2,798 research outputs found

    LC-VCO design optimization methodology based on the gm/ID ratio for nanometer CMOS technologies

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    In this paper, an LC voltage-controlled oscillator (LC-VCO) design optimization methodology based on the gm/ID technique and on the exploration of all inversion regions of the MOS transistor (MOST) is presented. An in-depth study of the compromises between phase noise and current consumption permits optimization of the design for given specifications. Semiempirical models of MOSTs and inductors, obtained by simulation, jointly with analytical phase noise models, allow to get a design space map where the design tradeoffs are easily identified. Four LC-VCO designs in different inversion regions in a 90-nm CMOS process are obtained with the proposed methodology and verified with electrical simulations. Finally, the implementation and measurements are presented for a 2.4-GHz VCO operating in moderate inversion. The designed VCO draws 440 μA from a 1.2-V power supply and presents a phase noise of -106.2 dBc/Hz at 400 kHz from the carrier

    Characterization of 28 nm FDSOI MOS and application to the design of a low-power 2.4 GHz LNA

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    IoT is expected to connect billions of devices all over world in the next years, and in a near future, it is expected to use LR-WPAN in a wide variety of applications. Not all the devices will require of high performance but will require of low power hungry systems since most of them will be powered with a battery. Conventional CMOS technologies cannot cover these needs even scaling it to very small regimes, which appear other problems. Hence, new technologies are emerging to cover the needs of this devices. One promising technology is the UTBB FDSOI, which achieves good performance with very good energy efficiency. This project characterizes this technology to obtain a set of parameters of interest for analog/RF design. Finally, with the help of a low-power design methodology (gm/Id approach), a design of an ULP ULV LNA is performed to check the suitability of this technology for IoT

    Survey on individual components for a 5 GHz receiver system using 130 nm CMOS technology

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    La intención de esta tesis es recopilar información desde un punto de vista general sobre los diferentes tipos de componentes utilizados en un receptor de señales a 5 GHz utilizando tecnología CMOS. Se ha realizado una descripción y análisis de cada uno de los componentes que forman el sistema, destacando diferentes tipos de configuraciones, figuras de mérito y otros parámetros. Se muestra una tabla resumen al final de cada sección, comparando algunos diseños que se han ido presentando a lo largo de los años en conferencias internacionales de la IEEE.The intention of this thesis is to gather information from an overview point about the different types of components used in a 5 GHz receiver using CMOS technology. A review of each of the components that form the system has been made, highlighting different types of configurations, figure of merits and parameters. A summary table is shown at the end of each section, comparing many designs that have been presented over the years at international conferences of the IEEE.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    A 0.1–5.0 GHz flexible SDR receiver with digitally assisted calibration in 65 nm CMOS

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.A 0.1–5.0 GHz flexible software-defined radio (SDR) receiver with digitally assisted calibration is presented, employing a zero-IF/low-IF reconfigurable architecture for both wideband and narrowband applications. The receiver composes of a main-path based on a current-mode mixer for low noise, a high linearity sub-path based on a voltage-mode passive mixer for out-of-band rejection, and a harmonic rejection (HR) path with vector gain calibration. A dual feedback LNA with “8” shape nested inductor structure, a cascode inverter-based TCA with miller feedback compensation, and a class-AB full differential Op-Amp with Miller feed-forward compensation and QFG technique are proposed. Digitally assisted calibration methods for HR, IIP2 and image rejection (IR) are presented to maintain high performance over PVT variations. The presented receiver is implemented in 65 nm CMOS with 5.4 mm2 core area, consuming 9.6–47.4 mA current under 1.2 V supply. The receiver main path is measured with +5 dB m/+5dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 and +61dBm IIP2. The sub-path achieves +10 dB m/+18dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 and +62dBm IIP2, as well as 10 dB RF filtering rejection at 10 MHz offset. The HR-path reaches +13 dB m/+14dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 and 62/66 dB 3rd/5th-order harmonic rejection with 30–40 dB improvement by the calibration. The measured sensitivity satisfies the requirements of DVB-H, LTE, 802.11 g, and ZigBee.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Receiver Front-Ends in CMOS with Ultra-Low Power Consumption

