12 research outputs found

    Engineering change management from the viewpoint of corporate reputation

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    Evaluation the suppliers using Analytic hierarchy process(AHP): An application in the textile firm

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    Tedarikçi seçimi, hem sayısal hem de sayısal olmayan kriterleri içeren karmaşık çok kriterli bir problemdir. Tedarikçileri seçmek için, birbirleriyle çatışan bu kriterler arasında değiş-tokuş yapmak gereklidir. Tedarikçi seçim problemini çözmek için literatürde farklı yaklaşımlar önerilmiştir. Özellikle Saaty‘nin geliştirdiği Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci(AHS), problemin çözümünde sayısal ve sayısal olmayan tüm kriterleri göz önünde bulundurduğu için daha kullanışlı bir yaklaşımdır. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, AHS‘yi kullanarak bir tekstil firmasının tedarikçi seçim problemini çözmektir. Önerilen model beş alternatif, yedi ana ve on üç alt kriter arasındaki ilişkilerin hiyerarşik bir yapıda temsilini içerir. Yirmi bir ikili karşılaştırma matrisinin elde edilmesinde odak grup yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Modelin çözüm sonuçları verilmiş ve duyarlılık analizleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, firma yönetimi için önemli çıkarsamalar ve öneriler sunulmuştur. Supplier selection is a complex multi-criteria problem which includes both qualitative and quantitative criteria. In order to select the suppliers, it is necessary to make a tradeoff between these criteria some of which may conflict. Different approaches are suggested to solve the supplier selection problem in the literature. Especially, Saaty‘s analytic hierarchy process (AHS) is more useful approach for the problem, because of its inherent capability to handle qualitative and quantitative criteria.The main purpose of this study is to solve the supplier selection problem of the textile firm by using AHS. The proposed model consists of a hierarchical network of connections among five alternatives, seven main and thirteen sub criteria. Twenty-one pairwise comparison matrices were obtained by using focus group methodology. The results are presented and the sensitivity analyses are performed. Finally, some suggestions and important clues for the management are presented

    The Fundamentals of Global Outsourcing for Manufacturers

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    Partner selection in agile supply chains: A fuzzy intelligent approach

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    Partner selection is a fundamental issue in supply chain management as it contributes significantly to overall supply chain performance. However, such decision-making is problematic due to the need to consider both tangible and intangible factors, which cause vagueness, ambiguity and complexity. This paper proposes a new fuzzy intelligent approach for partner selection in agile supply chains by using fuzzy set theory in combination with radial basis function artificial neural network. Using these two approaches in combination enables the model to classify potential partners in the qualification phase of partner selection efficiently and effectively using very large amounts of both qualitative and quantitative data. The paper includes a worked empirical application of the model with data from 84 representative companies within the Chinese electrical components and equipment industry, to demonstrate its suitability for helping organisational decision-makers in partner selection

    Research on supply chain partner selection and task allocation based on fuzzy theory under an uncertain environment

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    Nowadays the enterprises pay the closer attention to the relationship among suppliers, manufacturers and distributors due to the global competitive market economy. And they manage the supply chain through establishing strategic cooperative partnership, which can greatly enhance the competitive advantage and obtain greater overall profits. In this paper, the fuzzy theory is applied to study the supply chain partner selection and the task coarse allocation problem in under multi-attribute fuzzy comprehensive decision-making and fuzzy constraints. Finally, the fuzzy comprehensive decision of supply chain network structure was verified through the case of Shaoxing textile.Hoy en día las empresas prestan más atención a la relación entre proveedores, fabricantes y distribuidores debido a la competitiva economía de mercado global. Y manejan la cadena de suministro a través del establecimiento de una asociación estratégica de cooperación, que puede mejorar en gran medida la ventaja competitiva y obtener mayores beneficios en general. En este artículo, la teoría difusa se aplica para estudiar la selección de socios de la cadena de suministro y el problema de asignación de tareas gruesas en la toma de decisiones globales difusas de múltiples atributo y las restricciones difusas. Por último, la decisión global difusa de la estructura de la red de la cadena de suministro se verificó a través del caso de Shaoxing textil

    Subcontractor selection practices in international construction projects

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    This paper presents a study of subcontractor selection practices of Turkish contractors in international projects. The results highlight the current subcontracting practices of main contracting firms that have resulted in a long‐lasting market share abroad. Toward this aim, a detailed questionnaire was administered to 96 construction companies. Turkish and host countries’ subcontractors were shown to be frequently employed in international projects. However, subcontracting firms from other countries were found to not be used. Main contracting companies generally select subcontractors in the periods after the main tender or after the project's start. Although many of them often work with previously known subcontracting companies and do not take into account the lowest bid price as the primary criterion, systematic processes or models are not used to select the best subcontractor. Most importantly, main contractors not only use subcontractors but also carry out activities using their in‐house resources. Hence, this study will not only be a step for further works that can be performed by potential researchers who may find interesting similarities or differences between their countries and Turkey, but also assist contractors who plan to strengthen their positions and to increase work opportunities in the international market. Santrauka Straipsnyje pateikiami Turkijos generaliniu rangovu praktiniai subrangovu parinkimo tyrimai, vykdant tarptautinius pro‐jektus. Akcentuojama dabartine generalinio rangovo imoniu subrangos praktika, kuri sudaro ilgalaike ir plačia rinkos dali. Šiam tikslui buvo išsamiai apklausta iki 96 statybos imoniu. Turkijos ir kitu vadovaujančiaja pozicija užimančiu šaliu subrangovai teige, kad dažnai dirba su tarptautiniais projektais. Tačiau kitu šaliu subrangos imones nedalyvauja toje veik‐loje. Generalines rangovo imones paprastai pasirenka subrangovus pateikus pagrindini pasiūlyma arba projekto pradžioje. Nors daugelis iš ju dažnai dirba su jau anksčiau žinomomis subrangos imonemis ir pasirinkdamos geriausia subrangova neatsižvelgia i pagrindini rodikli‐ žemiausia siūloma kaina, nenaudoja sisteminiu procesu ar modeliu. Svarbiausia, kad generaliniai rangovai naudojasi ne tik subrangovu paslaugomis, bet ir vykdo veikla, naudodamiesi ju turimais vidaus ištekliais. Taigi šis tyrimas bus ne tik potencialiu tyreju žingsnis igyvendinti ir rasti idomiu panašumu bei skirtumu tarp šiu šaliu ir Turkijos, bet ir padeti rangovams stiprinti savo pozicijas bei didinti isidarbinimo galimybes tarptautineje rin‐koje. First Publish Online: 15 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: subrangovai, parinkimas, užsienio projektai, statybos imone

