54 research outputs found

    High-speed equalization and transmission in electrical interconnections

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    The relentless growth of data traffic and increasing digital signal processing capabilities of integrated circuits (IC) are demanding ever faster chip-to-chip / chip-to-module serial electrical interconnects. As data rates increase, the signal quality after transmission over printed circuit board (PCB) interconnections is severely impaired. Frequency-dependent loss and crosstalk noise lead to a reduced eye opening, a reduced signal-to-noise ratio and an increased inter-symbol interference (ISI). This, in turn, requires the use of improved signal processing or PCB materials, in order to overcome the bandwidth (BW) limitations and to improve signal integrity. By applying an optimal combination of equalizer and receiver electronics together with BW-efficient modulation schemes, the transmission rate over serial electrical interconnections can be pushed further. At the start of this research, most industrial backplane connectors, meeting the IEEE and OIF specifications such as manufactured by e.g. FCI or TE connectivity, had operational capabilities of up to 25 Gb/s. This research was mainly performed under the IWT ShortTrack project. The goal of this research was to increase the transmission speed over electrical backplanes up to 100 Gb/s per channel for next-generation telecom systems and data centers. This requirement greatly surpassed the state-ofthe-art reported in previous publications, considering e.g. 25 Gb/s duobinary and 42.8 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission over a low-loss Megtron 6 electrical backplane using off-line processing. The successful implementation of the integrated transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) (1) , clearly shows the feasibility of single lane interconnections beyond 80 Gb/s and opens the potential of realizing industrial 100 Gb/s links using a recent IC technology process. Besides the advancement of the state-of-the-art in the field of high-speed transceivers and backplane transmission systems, which led to several academic publications, the output of this work also attracts a lot of attention from the industry, showing the potential to commercialize the developed chipset and technologies used in this research for various applications: not only in high-speed electrical transmission links, but also in high-speed opto-electronic communications such as access, active optical cables and optical backplanes. In this dissertation, the background of this research, an overview of this work and the thesis organization are illustrated in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, a system level analysis is presented, showing that the channel losses are limiting the transmission speed over backplanes. In order to enhance the serial data rate over backplanes and to eliminate the signal degradation, several technologies are discussed, such as signal equalization and modulation techniques. First, a prototype backplane channel, from project partner FCI, implemented with improved backplane connectors is characterized. Second, an integrated transversal filter as a feed-forward equalizer (FFE) is selected to perform the signal equalization, based on a comprehensive consideration of the backplane channel performance, equalization capabilities, implementation complexity and overall power consumption. NRZ, duobinary and PAM-4 are the three most common modulation schemes for ultra-high speed electrical backplane communication. After a system-level simulation and comparison, the duobinary format is selected due to its high BW efficiency and reasonable circuit complexity. Last, different IC technology processes are compared and the ST microelectronics BiCMOS9MW process (featuring a fT value of over 200 GHz) is selected, based on a trade-off between speed and chip cost. Meanwhile it also has a benefit for providing an integrated microstrip model, which is utilized for the delay elements of the FFE. Chapter 3 illustrates the chip design of the high-speed backplane TX, consisting of a multiplexer (MUX) and a 5-tap FFE. The 4:1 MUX combines four lower rate streams into a high-speed differential NRZ signal up to 100 Gb/s as the FFE input. The 5-tap FFE is implemented with a novel topology for improved testability, such that the FFE performance can be individually characterized, in both frequency- and time-domain, which also helps to perform the coefficient optimization of the FFE. Different configurations for the gain cell in the FFE are compared. The gilbert configuration shows most advantages, in both a good high-frequency performance and an easy way to implement positive / negative amplification. The total chip, including the MUX and the FFE, consumes 750mW from a 2.5V supply and occupies an area of 4.4mm × 1.4 mm. In Chapter 4, the TX chip is demonstrated up to 84 Gb/s. First, the FFE performance is characterized in the frequency domain, showing that the FFE is able to work up to 84 Gb/s using duobinary formats. Second, the combination of the MUX and the FFE is tested. The equalized TX outputs are captured after different channels, for both NRZ and duobinary signaling at speeds from 64 Gb/s to 84 Gb/s. Then, by applying the duobinary RX 2, a serial electrical transmission link is demonstrated across a pair of 10 cm coax cables and across a 5 cm FX-2 differential stripline. The 5-tap FFE compensates a total loss between the TX and the RX chips of about 13.5 dB at the Nyquist frequency, while the RX receives the equalized signal and decodes the duobinary signal to 4 quarter rate NRZ streams. This shows a chip-to-chip data link with a bit error rate (BER) lower than 10−11. Last, the electrical data transmission between the TX and the RX over two commercial backplanes is demonstrated. An error-free, serial duobinary transmission across a commercial Megtron 6, 11.5 inch backplane is demonstrated at 48 Gb/s, which indicates that duobinary outperforms NRZ for attaining higher speed or longer reach backplane applications. Later on, using an ExaMAX® backplane demonstrator, duobinary transmission performance is verified and the maximum allowed channel loss at 40 Gb/s transmission is explored. The eye diagram and BER measurements over a backplane channel up to 26.25 inch are performed. The results show that at 40 Gb/s, a total channel loss up to 37 dB at the Nyquist frequency allows for error-free duobinary transmission, while a total channel loss of 42 dB was overcome with a BER below 10−8. An overview of the conclusions is summarized in Chapter 5, along with some suggestions for further research in this field. (1) The duobinary receiver was developed by my colleague Timothy De Keulenaer, as described in his PhD dissertation. (2) Described in the PhD dissertation of Timothy De Keulenaer

