46 research outputs found

    An unconditionally stable nonstandard finite difference method applied to a mathematical model of HIV infection

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    We formulate and analyze an unconditionally stable nonstandard finite difference method for a mathematical model of HIV transmission dynamics. The dynamics of this model are studied using the qualitative theory of dynamical systems. These qualitative features of the continuous model are preserved by the numerical method that we propose in this paper. This method also preserves the positivity of the solution, which is one of the essential requirements when modeling epidemic diseases. Robust numerical results confirming theoretical investigations are provided. Comparisons are also made with the other conventional approaches that are routinely used for such problems.IS

    Construction and analysis of efficient numerical methods to solve mathematical models of TB and HIV co-infection

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThe global impact of the converging dual epidemics of tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the major public health challenges of our time, because in many countries, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. It is found that infection with HIV increases the risk of reactivating latent TB infection, and HIV-infected individuals who acquire new TB infections have high rates of disease progression. Research has shown that these two diseases are enormous public health burden, and unfortunately, not much has been done in terms of modeling the dynamics of HIV-TB co-infection at a population level. In this thesis, we study these models and design and analyze robust numerical methods to solve them. To proceed in this direction, first we study the sub-models and then the full model. The first sub-model describes the transmission dynamics of HIV that accounts for behavior change. The impact of HIV educational campaigns is also studied. Further, we explore the effects of behavior change and different responses of individuals to educational campaigns in a situation where individuals may not react immediately to these campaigns. This is done by considering a distributed time delay in the HIV sub-model. This leads to Hopf bifurcations around the endemic equilibria of the model. These bifurcations correspond to the existence of periodic solutions that oscillate around the equilibria at given thresholds. Further, we show how the delay can result in more HIV infections causing more increase in the HIV prevalence. Part of this study is then extended to study a co-infection model of HIV-TB. A thorough bifurcation analysis is carried out for this model. Robust numerical methods are then designed and analyzed for these models. Comparative numerical results are also provided for each model.South Afric

    An unconditionally stable nonstandard finite difference method to solve a mathematical model describing Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    In this paper, a mathematical model of Visceral Leishmaniasis is considered. The model incorporates three populations, the human, the reservoir and the vector host populations. A detailed analysis of the model is presented. This analysis reveals that the model undergoes a backward bifurcation when the associated reproduction threshold is less than unity. For the case where the death rate due to VL is negligible, the disease-free equilibrium of the model is shown to be globally-asymptotically stable if the reproduction number is less than unity. Noticing that the governing model is a system of highly nonlinear differential equations, its analytical solution is hard to obtain. To this end, a special class of numerical methods, known as the nonstandard finite difference (NSFD) method is introduced. Then a rigorous theoretical analysis of the proposed numerical method is carried out. We showed that this method is unconditionally stable. The results obtained by NSFD are compared with other well-known standard numerical methods such as forward Euler method and the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. Furthermore, the NSFD preserves the positivity of the solutions and is more efficient than the standard numerical methods

    Models of Delay Differential Equations

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    This book gathers a number of selected contributions aimed at providing a balanced picture of the main research lines in the realm of delay differential equations and their applications to mathematical modelling. The contributions have been carefully selected so that they cover interesting theoretical and practical analysis performed in the deterministic and the stochastic settings. The reader will find a complete overview of recent advances in ordinary and partial delay differential equations with applications in other multidisciplinary areas such as Finance, Epidemiology or Engineerin

    Numerical Solution and Analysis for Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B

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    In this article, we present the transmission dynamic of the acute and chronic hepatitis B epidemic problem to control the spread of hepatitis B in a community. In order to do this, first we present sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number R0. We develop a unconditionally convergent nonstandard finite difference scheme by applying Mickens approach φ(h) = h + O(h^2) instead of h to control the spread of this infection, treatment and vaccination to minimize the number of acute infected, chronically infected with hepatitis B individuals and maximize the number of susceptible and recovered individuals. The stability analysis of the scheme has been developed by theorems which shows the both stable locally and globally. Comparison is also made with standard nonstandard finite difference scheme. Finally numerical simulations are also established to investigate the influence of the system parameter on the spread of the disease

    Modeling, analysis and numerical method for HIV-TB co-infection with TB treatment in Ethiopia

