19 research outputs found

    Characterization of 28 nm FDSOI MOS and application to the design of a low-power 2.4 GHz LNA

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    IoT is expected to connect billions of devices all over world in the next years, and in a near future, it is expected to use LR-WPAN in a wide variety of applications. Not all the devices will require of high performance but will require of low power hungry systems since most of them will be powered with a battery. Conventional CMOS technologies cannot cover these needs even scaling it to very small regimes, which appear other problems. Hence, new technologies are emerging to cover the needs of this devices. One promising technology is the UTBB FDSOI, which achieves good performance with very good energy efficiency. This project characterizes this technology to obtain a set of parameters of interest for analog/RF design. Finally, with the help of a low-power design methodology (gm/Id approach), a design of an ULP ULV LNA is performed to check the suitability of this technology for IoT

    Characterizationof FD-SOI transistor

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    In this project, measurements have been made on FD-SOI transistors, fabricated by CEA-LETI, to carry out a characterization of these devices, since they are very new and need to be studied. This work has focused on characterizing the aging mechanism of the devices and the observed RTN. To characterize the aging mechanism and variability of the samples based on the applied cycles, the measurements have been made by applying constant stress voltages (CVS) directly to the device with a wafer prove station and a semiconductor parameter analyzer (SPA). To observe TN, different electrical procedures have been studied, controlling the different parameters during the measurements.En aquest projecte s'han realitzat mesures en transistors FD-SOI, fabricats per CEA-LETI, per tal de dur a terme una caracterització d'aquests dispositius, ja que són molt nous i necessiten de ser estudiats. Aquest treball s'ha centrat en caracteritzar l'envelliment dels dispositius i el RTN observat. Per a caracteritzar l'envelliment i la variabilitat de les mostres en funció dels cicles aplicats, les mesures s'han realitzat aplicant tensions d'estrés constant (CVS) directament al dispositiu amb una taula de puntes i un analitzador de paràmetres de semiconductors (SPA). Per tal d'observar RTN s'han estudiat diferents procediments elèctrics, controlant els diferents paràmetres durant les mesures.En este proyecto se han realizado medidas en transistores FD-SOI, fabricados por CEA-LETI, para llevar a cabo una caracterización de estos dispositivos, puesto que son muy nuevos y necesitan de ser estudiados. Este trabajo se ha centrado en caracterizar los mecanismos de envejecimiento de los dispositivos y el RTN observado. Para caracterizar el envejecimiento y la variabilidad de las muestras en función de los ciclos aplicados, las medidas se han realizado aplicando tensiones de estrés constante (CVS) directamente al dispositivo con una tabla de puntas y un analizador de parámetros de semiconductores (SPA). Para observar RTN se han estudiado diferentes procedimientos eléctricos, controlando los diferentes parámetros durante las medidas

    Compensation of Threshold Voltage for Process and Temperature Variations in 28nm UTBB FDSOI

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    As technology scales down in order to meet demands of more computing power per area, a variety of challenges emerge. Devices with channel lengths of a few nano meters require atomic precision when they are manufactured. Small irregularities in the equipment and manufacturing environment can cause large process variations from die--to--die, but also within--die variations. Along with the increasing density of transistors per die which has led to severe performance issues due to temperature variations, these effects may seriously impact operation and cause large deviations in frequency and power across a the chip. This thesis will present the analysis and design of a circuit with the goal of compensating the threshold voltage, by means of body biasing, in order to mitigate process and temperature variations. The compensation circuit is designed to provide adaptive body biasing for a large number of equally matched devices within the chip, which may be useful in digital systems with many repetitive instances. Its functionality and effect will be tested by designing it to be used with a 13--stage inverter based ring oscillator operating at 65.5MHz, and observing the improvement in frequency variation across processing corners and a temperature range from -40 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius. All circuits were designed using a commercially available 28nm fdsoi transistor technology because of its excellent susceptibility to body biasing, and its promise as a competitive technology to continue Moore`s law. Results obtained by post--layout simulations on the ring oscillator show that frequency variations across processing corners and temperature has been reduced from 18.69% down to 0.632% by utilising adaptive body biasing provided by the compensation circuit. Ring oscillator frequency temperature sensitivity in a range from -40 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius for the typical corner is shown to be as little as 29.4ppm per degree Celsiu

