450 research outputs found

    New torque and flux controllers for direct torque control of induction machines

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    The new torque and flux controllers with constant switching frequency and low torque and flux ripples for direct torque control induction machine drives are presented. The core of these proposed controllers is based on the comparison between the compensated error signals with high frequency triangular waveforms, thus does not require complex calculation to generate the inverter switching signals. The controllers are therefore can be implemented using analog and/or digital circuits. Modeling and simulation of the new controllers are presented and the results show that the torque and flux ripples are reduced significan

    Sensored and sensorless speed control methods for brushless doubly fed reluctance motors

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    The study considers aspects of scalar V/f control, vector control and direct torque (and flux) control (DTC) of the brushless doubly fed reluctance machine (BDFRM) as a promising cost-effective alternative to the existing technological solutions for applications with restricted variable speed capability such as large pumps and wind turbine generators. Apart from providing a comprehensive literature review and analysis of these control methods, the development and results of experimental verification, of an angular velocity observerbased DTC scheme for sensorless speed control of the BDFRM which, unlike most of the other DTC-concept applications, can perform well down to zero supply frequency of the inverter-fed winding, have also been presented in the study

    Simple Dynamic Overmodulation Strategy for Fast Torque Control in DTC of Induction Machines With Constant-Switching-Frequency Controller

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    This paper presents a simple dynamic overmodulation method to obtain a fast dynamic torque response in direct torque control (DTC) of induction machines with constant-switching-frequency controller. A fast dynamic torque response can be obtained by switching only the most optimized voltage vector during torque dynamic condition. The optimized voltage vector can be identified by comparing the rate of change of torque produced between applications of two possible active voltage vectors, according to the flux position. The selection of the optimized voltage vector can be simply implemented by modifying the flux error status before it is being fed to the lookup table. It will be shown that the proposed switching strategy facilitates the DTC to perform under six-step mode to achieve the fastest dynamic torque response. The effectiveness of the proposed dynamic overmodulation to obtain the fast torque response is verified with some experimental results

    Simple and robust predictive direct control of DFIG with low constant switching frequency and reduced torque and flux ripples

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    For conventional direct torque control (CDTC) methods, there are usually undesired torque and flux ripples mainly for two reasons. First, the vectors selected are not necessary the best. Secondly, one-step delay influence in digital implementation causes additional torque and flux ripples. This paper proposes a novel predictive direct torque control (PDTC) strategy of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The proposed strategy aims to reduce torque and flux ripples effectively at low constant switching frequency by appropriately arranging two active vectors followed by one zero vector within one control period. Furthermore, one-step delay is compensated using a mode-based prediction scheme. Finally, the control system is simplified through further analysis of the transient slope of torque and flux without performance degradation. Simulation results validate the proposed strategy with excellent steady-state and transient performance, which makes it very suitable for wind power generation. © 2011 IEEE

    An improved FPGA implementation of direct torque control for induction machines

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    This paper presents a novel direct torque control (DTC) approach for induction machines, based on an improved torque and stator flux estimator and its implementation using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). The DTC performance is significantly improved by the use of FPGA, which can execute the DTC algorithm at higher sampling frequency. This leads to the reduction of the torque ripple and improved flux and torque estimations. The main achievements are: i) calculating a discrete integration operation of stator flux using backward Euler approach, ii) modifying a so called non-restoring method in calculating the complicated square root operation in stator flux estimator, iii) introducing a new flux sector determination method, iv) increasing the sampling frequency to 200kHz such that the digital computation will perform similar to that of the analog operation, and v) using two’s complement fixed-point format approach to minimize calculation errors and the hardware resource usage in all operations. The design was achieved in VHDL, based on a Matlab/Simulink simulation model. The Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) method is used to verify the functionality of the FPGA estimator. The simulation results are validated experimentally. Thus, it is demonstrated that FPGA implementation of DTC drives can achieve excellent performance at high sampling frequency

    Analysis of 37-kW Converter-Fed Induction Motor Losses

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    This paper presents an energy efficiency analysis of a 37-kW standard squirrel-cage induction motor under sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal supply. The motor losses are analyzed using the conventional IEC loss segregation method and also numerically modeled using finite-element simulations. The measured and simulated loss components are compared with three different modulation methods. The overall simulated losses are in good agreement with the measured ones, but there exist differences in the loss components

    Real and Reactive Power Control of Induction Motor Drives

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    Induction motors are considered the workhorse in the majority of industrial applications. Their rugged, low-maintenance, and efficient designs keep finding new forms of use nowadays. In this work, power control strategies of induction motor drives based on principles of Direct Torque Control and Model Predictive Control are investigated. The proposed methods control the real and reactive power flow into/out of the machine by selecting and applying proper voltage space phasors to the stator. First, the impact of voltage space phasors on real and reactive power variations is explored. Based on these observations, two methods to choose the appropriate voltage space phasors are proposed based on: six-sector and twelve-sector direct power control, and model predictive power control. Methods to calculate reference and motor powers are then introduced. The presence of high currents during the motor start-up period is analyzed and solutions to limit them are proposed. Finally, simulations using ®Matlab ™Simulink are carried out to test the performance of the control strategies under different operating conditions, including presence of motor parameter variations

