12 research outputs found

    Data acquisition techniques based on frequency-encoding applied to capacitive MEMS microphones

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThis thesis focuses on the development of capacitive sensor readout circuits and data converters based on frequency-encoding. This research has been motivated by the needs of consumer electronics industry, which constantly demands more compact readout circuit for MEMS microphones and other sensors. Nowadays, data acquisition is mainly based on encoding signals in voltage or current domains, which is becoming more challenging in modern deep submicron CMOS technologies. Frequency-encoding is an emerging signal processing technique based on encoding signals in the frequency domain. The key advantage of this approach is that systems can be implemented using mostly-digital circuitry, which benefits from CMOS technology scaling. Frequencyencoding can be used to build phase referenced integrators, which can replace classical integrators (such as switched-capacitor based integrators) in the implementation of efficient analog-to-digital converters and sensor interfaces. The core of the phase referenced integrators studied in this thesis consists of the combination of different oscillator topologies with counters and highly-digital circuitry. This work addresses two related problems: the development of capacitive MEMS sensor readout circuits based on frequency-encoding, and the design and implementation of compact oscillator-based data converters for audio applications. In the first problem, the target is the integration of the MEMS sensor into an oscillator circuit, making the oscillation frequency dependent on the sensor capacitance. This way, the sound can be digitized by measuring the oscillation frequency, using digital circuitry. However, a MEMS microphone is a complex structure on which several parasitic effects can influence the operation of the oscillator. This work presents a feasibility analysis of the integration of a MEMS microphone into different oscillator topologies. The conclusion of this study is that the parasitics of the MEMS limit the performance of the microphone, making it inefficient. In contrast, replacing conventional ADCs with frequency-encoding based ADCs has proven a very efficient solution, which motivates the next problem. In the second problem, the focus is on the development of high-order oscillator-based Sigma-Delta modulators. Firstly, the equivalence between classical integrators and phase referenced integrators has been studied, followed by an overview of state-of-art oscillator-based converters. Then, a procedure to replace classical integrators by phase referenced integrators is presented, including a design example of a second-order oscillator based Sigma-Delta modulator. Subsequently, the main circuit impairments that limit the performance of this kind of implementations, such as phase noise, jitter or metastability, are described. This thesis also presents a methodology to evaluate the impact of phase noise and distortion in oscillator-based systems. The proposed method is based on periodic steady-state analysis, which allows the rapid estimation of the system dynamic range without resorting to transient simulations. In addition, a novel technique to analyze the impact of clock jitter in Sigma-Delta modulators is described. Two integrated circuits have been implemented in 0.13 μm CMOS technology to demonstrate the feasibility of high-order oscillator-based Sigma-Delta modulators. Both chips have been designed to feature secondorder noise shaping using only oscillators and digital circuitry. The first testchip shows a malfunction in the digital circuitry due to the complexity of the multi-bit counters. The second chip, implemented using single-bit counters for simplicity, shows second-order noise shaping and reaches 103 dB-A of dynamic range in the audio bandwidth, occupying only 0.04 mm2.Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de conversores de datos e interfaces para sensores capacitivos basados en codificación en frecuencia. Esta investigación está motivada por las necesidades de la industria, que constantemente demanda reducir el tamaño de este tipo de circuitos. Hoy en día, la adquisición de datos está basada principalmente en la codificación de señales en tensión o en corriente. Sin embargo, la implementación de este tipo de soluciones en tecnologías CMOS nanométricas presenta varias dificultades. La codificación de frecuencia es una técnica emergente en el procesado de señales basada en codificar señales en el dominio de la frecuencia. La principal ventaja de esta alternativa es que los sistemas pueden implementarse usando circuitos mayoritariamente digitales, los cuales se benefician de los avances de la tecnología CMOS. La codificación en frecuencia puede emplearse para construir integradores referidos a la fase, que pueden reemplazar a los integradores clásicos (como los basados en capacidades conmutadas) en la implementación de conversores analógico-digital e interfaces de sensores. Los integradores referidos a la fase estudiados en esta tesis consisten en la combinación de diferentes topologías de osciladores con contadores y circuitos principalmente digitales. Este trabajo aborda dos cuestiones relacionadas: el desarrollo de circuitos de lectura para sensores MEMS capacitivos basados en codificación temporal, y el diseño e implementación de conversores de datos compactos para aplicaciones de audio basados en osciladores. En el primer caso, el objetivo es la integración de un sensor MEMS en un oscilador, haciendo que la frecuencia de oscilación depe capacidad del sensor. De esta forma, el sonido puede ser digitalizado midiendo la frecuencia de oscilación, lo cual puede realizarse usando circuitos en su mayor parte digitales. Sin embargo, un micrófono MEMS es una estructura compleja en la que múltiples efectos parasíticos pueden alterar el correcto funcionamiento del oscilador. Este trabajo presenta un análisis de la viabilidad de integrar un micrófono MEMS en diferentes topologías de oscilador. La conclusión de este estudio es que los parasíticos del MEMS limitan el rendimiento del micrófono, causando que esta solución no sea eficiente. En cambio, la implementación de conversores analógico-digitales basados en codificación en frecuencia ha demostrado ser una alternativa muy eficiente, lo cual motiva el estudio del siguiente problema. La segunda cuestión está centrada en el desarrollo de moduladores Sigma-Delta de alto orden basados en osciladores. En primer lugar se ha estudiado la equivalencia entre los integradores clásicos y los integradores referidos a la fase, seguido de una descripción de los conversores basados en osciladores publicados en los últimos años. A continuación se presenta un procedimiento para reemplazar integradores clásicos por integradores referidos a la fase, incluyendo un ejemplo de diseño de un modulador Sigma-Delta de segundo orden basado en osciladores. Posteriormente se describen los principales problemas que limitan el rendimiento de este tipo de sistemas, como el ruido de fase, el jitter o la metaestabilidad. Esta tesis también presenta un nuevo método para evaluar el impacto del ruido de fase y de la distorsión en sistemas basados en osciladores. El método propuesto está basado en simulaciones PSS, las cuales permiten la rápida estimación del rango dinámico del sistema sin necesidad de recurrir a simulaciones temporales. Además, este trabajo describe una nueva técnica para analizar el impacto del jitter de reloj en moduladores Sigma-Delta. En esta tesis se han implementado dos circuitos integrados en tecnología CMOS de 0.13 μm, con el fin de demostrar la viabilidad de los moduladores Sigma-Delta de alto orden basados en osciladores. Ambos chips han sido diseñados para producir conformación espectral de ruido de segundo orden, usando únicamente osciladores y circuitos mayoritariamente digitales. El primer chip ha mostrado un error en el funcionamiento de los circuitos digitales debido a la complejidad de las estructuras multi-bit utilizadas. El segundo chip, implementado usando contadores de un solo bit con el fin de simplificar el sistema, consigue conformación espectral de ruido de segundo orden y alcanza 103 dB-A de rango dinámico en el ancho de banda del audio, ocupando solo 0.04 mm2.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Georges G.E. Gielen.- Secretario: José Manuel de la Rosa.- Vocal: Ana Rus