    Low energy digital circuits in advanced nanometer technologies

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    The demand for portable devices and the continuing trend towards the Internet ofThings (IoT) have made of energy consumption one of the main concerns in the industry and researchers. The most efficient way of reducing the energy consump-tion of digital circuits is decreasing the supply voltage (Vdd) since the dynamicenergy quadratically depends onVdd. Several works have shown that an optimumsupply voltage exists that minimizes the energy consumption of digital circuits. This optimum supply voltage is usually around 200 mV and 400 mV dependingon the circuit and technology used. To obtain these low supply voltages, on-chipdc-dc converters with high efficiency are needed.This thesis focuses on the study of subthreshold digital systems in advancednanometer technologies. These systems usually can be divided into a Power Man-agement Unit (PMU) and a digital circuit operating at the subthreshold regime.In particular, while considering the PMU, one of the key circuits is the dc-dcconverter. This block converts the voltage from the power source (battery, supercapacitor or wireless power transfer link) to a voltage between 200 mV and 400mV in order to power the digital circuit. In this thesis, we developed two chargerecycling techniques in order to improve the efficiency of switched capacitors dc-dcconverters. The first one is based on a technique used in adiabatic circuits calledstepwise charging. This technique was used in circuits and applications wherethe switching consumption of a big capacitance is very important. We analyzedthe possibility of using this technique in switched capacitor dc-dc converters withintegrated capacitors. We showed through measurements that a 29% reductionin the gate drive losses can be obtained with this technique. The second one isa simplification of stepwise charging which can be applied in some architecturesof switched capacitors dc-dc converters. We also fabricated and tested a dc-dcconverter with this technique and obtained a 25% energy reduction in the drivingof the switches that implement the converter.Furthermore, we studied the digital circuit working in the subthreshold regime,in particular, operating at the minimum energy point. We studied different modelsfor circuits working in these conditions and improved them by considering thedifferences between the NMOS and PMOS transistors. We obtained an optimumNMOS/PMOS leakage current imbalance that minimizes the total leakage energy per operation. This optimum depends on the architecture of the digital circuitand the input data. However, we also showed that important energy reductionscan be obtained by operating at a mean optimum imbalance. We proposed two techniques to achieve the optimum imbalance. We used aFully Depleted Silicon on Insulator (FD-SOI) 28 nm technology for most of the simulations, but we also show that these techniques can be applied in traditionalbulk CMOS technologies. The first one consists in using the back plane voltage of the transistors (or bulk voltage in traditional CMOS) to adjust independently theleakage current of the NMOS and PMOS transistor to work under the optimum NMOS/PMOS leakage current imbalance. We called this approach the OptimumBack Plane Biasing (OBB). A second technique consists of using the length of the transistors to adjust this leakage current imbalance. In the subthreshold regimeand in advanced nanometer technologies a moderate increase in the length has little impact in the output capacitance of the gates and thus in the dynamic energy.We called this approach an Asymmetric Length Biasing (ALB). Finally, we use these techniques in some basic circuits such as adders. We show that around 50% energy reduction can be obtained, in a wide range of frequency while working near the minimum energy point and using these techniques. The main contributions of this thesis are: • Analysis of the stepwise charging technique in small capacitances. •Implementation of stepwise charging technique as a charge recycling tech-nique for efficiency improvement in switched capacitor dc-dc converters. • Development of a charge sharing technique for efficiency improvement inswitched capacitor dc-dc converters. • Analysis of minimum operating voltage of digital circuits due to intrinsicnoise and the impact of technology scaling in this minimum. • Improvement in the modeling of the minimum energy point while considering NMOS and PMOS transistors difference. • Demonstration of the existence of an optimum leakage current imbalance be-tween the NMOS and PMOS transistors that minimizes energy consumptionin the subthreshold regiion. • Development of a back plane (bulk) voltage strategy for working in this optimum.