86 research outputs found

    Deep learning to find colorectal polyps in colonoscopy: A systematic literature review

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    Colorectal cancer has a great incidence rate worldwide, but its early detection significantly increases the survival rate. Colonoscopy is the gold standard procedure for diagnosis and removal of colorectal lesions with potential to evolve into cancer and computer-aided detection systems can help gastroenterologists to increase the adenoma detection rate, one of the main indicators for colonoscopy quality and predictor for colorectal cancer prevention. The recent success of deep learning approaches in computer vision has also reached this field and has boosted the number of proposed methods for polyp detection, localization and segmentation. Through a systematic search, 35 works have been retrieved. The current systematic review provides an analysis of these methods, stating advantages and disadvantages for the different categories used; comments seven publicly available datasets of colonoscopy images; analyses the metrics used for reporting and identifies future challenges and recommendations. Convolutional neural networks are the most used architecture together with an important presence of data augmentation strategies, mainly based on image transformations and the use of patches. End-to-end methods are preferred over hybrid methods, with a rising tendency. As for detection and localization tasks, the most used metric for reporting is the recall, while Intersection over Union is highly used in segmentation. One of the major concerns is the difficulty for a fair comparison and reproducibility of methods. Even despite the organization of challenges, there is still a need for a common validation framework based on a large, annotated and publicly available database, which also includes the most convenient metrics to report results. Finally, it is also important to highlight that efforts should be focused in the future on proving the clinical value of the deep learning based methods, by increasing the adenoma detection rate.This work was partially supported by PICCOLO project. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 732111. The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Federico Soria for his support on this manuscript and Dr. José Carlos Marín, from Hospital 12 de Octubre, and Dr. Ángel Calderón and Dr. Francisco Polo, from Hospital de Basurto, for the images in Fig. 4

    Assessing generalisability of deep learning-based polyp detection and segmentation methods through a computer vision challenge

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    Polyps are well-known cancer precursors identified by colonoscopy. However, variability in their size, appearance, and location makes the detection of polyps challenging. Moreover, colonoscopy surveillance and removal of polyps are highly operator-dependent procedures and occur in a highly complex organ topology. There exists a high missed detection rate and incomplete removal of colonic polyps. To assist in clinical procedures and reduce missed rates, automated methods for detecting and segmenting polyps using machine learning have been achieved in past years. However, the major drawback in most of these methods is their ability to generalise to out-of-sample unseen datasets from different centres, populations, modalities, and acquisition systems. To test this hypothesis rigorously, we, together with expert gastroenterologists, curated a multi-centre and multi-population dataset acquired from six different colonoscopy systems and challenged the computational expert teams to develop robust automated detection and segmentation methods in a crowd-sourcing Endoscopic computer vision challenge. This work put forward rigorous generalisability tests and assesses the usability of devised deep learning methods in dynamic and actual clinical colonoscopy procedures. We analyse the results of four top performing teams for the detection task and five top performing teams for the segmentation task. Our analyses demonstrate that the top-ranking teams concentrated mainly on accuracy over the real-time performance required for clinical applicability. We further dissect the devised methods and provide an experiment-based hypothesis that reveals the need for improved generalisability to tackle diversity present in multi-centre datasets and routine clinical procedures

