103 research outputs found

    An interpolating curve subdivision scheme based on discrete first derivative

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    This paper develops a new scheme of four points for interpolating curve subdivision based on the discrete fi rst derivative (DFDS), which reduces the apparition of undesirable oscillations that can be formed on the limit curve when the control points do not follow a uniform parameterization. We used a set of 3000 curves whose control points were randomly generated. Smooth curves were obtained after seven steps of subdivision using fi ve schemes DFDS, Four-Point (4P), New four-point (N4P), Tight four-point (T4P) and the geometrically controlled scheme (GC4P). The tortuosity property was evaluated on every smooth curve. An analysis for the frequency distributions of this property using the Kruskal-Wallis test reveals that DFDS scheme has the lowest values in a close range

    Shape preserving C2C^2 interpolatory subdivision schemes

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    Stationary interpolatory subdivision schemes which preserve shape properties such as convexity or monotonicity are constructed. The schemes are rational in the data and generate limit functions that are at least C2C^2. The emphasis is on a class of six-point convexity preserving subdivision schemes that generate C2C^2 limit functions. In addition, a class of six-point monotonicity preserving schemes that also leads to C2C^2 limit functions is introduced. As the algebra is far too complicated for an analytical proof of smoothness, validation has been performed by a simple numerical methodology

    Exponential pseudo-splines: Looking beyond exponential B-splines

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    Pseudo-splines are a rich family of functions that allows the user to meet various demands for balancing polynomial reproduction (i.e., approximation power), regularity and support size. Such a family includes, as special members, B-spline functions, universally known for their usefulness in different fields of application. When replacing polynomial reproduction by exponential polynomial reproduction, a new family of functions is obtained. This new family is here constructed and called the family of exponential pseudo-splines. It is the nonstationary counterpart of (polynomial) pseudo-splines and includes exponential B-splines as a special subclass. In this work we provide a computational strategy for deriving the explicit expression of the Laurent polynomial sequence that identifies the family of exponential pseudo-spline nonstationary subdivision schemes. For this family we study its symmetry properties and perform its convergence and regularity analysis. Finally, we also show that the family of primal exponential pseudo-splines fills in the gap between exponential B-splines and interpolatory cardinal functions. This extends the analogous property of primal pseudo-spline stationary subdivision schemes

    Arbitrary topology meshes in geometric design and vector graphics

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    Meshes are a powerful means to represent objects and shapes both in 2D and 3D, but the techniques based on meshes can only be used in certain regular settings and restrict their usage. Meshes with an arbitrary topology have many interesting applications in geometric design and (vector) graphics, and can give designers more freedom in designing complex objects. In the first part of the thesis we look at how these meshes can be used in computer aided design to represent objects that consist of multiple regular meshes that are constructed together. Then we extend the B-spline surface technique from the regular setting to work on extraordinary regions in meshes so that multisided B-spline patches are created. In addition, we show how to render multisided objects efficiently, through using the GPU and tessellation. In the second part of the thesis we look at how the gradient mesh vector graphics primitives can be combined with procedural noise functions to create expressive but sparsely defined vector graphic images. We also look at how the gradient mesh can be extended to arbitrary topology variants. Here, we compare existing work with two new formulations of a polygonal gradient mesh. Finally we show how we can turn any image into a vector graphics image in an efficient manner. This vectorisation process automatically extracts important image features and constructs a mesh around it. This automatic pipeline is very efficient and even facilitates interactive image vectorisation

    Functional representation and manipulation of shapes with applications in surface and solid modeling

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    Real-valued functions have wide applications in various areas within computer graphics. In this work, we examine three representation of shapes using functions. In particular, we study the classical B-spline representation of piece-wise polynomials in the univariate domain. We provide a generalization of B-spline to the bivariate domain using intuition gained from the univariate construction. We also study the popular scheme of representing 3D density distribution using a uniform, rectilinear grid, where we provide a novel contouring scheme that culls occluded inner geometries. Lastly, we examine a ray-based representation for 3D indicator functions called ray-rep, for which we present a novel meshing scheme with multi-material extensions