• Development of a sizing strategy for working in the aforementioned optimum. • Analysis of the impact of architecture and input data on the optimum im-balance. The thesis is based on the publications [1–8]. During the Ph.D. program, other publications were generated [9–16] that are partially related with the thesis butwere not included in it.La constante demanda de dispositivos portables y los avances hacia la Internet de las Cosas han hecho del consumo de energía uno de los mayores desafíos y preocupación en la industria y la academia. La forma más eficiente de reducir el consumo de energía de los circuitos digitales es reduciendo su voltaje de alimentación ya que la energía dinámica depende de manera cuadrática con dicho voltaje. Varios trabajos demostraron que existe un voltaje de alimentación óptimo, que minimiza la energía consumida para realizar cierta operación en un circuito digital, llamado punto de mínima energía. Este óptimo voltaje se encuentra usualmente entre 200 mV y 400 mV dependiendo del circuito y de la tecnología utilizada. Para obtener estos voltajes de alimentación de la fuente de energía, se necesitan conversores dc-dc integrados con alta eficiencia. Esta tesis se concentra en el estudio de sistemas digitales trabajando en la región sub umbral diseñados en tecnologías nanométricas avanzadas (28 nm). Estos sistemas se pueden dividir usualmente en dos bloques, uno llamado bloque de manejo de potencia, y el segundo, el circuito digital operando en la region sub umbral. En particular, en lo que corresponde al bloque de manejo de potencia, el circuito más crítico es en general el conversor dc-dc. Este circuito convierte el voltaje de una batería (o super capacitor o enlace de transferencia inalámbrica de energía o unidad de cosechado de energía) en un voltaje entre 200 mV y 400 mV para alimentar el circuito digital en su voltaje óptimo. En esta tesis desarrollamos dos técnicas que, mediante el reciclado de carga, mejoran la eficiencia de los conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados. La primera es basada en una técnica utilizada en circuitos adiabáticos que se llama carga gradual o a pasos. Esta técnica se ha utilizado en circuitos y aplicaciones en donde el consumo por la carga y descarga de una capacidad grande es dominante. Nosotros analizamos la posibilidad de utilizar esta técnica en conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados con capacitores integrados. Se demostró a través de medidas que se puede reducir en un 29% el consumo debido al encendido y apagado de las llaves que implementan el conversor dc-dc. La segunda técnica, es una simplificación de la primera, la cual puede ser aplicada en ciertas arquitecturas de conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados. También se fabricó y midió un conversor con esta técnica y se obtuvo una reducción del 25% en la energía consumida por el manejo de las llaves del conversor. Por otro lado, estudiamos los circuitos digitales operando en la región sub umbral y en particular cerca del punto de mínima energía. Estudiamos diferentes modelos para circuitos operando en estas condiciones y los mejoramos considerando las diferencias entre los transistores NMOS y PMOS. Mediante este modelo demostramos que existe un óptimo en la relación entre las corrientes de fuga de ambos transistores que minimiza la energía de fuga consumida por operación. Este óptimo depende de la arquitectura del circuito digital y ademas de los datos de entrada del circuito. Sin embargo, demostramos que se puede reducir el consumo de manera considerable al operar en un óptimo promedio. Propusimos dos técnicas para alcanzar la relación óptima. Utilizamos una tecnología FD-SOI de 28nm para la mayoría de las simulaciones, pero también mostramos que estas técnicas pueden ser utilizadas en tecnologías bulk convencionales. La primer técnica, consiste en utilizar el voltaje de la puerta trasera (o sustrato en CMOS convencional) para ajustar de manera independiente las corrientes del NMOS y PMOS para que el circuito trabaje en el óptimo de la relación de corrientes. Esta técnica la llamamos polarización de voltaje de puerta trasera óptimo. La segunda técnica, consiste en utilizar los largos de los transistores para ajustar las corrientes de fugas de cada transistor y obtener la relación óptima. Trabajando en la región sub umbral y en tecnologías avanzadas, incrementar moderadamente el largo del transistor tiene poco impacto en la energía dinámica y es por eso que se puede utilizar. Finalmente, utilizamos estas técnicas en circuitos básicos como sumadores y mostramos que se puede obtener una reducción de la energía consumida de aproximadamente 50%, en un amplio rango de frecuencias, mientras estos circuitos trabajan cerca del punto de energía mínima. Las principales contribuciones de la tesis son: • Análisis de la técnica de carga gradual o a pasos en capacidades pequeñas. • Implementación de la técnica de carga gradual para la mejora de eficiencia de conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados. • Simplificación de la técnica de carga gradual para mejora de la eficiencia en algunas arquitecturas de conversores dc-dc de capacitores conmutados. • Análisis del mínimo voltaje de operación en circuitos digitales debido al ruido intrínseco del dispositivo y el impacto del escalado de las tecnologías en el mismo. • Mejoras en el modelado del punto de energía mínima de operación de un circuito digital en el cual se consideran las diferencias entre el transistor PMOS y NMOS. • Demostración de la existencia de un óptimo en la relación entre las corrientes de fuga entre el NMOS y PMOS que minimiza la energía de fugas consumida en la región sub umbral. • Desarrollo de una estrategia de polarización del voltaje de puerta trasera para que el circuito digital trabaje en el óptimo antes mencionado. • Desarrollo de una estrategia para el dimensionado de los transistores que componen las compuertas digitales que permite al circuito digital operar en el óptimo antes mencionado. • Análisis del impacto de la arquitectura del circuito y de los datos de entrada del mismo en el óptimo antes mencionado