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    In this thesis, a mathematical model for HIV and TB co-infection with TB treatment among populations of Ethiopia is developed and analyzed. The TB model includes an age of infection. We compute the basic reproduction numbers RTB and RH for TB and HIV respectively, and the overall repro- duction number R for the system. We find that if R 1; then the disease-free and the endemic equilibria are locally asymptotically stable, respectively. Otherwise these equilibria are unstable. The TB-only endemic equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable if RTB > 1, and RH < 1. How- ever, the symmetric condition, RTB 1, does not necessarily guarantee the stability of the HIV-only equilibrium, but it is possible that TB can coexist with HIV when RH > 1: As a result, we assess the impact of TB treatment on the prevalence of TB and HIV co-infection. To derive and formulate the nonlinear differential equations models for HIV and TB co-infection that accounts for treatment, we formulate and analyze the HIV only sub models, the TB-only sub models and the full models of HIV and TB combined. The TB-only sub model includes both ODEs and PDEs in order to describe the variable infectiousness and e ect of TB treatment during the infectious period. To analyse and solve the three models, we construct robust methods, namely the numerical nonstandard definite difference methods (NSFDMs). Moreover, we improve the order of convergence of these methods in their applications to solve the model of HIV and TB co-infection with TB treatment at the population level in Ethiopia. The methods developed in this thesis work and show convergence, especially for individuals with small tolerance either to the disease free or the endemic equilibria for first order mixed ODE and PDE as we observed in our models.Mathematical SciencesPh. D. (Applied Mathematics

    (R1504) Second-order Modified Nonstandard Runge-Kutta and Theta Methods for One-dimensional Autonomous Differential Equations

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    Nonstandard finite difference methods (NSFD) are used in physical sciences to approximate solutions of ordinary differential equations whose analytical solution cannot be computed. Traditional NSFD methods are elementary stable but usually only have first order accuracy. In this paper, we introduce two new classes of numerical methods that are of second order accuracy and elementary stable. The methods are modified versions of the nonstandard two-stage explicit Runge-Kutta methods and the nonstandard one-stage theta methods with a specific form of the nonstandard denominator function. Theoretical analysis of the stability and accuracy of both modified NSFD methods is presented. Numerical simulations that concur with the theoretical findings are also presented, which demonstrate the computational advantages of the proposed new modified nonstandard finite difference methods

    Dynamical analysis and consistent numerics for a delay model of viral infection in phytoplankton population

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    In this article, the effects of time delay and carrying capacity in the dynamics of viral phytoplankton and consistence numerics are studied. Basic properties and stabilities of equilibria are rigorously analyzed and conditions for stability switches are found. A dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference scheme for the continuous delay model is designed to verify the results and reveal some interesting features of the model. Some ecological implications and interpretations are provided.South African DST/NRF SARChI chair on Mathematical Models and Methods in Bioengineering and Biosciences (M3B2), Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Pretoria and MacArthur Foundation, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.https://link.springer.com/journal/133702019-03-01hj2018Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    A positive and elementary stable nonstandard explicit scheme for a mathematical model of the influenza disease

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    [EN]In this paper, a nonstandard explicit discretization strategy is considered to construct a new nonstandard finite difference scheme for solving a mathematical model of the influenza disease. The new proposed scheme has some interesting properties such as high accuracy and ease of implementation, as well as some preserving properties of the exact theoretical solution of the SIRC system, like positivity and elementary stability. These characteristics make it suitable for solving efficiently the propose model. We provide some numerical comparisons to illustrate our results

    Analysis and implementation of robust numerical methods to solve mathematical models of HIV and Malaria co-infection

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThere is a growing interest in the dynamics of the co-infection of these two diseases. In this thesis, firstly we focus on studying the effect of a distributed delay representing the incubation period for the malaria parasite in the mosquito vector to possibly reduce the initial transmission and prevalence of malaria. This model can be regarded as a generalization of SEI models (with a class for the latently infected mosquitoes) and SI models with a discrete delay for the incubation period in mosquitoes. We study the possibility of occurrence of backward bifurcation. We then extend these ideas to study a full model of HIV and malaria co-infection. To get further inside into the dynamics of the model, we use the geometric singular perturbation theory to couple the fast and slow models from the full model. Finally, since the governing models are very complex, they cannot be solved analytically and hence we develop and analyze a special class of numerical methods to solve them.South Afric