    Analysis and Design of High-Speed A/D Converters in SiGe Technology

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    Mixed-signal systems play a key role in modern communications and electronics. The quality of A/D and D/A conversions deeply affects what we see and what we hear in the real world video and radio. This dissertation deals with high-speed ADCs: a 5-bit 500-MSPS ADC and an 8-bit 2-GSPS ADC. These units can be applied in flat panel display, image enhancement and in high-speed data link. To achieve the state-of-the-art performance, we employed a 0.13-μm/2.5-V 210-GHz (unity-gain frequency) BiCMOS SiGe process for all the implementations. The circuit building blocks, such as the Track-and-Hold circuit (T/H) and the comparator, required by an ADC not only benefit from SiGe's superior ultra-high frequency properties but also by its power drive capability. The T/H described here achieved a dynamic performance of 8-bit accuracy at 2-GHz Nyquist rate with an input full scale range of 1 Vp-p. The T/H consumed 13 mW of power. The unique 4-in/2-out comparator was made of fully differential emitter couple pairs in order to operate at such a high frequency. Cascaded cross-coupled amplifier core was employed to reduce Miller effect and to avoid collector-emitter breakdown of the HBTs. We utilized the comparator interpolation technique between the preamplifer stages and the latches to reduce the total power dissipated by the comparator array. In addition, we developed an innovative D/A conversion and analog subtraction approach necessary for two-step conversion by using a bipolar pre-distortion technique. This innovation enabled us to decrease the design complexity in the subranging process of a two-step ADC. The 5-bit interpolating ADC operated at 2-GSPS achieved a differential nonlinearity (DNL) of 0.114 LSB and an integral nonlinearity (INL) of 0.076 LSB. The effective number of bits (ENOBs) are 4.3 bits at low frequency and 4.1 bits near Nyquist rate. The power dissipation was reduced more than half to 66.14 mW, with comparator interpolation. The 8-bit two-step interpolating ADC operated at 500-MSPS. It achieved a DNL of 0.33 LSB and an INL of 0.40 LSB with a power consumption of 172 mW. The ENOBs are 7.5 bits at low frequency and 6.9 bits near Nyquist rate