    Designing a Multistage Supply Chain in Cross-Stage Reverse Logistics Environments: Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms

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    This study designed a cross-stage reverse logistics course for defective products so that damaged products generated in downstream partners can be directly returned to upstream partners throughout the stages of a supply chain for rework and maintenance. To solve this reverse supply chain design problem, an optimal cross-stage reverse logistics mathematical model was developed. In addition, we developed a genetic algorithm (GA) and three particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms: the inertia weight method (PSOA_IWM), VMax method (PSOA_VMM), and constriction factor method (PSOA_CFM), which we employed to find solutions to support this mathematical model. Finally, a real case and five simulative cases with different scopes were used to compare the execution times, convergence times, and objective function values of the four algorithms used to validate the model proposed in this study. Regarding system execution time, the GA consumed more time than the other three PSOs did. Regarding objective function value, the GA, PSOA_IWM, and PSOA_CFM could obtain a lower convergence value than PSOA_VMM could. Finally, PSOA_IWM demonstrated a faster convergence speed than PSOA_VMM, PSOA_CFM, and the GA did

    Supplier selection in the Malaysian telecommunications industry

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Supplier selection plays an important role in any organisation. This study investigates and examines supplier selection criteria and the impacts on buying firm performance; specifically focusing on the telecommunications industry in Malaysia. Previous studies in this area have focussed on the criteria such as quality, price, delivery, supplier relationship management and decision making tools and techniques. However, little research has been undertaken to include government policies and business ethics as elements in the supplier selection criteria. After a literature review and interviews, the development of conceptual frameworks and a number of hypotheses were put forward. To achieve an in-depth study, four major telecommunications service provider companies in Malaysia were chosen as a case study. A questionnaire was used as the main instrument in gathering data. The questionnaire is principally concerned with the understanding of supplier selection and its criteria; based upon the variables that are used for the model and hypothesis testing. The study also investigates the relationship between supplier selection and the impact of supplier selection to the company performance. This model was tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique with the AMOS software application. Results indicated all of the criteria include quality, price, delivery, supplier relationship management, decision making tools and techniques, government policy and business ethics as valid constructs. A good model fit was also established. The findings of this research conclude that the influencing criteria to supplier selection in the telecommunications industry in Malaysia are supplier delivery performance standards and supplier relationship management even when considering the remainder of the above mentioned elements.The price factors were found to be less important due to this factor possibly leading to unhealthy competition in the market in terms of price wars among the suppliers in order to win the business. Most of the criteria are also interrelated to each other and affect the supplier selection decision. This model has added new perspectives to the study of supplier selection in the supply chain management field. As for future research it is suggested that intangible elements such as political, cultural and social influences are included in the conceptual framework; as this would offer important insight for management bodies in organisation, academia and public policy fields alike

    An investigation into the material efficiency practices of UK manufacturers

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    This thesis examines the Material Efficiency practices of manufacturing companies in the UK. The study was motivated by the increasing attention given by literature to sustainable strategies in general, with less attention being given to material resources which in turn contributes to the reduced supply of natural resources, persistent solid waste and toxicity. There is also a lack of insight about how the manufacturing industry is coping with pressures to reduce solid waste and better utilise materials as resources. A critical literature review identifies Material Efficiency and related strategies and any issues of implementation. This academic perspective is supported by an exploratory study of Material Efficiency practices using multiple case studies and qualitative data collection and analysis. The participating companies selected were manufacturing companies that practice Material Efficiency and any related strategies. It was found that manufacturers do practice Material Efficiency and related strategies although few of them use the names and constructs found in the literature. Most of the companies do practice the lowest strategy (e.g. Waste Minimisation) in the sustainable manufacturing hierarchy, while most companies struggle with developing the higher strategies such as Resource Efficiency and Eco-efficiency, in part due to measurement complexity. The investigation found a set of attributes in the difficulties, benefits and accelerators that affect manufacturers when implementing Material Efficiency strategies and also studied the factors that motivated the manufacturers to implement and to choose the strategies. It is found from this research that these attributes are interrelated and dependent on each company’s context such as company’s size, type of product, and type of materials used etc. The findings describe real Material Efficiency practices as used inside the UK manufacturing industry, while comparing actual practice to what has been suggested in the literature. The study provides insight into how companies experience and practice Material Efficiency and other related sustainable manufacturing strategies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo