255,126 research outputs found

    User manual of the CATSS system (version 1.0) communication analysis tool for space station

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    The Communication Analysis Tool for the Space Station (CATSS) is a FORTRAN language software package capable of predicting the communications links performance for the Space Station (SS) communication and tracking (C & T) system. An interactive software package was currently developed to run on the DEC/VAX computers. The CATSS models and evaluates the various C & T links of the SS, which includes the modulation schemes such as Binary-Phase-Shift-Keying (BPSK), BPSK with Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (PN/BPSK), and M-ary Frequency-Shift-Keying with Frequency Hopping (FH/MFSK). Optical Space Communication link is also included. CATSS is a C & T system engineering tool used to predict and analyze the system performance for different link environment. Identification of system weaknesses is achieved through evaluation of performance with varying system parameters. System tradeoff for different values of system parameters are made based on the performance prediction


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    The objective of this Final Year Project is to develop a probability and statistics software for an engineering application to model the price of lamps to its many desirable characteristics and then suggesting the most suitable lamp to be used. Users use this software-modeling tool to estimate the price of lamp and to forecast the billing cost for a specific lamp by using the power consumption and time ofusage. The proposed framework of the system consists of three inter related components; the database will provide input to the model, the modeling and user interface that provides a channel for the user to communicate with the system. Three stages have been identified in order to develop the system. They are variable identification, statistical model development and the development of the software. Severalvariables have been identified but it is observed that the main variables that is quantifiable and to have effect on price are wattage (W), brightness (lumens), diameter (mm), length (mm), average lifetime (hour) and Correlated Color Temperature CCT (K). The model that was identified is multiple regression analysis. This model is then incorporated in an interactive interface


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    Trans Jogja is one means of ground transportation is located in Yogyakarta, which operate using certain routes so as to not raise and lower the passengers. Passengers who will use Trans Jogja should use The already provided on each line. But not every Stop there are means of information that shows the paths traversed, for a while at the bus stop just use a map. So it is not yet able to provide information to its full potential. At the end of the project is the author of designing maps more interactive so that users are more helpful for Trans Jogja.The advantages of Map Trans Jogja Route is to take the map using electronic circuits work simultaneously. In making a map of The Trasnjogja-based Microcontroller ATmega 32 consists of several stages, namely: (1) identification of needs, (2) analysis of needs, (3) concept design, (4) and (5) testing. This tool is composed of software and hardware.The software consists of basic language with BASCOM. The hardware using catudaya 5 volt DC system with minimum, ATmega 32 as an indicator LED, LCD, as the Viewer output. This tool works with a voltage of 5 volt supplay which flows from the catudaya series minimum system for mensupplay LED and LCD. In addition, there are 6 key push button that serves as the command input, while for LCDs and LEDs as outputs. Six buttons on this tool serves as a special line of Trans Jogja that has endured and the menu reset, for Trans Jogja line menu consists of 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B. 3A, 3B. From the menu there is a line that has the same Trans Jogja bus such as line 1A there is a bus stop where the lines of 1B so that there are 64 stops Trans Jogja that has endured. This tool works as planned, run the command pushbutton, and then processed in the ATmega Microcontroller 32 and issuing output through the LCD and LED indicators. The LCD and LEDS are enabled as a guide line and hints of the existence of the site.With inisemoga Trans Jogja users more easily get information more clear and optimal. Keywords: ATmega Microcontroller 32, Map the Trans Jogja

    ConfIs: a tool for privacy and security analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design.

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    Privacy and security requirements, and their potential conflicts, are increasingly having more and more importance. It is becoming a necessary part to be considered, starting from the very early stages of requirements engineering, and in the entire software engineering cycle, for the design of any software system. In the last few years, this has been even more emphasized and required by the law. A relevant example is the case of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires organizations, and their software engineers, to enforce and guarantee privacy-by-design to make their platforms compliant with the regulation. In this context, complex activities related to privacy and security requirements elicitation, analysis, mapping and identification of potential conflicts, and the individuation of their resolution, become crucial. In the literature, there is not available a comprehensive requirement engineering oriented tool for supporting the requirements analyst. In this paper, we propose ConfIs, a tool for supporting the analyst in performing a process covering these phases in a systematic and interactive way. We present ConfIs and its process with a realistic example from DEFeND, an EU project aiming at supporting organizations in achieving GDPR compliance. In this context, we evaluated ConfIs by involving privacy/security requirements experts, which recognized our tool and method as supportive, concerning these complex activities

    CyTest – An Innovative Open-source Platform for Training and Testing in Cythopathology

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    Abstract This paper describes an e-learning platform developed in the context of the European Project CyTest (2014-1-IT01-KA202-002607), dedicated to Cytological Training at European Standard through Telepathology. The main, and novel, feature of our system is the deep integration between virtual microscopy and the training system: images are not simply there to be seen but they are active parts of testing, supporting quantitative measurement of image comprehension, for instance by evaluating the identification of relevant cellular structures by the position of markers put by the student on the image. The solution we developed offers a complete tool for easy creation and interactive access to questions related to images and fully integrates the components of virtual microscopy and teaching, based on state-of-the-art instruments for digital pathology images management, as OMERO, and for training course distribution, as Moodle. The system can be easily extended to support histopathological diagnosis. The software is distributed as Open Source and available on GitHub