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    Historically, research on radio communication has focused on improving range and data rate. In the last decade, however, there has been an increasing demand for low power and low cost radios that can provide connectivity with small devices around us. They should be able to offer basic connectivity with a power consumption low enough to function extended periods of time on a single battery charge, or even energy scavenged from the surroundings. This work is focused on the design of ultra-low power receiver front-ends intended for a receiver operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band, having an active power consumption of 1mW and chip area of 1mm². Low power consumption and small size make it hard to achieve good sensitivity and tolerance to interference. This thesis starts with an introduction to the overall receiver specifications, low power radio and radio standards, front-end and LO generation architectures and building blocks, followed by the four included papers. Paper I demonstrates an inductorless front-end operating at 915MHz, including a frequency divider for quadrature LO generation. An LO generator operating at 2.4GHz is shown in Paper II, enabling a front-end operating above 2GHz. Papers III and IV contain circuits with combined front-end and LO generator operating at or above the full 2.45GHz target frequency. They use VCO and frequency divider topologies that offer efficient operation and low quadrature error. An efficient passive-mixer design with improved suppression of interference, enables an LNA-less design in Paper IV capable of operating without a SAW-filter

    A Fully-Integrated Reconfigurable Dual-Band Transceiver for Short Range Wireless Communications in 180 nm CMOS

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.A fully-integrated reconfigurable dual-band (760-960 MHz and 2.4-2.5 GHz) transceiver (TRX) for short range wireless communications is presented. The TRX consists of two individually-optimized RF front-ends for each band and one shared power-scalable analog baseband. The sub-GHz receiver has achieved the maximum 75 dBc 3rd-order harmonic rejection ratio (HRR3) by inserting a Q-enhanced notch filtering RF amplifier (RFA). In 2.4 GHz band, a single-ended-to-differential RFA with gain/phase imbalance compensation is proposed in the receiver. A ΣΔ fractional-N PLL frequency synthesizer with two switchable Class-C VCOs is employed to provide the LOs. Moreover, the integrated multi-mode PAs achieve the output P1dB (OP1dB) of 16.3 dBm and 14.1 dBm with both 25% PAE for sub-GHz and 2.4 GHz bands, respectively. A power-control loop is proposed to detect the input signal PAPR in real-time and flexibly reconfigure the PA's operation modes to enhance the back-off efficiency. With this proposed technique, the PAE of the sub-GHz PA is improved by x3.24 and x1.41 at 9 dB and 3 dB back-off powers, respectively, and the PAE of the 2.4 GHz PA is improved by x2.17 at 6 dB back-off power. The presented transceiver has achieved comparable or even better performance in terms of noise figure, HRR, OP1dB and power efficiency compared with the state-of-the-art.Peer reviewe

    Low-power CMOS front-ends for wireless personal area networks

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    The potential of implementing subthreshold radio frequency circuits in deep sub-micron CMOS technology was investigated for developing low-power front-ends for wireless personal area network (WPAN) applications. It was found that the higher transconductance to bias current ratio in weak inversion could be exploited in developing low-power wireless front-ends, if circuit techniques are employed to mitigate the higher device noise in subthreshold region. The first fully integrated subthreshold low noise amplifier was demonstrated in the GHz frequency range requiring only 260 μW of power consumption. Novel subthreshold variable gain stages and down-conversion mixers were developed. A 2.4 GHz receiver, consuming 540 μW of power, was implemented using a new subthreshold mixer by replacing the conventional active low noise amplifier by a series-resonant passive network that provides both input matching and voltage amplification. The first fully monolithic subthreshold CMOS receiver was also implemented with integrated subthreshold quadrature LO (Local Oscillator) chain for 2.4 GHz WPAN applications. Subthreshold operation, passive voltage amplification, and various low-power circuit techniques such as current reuse, stacking, and differential cross coupling were combined to lower the total power consumption to 2.6 mW. Extremely compact resistive feedback CMOS low noise amplifiers were presented as a cost-effective alternative to narrow band LNAs using high-Q inductors. Techniques to improve linearity and reduce power consumption were presented. The combination of high linearity, low noise figure, high broadband gain, extremely small die area and low power consumption made the proposed LNA architecture a compelling choice for many wireless applications.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Laskar, Joy; Committee Member: Chakraborty, Sudipto; Committee Member: Chang, Jae Joon; Committee Member: Divan, Deepakraj; Committee Member: Kornegay, Kevin; Committee Member: Tentzeris, Emmanoui

    Timed array antenna system : application to wideband and ultra-wideband beamforming receivers

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    Antenna array systems have a broad range of applications in radio frequency (RF) and ultra-wideband (UWB) communications to receive/transmit electromagnetic waves from/to the sky. They can enhance the amplitude of the input signals, steer beams electronically, and reject interferences thanks to beamforming technique. In an antenna array beamforming system, delay cells with the tunable capability of delay amount compensate the relative delay of signals received by antennas. In fact, each antenna almost acts individually depending upon time delaying effects on the input signals. As a result, the delay cells are the basic elements of the beamforming systems. For this purpose, novel active true time delay (TTD) cells suitable for RF antenna arrays have been presented in this thesis. These active delay cells are based on 1st- and 2nd-order all-pass filters (APFs) and achieve quite a flat gain and delay within up to 10-GHz frequency range. Various techniques such as phase linearity and delay tunability have been accomplished to improve the design and performance. The 1st-order APF has been designed for a frequency range of 5 GHz, showing desirable frequency responses and linearity which is comparable with the state-of-the-art. This 1st-order APF is able to convert into a 2nd-order APF via adding a grounded capacitor. A compact 2nd-order APF using an active inductor has been also designed and simulated for frequencies up to 10 GHz. The active inductor has been utilized to tune the amount of delay and to reduce the on-chip size of the filter. In order to validate the performance of the delay cells, two UWB four-channel timed array beamforming receivers realized by the active TTD cells have been proposed. Each antenna channel exploits digitally controllable gain and delay on the input signal and demonstrates desirable gain and delay resolutions. The beamforming receivers have been designed for different UWB applications depending on their operating frequency ranges (that is, 3-5 and 3.1-10.6 GHz), and thus they have different system requirements and specifications. All the circuits and topologies presented in this dissertation have been designed in standard 180-nm CMOS technologies, featuring a unity gain frequency ( ft) up to 60 GHz.Els sistemes matricials d’antenes tenen una àmplia gamma d’aplicacions en radiofreqüència (RF) i comunicacions de banda ultraampla (UWB) per rebre i transmetre ones electromagnètics. Poden millorar l’amplitud dels senyals d’entrada rebuts, dirigir els feixos electrònicament i rebutjar les interferències gràcies a la tècnica de formació de feixos (beamforming). En un sistema beamforming de matriu d’antenes, les cèl·lules de retard amb capacitat ajustable del retard, compensen aquest retard relatiu dels senyals rebuts per les diferents antenes. De fet, cada antena gairebé actua individualment depenent dels efectes de retard de temps sobre el senyals d’entrada. Com a resultat, les cel·les de retard són els elements bàsics en el disseny dels actuals sistemes beamforming. Amb aquest propòsit, en aquesta tesi es presenten noves cèl·lules actives de retard en temps real (TTD, true time delay) adequades per a matrius d’antenes de RF. Aquestes cèl·lules de retard actives es basen en cèl·lules de primer i segon ordre passa-tot (APF), i aconsegueixen un guany i un retard força plans, en el rang de freqüència de fins a 10 GHz. Diverses tècniques com ara la linealitat de fase i la sintonització del retard s’han aconseguit per millorar el disseny i el rendiment. La cèl·lula APF de primer ordre s’ha dissenyat per a un rang de freqüències de fins a 5 GHz, mostrant unes respostes freqüencials i linealitat que són comparables amb l’estat de l’art actual. Aquestes cèl·lules APF de primer ordre es poden convertir en un APF de segon ordre afegint un condensador més connectat a massa. També s’ha dissenyat un APF compacte de segon ordre que utilitza una emulació d’inductor actiu per a freqüències de treball de fins a 10 GHz. S’ha utilitzat l'inductor actiu per ajustar la quantitat de retard introduït i reduir les dimensions del filtre al xip. Per validar les prestacions de les cel·les de retard propostes, s’han proposat dos receptors beamforming basats en matrius d’antenes de 4 canals, realitzats por cèl·lules TTD actives. Cada canal d’antena aprofita el guany i el retard controlables digitalment aplicats al senyal d’entrada, i demostra resolucions de guany i retard desitjables. Els receptors beamforming s’han dissenyat per a diferents aplicacions UWB segons els seus rangs de freqüències de funcionament (en aquest cas, 3-5 i 3,1-10,6 GHz) i, per tant, tenen diferents requisits i especificacions de disseny del sistema. Tots els circuits i topologies presentats en aquesta tesi s’han dissenyat en tecnologies CMOS estàndards de 180 nm, amb una freqüència de guany unitari (ft) de fins a 60 GHz.Postprint (published version