    Etude de la variabilité en technologie FDSOI : du transistor aux cellules mémoires SRAM

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    The scaling of bulk MOSFETs transistors is facing various difficulties at the nanometer era. The variability of the electrical characteristics becomes a major challenge which increases as the device dimensions are scaled down. Fully-Depleted Silicon On Insulator (FDSOI) technology, developed as an alternative to bulk transistors, exhibits a better electrostatic immunity which enables higher performances. Moreover, the reduction of the Random Dopant Fluctuation allows excellent variability immunity for the FDSOI technology due to its undoped channel. It leads to a yield enhancement and a reduction of the minimum supply voltage of SRAM circuits. The variability has been analyzed deeply during this thesis in this technology, both on the threshold voltage (VT) and on the ON-state current (ISAT). The correlation between the electrical characteristics of MOSFETs devices (i.e., the threshold voltage and the standard deviation σVT) and SRAM cells (i.e., the SNM and σSNM) has been investigated thanks to an extensive experimental study and modeling. This purpose of this thesis is also to analyze the specific FDSOI variability source: silicon thickness fluctuations. An analytical model has been developed in order to quantify the impact of local TSi variations on the VT variability for 28 and 20nm technology nodes, as well as on a 200Mb SRAM array. This model also enables to evaluate the silicon thickness mean (µTsi) and standard deviation (σTsi) specifications for next technology nodes.La miniaturisation des transistors MOSFETs sur silicium massif présente de nombreux enjeux en raison de l'apparition de phénomènes parasites. Notamment, la réduction de la surface des dispositifs entraîne une dégradation de la variabilité de leurs caractéristiques électriques. La technologie planaire totalement désertée, appelée communément FDSOI (pour Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator), permet d'améliorer le contrôle électrostatique de la grille sur le canal de conduction et par conséquent d'optimiser les performances. De plus, de par la présence d'un canal non dopé, il est possible de réduire efficacement la variabilité de la tension de seuil des transistors. Cela se traduit par un meilleur rendement et par une diminution de la tension minimale d'alimentation des circuits SRAM (pour Static Random Access Memory). Une étude détaillée de la variabilité intrinsèque à cette technologie a été réalisée durant ce travail de recherche, aussi bien sur la tension de seuil (VT) que sur le courant de drain à l'état passant (ISAT). De plus, le lien existant entre la fluctuation des caractéristiques électriques des transistors et des circuits SRAM a été expérimentalement analysé en détail. Une large partie de cette thèse est enfin dédiée à l'investigation de la source de variabilité spécifique à la technologie FDSOI : les fluctuations de l'épaisseur du film de silicium. Un modèle analytique a été développé durant cette thèse afin d'étudier l'influence des fluctuations locales de TSi sur la variabilité de la tension de seuil des transistors pour les nœuds technologiques 28 et 20nm, ainsi que sur un circuit SRAM de 200Mb. Ce modèle a également pour but de fournir des spécifications en termes d'uniformité σTsi et d'épaisseur moyenne µTsi du film de silicium pour les prochains nœuds technologiques

