24 research outputs found

    What kind of video gamer are you?

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose.- This paper attempts to understand the extent to which the effect of motivations on purchase intention varies for diverse segments of video gamers (depending on their personality). Design/Methodology.- Information was collected from 511 Spanish video game consumers. Structural equation modeling, clustering, and multi-group analysis were then conducted to compare results between segments of gamers. Findings.- Results show that hedonic, social and mainly addiction motivations lead to purchase intention of game-related products. Moreover, we identify a typology of gamer that gives rise to differences in motivations-purchase intention links: (1) Analysts include individuals who are essentially conscientious, prefer inventive or cognitive and simulation games and whose behavior is more influenced by hedonic and social motivations to play; (2) Socializers comprise individuals who are mainly extrovert and emotionally stable gamers and who prefer sports and strategy games. The motivations to play that affect their purchase intentions are mainly social; and (3) Sentinels include individuals that are unmindful and introvert, prefer inventive, cognitive, sports and simulation games, and whose social motivations drive their purchase intentions. Originality.- There are 2,200 million video gamers around the world, although it is assumed that this vast market is not homogeneous, which has implications for consumer motivations and purchase intention. However, the currently available classifications that address this challenge are rather limited. In this sense, the present paper provides valuable insights into understanding how personality offers a useful variable to segment consumers in the video game industry and how it moderates the effect of motivations on purchase behavior.Ministerio de Economía y Competetitividad (proyecto ECO2017-82107-R)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17

    Overcoming the monetization challenge in freemium online games

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    Purpose: Online games based on a freemium business model face the monetization challenge. The purpose of this paper is to examine how players’ achievement orientation, social orientation and sense of community contribute to willingness to pay (WtP). Design/methodology/approach: A multi-method study of an online game community is used. Interviews and participant observation are used to develop an understanding of social and achievement orientations followed by the development of hypotheses that are tested using survey data. Findings: The findings indicate that a sense of community is positively related to WtP, whereas satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service provider is not. The authors examine the moderating role of players’ achievement orientation and social orientation and find that while a stronger connection to the community may encourage achievement-oriented players to pay, the opposite is indicated for socially oriented players. Practical implications: Decision makers need to understand that not all players are potential payers; while socially oriented users can help to maintain and grow the community, achievement-oriented players are more likely to pay for the value they extract from the community. Originality/value: While communities are held together by people with common interests, which intuitively suggests that WtP increases with the strength of connection to the community, the authors find this only applies in the case of players with an achievement orientation. For those with a social orientation, WtP may actually decrease as their connection to the community increases. These perhaps counter-intuitive findings constitute a novel contribution of value for both theory and practice

    Learning analytics and psychophysiology : understanding the learning process in a STEM game

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    This study focuses on the exploration of player experience in educational games and its potential impact on predicting learning outcomes. Specifically, the research aims to investigate the connection psychophysiology data, obtained through a summative study involving nine participants, and the results of a learning analytics model derived from a larger field test. The study incorporates eye tracking and electrodermal activity data to gain insights into the predictive power of this data. Through the analysis of player experience data, the study sheds light on the factors that contribute to effective educational game design. By examining the eye tracking and EDA data, the researchers explored the participants' engagement levels, attention patterns, and emotional arousal during gameplay. These findings revealed a connection between spikes of visual attention and EDA during interactions with character faces as well as in game cinematics. In conclusion, the outcomes of this study provide valuable insights for future educational game designers. By understanding the relationship between user experience indicators and learning analytics, designers can tailor game elements to enhance engagement, attention, and emotional arousal, ultimately leading to improved learning outcomes. The integration of eye tracking and EDA data in user experience studies adds a new dimension to the evaluation and design of educational games. The findings pave the way for future research in the field and highlight the importance of considering user experience as a crucial factor in educational game design and development.Includes bibliographical references