    Building an Open-Source Archive for Born-Digital Dissertations

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    This proposal for a Level I Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant would support an interdisciplinary workshop aimed at identifying the issues, opportunities and requirements for developing an open-source system into which born-digital dissertations (e.g., interactive webtexts, software, games, etc.) can be deposited and maintained, and through which they can be accessed and cross-referenced. The workshop will build upon the framework set up by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLDT) and the United States Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA), which support the creation and dissemination of digital dissertations, but, despite best efforts, do not currently offer a comprehensive, central repository or index of born-digital dissertations such as exists for print (e.g., Proquest). One of the primary goals for this workshop will be to develop a plan for the development of such a tool as well as the identification of a project advisory board


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    Theobjective of thisfinal year project is to develop a probability and statistics software for engineering application. The chosen engineering application is modeling and forecasting copper prices for industries. The software may be used by managers, market researchers, and survey companies, in making decisions in copper-related business. The price of copper has been volatile over the years due to competing materials, remaining stocks available, and economic uncertainties. Therefore, me software modeling tool will be useful to forecast the future price of copper to enable the user in making someadjustments or preparation in their business. The proposed framework of the system consists of three inter related components, the database that will provide input to the model, the forecasting modeling and user interface that provides a medium for the userto communicate with the system. Three stages have been identified in order to develop the system. They are variable identification, statistical model development and the development of the software. Several variables have been identified but only eight variables are finalized as the independent variables ofthe model. The models mat were identified are multiple regression analysis and time series. The best possible R2 obtained in the modeling is 0.939 which is quite high. The accuracy ofthe forecasted price ofcopper isapproximately higher than 87%.The model is incorporated in an interactive user-friendly interface

    Simple identification tools in FishBase

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    Simple identification tools for fish species were included in the FishBase information system from its inception. Early tools made use of the relational model and characters like fin ray meristics. Soon pictures and drawings were added as a further help, similar to a field guide. Later came the computerization of existing dichotomous keys, again in combination with pictures and other information, and the ability to restrict possible species by country, area, or taxonomic group. Today, www.FishBase.org offers four different ways to identify species. This paper describes these tools with their advantages and disadvantages, and suggests various options for further development. It explores the possibility of a holistic and integrated computeraided strategy

    The ALADIN Interactive Sky Atlas

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    The Aladin interactive sky atlas, developed at CDS, is a service providing simultaneous access to digitized images of the sky, astronomical catalogues, and databases. The driving motivation is to facilitate direct, visual comparison of observational data at any wavelength with images of the optical sky, and with reference catalogues. The set of available sky images consists of the STScI Digitized Sky Surveys, completed with high resolution images of crowded regions scanned at the MAMA facility in Paris. A Java WWW interface to the system is available at: http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/Comment: 8 pages, 3 Postscript figures; to be published in A&

    An embedded intracranial seizure monitor for objective outcome measurements and rhythm identification

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    Providing clinicians with objective outcomes of neuromodulation therapy is a key unmet need, especially in emerging areas such as epilepsy and mood disorders. These diseases have episodic behavior and circadian/multidien rhythm characteristics that are difficult to capture in short clinical follow-ups. This work presents preliminary validation evidence for an implantable neuromodulation system with integrated physiological event monitoring, with an initial focus on seizure tracking for epilepsy. The system was developed to address currently unmet requirements for patients undergoing neuromodulation therapy for neurological disorders, specifically the ability to sense physiological data during stimulation and track events with seconds-level granularity. The system incorporates an interactive software tool to enable optimal configuration of the signal processing chain on an embedded implantable device (the Picostim–DyNeuMo Mk-2) including data ingestion from the device loop recorder, event labeling, generation of filter and classification parameters, as well as summary statistics. When the monitor parameters are optimized, the user can wirelessly update the system for chronic event tracking. The simulated performance of the device was assessed using an in silico model with human data to predict the real-time device performance at tracking recorded seizure activity. The in silico performance was then compared against its performance in an in vitro model to capture the full environmental constraints such as sensing during stimulation at the tissue electrode interface. In vitro modeling demonstrated comparable results to the in silico model, providing verification of the software tool and model. This study provides validation evidence of the suitability of the proposed system for tracking longitudinal seizure activity. Given its flexibility, the event monitor can be adapted to track other disorders with episodic and rhythmic symptoms represented by bioelectrical behavior. Clinical relevance — An implantable neuromodulation system is presented that enables chronic tracking of physiological events in disease. This physiological monitor provides the basis for longitudinal assessments of therapy outcomes for patients, such as those with epilepsy where objective identification of patient seizure activity and rhythms might help guide therapy optimization. The system is configurable for other disease states such as Parkinson’s disease and mood disorders
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