50,527 research outputs found

    Analysis of large-scale sequencing of small RNAs

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    The advent of large-scale sequencing has opened up new areas of research, such as the study of Piwi-interacting small RNAs (piRNAs). piRNAs are longer than miRNAs, close to 30 nucleotides in length, involved in various functions, such as the suppression of transposons in germline. Since a large number of them (many tens of thousands) are generated from a wide range of positions in the genome, large-scale sequencing is the only way to study them. The key to understanding their genesis and biological roles is efficient analysis, which is complicated by the large volumes of sequence data. Taking account of the underlying biology is also important. We describe here novel analyses techniques and tools applied to small RNAs from germ cells in D. melanogaster, that allowed us to infer mechanism and biological function

    Computational methods for analyzing small RNAs and their interaction partners with large-scale techniques

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    This thesis describes the computational tools and analyzes developed to characterize small regulatory RNAs and their interaction partners using large-scale techniques. Following an introduction into the emerging world of small regulatory RNAs, our methodology for analyzing small RNAs from deep-sequencing data is described (chapter 2). This methodology allows the classification of small RNAs obtained by sequencing and provides several downstream analysis tools such as expression profiling and miRNA sample comparison. It has been integrated with a miRNA target prediction method into a web server which allows one to explore tissue-specific miRNA targeting (chapter 3). In the fourth chapter, an experimental procedure for genome-wide identification of miRNA targets is outlined. With this procedure, we identified the mRNAs, that are targeted by the most abundant miRNAs in HEK293 cells. Importantly, the experimental protocol enabled us to identify the exact location of the miRNA-mRNA interaction site within the mRNA as well as the precise position of the mRNA-protein crosslink. The fifth and sixth chapter describe our studies of murine embryonic stem cells and oocytes that are devoid of Dicer. The murine specific miR-290 cluster has been identified as an important regulator in embryonic stem cells. The loss of pluripotency in Dicer-/- embryonic stem cells has been linked to primary and secondary targets of the miR-290 cluster. In contrast, our analysis of Dicer-/- oocytes revealed that the miRNA pathway plays only a minor part during oocyte maturation, and loss of Dicer affects mainly the endo-siRNA pathway. Finally, we reanalyzed piRNA sequence reads from various species (chapter 6). This analysis revealed an unexpected 19 nt long processing product which is generated during piRNA biogenesis

    Discovery of barley miRNAs through deep sequencing of short reads

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    Background: MicroRNAs are important components of the regulatory network of biological systems and thousands have been discovered in both animals and plants. Systematic investigations performed in species with sequenced genomes such as Arabidopsis, rice, poplar and Brachypodium have provided insights into the evolutionary relationships of this class of small RNAs among plants. However, miRNAs from barley, one of the most important cereal crops, remain unknown. Results: We performed a large scale study of barley miRNAs through deep sequencing of small RNAs extracted from leaves of two barley cultivars. By using the presence of miRNA precursor sequences in related genomes as one of a number of supporting criteria, we identified up to 100 miRNAs in barley. Of these only 56 have orthologs in wheat, rice or Brachypodium that are known to be expressed, while up to 44 appear to be specifically expressed in barley. Conclusions: Our study, the first large scale investigation of small RNAs in barley, has identified up to 100 miRNAs. We demonstrate that reliable identification of miRNAs via deep sequencing in a species whose genome has not been sequenced requires a more careful analysis of sequencing errors than is commonly performed. We devised a read filtering procedure for dealing with errors. In addition, we found that the use of a large dataset of almost 35 million reads permits the use of read abundance distributions along putative precursor sequences as a practical tool for isolating miRNAs in a large background of reads originating from other non-coding and coding RNAs. This study therefore provides a generic approach for discovering novel miRNAs where no genome sequence is available.Andreas W Schreiber, Bu-Jun Shi, Chun-Yuan Huang, Peter Langridge, Ute Bauman

    A general approach to high-yield biosynthesis of chimeric RNAs bearing various types of functional small RNAs for broad applications.

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    RNA research and therapy relies primarily on synthetic RNAs. We employed recombinant RNA technology toward large-scale production of pre-miRNA agents in bacteria, but found the majority of target RNAs were not or negligibly expressed. We thus developed a novel strategy to achieve consistent high-yield biosynthesis of chimeric RNAs carrying various small RNAs (e.g. miRNAs, siRNAs and RNA aptamers), which was based upon an optimal noncoding RNA scaffold (OnRS) derived from tRNA fusion pre-miR-34a (tRNA/mir-34a). Multi-milligrams of chimeric RNAs (e.g. OnRS/miR-124, OnRS/GFP-siRNA, OnRS/Neg (scrambled RNA) and OnRS/MGA (malachite green aptamer)) were readily obtained from 1 l bacterial culture. Deep sequencing analyses revealed that mature miR-124 and target GFP-siRNA were selectively released from chimeric RNAs in human cells. Consequently, OnRS/miR-124 was active in suppressing miR-124 target gene expression and controlling cellular processes, and OnRS/GFP-siRNA was effective in knocking down GFP mRNA levels and fluorescent intensity in ES-2/GFP cells and GFP-transgenic mice. Furthermore, the OnRS/MGA sensor offered a specific strong fluorescence upon binding MG, which was utilized as label-free substrate to accurately determine serum RNase activities in pancreatic cancer patients. These results demonstrate that OnRS-based bioengineering is a common, robust and versatile strategy to assemble various types of small RNAs for broad applications