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    Esport je grana industrije zabave koja je u eksponencijalnom rastu te svake godine privlači sve više igrača, fanova i pratitelja. Esport podrazumijeva natjecanje u igranju video igara. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati nužnost i značaj komunikacije u svijetu igrača video igri s obzirom na to da se u ljudskoj svakodnevnici komunikacijske vještine nameću kao najznačajnija kategorija vještina koja dijeli uspješne od neuspješnih. O komunikaciji u timu uvelike može ovisiti sam ishod igre zbog čega je važno da su igrači svjesni načela i elemenata komunikacije, ali i značaja potrebe za jednom osobom u timu koja će, između ostaloga, biti idealan posrednik informacija, odnosno vješti komunikator. Rezultati istraživanja provedenog pomoću online anketnog obrasca u razdoblju od 10. do 17. rujna 2021. godine, na uzorku od 126 igrača igre League of Legends: Summoner\u27s Rift čije se prebivalište nalazi na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske, pokazali su kako je većina ispitanika svjesna značaja komunikacije za vrijeme igre, odnosno da je komunikacija vrlo važan element koji može direktno utjecati na ishod igre.Esport is a branch of the entertainment industry that is growing exponentially and attracts more and more players, fans and followers every year. Esport implies competition in playing video games. The aim of this paper is to analyze the necessity and importance of communication in the world of video game players, given that in human everyday life communication skills are imposed as the most important category of skills that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. The outcome of the game can largely depend on the communication in the team, which is why it is important that players are aware of the principles and elements of communication, but also of the importance of the need for one person in the team who will be an ideal mediator, that is a skillful communicator. The results of a survey conducted using an online survey form in the period from September 10 to September 17, 2021, on a sample of 126 players of the game League of Legends: Summoner\u27s Rift whose residence is located in the Republic of Croatia, showed that most respondents are aware of the importance of communication during the game or of the fact that communication is a very important element that can directly affect the outcome of the game

    Locus of control and involvement in videogaming

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    Abstract An external locus of control (feeling low personal control over one’s life) has been linked with excessive/addictive behaviours, including problematic videogaming. The current study sought to determine whether this is driven by the opportunity for greater control over one’s environment within a videogame. Participants (n = 252, 59% males) completed a traditional locus of control scale, alongside a modified version assessing in-game feelings of control. Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that feeling less under the control of powerful others in-game than in the real world was a significant predictor of gaming frequency (standardised β = .31, p < .0005), while feeling comparatively more internal control in-game than in real life significantly predicted problematic gaming (standardised β = .17, p = .02). This demonstrates that locus of control in-game can diverge from that experienced in the real world, and the degree of divergence could be a risk factor for frequent and/or problematic gaming in some individuals

    Video Game Playing and Beliefs about Masculinity Among Male and Female Emerging Adults

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    Video games have been soundly critiqued for their depiction of gender, and emerging research has shown that playing can be associated with holding stereotypical or narrow views of gender roles and norms. Yet, rarely has past research focused particularly on correlations between video game playing and perceptions of masculinity, in particular, despite critiques of gaming content and culture as a space where a type of hypermasculinity thrives. The current study explores the relationships between the overall amount of time spent with video games and time spent with games that contain violence with beliefs that emerging adults hold about masculine gender role norms. In a sample of 244 young adult video game players from across the United States, amount of perceived violence in favorite games is shown to predict scores on the Masculine Role Norms Index-Revised and some of its subscales, even under multiple controls. Gender identity of respondent does not moderate the relationships, thereby suggesting that both men and women players with violent favorite games are likely to endorse a view of masculinity that includes aggression, dominance, toughness, and the suppression of emotions. Implications for policymakers, students and other young adults, and for society at large are discussed

    The Student Movement Volume 105 Issue 3: Students Take Appling Break

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    NEWS Reimagining Chapel through Pulse Groups, Jenae Rogers Pacific Union College Students Evacuated After Glass Fire, Staff Unidos Through Ethnicity, Caralynn Chan PULSE Fresh Air, Fresh Produce, Jessica Rim Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice, Wambui Karanja Yo Tengo Hambre!: A Sample of Hispanic Cuisine, Interviewed by Alec Bofetiado HUMANS Diversity in the English Classroom, Interviewed by Alyssa Henriquez Kyara Samuels on Panamanian Culture, Interviewed by Ben Lee My Multicultural Experience: Eight Students Discuss The Impact of Hispanic Culture on Their Lives, Interviewed by Celeste Richardson ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Hispanic & Latinx Show and Movie Recommendations!, Megan Napod TikTok, Time\u27s Running Out, Joshua Deonarine Zoey\u27s Extraordinary Playlist, Hannah Cruse IDEAS Conversations With Me, Evin N. Musgrove Faith in Our Current Moment, Adoniah Simon Remembering RBG Part 1: Legacy of the Supreme Court Justice, American Icon and Feminist Champion, Lyle Goulbourne THE LAST WORD Gaming and \u27The Guys\u27, Daniel Selfhttps://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/sm-105/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Os Grupos de Gamers: Segmentação de Mercado dos Jogadores de Jogos Eletrônicos