    Real Time Rendering of Deformable and Semi-Transparent Objects by Volume Rendering

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    Volume rendering is one of the key technique to display data from diverse application fields like medicine, industrial quality control, and numerical simulations in an appropriate way. The current main limitations are still the inadequate rendering speed and the limited flexibility of the most efficient algorithms. In this dissertation, we developed three new algorithms for the acceleration of direct volume rendering and volume deformation. The first algorithm consists on a first step, on the reimplementation of the existing preintegration volume rendering approach, where the gray values between two sampling points change linearly, by considering the correct not simplified volume rendering integral, i.e, considering the attenuation factor as well as the shading function during the precompuation process. On a second step, we extended our algorithm to quadratic and higher order polynomial model. The preintegration speed for linear model is increased by a factor of 10. The second algorithm accelerates shear warp and ray casting process. While acceleration techniques like space leaping and early ray termination are efficient when rendering volumes with most of the voxels are mapped either opaque or transparent, encoding coherence appeared more efficient for rendering semi-transparent volumes. It's an approach for coding empty regions to a coherency encoding that can describe regions where the opacity changes linearly. We reimplemented this technique using a volume graphics library (VGL). We improved it by using the preintegration technique to evaluate opacity and shading inside the coherent region. We achieved a speedup of up to a factor of 3. The third algorithm is for volume deformation. The applied technique is the ray deformation where the volume deforming and the volume rendering are incorporated into a single process. This is implemented in our approach, by combining the Free Form Deformation (FFD) and inverse ray deformation. Unlike the previous implementation, our opacity and shading calculation are based on the preintegration technique which allows us to handle different lengths of the sampled intervals in the polyline segments which approximate the deformed ray

    New Techniques for the Modeling, Processing and Visualization of Surfaces and Volumes

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    With the advent of powerful 3D acquisition technology, there is a growing demand for the modeling, processing, and visualization of surfaces and volumes. The proposed methods must be efficient and robust, and they must be able to extract the essential structure of the data and to easily and quickly convey the most significant information to a human observer. Independent of the specific nature of the data, the following fundamental problems can be identified: shape reconstruction from discrete samples, data analysis, and data compression. This thesis presents several novel solutions to these problems for surfaces (Part I) and volumes (Part II). For surfaces, we adopt the well-known triangle mesh representation and develop new algorithms for discrete curvature estimation,detection of feature lines, and line-art rendering (Chapter 3), for connectivity encoding (Chapter 4), and for topology preserving compression of 2D vector fields (Chapter 5). For volumes, that are often given as discrete samples, we base our approach for reconstruction and visualization on the use of new trivariate spline spaces on a certain tetrahedral partition. We study the properties of the new spline spaces (Chapter 7) and present efficient algorithms for reconstruction and visualization by iso-surface rendering for both, regularly (Chapter 8) and irregularly (Chapter 9) distributed data samples

    3-D inelastic analysis methods for hot section components (base program)

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    A 3-D inelastic analysis methods program consists of a series of computer codes embodying a progression of mathematical models (mechanics of materials, special finite element, boundary element) for streamlined analysis of combustor liners, turbine blades, and turbine vanes. These models address the effects of high temperatures and thermal/mechanical loadings on the local (stress/strain) and global (dynamics, buckling) structural behavior of the three selected components. These models are used to solve 3-D inelastic problems using linear approximations in the sense that stresses/strains and temperatures in generic modeling regions are linear functions of the spatial coordinates, and solution increments for load, temperature and/or time are extrapolated linearly from previous information. Three linear formulation computer codes, referred to as MOMM (Mechanics of Materials Model), MHOST (MARC-Hot Section Technology), and BEST (Boundary Element Stress Technology), were developed and are described

    The virtual knife

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