101 research outputs found

    Cooperative distributed MPC for tracking

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    This paper proposes a cooperative distributed linear model predictive control (MPC) strategy for tracking changing setpoints, applicable to any finite number of subsystems. The proposed controller is able to drive the whole system to any admissible setpoint in an admissible way, ensuring feasibility under any change of setpoint. It also provides a larger domain of attraction than standard distributed MPC for regulation, due to the particular terminal constraint. Moreover, the controller ensures convergence to the centralized optimum, even in the case of coupled constraints. This is possible thanks to the warm start used to initialize the optimization Algorithm, and to the design of the cost function, which integrates a Steady-State Target Optimizer (SSTO). The controller is applied to a real four-tank plant

    Model predictive control design for multivariable processes in the presence of valve stiction

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    This paper presents different formulations of Model Predictive Control (MPC) to handle static friction in control valves for industrial processes. A fully unaware formulation, a stiction embedding structure, and a stiction inversion controller are considered. These controllers are applied to multivariable systems, with linear and nonlinear process dynamics. A semiphysical model is used for valve stiction dynamics and the corresponding inverse model is derived and used within the stiction inversion controller. The two-move stiction compensation method is revised and used as warm-start to build a feasible trajectory for the MPC optimal control problem. Some appropriate choices of objective functions and constraints are used with the aim of improving performance in set-points tracking. The different MPC formulations are reviewed, compared, and tested on several simulation examples. Stiction embedding MPC proves to guarantee good performance in set-points tracking and also stiction compensation, at the expense of a lower robustness with respect to other two formulations

    Design and Application of Offset-Free Model Predictive Control Disturbance Observation Method

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    Model predictive control (MPC) with its lower request to the mathematical model, excellent control performance, and convenience online calculation has developed into a very important subdiscipline with rich theory foundation and practical application. However, unmeasurable disturbance is widespread in industrial processes, which is difficult to deal with directly at present. In most of the implemented MPC strategies, the method of incorporating a constant output disturbance into the process model is introduced to solve this problem, but it fails to achieve offset-free control once the unmeasured disturbances access the process. Based on the Kalman filter theory, the problem is solved by using a more general disturbance model which is superior to the constant output disturbance model. This paper presents the necessary conditions for offset-free model predictive control based on the model. By applying disturbance model, the unmeasurable disturbance vectors are augmented as the states of control system, and the Kalman filer is used to estimate unmeasurable disturbance and its effect on the output. Then, the dynamic matrix control (DMC) algorithm is improved by utilizing the feed-forward compensation control strategy with the disturbance estimated

    Model-based control algorithms for the quadruple tank system: An experimental comparison

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    We compare the performance of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control, linear model predictive control (LMPC), and nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) for a physical setup of the quadruple tank system (QTS). We estimate the parameters in a continuous-discrete time stochastic nonlinear model for the QTS using a prediction-error-method based on the measured process data and a maximum likelihood (ML) criterion. In the NMPC algorithm, we use this identified continuous-discrete time stochastic nonlinear model. The LMPC algorithm is based on a linearization of this nonlinear model. We tune the PID controller using Skogestad's IMC tuning rules using a transfer function representation of the linearized model. Norms of the observed tracking errors and the rate of change of the manipulated variables are used to compare the performance of the control algorithms. The LMPC and NMPC perform better than the PID controller for a predefined time-varying setpoint trajectory. The LMPC and NMPC algorithms have similar performance.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, to be published in Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control (FOCAPO/CPC 2023). Hilton San Antonio Hill Country, San Antonio, Texa

    Controle reconfigurável de processos sujeitos a falhas em atuadores : uma abordagem baseada no MPC em duas camadas