    Towards Secure and Intelligent Diagnosis: Deep Learning and Blockchain Technology for Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death across the world after cardiovascular disease. The survival rate of patients with cancerous tissue can significantly decrease due to late-stage diagnosis. Nowadays, advancements of whole slide imaging scanners have resulted in a dramatic increase of patient data in the domain of digital pathology. Large-scale histopathology images need to be analyzed promptly for early cancer detection which is critical for improving patient's survival rate and treatment planning. Advances of medical image processing and deep learning methods have facilitated the extraction and analysis of high-level features from histopathological data that could assist in life-critical diagnosis and reduce the considerable healthcare cost associated with cancer. In clinical trials, due to the complexity and large variance of collected image data, developing computer-aided diagnosis systems to support quantitative medical image analysis is an area of active research. The first goal of this research is to automate the classification and segmentation process of cancerous regions in histopathology images of different cancer tissues by developing models using deep learning-based architectures. In this research, a framework with different modules is proposed, including (1) data pre-processing, (2) data augmentation, (3) feature extraction, and (4) deep learning architectures. Four validation studies were designed to conduct this research. (1) differentiating benign and malignant lesions in breast cancer (2) differentiating between immature leukemic blasts and normal cells in leukemia cancer (3) differentiating benign and malignant regions in lung cancer, and (4) differentiating benign and malignant regions in colorectal cancer. Training machine learning models, disease diagnosis, and treatment often requires collecting patients' medical data. Privacy and trusted authenticity concerns make data owners reluctant to share their personal and medical data. Motivated by the advantages of Blockchain technology in healthcare data sharing frameworks, the focus of the second part of this research is to integrate Blockchain technology in computer-aided diagnosis systems to address the problems of managing access control, authentication, provenance, and confidentiality of sensitive medical data. To do so, a hierarchical identity and attribute-based access control mechanism using smart contract and Ethereum Blockchain is proposed to securely process healthcare data without revealing sensitive information to an unauthorized party leveraging the trustworthiness of transactions in a collaborative healthcare environment. The proposed access control mechanism provides a solution to the challenges associated with centralized access control systems and ensures data transparency and traceability for secure data sharing, and data ownership

    Deep Learning-based Solutions to Improve Diagnosis in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy

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    [eng] Deep Learning (DL) models have gained extensive attention due to their remarkable performance in a wide range of real-world applications, particularly in computer vision. This achievement, combined with the increase in available medical records, has made it possible to open up new opportunities for analyzing and interpreting healthcare data. This symbiotic relationship can enhance the diagnostic process by identifying abnormalities, patterns, and trends, resulting in more precise, personalized, and effective healthcare for patients. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) is a non-invasive medical imaging technique used to visualize the entire Gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Up to this moment, physicians meticulously review the captured frames to identify pathologies and diagnose patients. This manual process is time- consuming and prone to errors due to the challenges of interpreting the complex nature of WCE procedures. Thus, it demands a high level of attention, expertise, and experience. To overcome these drawbacks, shorten the screening process, and improve the diagnosis, efficient and accurate DL methods are required. This thesis proposes DL solutions to the following problems encountered in the analysis of WCE studies: pathology detection, anatomical landmark identification, and Out-of-Distribution (OOD) sample handling. These solutions aim to achieve robust systems that minimize the duration of the video analysis and reduce the number of undetected lesions. Throughout their development, several DL drawbacks have appeared, including small and imbalanced datasets. These limitations have also been addressed, ensuring that they do not hinder the generalization of neural networks, leading to suboptimal performance and overfitting. To address the previous WCE problems and overcome the DL challenges, the proposed systems adopt various strategies that utilize the power advantage of Triplet Loss (TL) and Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) techniques. Mainly, TL has been used to improve the generalization of the models, while SSL methods have been employed to leverage the unlabeled data to obtain useful representations. The presented methods achieve State-of-the-art results in the aforementioned medical problems and contribute to the ongoing research to improve the diagnostic of WCE studies.[cat] Els models d’aprenentatge profund (AP) han acaparat molta atenció a causa del seu rendiment en una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions del món real, especialment en visió per ordinador. Aquest fet, combinat amb l'increment de registres mèdics disponibles, ha permès obrir noves oportunitats per analitzar i interpretar les dades sanitàries. Aquesta relació simbiòtica pot millorar el procés de diagnòstic identificant anomalies, patrons i tendències, amb la conseqüent obtenció de diagnòstics sanitaris més precisos, personalitzats i eficients per als pacients. La Capsula endoscòpica (WCE) és una tècnica d'imatge mèdica no invasiva utilitzada per visualitzar tot el tracte gastrointestinal (GI). Fins ara, els metges revisen minuciosament els fotogrames capturats per identificar patologies i diagnosticar pacients. Aquest procés manual requereix temps i és propens a errors. Per tant, exigeix un alt nivell d'atenció, experiència i especialització. Per superar aquests inconvenients, reduir la durada del procés de detecció i millorar el diagnòstic, es requereixen mètodes eficients i precisos d’AP. Aquesta tesi proposa solucions que utilitzen AP per als següents problemes trobats en l'anàlisi dels estudis de WCE: detecció de patologies, identificació de punts de referència anatòmics i gestió de mostres que pertanyen fora del domini. Aquestes solucions tenen com a objectiu aconseguir sistemes robustos que minimitzin la durada de l'anàlisi del vídeo i redueixin el nombre de lesions no detectades. Durant el seu desenvolupament, han sorgit diversos inconvenients relacionats amb l’AP, com ara conjunts de dades petits i desequilibrats. Aquestes limitacions també s'han abordat per assegurar que no obstaculitzin la generalització de les xarxes neuronals, evitant un rendiment subòptim. Per abordar els problemes anteriors de WCE i superar els reptes d’AP, els sistemes proposats adopten diverses estratègies que aprofiten l'avantatge de la Triplet Loss (TL) i les tècniques d’auto-aprenentatge. Principalment, s'ha utilitzat TL per millorar la generalització dels models, mentre que els mètodes d’autoaprenentatge s'han emprat per aprofitar les dades sense etiquetar i obtenir representacions útils. Els mètodes presentats aconsegueixen bons resultats en els problemes mèdics esmentats i contribueixen a la investigació en curs per millorar el diagnòstic dels estudis de WCE