    Profiling of RNAs from Human Islet-Derived Exosomes in a Model of Type 1 Diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is characterized by the immune-mediated destruction of insulin-producing islet β cells. Biomarkers capable of identifying T1D risk and dissecting disease-related heterogeneity represent an unmet clinical need. Toward the goal of informing T1D biomarker strategies, we profiled coding and noncoding RNAs in human islet-derived exosomes and identified RNAs that were differentially expressed under proinflammatory cytokine stress conditions. Human pancreatic islets were obtained from cadaveric donors and treated with/without IL-1β and IFN-γ. Total RNA and small RNA sequencing were performed from islet-derived exosomes to identify mRNAs, long noncoding RNAs, and small noncoding RNAs. RNAs with a fold change ≥1.3 and a p-value <0.05 were considered as differentially expressed. mRNAs and miRNAs represented the most abundant long and small RNA species, respectively. Each of the RNA species showed altered expression patterns with cytokine treatment, and differentially expressed RNAs were predicted to be involved in insulin secretion, calcium signaling, necrosis, and apoptosis. Taken together, our data identify RNAs that are dysregulated under cytokine stress in human islet-derived exosomes, providing a comprehensive catalog of protein coding and noncoding RNAs that may serve as potential circulating biomarkers in T1D

    iSRAP - A one-touch research tool for rapid profiling of small RNA-seq data

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    Small non-coding RNAs have been significantly recognized as the key modulators in many biological processes, and are emerging as promising biomarkers for several diseases. These RNA species are transcribed in cells and can be packaged in extracellular vesicles, which are small vesicles released from many biotypes, and are involved in intercellular communication. Currently, the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology for high-throughput profiling has further advanced the biological insights of non-coding RNA on a genome-wide scale and has become the preferred approach for the discovery and quantification of noncoding RNA species. Despite the routine practice of NGS, the processing of large data sets poses difficulty for analysis before conducting downstream experiments. Often, the current analysis tools are designed for specific RNA species, such as microRNA, and are limited in flexibility for modifying parameters for optimization. An analysis tool that allows for maximum control of different software is essential for drawing concrete conclusions for differentially expressed transcripts. Here, we developed a one-touch integrated small RNA analysis pipeline (iSRAP) research tool that is composed of widely used tools for rapid profiling of small RNAs. The performance test of iSRAP using publicly and in-house available data sets shows its ability of comprehensive profiling of small RNAs of various classes, and analysis of differentially expressed small RNAs. iSRAP offers comprehensive analysis of small RNA sequencing data that leverage informed decisions on the downstream analyses of small RNA studies, including extracellular vesicles such as exosomes

    Genome-wide transcription start site profiling in biofilm-grown Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315

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    Background: Burkholderia cenocepacia is a soil-dwelling Gram-negative Betaproteobacterium with an important role as opportunistic pathogen in humans. Infections with B. cenocepacia are very difficult to treat due to their high intrinsic resistance to most antibiotics. Biofilm formation further adds to their antibiotic resistance. B. cenocepacia harbours a large, multi-replicon genome with a high GC-content, the reference genome of strain J2315 includes 7374 annotated genes. This study aims to annotate transcription start sites and identify novel transcripts on a whole genome scale. Methods: RNA extracted from B. cenocepacia J2315 biofilms was analysed by differential RNA-sequencing and the resulting dataset compared to data derived from conventional, global RNA-sequencing. Transcription start sites were annotated and further analysed according to their position relative to annotated genes. Results: Four thousand ten transcription start sites were mapped over the whole B. cenocepacia genome and the primary transcription start site of 2089 genes expressed in B. cenocepacia biofilms were defined. For 64 genes a start codon alternative to the annotated one was proposed. Substantial antisense transcription for 105 genes and two novel protein coding sequences were identified. The distribution of internal transcription start sites can be used to identify genomic islands in B. cenocepacia. A potassium pump strongly induced only under biofilm conditions was found and 15 non-coding small RNAs highly expressed in biofilms were discovered. Conclusions: Mapping transcription start sites across the B. cenocepacia genome added relevant information to the J2315 annotation. Genes and novel regulatory RNAs putatively involved in B. cenocepacia biofilm formation were identified. These findings will help in understanding regulation of B. cenocepacia biofilm formation