    Oversampled analog-to-digital converter architectures based on pulse frequency modulation

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe purpose of this research work is providing new insights in the development of voltage-controlled oscillator based analog-to-digital converters (VCO-based ADCs). Time-encoding based ADCs have become of great interest to the designer community due to the possibility of implementing mostly digital circuits, which are well suited for current deep-submicron CMOS processes. Within this topic, VCO-based ADCs are one of the most promising candidates. VCO-based ADCs have typically been analyzed considering the output phase of the oscillator as a state variable, similar to the state variables considered in __ modulation loops. Although this assumption might take us to functional designs (as verified by literature), it does not take into account neither the oscillation parameters of the VCO nor the deterministic nature of quantization noise. To overcome this issue, we propose an interpretation of these type of systems based on the pulse frequency modulation (PFM) theory. This permits us to analytically calculate the quantization noise, in terms of the working parameters of the system. We also propose a linear model that applies to VCO-based systems. Thanks to it, we can determine the different error processes involved in the digitization of the input data, and the performance limitations which these processes direct to. A generic model for any order open-loop VCO-based ADCs is made based on the PFM theory. However, we will see that only the first-order case and a second order approximation can be implemented in practice. The PFM theory also allows us to propose novel approaches to both single-stage and multistage VCObased architectures. We describe open-loop architectures such as VCO-based architectures with digital precoding, PFM-based architectures that can be used as efficient ADCs or MASH architectures with optimal noise-transfer-function (NTF) zeros. We also make a first approach to the proposal and analysis of closed loop architectures. At the same time, we deal with one of the main limitations of VCOs (especially those built with ring oscillators), which is the non-linear voltage to- frequency relation. In this document, we describe two techniques mitigate this phenomenon. Firstly, we propose to use a pulse width modulator in front of the VCO. This way, there are only two possible oscillation states. Consequently, the oscillator works linearly. To validate the proposed technique, an experimental prototype was implemented in a 40-nm CMOS process. The chip showed noise problems that degraded the expected resolution, but allowed us to verify that the potential performance was close to the expected one. A potential signal-to-noise-distortion ratio (SNDR) equal to 56 dB was achieved in 20 MHz bandwidth, consuming 2.15 mW with an occupied area equal to 0.03 mm2. In comparison to other equivalent systems, the proposed architecture is simpler, while keeping similar power consumption and linearity properties. Secondly, we used a pulse frequency modulator to implement a second ADC. The proposed architecture is intrinsically linear and uses a digital delay line to increase the resolution of the converter. One experimental prototype was implemented in a 40-nm CMOS process using one of these architectures. Proper results were measured from this prototype. These results allowed us to verify that the PFM-based architecture could be used as an efficient ADC. The measured peak SNDR was equal to 53 dB in 20 MHz bandwidth, consuming 3.5 mW with an occupied area equal to 0.08 mm2. The architecture shows a great linearity, and in comparison to related work, it consumes less power and occupies similar area. In general, the theoretical analyses and the architectures proposed in the document are not restricted to any application. Nevertheless, in the case of the experimental chips, the specifications required for these converters were linked to communication applications (e.g. VDSL, VDSL2, or even G.fast), which means medium resolution (9-10 bits), high bandwidth (20 MHz), low power and low area.El propósito del trabajo presentado en este documento es aportar una nueva perspectiva para el diseño de convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión. Los convertidores analógico-digitales con codificación temporal han llamado la atención durante los últimos años de la comunidad de diseñadores debido a la posibilidad de implementarlos en su gran mayoría con circuitos digitales, los cuales son muy apropiados para los procesos de diseño manométricos. En este ámbito, los convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión son uno de los candidatos más prometedores. Los convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión han sido típicamente analizados considerando que la fase del oscilador es una variable de estado similar a las que se observan en los moduladores __. Aunque esta consideración puede llevarnos a diseños funcionales (como se puede apreciar en muchos artículos de la literatura), en ella no se tiene en cuenta ni los parámetros de oscilación ni la naturaleza determinística del ruido de cuantificación. Para solventar esta cuestión, en este documento se propone una interpretación alternativa de este tipo de sistemas haciendo uso de la teoría de la modulación por frecuencia de pulsos. Esto nos permite calcular de forma analítica las ecuaciones que modelan el ruido de cuantificación en función de los parámetros de oscilación. Se propone también un modelo lineal para el análisis de convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión. Este modelo permite determinar las diferentes fuentes de error que se producen durante el proceso de digitalización de los datos de entrada y las limitaciones que suponen. Un modelo genérico de convertidor de cualquier orden se propone con la ayuda de este modelo. Sin embargo, solo los casos de primer orden y una aproximación al caso de segundo orden se pueden implementar en la práctica. La teoría de la modulación por frecuencia de pulsos también permite nuevas perspectivas para la propuesta y el análisis tanto de arquitecturas de una sola etapa como de arquitecturas de varias etapas construidas con osciladores controlados por tensión. Se proponen y se describen arquitecturas en lazo abierto como son las basadas en osciladores controlador por tensión con moduladores digitales en la etapa de entrada, moduladores por frecuencia de pulsos que se utilizan como convertidores analógico-digitales eficientes o arquitecturas en cascada en las que se optimizan la distribución de los ceros en la función de transferencia del ruido. También se realiza una aproximación a la propuesta y el análisis de arquitecturas en lazo cerrado. Al mismo tiempo, se aborda una de las problemáticas más importantes de los osciladores controlados por tensión (especialmente en aquellos implementados mediante osciladores en anillo): la relación tensión-freculineal que presentan este tipo de circuitos. En el documento, se describen dos técnicas cuyo objetivo es mitigar esta limitación. La primera técnica de corrección se basa en el uso de un modulador por ancho de pulsos antes del oscilador controlado por tensión. De esta forma, solo existen dos estados de oscilación en el oscilador, se trabaja de forma lineal y no se genera distorsión en los datos de salida. La técnica se propone de forma teórica haciendo uso de la teoría desarrollada previamente. Para llevar a cabo la validación de la propuesta teórica se fabricó un prototipo experimental en un proceso CMOS de 40-nm. El chip mostró problemas de ruido que limitaban la resolución, sin embargo, nos permitió velicar que la resolución ideal que se podrá haber obtenido estaba muy cercana a la resolución esperada. Se obtuvo una potencial relación señal-(ruido-distorsión) igual a 56 dB en 20 MHz de ancho de banda, un consumo de 2.15 mW y un área igual a 0.03 mm2. En comparación con sistemas equivalentes, la arquitectura propuesta es más simple al mismo tiempo que se mantiene el consumo así como la linealidad. A continuación, se propone la implementación de un convertidor analógico digital mediante un modulador por frecuencia de pulsos. La arquitectura propuesta es intrínsecamente lineal y hace uso de una línea de retraso digital con el fin de mejorar la resolución del convertidor. Como parte del trabajo experimental, se fabricó otro chip en tecnología CMOS de 40 nm con dicha arquitectura, de la que se obtuvieron resultados notables. Estos resultados permitieron verificar que la arquitectura propuesta, en efecto, podrá emplearse como convertidor analógico-digital eficiente. La arquitectura consigue una relación real señal-(ruido-distorsión) igual a 53 dB en 20 MHz de ancho de banda, un consumo de 3.5 mW y un área igual a 0.08 mm2. Se obtiene una gran linealidad y, en comparación con arquitecturas equivalentes, el consumo es menor mientras que el área ocupada se mantiene similar. En general, las aportaciones propuestas en este documento se pueden aplicar a cualquier tipo de aplicación, independientemente de los requisitos de resolución, ancho de banda, consumo u área. Sin embargo, en el caso de los prototipos fabricados, las especificaciones se relacionan con el ámbito de las comunicaciones (VDSL, VDSL2, o incluso G.fast), en donde se requiere una resolución media (9-10 bits), alto ancho de banda (20 MHz), manteniendo bajo consumo y baja área ocupada.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Michael Peter Kennedy.- Secretario: Antonio Jesús López Martín.- Vocal: Jörg Hauptman