    The impact of pre- and post-image processing techniques on deep learning frameworks: A comprehensive review for digital pathology image analysis

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    Recently, deep learning frameworks have rapidly become the main methodology for analyzing medical images. Due to their powerful learning ability and advantages in dealing with complex patterns, deep learning algorithms are ideal for image analysis challenges, particularly in the field of digital pathology. The variety of image analysis tasks in the context of deep learning includes classification (e.g., healthy vs. cancerous tissue), detection (e.g., lymphocytes and mitosis counting), and segmentation (e.g., nuclei and glands segmentation). The majority of recent machine learning methods in digital pathology have a pre- and/or post-processing stage which is integrated with a deep neural network. These stages, based on traditional image processing methods, are employed to make the subsequent classification, detection, or segmentation problem easier to solve. Several studies have shown how the integration of pre- and post-processing methods within a deep learning pipeline can further increase the model's performance when compared to the network by itself. The aim of this review is to provide an overview on the types of methods that are used within deep learning frameworks either to optimally prepare the input (pre-processing) or to improve the results of the network output (post-processing), focusing on digital pathology image analysis. Many of the techniques presented here, especially the post-processing methods, are not limited to digital pathology but can be extended to almost any image analysis field

    The impact of pre- and post-image processing techniques on deep learning frameworks: A comprehensive review for digital pathology image analysis.

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    Recently, deep learning frameworks have rapidly become the main methodology for analyzing medical images. Due to their powerful learning ability and advantages in dealing with complex patterns, deep learning algorithms are ideal for image analysis challenges, particularly in the field of digital pathology. The variety of image analysis tasks in the context of deep learning includes classification (e.g., healthy vs. cancerous tissue), detection (e.g., lymphocytes and mitosis counting), and segmentation (e.g., nuclei and glands segmentation). The majority of recent machine learning methods in digital pathology have a pre- and/or post-processing stage which is integrated with a deep neural network. These stages, based on traditional image processing methods, are employed to make the subsequent classification, detection, or segmentation problem easier to solve. Several studies have shown how the integration of pre- and post-processing methods within a deep learning pipeline can further increase the model's performance when compared to the network by itself. The aim of this review is to provide an overview on the types of methods that are used within deep learning frameworks either to optimally prepare the input (pre-processing) or to improve the results of the network output (post-processing), focusing on digital pathology image analysis. Many of the techniques presented here, especially the post-processing methods, are not limited to digital pathology but can be extended to almost any image analysis field