17 research outputs found

    The Rover Environmental Monitoring Station Ground Temperature Sensor: A Pyrometer for Measuring Ground Temperature on Mars

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    We describe the parameters that drive the design and modeling of the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) Ground Temperature Sensor (GTS), an instrument aboard NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory, and report preliminary test results. REMS GTS is a lightweight, low-power, and low cost pyrometer for measuring the Martian surface kinematic temperature. The sensor’s main feature is its innovative design, based on a simple mechanical structure with no moving parts. It includes an in-flight calibration system that permits sensor recalibration when sensor sensitivity has been degraded by deposition of dust over the optics. This paper provides the first results of a GTS engineering model working in a Martian-like, extreme environment

    Surface energy budget and thermal inertia at Gale Crater: Calculations from ground‐based measurements

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    The analysis of the surface energy budget (SEB) yields insights into soil‐atmosphere interactions and local climates, while the analysis of the thermal inertia ( I ) of shallow subsurfaces provides context for evaluating geological features. Mars orbital data have been used to determine thermal inertias at horizontal scales of ~10 4  m 2 to ~10 7  m 2 . Here we use measurements of ground temperature and atmospheric variables by Curiosity to calculate thermal inertias at Gale Crater at horizontal scales of ~10 2  m 2 . We analyze three sols representing distinct environmental conditions and soil properties, sol 82 at Rocknest (RCK), sol 112 at Point Lake (PL), and sol 139 at Yellowknife Bay (YKB). Our results indicate that the largest thermal inertia I  = 452 J m −2  K −1  s −1/2 (SI units used throughout this article) is found at YKB followed by PL with I  = 306 and RCK with I  = 295. These values are consistent with the expected thermal inertias for the types of terrain imaged by Mastcam and with previous satellite estimations at Gale Crater. We also calculate the SEB using data from measurements by Curiosity's Rover Environmental Monitoring Station and dust opacity values derived from measurements by Mastcam. The knowledge of the SEB and thermal inertia has the potential to enhance our understanding of the climate, the geology, and the habitability of Mars. Key Points We calculate the thermal inertia and surface energy budget at Gale Crater We use MSL REMS measurements for our calculationsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108664/1/jgre20287.pd

    The Surface Energy Budget at Gale Crater During the First 2500 Sols of the Mars Science Laboratory Mission

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    We use in situ environmental measurements by the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission to obtain the surface energy budget (SEB) across Curiosity's traverse during the first 2500 sols of the mission. This includes values of the downwelling shortwave solar radiation, the upwelling solar radiation reflected by the surface, the downwelling longwave radiation from the atmosphere, the upwelling longwave radiation emitted by the surface, the sensible heat flux associated with turbulent motions, and the latent heat flux associated with water phase changes. We then analyze their temporal variation on different timescales and relate this to the mechanisms causing these variations. Through its Rover Environmental Monitoring Station, MSL allows for a more accurate determination of the SEB than its predecessors on Mars. Moreover, the unprecedented duration, cadence, and frequency of MSL environmental observations allow for analyses of the SEB from diurnal to interannual timescales. The results presented in this article can be used to evaluate the consistency with predictions from atmospheric numerical models, to validate aerosol radiative properties under a range of dust conditions, to understand the energy available for solar-powered missions, and to enable comparisons with measurements of the SEB by the Perseverance rover at Jezero crater.Peer reviewe

    The HABIT (HabitAbility: Brine Irradiation and Temperature) environmental instrument for the ExoMars 2022 Surface Platform