    Digital Centric Multi-Gigabit SerDes Design and Verification

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    Advances in semiconductor manufacturing still lead to ever decreasing feature sizes and constantly allow higher degrees of integration in application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Therefore the bandwidth requirements on the external interfaces of such systems on chips (SoC) are steadily growing. Yet, as the number of pins on these ASICs is not increasing in the same pace - known as pin limitation - the bandwidth per pin has to be increased. SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer) technology, which allows to transfer data serially at very high data rates of 25Gbps and more is a key technology to overcome pin limitation and exploit the computing power that can be achieved in todays SoCs. As such SerDes blocks together with the digital logic interfacing them form complex mixed signal systems, verification of performance and functional correctness is very challenging. In this thesis a novel mixed-signal design methodology is proposed, which tightly couples model and implementation in order to ensure consistency throughout the design cycles and hereby accelerate the overall implementation flow. A tool flow that has been developed is presented, which integrates well into state of the art electronic design automation (EDA) environments and enables the usage of this methodology in practice. Further, the design space of todays high-speed serial links is analyzed and an architecture is proposed, which pushes complexity into the digital domain in order to achieve robustness, portability between manufacturing processes and scaling with advanced node technologies. The all digital phase locked loop (PLL) and clock data recovery (CDR), which have been developed are described in detail. The developed design flow was used for the implementation of the SerDes architecture in a 28nm silicon process and proved to be indispensable for future projects

    Analysis of Current Conveyor based Switched Capacitor Circuits for Application in ∆Σ Modulators