    Fixed Switching Period Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Current Control of a PMSM

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksA fixed switching period sliding mode control (SMC) for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) is presented. The aim of the paper is to design a SMC that improves the traditional PI based Field Oriented Control (FOC) transient response, as well as to reduce the switching frequency variations of the Direct Torque Control (DTC). Such SMC requires a decoupling method of the control actions, which also brings constant switching functions slopes. These constant slopes allow to calculate the required hysteresis band value to control the switching frequency. The digital implementation degrades the performance of the hysteresis comparator and as a consequence, the previously calculated band becomes inaccurate to regulate the switching frequency. In order to recover the analogue hysteresis band comparator performance, a predictive algorithm is proposed. Finally, a set of experimental results with constant switching frequency during a torque reversal and speed control tests are provided.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Performance enhancement of direct torque control induction motor drive using space vector modulation strategy

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    Purpose. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate the advantages brought by the use of space vector modulation technique in the direct torque control of the induction motor. To achieve this purpose, two different direct torque control approaches (with space vector modulation) are proposed and studied from a comparative aspect with each other and with the conventional direct torque control. The novelty of this work consists in the employment of an Integral-Proportional (IP) speed controller in the two proposed direct torque control approaches and a more in-depth evaluation for their performance mainly the switching frequency of inverter semiconductor components and motor torque ripples. Methods. Two different direct torque control approaches that use the space vector modulation strategy and/or fuzzy-logic control, are described in detail and simulated with IP speed controller. The simulation experiments are carried out using Matlab/Simulink software and/or fuzzy-logic tools. Results. Practical value. Comparison results show that the two proposed direct torque control structures (with space vector modulation) exhibit a large reduction in torque ripples and can also avoid random variation problem of switching frequency (over a wide range of speed or torque control). On the other hand, the use of IP speed regulator ensured good dynamic performance for the drive system as well as considerably minimized peak overshoot in the speed response. Practically all of these benefits are achieved while retaining the simplicity and the best dynamic characteristics of the classical direct torque control, especially with the modified direct torque control approach in which the design or implementation requires minimal computational effort.Мета. Основна мета даної роботи – продемонструвати переваги використання методу модуляції просторового вектора при прямому регулюванні крутного моменту асинхронного двигуна. Для досягнення цієї мети запропоновано два різних підходи до прямого управління крутним моментом (з модуляцією просторового вектора), які досліджуються з порівняльної точки зору  одного з іншим, а також зі звичайним прямим керуванням крутним моментом. Новизна роботи полягає у використанні інтегрально-пропорційного (IП) регулятора швидкості в двох запропонованих підходах до прямого регулювання крутного моменту та більш поглибленій оцінці їх ефективності, головним чином, частоти перемикань напівпровідникових компонентів інвертора та пульсації крутного моменту двигуна. Методи. Два різних підходи до прямого керування крутним моментом, які використовують стратегію модуляції просторового вектора та/або керування нечіткою логікою, детально описані та змодельовані за допомогою ІП-регулятора швидкості. Обчислювальні експерименти проводяться з використанням програмного забезпечення Matlab/Simulink та/або інструментів нечіткої логіки. Результати. Практична цінність. Результати порівняння показують, що дві запропоновані структури прямого керування крутним моментом (з модуляцією просторового вектора) демонструють значне зниження пульсації крутного моменту, а також можуть уникнути проблеми випадкових змін частоти перемикання (у широкому діапазоні регулювання швидкості або крутного моменту). З іншого боку, використання ІП-регулятора швидкості забезпечило хороші динамічні характеристики для приводної системи, а також значно знизило пікове перевищення швидкості. Практично всі ці переваги досягаються при збереженні простоти та найкращих динамічних характеристик класичного прямого керування крутним моментом, особливо з модифікованим підходом прямого керування крутним моментом, при якому проектування або впровадження вимагає мінімальних обчислювальних витрат

    Direct Torque Control Strategies of Induction Machine: Comparative Studies

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    The direct torque control (DTC) was proposed as an alternative to the vector control in the middle of 1980s for AC machine control. This strategy bases on the direct determination of inverter switching states and offers a simpler scheme and less sensitivity to machine parameters. However, the variable switching frequency of DTC causes high flux and torque ripples which lead to an acoustical noise and degrade the performance of the control technique, especially at low-speed regions. In the objective of improving the performance of DTC for the induction motor, this work addresses the most important points concerning this issue. The reduction of high ripples, which are the major drawbacks, by applying a constant switching frequency using the space vector modulation (SVM) has been done firstly. Then, fuzzy DTC-SVM strategy with adaptive fuzzy-PI speed controller has been proposed. The results of all the discussed aspects of this chapter have been obtained by numerical simulation using MATLAB/Simulink software