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    The electronic games industry is a new, dynamic, and fast-growing economic sector. However, organizations in this industry do not know the profile of their consumers. In view of this knowledge gap, the objective of this research paper is to analyze groups of electronic games consumers in the Brazilian market, in terms of their socio-demographic, behavioral, and expenditure characteristics. Using market segmentation literature and motivational variables found in games literature, this paper uses self-organizing maps and analysis of variance to segment 601 Brazilian gamers. The results demonstrate the existence of five different groups of games players and that, in order to reach each group, different strategies need to be used. The first group consists of t players who play all the time. The second has the same features as the first, but they do not have the same amount of time available to play. The third group consists of pro players. The fourth group and fifth group are the new challenge for games companies.A indústria de jogos eletrônicos é um setor econômico novo, dinâmico e de rápido crescimento. No entanto, esta não conhece o perfil de seus consumidores. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar grupos de consumidores de jogos eletrônicos no mercado brasileiro a partir de características sociodemográficas, comportamentais e de intenções de gastos com esses produtos. Utilizando a literatura de segmentação de mercado e as variáveismotivacionais encontradas na literatura de jogos eletrônicos, este artigo utilizou-se de self-organizing maps e ANOVA para traçar uma análise de segmentação com base em uma pesquisa com 601 jogadores de jogos eletrônicos. Os resultados mostram a existência de cinco grupos diferentes de jogadores, que precisam ser atendidos por estratégias diferentes. O primeiro grupo foi formado pelos jogadores que jogam o tempo todo. O segundotem características parecidas com o primeiro, mas com menos tempo para jogar. O terceiro grupo foi formado por jogadores profissionais. O quartoe o quinto grupo são os novos desafios para as empresas de jogos

    Jogos de vídeo e aprendizagem de inglês: um estudo exploratório das percepções dos professores de pré-serviço de língua inglesa

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    The present study explores the knowledge and perceptions that 72 Chilean EFL (English as a foreign language) pre-service teachers have regarding the effect of video games in their daily and academic routine in terms of foreign language learning. By applying a 5-point Likert scale, it was possible to gather data concerning their sociodemographic characteristics and their views in relation to five dimensions: (1) Generalexperience with video games, (2) general preferences about video games, (3) strengths and weaknesses of video games, (4) video games as a learning experience, and (5) video games and the four language skills. Once the data were collected, the Spearman’s orrelation coefficient was used with the purpose of determining the relationships among the respondents’ answers. The results indicated that the four language skills, especially the receptive skills, can be practiced while playing video games. Also, digital games allowed the participants to teach and learn from other players through gameplay. This process was followed by a hierarchical cluster analysis that allocated the respondents into four groups based on the similarities of their responses.El presente estudio explora el conocimiento y las percepciones que setenta y dos profesores/as de inglés en formación, de nacionalidad chilena, tienen sobre el efecto de los videojuegos en su vida diaria y estudiantil, en términos del aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero. Al aplicar una escala de Likert de cinco puntos fue posible reunir información concerniente a sus características sociodemográficas y sus puntos de vista con relación a cinco dimensiones: (1) Experiencia general con videojuegos, (2) preferencias generales acerca de los videojuegos, (3) fortalezas y debilidades de los videojuegos, (4) videojuegos como una experiencia de aprendizaje y (5) videojuegos y las cuatro habilidades del idioma. Una vez que los datos fueron recopilados, se aplicó el análisis correlacional de Spearman para identificar relaciones entre las respuestas de los participantes. Se estableció que las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas, especialmente las receptivas, pueden ser practicadas mientras se juegan videojuegos. También, los juegos digitales permitieron a los/as participantes que enseñaran a otros jugadores/ as en línea y aprendieran de ellos/as a través del juego. Este proceso fue seguido de un análisis de conglomerados (cluster) jerárquico que asignó a los/as participantes en cuatro grupos sobre la base de las similitudes de sus respuestas.O presente estudo explora os conhecimentos e percepções que 72 professores chilenos de pré-serviço de língua inglesa têm a respeito do efeito dos jogos de vídeo em sua rotina diária e acadêmica em termos de aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras. Aplicando uma escala de 5 pontos Likert, foi possível reunir dados relativos às suas características sociodemográficas e seus pontos de vista em relação a cinco dimensões: (1) Experiência geral com jogos de vídeo; (2) Preferências gerais sobre jogos de vídeo; (3) Pontos fortes e fracos dos jogos de vídeo; (4) Jogos de vídeo como uma experiência de aprendizagem; e (5) Os videogames e as quatro habilidades linguísticas. Uma vez coletados os dados, foi aplicada uma análise de correlação Spearman com o objetivo de determinar as relações entre as respostas dos entrevistados. Os resultados indicaram que as quatro habilidades linguísticas, especialmente as habilidades receptivas, podem ser praticadas enquanto se joga jogos de vídeo. Além disso, os jogos digitais permitiram que os participantes ensinassem e aprendessem com outros jogadores através da jogabilidade. Este processo foi seguido por uma análise hierárquica de agrupamento que alocou os respondentes em quatro grupos com base nas semelhanças de suas respostas