    Strain integration and performance optimization in sub-20nm FDSOI CMOS technology

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    La technologie CMOS à base de Silicium complètement déserté sur isolant (FDSOI) est considérée comme une option privilégiée pour les applications à faible consommation telles que les applications mobiles ou les objets connectés. Elle doit cela à son architecture garantissant un excellent comportement électrostatique des transistors ainsi qu'à l'intégration de canaux contraints améliorant la mobilité des porteurs. Ce travail de thèse explore des solutions innovantes en FDSOI pour nœuds 20nm et en deçà, comprenant l'ingénierie de la contrainte mécanique à travers des études sur les matériaux, les dispositifs, les procédés d'intégration et les dessins des circuits. Des simulations mécaniques, caractérisations physiques (µRaman), et intégrations expérimentales de canaux contraints (sSOI, SiGe) ou de procédés générant de la contrainte (nitrure, fluage de l'oxyde enterré) nous permettent d'apporter des recommandations pour la technologie et le dessin physique des transistors en FDSOI. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié le transport dans les dispositifs à canal court, ce qui nous a amené à proposer une méthode originale pour extraire simultanément la mobilité des porteurs et la résistance d'accès. Nous mettons ainsi en évidence la sensibilité de la résistance d'accès à la contrainte que ce soit pour des transistors FDSOI ou nanofils. Nous mettons en évidence et modélisons la relaxation de la contrainte dans le SiGe apparaissant lors de la gravure des motifs et causant des effets géométriques (LLE) dans les technologies FDSOI avancées. Nous proposons des solutions de type dessin ainsi que des solutions technologiques afin d'améliorer la performance des cellules standard digitales et de mémoire vive statique (SRAM). En particulier, nous démontrons l'efficacité d'une isolation duale pour la gestion de la contrainte et l'extension de la capacité de polarisation arrière, qui un atout majeur de la technologie FDSOI. Enfin, la technologie 3D séquentielle rend possible la polarisation arrière en régime dynamique, à travers une co-optimisation dessin/technologie (DTCO).The Ultra-Thin Body and Buried oxide Fully Depleted Silicon On Insulator (UTBB FDSOI) CMOS technology has been demonstrated to be highly efficient for low power and low leakage applications such as mobile, internet of things or wearable. This is mainly due to the excellent electrostatics in the transistor and the successful integration of strained channel as a carrier mobility booster. This work explores scaling solutions of FDSOI for sub-20nm nodes, including innovative strain engineering, relying on material, device, process integration and circuit design layout studies. Thanks to mechanical simulations, physical characterizations and experimental integration of strained channels (sSOI, SiGe) and local stressors (nitride, oxide creeping, SiGe source/drain) into FDSOI CMOS transistors, we provide guidelines for technology and physical circuit design. In this PhD, we have in-depth studied the carrier transport in short devices, leading us to propose an original method to extract simultaneously the carrier mobility and the access resistance and to clearly evidence and extract the strain sensitivity of the access resistance, not only in FDSOI but also in strained nanowire transistors. Most of all, we evidence and model the patterning-induced SiGe strain relaxation, which is responsible for electrical Local Layout Effects (LLE) in advanced FDSOI transistors. Taking into account these geometrical effects observed at the nano-scale, we propose design and technology solutions to enhance Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) and digital standard cells performance and especially an original dual active isolation integration. Such a solution is not only stress-friendly but can also extend the powerful back-bias capability, which is a key differentiating feature of FDSOI. Eventually the 3D monolithic integration can also leverage planar Fully-Depleted devices by enabling dynamic back-bias owing to a Design/Technology Co-Optimization