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    Acknowledgements HABIT is an instrument of the Luleå University of Technology (LTU), led by J. Martín-Torres (PI) and M-P. Zorzano (co-PI). The international list of Co-Is and collaborators of the science team of HABIT is given in (https://atmospheres.research.ltu.se/habit/pages/team.php). HABIT engineering team: A. Soria-Salinas, M. I. Nazarious, S. Konatham, T. Mathanlal and A. Vakkada Ramachandran. HABIT IT team: J. –A. Ramirez-Luque and R. Mantas-Nakhai. ASS acknowledges the support of the LTU Graduate School of Space. M-P. Z's contribution has been partially supported by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) Project No. MDM-2017-0737 Unidad de Excelencia “María de Maeztu” - Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC). The HABIT FM and EQM were fabricated by Omnisys Instruments AB, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, under advice of LTU as part of the HABIT project development and funded by the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA). We thank the ExoMars project team, European Space Agency (ESA), Roscosmos, Space Research Institute (IKI) and Omnisys Instruments AB for their hard work on the ExoMars mission. We thank Petra Rettberg and Carina Fink from DLR for their planetary protection analysis of HABIT samples. We acknowledge the Luleå University of Technology, the Wallenberg Foundation and the Kempe Foundation for support of the Mars research activities. We thank the support of the Swedish Institute for Space Physics (IRF) for the TVAC tests. The Oxia Planum environmental conditions research was partially funded by the European Research Foundation. The SpaceQ chamber has been developed together with Kurt J. Lesker Company and was funded by the Kempe Foundation. CRediT authorship contribution statement Javier Martín-Torres: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Funding acquisition, Resources, Project administration. María-Paz Zorzano: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Funding acquisition, Resources, Project administration. Álvaro Soria-Salinas: Formal analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Writing - review & editing. Miracle Israel Nazarious: Formal analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Writing - review & editing. Samuel Konatham: Formal analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Writing - review & editing. Thasshwin Mathanlal: Formal analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Writing - review & editing. Abhilash Vakkada Ramachandran: Formal analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Writing - review & editing. Juan-Antonio Ramírez-Luque: Software, Writing - review & editing. Roberto Mantas-Nakhai: Software, Writing - review & editing.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Constraining the Potential Liquid Water Environment at Gale Crater, Mars

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) has now made continuous in situ meteorological measurements for several Martian years at Gale crater, Mars. Of importance in the search for liquid formation are REMS’ measurements of ground temperature and inâ air measurements of temperature and relative humidity, which is with respect to ice. Such data can constrain the surface and subsurface stability of brines. Here we use updated calibrations to REMS data and consistent relative humidity comparisons (i.e., with respect to liquid versus with respect to ice) to investigate the potential formation of surface and subsurface liquids throughout MSL’s traverse. We specifically study the potential for the deliquescence of calcium perchlorate. Our data analysis suggests that surface brine formation is not favored within the first 1648 sols as there are only two times (sols 1232 and 1311) when humidityâ temperature conditions were within error consistent with a liquid phase. On the other hand, modeling of the subsurface environment would support brine production in the shallow subsurface. Indeed, we find that the shallow subsurface for terrains with low thermal inertia (Î â ²300 J mâ 2 Kâ 1 sâ 1/2) may be occasionally favorable to brine formation through deliquescence. Terrains with Î â ²175 J mâ 2 Kâ 1 sâ 1/2 and albedos of â ³0.25 are the most apt to subsurface brine formation. Should brines form, they would occur around Ls 100°. Their predicted properties would not meet the Special nor Uncertain Region requirements, as such they would not be potential habitable environments to life as we know it.Plain Language SummaryThe Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) has now made continuous measurements of the local weather at Gale crater, Mars. Such measurements can help guide our search for the formation of liquid water on presentâ day Mars. Specifically, when the right temperature and humidity conditions are met, certain salts can take in water vapor from the atmosphere to produce liquids. Here we use data from MSL along with experimental results on the stability of a Marsâ relevant salt to search for time periods when liquids could potentially form at the surface. Additionally, we use simulations and MSL data to understand the potential to form such liquids in the subsurface. Our results suggest that surface formation of liquids is unlikely throughout MSL’s travels; however, the shallow subsurface may experience conditions that would allow for liquid formation. Not much liquid would form, though, and the properties of these liquids would not permit life as we know it to persist.Key PointsMeasured surface environmental conditions at Gale crater are not favorable to brine formation via deliquescence of calcium perchlorateLiquids may have formed in the shallow subsurface of low thermal inertia units within MSLâ traversed terrainsMSL may best find liquids in the subsurface of units with thermal inertia less than or equal to 175 J mâ 2 Kâ 1 sâ 1/2 and albedo > 0.25 around Ls 100°Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144585/1/jgre20830-sup-0001-supinfo.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144585/2/jgre20830_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144585/3/jgre20830.pd

    Spectral and stratigraphic mapping of layered sulfate deposits on Mars using advanced CRISM data processing techniques