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    The reduction in supply voltage, loss of dynamic range and increased noise prevent the analog circuits from taking advantage of advanced technologies. Therefore the trend is to move all signal processing tasks to digital domain where advantages of technology scaling can be used. Due to this, there exists a need for data converters with large signal bandwidths, higher speeds and greater dynamic range to act as an interface between real world analog and digital signals. The Delta Sigma (∆Σ) modulator is a data converter that makes use of large sampling rates and noise shaping techniques to achieve high resolution in the band of interest. The modulator consists of analog integrators and comparators which create a modulated digital bit stream whose average represents the input value. Due to their simplicity, they are popular in narrow band receivers, medical and sensor applications. However Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amps) or Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs), which are commonly used in data converters, present a bottleneck. Due to low supply voltages, designers rely on folded cascode, multistage cascade and bulk driven topologies for their designs. Although the two stage or multistage cascade topologies offer good gain and bandwidth, they suffer from stability problems due to multiple stages and feedback requiring large compensation capacitors. Therefore other low voltage Switched-Capacitor (SC) circuit techniques were developed to overcome these problems, based on inverters, comparators and unity gain buffers. In this thesis we present an alternative approach to design of ∆Σ modulators using Second Generation Current Conveyors (CCIIs). The important feature of these modulators is the replacement of the traditional Op-Amp based SC integrators with CCII based SC integrators. The main design issues such as the effect of the non-idealities in the CCIIs are considered in the operation of SC circuits and solutions are proposed to cancel them. Design tradeoffs and guidelines for various components of the circuit are presented through analysis of existing and the proposed SC circuits. A two step adaptive calibration technique is presented which uses few additional components to measure the integrator input output characteristic and linearize it for providing optimum performance over a wide range of sampling frequencies while maintaining low power and area. The presented CCII integrator and calibration circuit are used in the design of a 4th order (2-2 cascade) ∆Σ modulator which has been fabricated in UMC 90nm/1V technology through Europractice. Experimental values for Signal to Noise+Distortion Ratio (SNDR), Dynamic Range (DR) and Figure Of Merit (FOM) show that the modulator can compete with state of art reconfigurable Discrete-Time (DT) architectures while using lower gain stages and less design complexity

    Contribution à l’étude et la réalisation d’un générateur de signaux radiofréquences analogiques pour la radio logicielle intégrale

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    The increasing density of wireless devices and the associated communication flows sharing the same air interface will require a smart and agile use of frequency resources. This thesis proposes a flexible, low cost and low power disruptive transmitter architecture. It uses a differentiating coding scheme which leverages a mathematical and technological reduction of the energy cost of information conversion. The design of a DAC suited to this architecture is developed and its performances are assessed toward RF signal generation. The measurements of a demonstrator designed in 65 nm CMOS technology bring a proof of concept.Une utilisation intelligente de l’espace Hertzien sera nécessaire pour permettre au nombre croissant d’objets sans-fil connectés de communiquer dans le même espace de propagation. Ces travaux de thèse proposent une architecture d’émetteur radiofréquence flexible, faible coût et faible consommation, en rupture avec les techniques conventionnelles. Cet émetteur est fondé sur un encodage de la dérivée du signal à générer, ce qui permet de réduire le coût énergétique de la conversion de l’information. Un convertisseur numérique analogique compatible avec cette architecture est présenté et ses performances sont évaluées dans le cadre de la génération de signaux radiofréquence. Les résultats de mesures obtenus avec un prototype réalisé en technologie CMOS 65 nm apporte la preuve du concept

    Contribution à l'étude et à la réalisation d'un générateur de signaux radiofréquences analogiques pour la radio logicielle intégrale

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    The increasing density of wireless devices and the associated communication flowssharing the same air interface will require a smart and agile use of frequency resources. Thisthesis proposes a flexible, low cost and low power disruptive transmitter architecture. It usesa differentiating coding scheme which leverages a mathematical and technological reduction ofthe energy cost of information conversion. The design of a DAC suited to this architecture isdeveloped and its performances are assessed toward RF signal generation. The measurementsof a demonstrator designed in 65 nm CMOS technology bring a proof of concept.Une utilisation intelligente de l’espace Hertzien sera nécessaire pour permettre aunombre croissant d’objets sans-fil connectés de communiquer dans le même espace de propagation.Ces travaux de thèse proposent une architecture d’émetteur radiofréquence flexible, faiblecoût et faible consommation, en rupture avec les techniques conventionnelles. Cet émetteur estfondé sur un encodage de la dérivée du signal à générer, ce qui permet de réduire le coût énergétiquede la conversion de l’information. Un convertisseur numérique analogique compatibleavec cette architecture est présenté et ses performances sont évaluées dans le cadre de la générationde signaux radiofréquence. Les résultats de mesures obtenus avec un prototype réalisé entechnologie CMOS 65 nm apporte la preuve du concept

    Integrated circuits for wearable systems based on flexible electronics

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    Integrated circuits for wearable systems based on flexible electronics

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    Concurrent Multi-Band Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers for Emerging Wireless Communications