    Addressing On-Chip Power Conversion and Dissipation Issues in Many-Core System-on-a-Chip based on Conventional Silicon and Emerging Nanotechnologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed August 27, 2018Dissertation advisor: Masud H ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 158-163)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering and Department of Physics and Astronomy. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2017Integrated circuits (ICs) are moving towards system-on-a-chip (SOC) designs. SOC allows various small and large electronic systems to be implemented in a single chip. This approach enables the miniaturization of design blocks that leads to high density transistor integration, faster response time, and lower fabrication costs. To reap the benefits of SOC and uphold the miniaturization of transistors, innovative power delivery and power dissipation management schemes are paramount. This dissertation focuses on on-chip integration of power delivery systems and managing power dissipation to increase the lifetime of energy storage elements. We explore this problem from two different angels: On-chip voltage regulators and power gating techniques. On-chip voltage regulators reduce parasitic effects, and allow faster and efficient power delivery for microprocessors. Power gating techniques, on the other hand, reduce the power loss incurred by circuit blocks during standby mode. Power dissipation (Ptotal = Pstatic and Pdynamic) in a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit comes from two sources: static and dynamic. A quadratic dependency on the dynamic switching power and a more than linear dependency on static power as a form of gate leakage (subthreshold current) exist. To reduce dynamic power loss, the supply power should be reduced. A significant reduction in power dissipation occurs when portions of a microprocessor operate at a lower voltage level. This reduction in supply voltage is achieved via voltage regulators or converters. Voltage regulators are used to provide a stable power supply to the microprocessor. The conventional off-chip switching voltage regulator contains a passive floating inductor, which is difficult to be implemented inside the chip due to excessive power dissipation and parasitic effects. Additionally, the inductor takes a very large chip area while hampering the scaling process. These limitations make passive inductor based on-chip regulator design very unattractive for SOC integration and multi-/many-core environments. To circumvent the challenges, three alternative techniques based on active circuit elements to replace the passive LC filter of the buck convertor are developed. The first inductorless on-chip switching voltage regulator architecture is based on a cascaded 2nd order multiple feedback (MFB) low-pass filter (LPF). This design has the ability to modulate to multiple voltage settings via pulse with modulation (PWM). The second approach is a supplementary design utilizing a hybrid low drop-out scheme to lower the output ripple of the switching regulator over a wider frequency range. The third design approach allows the integration of an entire power management system within a single chipset by combining a highly efficient switching regulator with an intermittently efficient linear regulator (area efficient), for robust and highly efficient on-chip regulation. The static power (Pstatic) or subthreshold leakage power (Pleak) increases with technology scaling. To mitigate static power dissipation, power gating techniques are implemented. Power gating is one of the popular methods to manage leakage power during standby periods in low-power high-speed IC design. It works by using transistor based switches to shut down part of the circuit block and put them in the idle mode. The efficiency of a power gating scheme involves minimum Ioff and high Ion for the sleep transistor. A conventional sleep transistor circuit design requires an additional header, footer, or both switches to turn off the logic block. This additional transistor causes signal delay and increases the chip area. We propose two innovative designs for next generation sleep transistor designs. For an above threshold operation, we present a sleep transistor design based on fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) device. For a subthreshold circuit operation, we implement a sleep transistor utilizing the newly developed silicon-on ferroelectric-insulator field effect transistor (SOFFET). In both of the designs, the ability to control the threshold voltage via bias voltage at the back gate makes both devices more flexible for sleep transistors design than a bulk MOSFET. The proposed approaches simplify the design complexity, reduce the chip area, eliminate the voltage drop by sleep transistor, and improve power dissipation. In addition, the design provides a dynamically controlled Vt for times when the circuit needs to be in a sleep or switching mode.Introduction -- Background and literature review -- Fully integrated on-chip switching voltage regulator -- Hybrid LDO voltage regulator based on cascaded second order multiple feedback loop -- Single and dual output two-stage on-chip power management system -- Sleep transistor design using double-gate FDSOI -- Subthreshold region sleep transistor design -- Conclusio

    Static random-access memory designs based on different FinFET at lower technology node (7nm)

