(R1504) Second-order Modified Nonstandard Runge-Kutta and Theta Methods for One-dimensional Autonomous Differential Equations


Nonstandard finite difference methods (NSFD) are used in physical sciences to approximate solutions of ordinary differential equations whose analytical solution cannot be computed. Traditional NSFD methods are elementary stable but usually only have first order accuracy. In this paper, we introduce two new classes of numerical methods that are of second order accuracy and elementary stable. The methods are modified versions of the nonstandard two-stage explicit Runge-Kutta methods and the nonstandard one-stage theta methods with a specific form of the nonstandard denominator function. Theoretical analysis of the stability and accuracy of both modified NSFD methods is presented. Numerical simulations that concur with the theoretical findings are also presented, which demonstrate the computational advantages of the proposed new modified nonstandard finite difference methods

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