    Reconfigurable Architectures and Systems for IoT Applications

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    abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) has become a popular topic in industry over the recent years, which describes an ecosystem of internet-connected devices or things that enrich the everyday life by improving our productivity and efficiency. The primary components of the IoT ecosystem are hardware, software and services. While the software and services of IoT system focus on data collection and processing to make decisions, the underlying hardware is responsible for sensing the information, preprocess and transmit it to the servers. Since the IoT ecosystem is still in infancy, there is a great need for rapid prototyping platforms that would help accelerate the hardware design process. However, depending on the target IoT application, different sensors are required to sense the signals such as heart-rate, temperature, pressure, acceleration, etc., and there is a great need for reconfigurable platforms that can prototype different sensor interfacing circuits. This thesis primarily focuses on two important hardware aspects of an IoT system: (a) an FPAA based reconfigurable sensing front-end system and (b) an FPGA based reconfigurable processing system. To enable reconfiguration capability for any sensor type, Programmable ANalog Device Array (PANDA), a transistor-level analog reconfigurable platform is proposed. CAD tools required for implementation of front-end circuits on the platform are also developed. To demonstrate the capability of the platform on silicon, a small-scale array of 24×25 PANDA cells is fabricated in 65nm technology. Several analog circuit building blocks including amplifiers, bias circuits and filters are prototyped on the platform, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the platform for rapid prototyping IoT sensor interfaces. IoT systems typically use machine learning algorithms that run on the servers to process the data in order to make decisions. Recently, embedded processors are being used to preprocess the data at the energy-constrained sensor node or at IoT gateway, which saves considerable energy for transmission and bandwidth. Using conventional CPU based systems for implementing the machine learning algorithms is not energy-efficient. Hence an FPGA based hardware accelerator is proposed and an optimization methodology is developed to maximize throughput of any convolutional neural network (CNN) based machine learning algorithm on a resource-constrained FPGA.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    A Current-Mode Multi-Channel Integrating Analog-to-Digital Converter

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    Multi-channel analog to digital converters (ADCs) are required where signals from multiple sensors can be digitized. A lower power per channel for such systems is important in order that when the number of channels is increased the power does not increase drastically. Many applications require signals from current output sensors, such as photosensors and photodiodes to be digitized. Applications for these sensors include spectroscopy and imaging. The ability to digitize current signals without converting currents to voltages saves power, area, and the design time required to implement I-to-V converters. This work describes a novel and unique current-mode multi-channel integrating ADC which processes current signals from sensors and converts it to digital format. The ADC facilitates the processing of current analog signals without the use of transconductors. An attempt has been made also to incorporate voltage-mode techniques into the current-mode design so that the advantages of both techniques can be utilized to augment the performance of the system. Additionally since input signals are in the form of currents, the dynamic range of the ADC is less dependant on the supply voltage. A prototype 4-channel ADC design was fabricated in a 0.5-micron bulk CMOS process. The measurement results for a 10Ksps sampling rate include a DNL, which is less than 0.5 LSB, and a power consumption of less than 2mW per channel

    Investigation of radiation-hardened design of electronic systems with applications to post-accident monitoring for nuclear power plants