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    Emerging wireless communication is shifting toward data-centric broadband services, resulting in employment of sophisticated and spectrum efficient modulation and access techniques. This yields communication signals with large peak-to-average power ratios (PAPR) and stringent linearity requirements. For example, future wireless communication standard, such as long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) require adoption of carrier aggregation techniques to improve their effective modulation bandwidth. The carrier aggregation technique for LTE-A incorporates multiple carriers over a wide frequency range to create a wider bandwidth of up to 100MHz. This will require future power amplifiers (PAs) and transmitters to efficiently amplify concurrent multi-band signals with large PAPR, while maintaining good linearity. Different back-off efficiency enhancement techniques are available, such as envelope tracking (ET) and Doherty. ET has gained a lot of attention recently as it can be applied to both base station and mobile transmitters. Unfortunately, few publications have investigated concurrent multi-band amplification using ET PAs, mainly due to the limited bandwidth of the envelope amplifier. In this thesis, a novel approach to enable concurrent amplification of multi-band signals using a single ET PA will be presented. This thesis begins by studying the sources of nonlinearities in single-band and dual-band PAs. Based on the analysis, a design methodology is proposed to reduce the sources of memory effects in single-band and dual-band PAs from the circuit design stage and improve their linearizability. Using the proposed design methodology, a 45W GaN PA was designed. The PA was linearized using easy to implement, memoryless digital pre-distortion (DPD) with 8 and 28 coefficients when driven with single-band and dual-band signals, respectively. This analysis and design methodology will enable the design of PAs with reduced memory effects, which can be linearized using simple, power efficient linearization techniques, such as lookup table or memoryless polynomial DPD. Note that the power dissipation of the linearization engine becomes crucial as we move toward smaller base station cells, such as femto- and pico-cells, where complicated DPD models cannot be implemented due to their significant power overhead. This analysis is also very important when implementing a multi-band ET PA system, where the sources of memory effects in the PA itself are minimized through the proposed design methodology. Next, the principle of concurrent dual-band ET operation using the low frequency component (LFC) of the envelope of the dual-band signal is presented. The proposed dual-band ET PA modulates the drain voltage of the PA using the LFC of the envelope of the dual-band signal. This will enable concurrent dual-band operation of the ET PA without posing extra bandwidth requirements on the envelope amplifier. A detailed efficiency and linearity analysis of the dual-band ET PA is also presented. Furthermore, a new dual-band DPD model with supply dependency is proposed in this thesis, capable of capturing and compensating for the sources of distortion in the dual-band ET PA. To the best of our knowledge, concurrent dual-band operation of ET PAs using the LFC of the envelope of the dual-band signal is presented for the first time in the literature. The proposed dual-band ET operation is validated using the measurement results of two GaN ET PA prototypes. Lastly, the principle of concurrent dual-band ET operation is extended to multi-band signals using the LFC of the envelope of the multi-band signal. The proposed multi-band ET operation is validated using the measurement results of a tri-band ET PA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported tri-band ET PA in literature. The tri-band ET PA is linearized using a new tri-band DPD model with supply dependency

    High efficiency wide-band line drivers in low voltage CMOS using Class-D techniques

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    In this thesis, the applicability of Class-D amplifiers to integrated wide-band communication line driver applications is studied. While Class-D techniques can address some of the efficiency limitations of linear amplifier structures and have shown promising results in low frequency applications, the low frequency techniques and knowledge need further development in order to improve their practicality for wide band systems. New structures and techniques to extend the application of Class-D to wide-band communication systems, in particular the HomePlug AV wire- line communication standard, will be proposed. Additionally, the digital processing requirements of these wide-band systems drives rapid movement towards nanometer technology nodes and presents new challenges which will be addressed, and new opportunities which will be exploited, for wide-band integrated Class-D line drivers. There are three main contributions of this research. First, a model of Class-D efficiency degradation mechanisms is created, which allows the impact of high-level design choices such as supply voltage, process technology and operating frequency to be assessed. The outcome of this section is a strategy for pushing the high efficiency of Class-D to wide band communication applications, with switching frequencies up to many hundreds of Megahertz. A second part of this research considers the design of efficient, fast and high power Class-D output stages, as these are the major efficiency and bandwidth bottleneck in wide-band applications. A novel NMOS-only totem pole output stage with a fast, integrated drive structure will be proposed. In a third section, a complete wide-band Class-D line driver is designed in a 0.13μm digital CMOS process. The line driver is systematically designed using a rigorous development methodology and the aims are to maximise the achievable signal bandwidth while minimising power dissipation. Novel circuits and circuit structures are proposed as part of this section and the resulting fabricated Class-D line driver test chip shows an efficiency of 15% while driving a 30MHz wide signal with an MTPR of 22dB, at 33mW injected power