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 15, 2020Thesis advisor: Masud H ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (page 50-57)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2019The Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) has a significant performance impact on current nanoelectronics systems. To improve SRAM efficiency, it is important to utilize emerging technologies to overcome short-channel effects (SCE) of conventional CMOS. FinFET devices are promising emerging devices that can be utilized to improve the performance of SRAM designs at lower technology nodes. In this thesis, I present detail analysis of SRAM cells using different types of FinFET devices at 7nm technology. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the performance of both 6T and 8T SRAM designs are improved. 6T SRAM achieves a 44.97% improvement in the read energy compared to 8T SRAM. However, 6T SRAM write energy degraded by 3.16% compared to 8T SRAM. Read stability and write ability of SRAM cells are determined using Static Noise Margin and N- curve methods. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations are performed on the SRAM cells to evaluate process variations. Simulations were done in HSPICE using 7nm Asymmetrical Underlap FinFET technology. The quasiplanar FinFET structure gained considerable attention because of the ease of the fabrication process [1] – [4]. Scaling of technology have degraded the performance of CMOS designs because of the short channel effects (SCEs) [5], [6]. Therefore, there has been upsurge in demand for FinFET devices for emerging market segments including artificial intelligence and cloud computing (AI) [8], [9], Internet of Things (IoT) [10] – [13] and biomedical [17] –[18] which have their own exclusive style of design. In recent years, many Underlapped FinFET devices were proposed to have better control of the SCEs in the sub-nanometer technologies [3], [4], [19] – [33]. Underlap on either side of the gate increases effective channel length as seen by the charge carriers. Consequently, the source-to-drain tunneling probability is improved. Moreover, edge direct tunneling leakage components can be reduced by controlling the electric field at the gate-drain junction . There is a limitation on the extent of underlap on drain or source sides because the ION is lower for larger underlap. Additionally, FinFET based designs have major width quantization issue. The width of a FinFET device increases only in quanta of silicon fin height (HFIN) [4]. The width quantization issue becomes critical for ratioed designs like SRAMs, where proper sizing of the transistors is essential for fault-free operation. FinFETs based on Design/Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO_F) approach can overcome these issues [38]. DTCO_F follows special design rules, which provides the specifications for the standard SRAM cells with special spacing rules and low leakages. The performances of 6T SRAM designs implemented by different FinFET devices are compared for different pull-up, pull down and pass gate transistor (PU: PD:PG) ratios to identify the best FinFET device for high speed and low power SRAM applications. Underlapped FinFETs (UF) and Design/Technology Co-Optimized FinFETs (DTCO_F) are used for the design and analysis. It is observed that with the PU: PD:PG ratios of 1:1:1 and 1:5:2 for the UF-SRAMs the read energy has degraded by 3.31% and 48.72% compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs, respectively. However, the read energy with 2:5:2 ratio has improved by 32.71% in the UF-SRAM compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs. The write energy with 1:1:1 configuration has improved by 642.27% in the UF-SRAM compared to the DTCO_F-SRAM. On the other hand, the write energy with 1:5:2 and 2:5:2 configurations have degraded by 86.26% and 96% in the UF-SRAMs compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs. The stability and reliability of different SRAMs are also evaluated for 500mV supply. From the analysis, it can be concluded that Asymmetrical Underlapped FinFET is better for high-speed applications and DTCO FinFET for low power applications.Introduction -- Next generation high performance device: FinFET -- FinFET based SRAM bitcell designs -- Benchmarking of UF-SRAMs and DTCO-F-SRAMS -- Collaborative project -- Internship experience at INTEL and Marvell Semiconductor -- Conclusion and future wor

    Operational Amplifier Characteristics in the Extreme Sub-Micron Process

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    Newer CMOS technologies allow for circuits to poses higher frequency performance, lower power consumption, reduced cost per transistor, and smaller layout area. Digital circuits greatly benefit from the use of newer CMOS technologies, but analogue circuits do not. In more modern CMOS technologies, the transconductance and output resistance of a transistor decrease, to which these two parameters serve as the foundation for developing high-performance analogue circuitry. The manufacturing process defines the transconductance of a transistor, but circuit techniques can make a transistor to seem like it has higher output resistance. The development and verification of a 22nm FDSOI CMOS op-amp and it’s supporting characterising circuit (the OPCC) are the two goals of this thesis. The process involves an investigation into various output resistance improve circuit techniques and finding methods to scale the circuit into a 22nm FDSOI CMOS process. A single-stage and a two-stage high-gain op-amp developed in a 22nm FDSOI CMOS process is presented. Two hundred runs of Monte Carlo simulations, which include transistor mismatch and process variation, validates the operation of the two op-amps. The integration of a modified high output resistance current mirror allows the op-amp to achieve high DC gains. The two-stage op-amp can perform rail-to-rail operations with a 800mV power supply voltage while driving a 1 pF capacitive load. The single-stage op-amp is simulated to have a 69 dB minimum DC gain, 29MHz UGB, with a PM of 86°. The two-stage op-amp is simulated to have a 103 dB minimum DC gain, 50MHz UGB, and a PM of 50°. Sequentially, a 22nm CMOS on-chip digitally controlled op-amp characterisation circuit is presented. The conversion of old on-chip and breadboard- based op-amp characterisation methods are scaled to the 22nm FDSOI CMOS process to enable the measurement of op-amps that are designed for on-chip use. Advancements in CMOS manufacturing process reduce the performance of transmission gates, to which, methods to mitigate the reduction in performance are elaborated. The OPCC enables the measurement of offset voltage with max SD of 0.1mV, input bias currents with max SD of 15.7pA, bandwidth with max SD of 1.73MHz, open-loop gain with max SD of 0.4 dB, CMRR with max SD of 8.774 dB, and PSRR with max SD of 1.1dB. Four hundred runs of Monte Carlo simulations validate the operations of the OPCC, which also indicates its potential implementation in older CMOS technologies