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    This research aims at improving the robustness of electronic systems used-in high level radiation environments by combining with radiation-hardened (rad-hardened) design and fault-tolerant techniques based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. A specific of the research is to use such systems for wireless post-accident monitoring in nuclear power plants (NPPs). More specifically, the following methods and systems are developed and investigated to accomplish expected research objectives: analysis of radiation responses, design of a radiation-tolerant system, implementation of a wireless post-accident monitoring system for NPPs, performance evaluation without repeat physical tests, and experimental validation in a radiation environment. A method is developed to analyze ionizing radiation responses of COTS-based devices and circuits in various radiation conditions, which can be applied to design circuits robust to ionizing radiation effects without repeated destructive tests in a physical radiation environment. Some mathematical models of semiconductor devices for post-irradiation conditions are investigated, and their radiation responses are analyzed using Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulator. Those models are then used in the analysis of circuits and systems under radiation condition. Based on the simulation results, method of rapid power off may be effectively to protect electronic systems under ionizing radiation. It can be a potential solution to mitigate damages of electronic components caused by radiation. With simulation studies of photocurrent responses of semiconductor devices, two methods are presented to mitigate the damages of total ionizing dose: component selection and radiation shielding protection. According to the investigation of radiation-tolerance of regular COTS components, most COTS-based semiconductor components may experience performance degradation and radiation damages when the total dose is greater than 20 K Rad (Si). A principle of component selection is given to obtain the suitable components, as well as a method is proposed to assess the component reliability under radiation environments, which uses radiation degradation factors, instead of the usual failure rate data in the reliability model. Radiation degradation factor is as the input to describe the radiation response of a component under a total radiation dose. In addition, a number of typical semiconductor components are also selected as the candidate components for the application of wireless monitoring in nuclear power plants. On the other hand, a multi-layer shielding protection is used to reduce the total dose to be less than 20 K Rad (Si) for a given radiation condition; the selected semiconductor devices can then survive in the radiation condition with the reduced total dose. The calculation method of required shielding thickness is also proposed to achieve the design objectives. Several shielding solutions are also developed and compared for applications in wireless monitoring system in nuclear power plants. A radiation-tolerant architecture is proposed to allow COTS-based electronic systems to be used in high-level radiation environments without using rad-hardened components. Regular COTS components are used with some fault-tolerant techniques to mitigate damages of the system through redundancy, online fault detection, real-time preventive remedial actions, and rapid power off. The functions of measurement, processing, communication, and fault-tolerance are integrated locally within all channels without additional detection units. A hardware emulation bench with redundant channels is constructed to verify the effectiveness of the developed radiation-tolerant architecture. Experimental results have shown that the developed architecture works effectively and redundant channels can switch smoothly in 500 milliseconds or less when a single fault or multiple faults occur. An online mechanism is also investigated to timely detect and diagnose radiation damages in the developed redundant architecture for its radiation tolerance enhancement. This is implemented by the built-in-test technique. A number of tests by using fault injection techniques have been carried out in the developed hardware emulation bench to validate the proposed detection mechanism. The test results have shown that faults and errors can be effectively detected and diagnosed. For the developed redundant wireless devices under given radiation dose (20 K Rad (Si)), the fault detection coverage is about 62.11%. This level of protection could be improved further by putting more resources (CPU consumption, etc.) into the function of fault detection, but the cost will increase. To apply the above investigated techniques and systems, under a severe accident condition in a nuclear power plant, a prototype of wireless post-accident monitoring system (WPAMS) is designed and constructed. Specifically, the radiation-tolerant wireless device is implemented with redundant and diversified channels. The developed system operates effectively to measure up-to-date information from a specific area/process and to transmit that information to remote monitoring station wirelessly. Hence, the correctness of the proposed architecture and approaches in this research has been successfully validated. In the design phase, an assessment method without performing repeated destructive physical tests is investigated to evaluate the radiation-tolerance of electronic systems by combining the evaluation of radiation protection and the analysis of the system reliability under the given radiation conditions. The results of the assessment studies have shown that, under given radiation conditions, the reliability of the developed radiation-tolerant wireless system can be much higher than those of non-redundant channels; and it can work in high-level radiation environments with total dose up to 1 M Rad (Si). Finally, a number of total dose tests are performed to investigate radiation effects induced by gamma radiation on distinct modern wireless monitoring devices. An experimental setup is developed to monitor the performance of signal measurement online and transmission of the developed distinct wireless electronic devices directly under gamma radiator at The Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Lab (OSU-NRL). The gamma irradiator generates dose rates of 20 K Rad/h and 200 Rad/h on the samples, respectively. It was found that both measurement and transmission functions of distinct wireless measurement and transmission devices work well under gamma radiation conditions before the devices permanently damage. The experimental results have also shown that the developed radiation-tolerant design can be applied to effectively extend the lifespan of COTS-based electronic systems in the high-level radiation environment, as well as to improve the performance of wireless communication systems. According to testing results, the developed radiation-tolerant wireless device with a shielding protection can work at least 21 hours under the highest dose rate (20 K Rad/h). In summary, this research has addressed important issues on the design of radiation-tolerant systems without using rad-hardened electronic components. The proposed methods and systems provide an effective and economical solution to implement monitoring systems for obtaining up-to-date information in high-level radiation environments. The reported contributions are of significance both academically and in practice