    Low-Power Wake-Up Receivers

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is leading the world to the Internet of Everything (IoE), where things, people, intelligent machines, data and processes will be connected together. The key to enter the era of the IoE lies in enormous sensor nodes being deployed in the massively expanding wireless sensor networks (WSNs). By the year of 2025, more than 42 billion IoT devices will be connected to the Internet. While the future IoE will bring priceless advantages for the life of mankind, one challenge limiting the nowadays IoT from further development is the ongoing power demand with the dramatically growing number of the wireless sensor nodes. To address the power consumption issue, this dissertation is motivated to investigate low-power wake-up receivers (WuRXs) which will significantly enhance the sustainability of the WSNs and the environmental awareness of the IoT. Two proof-of-concept low-power WuRXs with focuses on two different application scenarios have been proposed. The first WuRX, implemented in a cost-effective 180-nm CMOS semiconductor technology, operates at 401−406-MHz band. It is a good candidate for application scenarios, where both a high sensitivity and an ultra-low power consumption are in demand. Concrete use cases are, for instance, medical implantable applications or long-range communications in rural areas. This WuRX does not rely on a further assisting semiconductor technology, such as MEMS which is widely used in state-of-the-art WuRXs operating at similar frequencies. Thus, this WuRX is a promising solution to low-power low-cost IoT. The second WuRX, implemented in a 45-nm RFSOI CMOS technology, was researched for short-range communication applications, where high-density conventional IoT devices should be installed. By investigation of the WuRX for operation at higher frequency band from 5.5 GHz to 7.5 GHz, the nowadays ever more over-traffic issues that arise at low frequency bands such as 2.4 GHz can be substantially addressed. A systematic, analytical research route has been carried out in realization of the proposed WuRXs. The thesis begins with a thorough study of state-of-the-art WuRX architectures. By examining pros and cons of these architectures, two novel architectures are proposed for the WuRXs in accordance with their specific use cases. Thereon, key WuRX parameters are systematically analyzed and optimized; the performance of relevant circuits is modeled and simulated extensively. The knowledge gained through these investigations builds up a solid theoretical basis for the ongoing WuRX designs. Thereafter, the two WuRXs have been analytically researched, developed and optimized to achieve their highest performance. Proof-of-concept circuits for both the WuRXs have been fabricated and comprehensively characterized under laboratory conditions. Finally, measurement results have verified the feasibility of the design concept and the feasibility of both the WuRXs