    Study and development of low power consumption SRAMs on 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS process

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    Since analog circuit designs in CMOS nanometer (< 90 nm) nodes can be substantially affected by manufacturing process variations, circuit performance becomes more challenging to achieve efficient solutions by using analytical models. Extensive simulations are thus commonly required to provide a high yield. On the other hand, due to the fact that the classical bulk MOS structure is reaching scaling limits (< 32 nm), alternative approaches are being developed as successors, such as fully depleted silicon-oninsulator (FD-SOI), Multigate MOSFET, FinFETs, among others, and new design techniques emerge by taking advantage of the improved features of these devices. This thesis focused on the development of analytical expressions for the major performance parameters of the SRAM cache implemented in 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS, mainly to explore the transistor dimensions at low computational cost, thereby producing efficient designs in terms of energy consumption, speed and yield. By taking advantage of both low computational cost and close agreement results of the developed models, in this thesis we were able to propose a non-traditional sizing procedure for the simple 6T-SRAM cell, that unlike the traditional thin-cell design, transistor lengths are used as a design variable in order to reduce the static leakage. The single-P-well (SPW) structure in combination with reverse-body-biasing (RBB) technique were used to achieve a better balance between P-type and N-type transistors. As a result, we developed a 128 kB SRAM cache, whose post-layout simulations show that the circuit consumes an average energy per operation of 0.604 pJ/word-access (64 I/O bits) at supply voltage of 0.45 V and operation frequency of 40 MHz. The total chip area of the 128 kB SRAM cache is 0.060 mm2 .O projeto de circuitos analogicos em processos nanométricos CMOS ( < 90 nm) per substancialmente afetado pelas variacões do processo de fabricacão, sendo cada vez mais desafiador para os projetistas alcançar soluções eficientes no desempenho dos circuitos mediante o uso de modelos analíticos. Simulacões extensas com alto custo com- putacional sao normalmente requeridas para providenciar um correto funcionamento do circuito. Por outro lado, devido ao fato que a estrutura bulk-CMOS esta alcançando seus limites de escala (< 32 nm), outros transistores foram desenvolvidos como sucessores, tais como o fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI), Multigate MOSFET, entre outros, surgindo novas tecnicas de projeto que utilizam as características aprimoradas destes dispositivos. Dessa forma, esta tese de doutorado se foca no desenvolvimento de modelos analíticos dos parametros mais importantes do cache SRAM implementado em processo CMOS FD-SOI de 28 nm, principalmente para explorar as dimensõoes dos transistores com baixo custo computacional, e assim produzir solucões eficientes em termos de consumo de energia, velocidade e rendimento. Aproveitando o baixo custo computacional e a alta concordância dos modelos analíticos, nesta tese fomos capazes de propor um dimensionamento nao tradicional para a célula de memória 6T-SRAM, em que diferentemente é do classico dimensionamento "thin-cell”, os comprimentos dos transistores são utilizados como variável de projeto com o fim de reduzir o consumo estático de corrente. A estrutura single-P-well (SPW), combinada com a técnica reverse-body-biasing (RBB) foram utilizadas para alcançar um melhor balanço entre as correntes específicas dos transistores do tipo P e N