    Front-end receiver for miniaturised ultrasound imaging

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    Point of care ultrasonography has been the focus of extensive research over the past few decades. Miniaturised, wireless systems have been envisaged for new application areas, such as capsule endoscopy, implantable ultrasound and wearable ultrasound. The hardware constraints of such small-scale systems are severe, and tradeoffs between power consumption, size, data bandwidth and cost must be carefully balanced. To address these challenges, two synthetic aperture receiver architectures are proposed and compared. The architectures target highly miniaturised, low cost, B-mode ultrasound imaging systems. The first architecture utilises quadrature (I/Q) sampling to minimise the signal bandwidth and computational load. Synthetic aperture beamforming is carried out using a single-channel, pipelined protocol in order to minimise system complexity and power consumption. A digital beamformer dynamically apodises and focuses the data by interpolating and applying complex phase rotations to the I/Q samples. The beamformer is implemented on a Spartan-6 FPGA and consumes 296mW for a frame rate of 7Hz. The second architecture employs compressive sensing within the finite rate of innovation (FRI) framework to further reduce the data bandwidth. Signals are sampled below the Nyquist frequency, and then transmitted to a digital back-end processor, which reconstructs I/Q components non-linearly, and then carries out synthetic aperture beamforming. Both architectures were tested in hardware using a single-channel analogue front-end (AFE) that was designed and fabricated in AMS 0.35μm CMOS. The AFE demodulates RF ultrasound signals sequentially into I/Q components, and comprises a low-noise preamplifier, mixer, programmable gain amplifier (PGA) and lowpass filter. A variable gain low noise preamplifier topology is used to enable quasi-exponential time-gain control (TGC). The PGA enables digital selection of three gain values (15dB, 22dB and 25.5dB). The bandwidth of the lowpass filter is also selectable between 1.85MHz, 510kHz and 195kHz to allow for testing of both architectural frameworks. The entire AFE consumes 7.8 mW and occupies an area of 1.5×1.5 mm. In addition to the AFE, this thesis also presents the design of a pseudodifferential, log-domain multiplier-filter or “multer” which demodulates low-RF signals in the current-domain. This circuit targets high impedance transducers such as capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducers (CMUTs) and offers a 20dB improvement in dynamic range over the voltage-mode AFE. The bandwidth is also electronically tunable. The circuit was implemented in 0.35μm BiCMOS and was simulated in Cadence; however, no fabrication results were obtained for this circuit. B-mode images were obtained for both architectures. The quadrature SAB method yields a higher image SNR and 9% lower root mean squared error with respect to the RF-beamformed reference image than the compressive SAB method. Thus, while both architectures achieve a significant reduction in sampling rate, system complexity and area, the quadrature SAB method achieves better image quality. Future work may involve the addition of multiple receiver channels and the development of an integrated system-on-chip.Open Acces


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    The objective of the proposed research is to understand the behavior of components in SiGe BiCMOS technologies to the radiation environment present in space, and use such understanding to inform the design and testing of RF receiver components for space-flight applications. To evaluate the response of SiGe HBTs to various types of radiation, exposure to X-rays is performed to emulate operation in the space environment. Degradation in relevant device performance characteristics is considered as it changes with longer exposures. Then, implications of impaired device performance are demonstrated for circuit components commonly present in RF receivers for both radar and communications, and design considerations for operation in space are discussed.M.S