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    We apply orbital remote sensing of Mars to analyze the mineralogy and geologic setting of two areas near rover landing sites. We use the Compact Reconnaissance Orbiter for Mars (CRISM) observations, modeled to single scattering albedo, to identify and map hydrated sulfates in layered sedimentary sequences in these two locations. In Meridiani Planum, the Opportunity rover has characterized a ~10 m section of sulfate-bearing deposits known as the Burns formation. At our study area in ~20 km to the south at Iazu Crater, we found that the crater walls have strong spectral signatures of polyhydrated sulfate, strongly correlated with a \u3e100 m exposure of strata containing repeated dark and light banding. We use similar CRISM techniques to map a thick section of layered sulfate-bearing strata in Gale Crater, within its central mound, Mt. Sharp. The Curiosity rover will likely visit these areas and our detailed assessments will then be used to guide the rover team in choosing specific sites for upcoming traverses. To assist this study and others we deploy a neural network technique to separate reflectance and thermal contributions to CRISM I/F data, deriving temperatures and single scattering albedo spectra from 0.4-4 micrometers for each pixel

    Contribution to advanced hot wire wind sensing

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    La consulta íntegra de la tesi, inclos l'article no comunicat públicament per drets d'autor, es pot realitzar prèvia petició a l'Arxiu de la UPCThe thermal anemometry is a method which allows to estimate wind magnitude be the mean of measuring heat transfer to the ambient in a forced convection process. For Earth's atmosphere condition, this method is typically applied to the hot wires made of temperature dependent electrical conductor, typically platinum or tungsten, which working with overheat in reference to the ambient temperature estimate wind velocity. In case of the low pressure atmospheres, like this on Mars, the mean free path for molecules, due to the rarefied ambient conditions, is much bigger, Using hot wires designed for Earth in this conditions gives that heat exchange at macroscopic scale which does not to obey medium continuum model but rather reveals ballistic behavior Thus, instead of using hot wire, a structure of bigger dimension like hot films are usually propose for such a kind of application. The work included in this thesis is the contribution of the author Lukasz Kowalski to the goal of developing a new generation of wind sensors for the atmosphere of Mars. The work consists in the conception, design, simulation, manufacture and measurement of two novel types wind sensors based on thermal anemometers. The first kind of concept has been developed in this thesis by using hot silicon die made out of silicon wafer of approximate size: 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 mm with platinum resistances deposited on top in order to heat it and sense its temperature. These work was been a part of the bigger undertaking under the project name: "Colaboracíoon en el desarrollo de la estación medioambiental denominada REMS ". Inside the project REMS author of thesis was responsible for sensor shape development and concept validation of proposed geometry. Thermal-fluidical model of the device as well as characterization and behavior were analyzed for a simplified 2-D wind model for typical Martian atmospheric conditions. REMS was a Spanish contribution to the NASA mission MSL which has been a great success since rover Curiosity has landed on Mars on 8th August 2012 on Mars near to the Gale Crater location. Since then has been constantly running experiments on the Red Planet sending data to Earth for interpretation. From the experience and knowledge gained during REMS project, the author came out with an idea of the novel spherical sensor structure overcoming some fragility problems detected in the REMS wind sensor. The new 3-D wind sensor concept, besides this advantage, also provided a radical simplification of data post-processing providing comprehensive thermal model based on numerical simulation for any possible wind occurrence. This new device has been developed under Spanish Ministry of the Science and Innovation project: "Sensor de viento para la superficie de Marte para la mission Metnet''. This project, denominated as MEIGA, was a joint effort of many Spanish institution under leadership of Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA) for the development of space technology for Mars oriented application in a framework of upcoming space mission. To sum up, author's work include contributions to the development of two wind sensor concepts: 1. REMS wind sensor on board of the rover Curiosity in the surface of Mars since August 8th 2012 2. Spherical wind sensor concept developed in a course of MEIGA projectPostprint (published version

