carlo algorithm takes a random value within the range of each process parameter and performs circuit simulations repeatedly. The statistical characteristics are estimated from the responses. This technique is accurate but requires high computational resources and time. Thus, efforts are being put by different research groups to find alternative tools. If the variations are small, Green’s Function (GF) approach can be seen as a breakthrough methodology. One of the most open research fields regards "Variability of FinFET AC performances". One reason for the limited AC variability investigations is the lack of commercially available efficient simulation tools, especially those based on accurate physics-based analysis: in fact, the only way to perform AC variability analysis through commercial TCAD tools like Synopsys Sentaurus is through the so-called Monte Carlo approach, that when variations are deterministic, is more properly referred to as incremental analysis, i.e., repeated solutions of the device model with varying physical parameters. For each selected parameter, the model must be solved first in DC operating condition (working point, WP) and then linearized around the WP, hence increasing severely the simulation time. In this work, instead, we used GF approach, using our in-house Simulator "POLITO", to perform AC variability analysis, provided that variations are small, alleviating the requirement of double linearization and reducing the simulation time significantly with a slight trade-off in accuracy. Using this tool we have, for the first time addressed the dependency of FinFET AC parameters on the most relevant process variations, opening the way to its application to RF circuits. This work is ultimately dedicated to the successful implementation of RF stages in commercial applications by incorporating variability effects and controlling the degradation of AC parameters due to variability. We exploited the POLITO (in-house simulator) limited to 2D structures, but this work can be extended to the variability analysis of 3D FinFET structure. Also variability analysis of III-V Group structures can be addressed. There is also potentiality to carry out the sensitivity analysis for the other source of variations, e.g., thermal variations

    Statistical circuit simulations - from ‘atomistic’ compact models to statistical standard cell characterisation

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    This thesis describes the development and application of statistical circuit simulation methodologies to analyse digital circuits subject to intrinsic parameter fluctuations. The specific nature of intrinsic parameter fluctuations are discussed, and we explain the crucial importance to the semiconductor industry of developing design tools which accurately account for their effects. Current work in the area is reviewed, and three important factors are made clear: any statistical circuit simulation methodology must be based on physically correct, predictive models of device variability; the statistical compact models describing device operation must be characterised for accurate transient analysis of circuits; analysis must be carried out on realistic circuit components. Improving on previous efforts in the field, we posit a statistical circuit simulation methodology which accounts for all three of these factors. The established 3-D Glasgow atomistic simulator is employed to predict electrical characteristics for devices aimed at digital circuit applications, with gate lengths from 35 nm to 13 nm. Using these electrical characteristics, extraction of BSIM4 compact models is carried out and their accuracy in performing transient analysis using SPICE is validated against well characterised mixed-mode TCAD simulation results for 35 nm devices. Static d.c. simulations are performed to test the methodology, and a useful analytic model to predict hard logic fault limitations on CMOS supply voltage scaling is derived as part of this work. Using our toolset, the effect of statistical variability introduced by random discrete dopants on the dynamic behaviour of inverters is studied in detail. As devices scaled, dynamic noise margin variation of an inverter is increased and higher output load or input slew rate improves the noise margins and its variation. Intrinsic delay variation based on CV/I delay metric is also compared using ION and IEFF definitions where the best estimate is obtained when considering ION and input transition time variations. Critical delay distribution of a path is also investigated where it is shown non-Gaussian. Finally, the impact of the cell input slew rate definition on the accuracy of the inverter cell timing characterisation in NLDM format is investigated

    Multigate MOSFETs for digital performance and high linearity, and their fabrication techniques