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    The research work described in this thesis was focused on finding novel techniques to implement a low-power and noise Bio-Medical Analog Front End (BMEF) circuit technique to enable high-quality Electrocardiography (ECG) sensing. Usually, an ECG signal and several bio-medical signals are sensed from the human body through a pair of electrodes. The electrical characteristics of the very small amplitude (1u-10mV) signals are corrupted by random noise and have a significant dc offset. 50/60Hz power supply coupling noise is one of the biggest cross-talk signals compared to the thermally generated random noise. These signals are even AFE composed of an Instrumentation Amplifier (IA), which will have a better Common Mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The main function of the AFE is to convert the weak electrical Signal into large signals whose amplitude is large enough for an Analog Digital Converter (ADC) to detect without having any errors. A Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) is sometimes required to adjust signal amplitude to maintain the dynamic range of the ADC. Also, the Bio-medical transceiver needs an accurate and temperature-independent reference voltage and current for the ADC, commonly known as Bandgap Reference Circuit (BGR). These circuits need to consume as low power as possible to enable these circuits to be powered from the battery. The work started with analysing the existing circuit techniques for the circuits mentioned above and finding the key important improvements required to reach the target specifications. Previously proposed IA is generated based on voltage mode signal processing. To improve the CMRR (119dB), we proposed a current mode-based IA with an embedded DC cancellation technique. State-of-the-art VGA circuits were built based on the degeneration principle of the differential pair, which will enable the variable gain purpose, but none of these techniques discussed linearity improvement, which is very important in modern CMOS technologies. This work enhances the total Harmonic distortion (THD) by 21dB in the worst case by exploiting the feedback techniques around the differential pair. Also, this work proposes a low power curvature compensated bandgap with 2ppm/0C temperature sensitivity while consuming 12.5uW power from a 1.2V dc power supply. All circuits were built in 45nm TSMC-CMOS technology and simulated with all the performance metrics with Cadence (spectre) simulator. The circuit layout was carried out to study post-layout parasitic effect sensitivity

    The 1992 4th NASA SERC Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the fourth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design, co-sponsored by the IEEE, are presented. Each year this symposium is organized by the NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at the University of Idaho and is held in conjunction with a quarterly meeting of the NASA Data System Technology Working Group (DSTWG). One task of the DSTWG is to develop new electronic technologies that will meet next generation electronic data system needs. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The NASA SERC is proud to offer, at its fourth symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories, the electronics industry, and universities. These speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Current-mode processing based Temperature-to-Digital Converters for MEMS applications

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    This thesis presents novel Temperature-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) designed and fabricated in CMOS technology. These integrated smart temperature sensing circuits are widely employed in the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) field in order to mitigate the impact of the ambient temperature on their performance. In this framework, the increasingly stringent demands of the market have led the cost-effectiveness specification of these compensation solutions to an higher and higher level, directly translating into the requirement of more and more compact designs (< 0.1 mm²); in addition to this, considering that the great majority of the systems whose thermal drift needs to be compensated is battery supplied, ultra-low energy-per-conversion (< 10 nJ) is another requirement of primary importance. This thesis provides a detailed description of two different test-chips (mas fuerte and es posible) that have been designed with this orientation and that are the result of three years of research activity; for both devices, the conception, design, layout and testing phases are all described in detail and are supported by simulation and measurement results.This thesis presents novel Temperature-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) designed and fabricated in CMOS technology. These integrated smart temperature sensing circuits are widely employed in the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) field in order to mitigate the impact of the ambient temperature on their performance. In this framework, the increasingly stringent demands of the market have led the cost-effectiveness specification of these compensation solutions to an higher and higher level, directly translating into the requirement of more and more compact designs (< 0.1 mm²); in addition to this, considering that the great majority of the systems whose thermal drift needs to be compensated is battery supplied, ultra-low energy-per-conversion (< 10 nJ) is another requirement of primary importance. This thesis provides a detailed description of two different test-chips (mas fuerte and es posible) that have been designed with this orientation and that are the result of three years of research activity; for both devices, the conception, design, layout and testing phases are all described in detail and are supported by simulation and measurement results