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    Orientadores: Flávio Vasconcelos da Silva, Thiago Vaz da CostaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: Plantas industriais modernas estão suscetíveis a falhas em equipamentos de processo e em instrumentos e componentes da malha de controle. Tais eventos anormais podem acarretar danos a equipamentos, degradação do desempenho do processo e até cenários extremos como a parada da planta e acidentes graves. Em vista disso, o emprego de sistemas de controle tolerante a falhas visa a elevar o grau de confiabilidade e segurança do processo por meio do tratamento e mitigação de eventos anormais, evitando que evoluam para situações críticas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma técnica de controle reconfigurável tolerante a falhas para processos sujeitos a falhas em atuadores. A presente proposta é baseada em abordagens por atuadores virtuais e ocultação da falha. Essas técnicas consistem no recálculo das ações de controle e na ocultação da falha do ponto de vista do controlador nominal, permitindo que o mesmo seja mantido após a reconfiguração da malha de controle. Na presente proposta, o atuador virtual é baseado na estrutura do controlador preditivo em duas camadas. Uma camada consiste no cálculo de referências para as variáveis de entrada e para o desvio previsto entre o comportamento da planta nominal e com falha. A outra camada, por sua vez, é responsável por conduzir as variáveis de processo para as referências calculadas na etapa anterior. Ambas as camadas são baseadas em problemas de programação quadrática e levam em consideração as restrições do processo, como limites de atuadores e desvios permissíveis em relação ao comportamento nominal da planta. Essa técnica possibilita a consideração de cenários de falhas nos quais não há graus de liberdade suficientes para a manutenção de variáveis controladas em valores desejados. Assim, a estimativa de perturbações permite que novas referências atingíveis sejam calculadas, ainda que haja erros de identificação do modelo pós-falha do processo. Por fim, a estrutura de controle proposta foi aplicada em simulações utilizando um processo de tanques quádruplos, bem como em experimentos conduzidos em uma planta de neutralização de pHAbstract: Modern industrial plants are susceptible to faults in process equipment and in instruments and components of the control loop. Such abnormal events can lead to equipment damage, degradation of process performance and even extreme scenarios such as plant shutdown and serious accidents. Thus, the use of fault-tolerant control systems aims to increase process reliability and safety by treating and mitigating abnormal events, preventing them from evolving to critical situations. In this sense, this work aims to develop a reconfigurable fault tolerant control technique for processes subject to actuator faults. The present proposal is based on the virtual actuator and fault hiding approaches. These techniques consist of recomputing control actions and hiding the fault from the nominal controller perspective, allowing it to be maintained after the control loop reconfiguration. We propose a virtual actuator based on the two-layer model predictive control structure. One layer consists of calculating references for input variables and for the predicted deviation between the nominal and faulty plant behaviors. The other layer, in turn, is responsible for driving process variables to the references calculated in the previous step. Both layers are based on quadratic programming problems and take into account process constraints such as actuator limits and permissible deviations from the nominal plant behavior. This technique allows the consideration of fault scenarios in which there are not enough degrees of freedom for the maintenance of controlled variables in desired values. Thus, disturbance estimation allows the calculation of new achievable references, even though there are identification errors in the post-fault model. Finally, the proposed control structure has been applied to an experimental pH neutralization plant. Finally, the proposed control structure was applied in simulations to a quadruple-tank process as well as in experiments conducted in a pH neutralization plantMestradoSistemas de Processos Quimicos e InformaticaMestre em Engenharia Química130952/2015-0CNP

    Robust data-based predictive control of systems with parametric uncertainties: Paving the way for cooperative learning

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    This article combines data and tube-based predictive control to deal with systems with bounded parametric uncertainty. This integration generates robustly feasible control sequences that can also be exploited in cooperative scenarios where controllers learn from each other’s data. In particular, the approach is based on a database that contains information from previous executions of the same and other controllers handling similar systems. By the combination of feasible histories plus an auxiliary control law that deals with bounded uncertainties, which only needs to be stabilizing for at least one of the system realizations within the uncertainty set, this scheme provides a finite-horizon predictive controller that guarantees exponential stability and robust constraint satisfaction. The validity and benefits of the proposed scheme are shown in case studies with linear and non-linear dynamics.Unión Europea : OCONTSOLAR (ref. 789051)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-119476RB-I00Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2022- 141159OB-I0