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    The aggressive downscaling of complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology is facing great challenges to overcome severe short-channel effects. Multigate MOSFETs are one of the most promising candidates for scaling beyond Si CMOS, due to better electrostatic control as compared to conventional planar MOSFETs. Conventional dry etching-induced surface damage is one of the main sources of performance degradation for multigate transistors, especially for III-V high mobility materials. It is also challenging to increase the fin aspect ratio by dry etching because of the non-ideal anisotropic etching profile. Here, we report a novel method, inverse metal-assisted chemical etching (i-MacEtch), in lieu of conventional RIE etching, for 3D fin channel formation. InP junctionless FinFETs with record high-aspect-ratio (~ 50:1) fins are demonstrated by this method for the first time. The i-MacEtch process flow eliminates dry-etching-induced plasma damage, high energy ion implantation damage, and high temperature annealing, allowing for the fabrication of InP fin channels with atomically smooth sidewalls. The sidewall features resulting from this unique and simplified process ensure high interface quality between high-k dielectric layer and InP fin channel. Experimental and theoretical analyses show that high-aspect-ratio FinFETs, which could deliver more current per area under much relaxed horizontal geometry requirements, are promising in pushing the technology node ahead where conventional scaling has met its physical limits. The performance of the FinFET was further investigated through numerical simulation. A new kind of FinFET with asymmetric gate and source/drain contacts has been proposed and simulated. By benchmarking with conventional symmetric FinFET, better short-channel behavior with much higher current density is confirmed. The design guidelines are provided. The overall circuit delay can be minimized by optimizing gate lengths according to different local parasites among circuits in interconnection-delay-dominated SoC applications. Continued transistor scaling requires even stronger gate electrostatic control over the channel. The ultimate scaling structure would be gate-all-around nanowire MOSFETs. We demonstrate III-V junctionless gate-all-around (GAA) nanowire (NW) MOSFETs for the first time. For the first time, source/drain (S/D) resistance and thermal budget are minimized by regrowth using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) in III-V MOSFETs. The fabricated short-channel (Lg=80 nm) GaAs GAA NWFETs with extremely narrow nanowire width (WNW= 9 nm) show excellent transconductance (gm) linearity at biases (300 mV), characterized by the high third intercept point (2.6 dBm). The high linearity is especially important for low power applications because it is insensitive to bias conditions

    A study of silicon and germanium junctionless transistors

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    Technology boosters, such as strain, HKMG and FinFET, have been introduced into semiconductor industry to extend Moore’s law beyond 130 nm technology nodes. New device structures and channel materials are highly demanded to keep performance enhancement when the device scales beyond 22 nm. In this work, the properties and feasibility of the proposed Junctionless transistor (JNT) have been evaluated for both Silicon and Germanium channels. The performance of Silicon JNTs with 22 nm gate length have been characterized at elevated temperature and stressed conditions. Furthermore, steep Subthreshold Slopes (SS) in JNT and IM devices are compared. It is observed that the floating body in JNT is relatively dynamic comparing with that in IM devices and proper design of the device structure may further reduce the VD for a sub- 60 mV/dec subthreshold slope. Diode configuration of the JNT has also been evaluated, which demonstrates the first diode without junctions. In order to extend JNT structure into the high mobility material Germanium (Ge), a full process has been develop for Ge JNT. Germanium-on-Insulator (GeOI) wafers were fabricated using Smart-Cut with low temperature direct wafer bonding method. Regarding the lithography and pattern transfer, a top-down process of sub-50-nm width Ge nanowires is developed in this chapter and Ge nanowires with 35 nm width and 50 nm depth are obtained. The oxidation behaviour of Ge by RTO has been investigated and high-k passivation scheme using thermally grown GeO2 has been developed. With all developed modules, JNT with Ge channels have been fabricated by the CMOScompatible top-down process. The transistors exhibit the lowest subthreshold slope to date for Ge JNT. The devices with a gate length of 3 μm exhibit a SS of 216 mV/dec with an ION/IOFF current ratio of 1.2×103 at VD = -1 V and DIBL of 87 mV/V

    Miniaturized Transistors

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    What is the future of CMOS? Sustaining increased transistor densities along the path of Moore's Law has become increasingly challenging with limited power budgets, interconnect bandwidths, and fabrication capabilities. In the last decade alone, transistors have undergone significant design makeovers; from planar transistors of ten years ago, technological advancements have accelerated to today's FinFETs, which hardly resemble their bulky ancestors. FinFETs could potentially take us to the 5-nm node, but what comes after it? From gate-all-around devices to single electron transistors and two-dimensional semiconductors, a torrent of research is being carried out in order to design the next transistor generation, engineer the optimal materials, improve the fabrication technology, and properly model future devices. We invite insight from investigators and scientists in the field to showcase their work in this Special Issue with research papers, short communications, and review articles that focus on trends in micro- and nanotechnology from fundamental research to applications
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