    Mesoscale meteorological modeling of mars mission environments

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica, leída el 27-04-2018Esta Tesis Doctoral en formato publicaciones se ha estructurado principalmente entorno a cuatro artículos científicos sobre modelado meteorológico mesoescalar de la atmósfera de Marte. Los artículos están estructurados con un orden lógico, de tal modo que las investigaciones y conclusiones de cada uno de ellos sirven como punto de partida del siguiente artículo.En el primer artículo (Pla-Garcia & Rafkin 2016) se realiza una introducción a las condiciones de la atmósfera marciana incluyendo una completa descripción de los modelos de área limitada para Marte, así como su estado actual.El auge de la exploración marciana a partir de la década de los noventa, junto con la optimización de los modelos meteorológicos terrestres, ha propiciado el escenario ideal para la adaptación de este tipo de modelos a la atmósfera de Marte.Su uso se ha convertido en una parte fundamental para la interpretación de los datos generados por las misiones al planeta rojo y para proporcionar las restricciones de sus condiciones ambientales necesarias para la planificación y operación de las misiones. Además son una herramienta fundamental para la evaluación de riesgos en la etapa de entrada, descenso y aterrizaje de las misiones a Marte. De hecho, el conocimiento adquirido durante esta Tesis Doctoral ha permitido que NASA nos seleccione para realizar las simulaciones meteorológicas de las diferentes zonas de aterrizaje de la misión NASA Mars 2020 y cuyas conclusiones se recogen en contribuciones a congresos (Pla-Garcia et al. 2017;Pla-Garcia & Rafkin 2015)...This PhD Doctorate, in publications format, has been mainly structured around four scientific articles on Mars atmosphere mesoscale meteorological modeling.The articles are structured in a logical order, so that the investigations and conclusions of each of them work as a starting point for the next one. In the first article (Pla-Garcia & Rafkin 2016) an introduction to the conditions of the Mars atmosphere is made, including details and the state of the art of mesoscale models. The revitalizing of Mars exploration in the early 1990s combined with the maturation of terrestrial mesoscale models provided fertile ground for the application of suitably modified models to the martian atmosphere.The use of mesoscale models, particular for Mars, has become an integral part of interpreting the data returned from missions and providing constraints andbounds on environmental conditions in support of mission planning and operations. Mesoscale models are ideal tools for greatly minimizing risk during entry, descent, and landing phases. In fact, the knowledge acquired during this PhD Doctorate has promoted our NASA selection to carry out the meteorological simulations of the different landing sites for the NASA-Mars 2020 mission whose conclusions are included in contributions to conferences (Pla- Garcia et al., 2017;Pla-Garcia & Rafkin 2015)...Depto. de Física de la Tierra y AstrofísicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Contribution to advanced hot wire wind sensing

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    The thermal anemometry is a method which allows to estimate wind magnitude be the mean of measuring heat transfer to the ambient in a forced convection process. For Earth's atmosphere condition, this method is typically applied to the hot wires made of temperature dependent electrical conductor, typically platinum or tungsten, which working with overheat in reference to the ambient temperature estimate wind velocity. In case of the low pressure atmospheres, like this on Mars, the mean free path for molecules, due to the rarefied ambient conditions, is much bigger, Using hot wires designed for Earth in this conditions gives that heat exchange at macroscopic scale which does not to obey medium continuum model but rather reveals ballistic behavior Thus, instead of using hot wire, a structure of bigger dimension like hot films are usually propose for such a kind of application. The work included in this thesis is the contribution of the author Lukasz Kowalski to the goal of developing a new generation of wind sensors for the atmosphere of Mars. The work consists in the conception, design, simulation, manufacture and measurement of two novel types wind sensors based on thermal anemometers. The first kind of concept has been developed in this thesis by using hot silicon die made out of silicon wafer of approximate size: 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 mm with platinum resistances deposited on top in order to heat it and sense its temperature. These work was been a part of the bigger undertaking under the project name: "Colaboracíoon en el desarrollo de la estación medioambiental denominada REMS ". Inside the project REMS author of thesis was responsible for sensor shape development and concept validation of proposed geometry. Thermal-fluidical model of the device as well as characterization and behavior were analyzed for a simplified 2-D wind model for typical Martian atmospheric conditions. REMS was a Spanish contribution to the NASA mission MSL which has been a great success since rover Curiosity has landed on Mars on 8th August 2012 on Mars near to the Gale Crater location. Since then has been constantly running experiments on the Red Planet sending data to Earth for interpretation. From the experience and knowledge gained during REMS project, the author came out with an idea of the novel spherical sensor structure overcoming some fragility problems detected in the REMS wind sensor. The new 3-D wind sensor concept, besides this advantage, also provided a radical simplification of data post-processing providing comprehensive thermal model based on numerical simulation for any possible wind occurrence. This new device has been developed under Spanish Ministry of the Science and Innovation project: "Sensor de viento para la superficie de Marte para la mission Metnet''. This project, denominated as MEIGA, was a joint effort of many Spanish institution under leadership of Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA) for the development of space technology for Mars oriented application in a framework of upcoming space mission. To sum up, author's work include contributions to the development of two wind sensor concepts: 1. REMS wind sensor on board of the rover Curiosity in the surface of Mars since August 8th 2012 2. Spherical wind sensor concept developed in a course of MEIGA projec