75 research outputs found

    An Optimization Technique to Prepare Nurse Schedule for a Monthly TIME Horizon

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    Nurse scheduling problem is one of the most difficult scheduling problems to solve since its solution space is large and it expects to comply many constraints. There is no standard model or a method of solution for nurse scheduling. The main objective of this study is to search for a scientific method to prepare a monthly working schedule for a group of nursing officers employed in a hospital. We propose an optimization method to prepare an optimal schedule. Initially, we develop an optimization model by formulating the objective and the constraints of the problem. The optimization model that we are interestedin is a 0-1 Integer Linear Programming problem. We apply the Branch-and-Bound technique to solve the problem using the optimization software package LINGO. Finally, the solution to the optimization problem is formulated to a regular nurse schedule. The methodology is illustrated by preparing a monthly schedule for a private hospital in Sri Lanka

    Complicating factors in healthcare staff scheduling part 1 : case of nurse rostering

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    Nurse rostering is a hard problem inundated with inherent complicating features. This paper explores case studies on nurse rostering in order identify complicating factors common in the nurse rostering problem. A taxonomy of complicating factors is then derived. Furthermore, a closer look at the complicating factors and the solution methods applied is performed. Inadequacies of the approaches are identified, and suitable approaches derived. The study recommends future methods that are more intelligent, interactive, making use of techniques such fuzzy theory, fuzzy logic, multi-criteria decision making, and expert systems


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    In this paper, what i have been discussed, is analyzing penalties and cost shifts based on several elements for nurse scheduling problem (NSP). NSP’s issue is to assign nurses to different tasks based on constraints. The problem is known to be NP-hard, in other words it does not have a solution or needs years to be solved. In this work we try to solve the problem by satisfying the constraints set, and we also include the nurse’s preference and try to balance the difficulty level of all the involved nurses. We also analyze the complexity of the problem as a function of parameters such as number of nurses, number of shifts, and optimality of the function. According to the importance in practice, many scientists have developed NSP problems in a satisfactory time limit

    Adaptation of Shift Sequence Based Method for High Number in Shifts Rostering Problem for Health Care Workers

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    Purpose—is to investigate a shift sequence-based approach efficiency then problem consisting of a high number of shifts. Research objectives:• Solve health care workers rostering problem using a shift sequence based method.• Measure its efficiency then number of shifts increases. Design/methodology/approach—Usually rostering problems are highly constrained.Constraints are classified to soft and hard constraints. Soft and hard constraints of the problem are additionally classified to: sequence constraints, schedule constraints and roster constraints. Sequence constraints are considered when constructing shift sequences. Schedule constraints are considered when constructing a schedule. Roster constraints are applied, then constructing overall solution, i.e. combining all schedules.Shift sequence based approach consists of two stages:• Shift sequences construction,• The construction of schedules.In the shift sequences construction stage, the shift sequences are constructed for each set of health care workers of different skill, considering sequence constraints. Shifts sequences are ranked by their penalties for easier retrieval in later stage.In schedules construction stage, schedules for each health care worker are constructed iteratively, using the shift sequences produced in stage 1. Shift sequence based method is an adaptive iterative method where health care workers who received the highest schedule penalties in the last iteration are scheduled first at the current iteration. During the roster construction, and after a schedule has been generated for the current health care worker, an improvement method based on an efficient greedy local search is carried out on the partial roster. It simply swaps any pair of shifts between two health care workers in the (partial) roster, as long as the swaps satisfy hard constraints and decrease the roster penalty.Findings—Using shift sequence method for solving health care workers rostering problem is inefficient, because of large amount of shifts sequences (feasible shifts sequences are approximately 260 thousands).In order to speed up roster construction process shifts are grouped to four groups: morning shifts, day shifts, night shifts and duty shifts. There are only 64 feasible shifts sequences, in this case.After roster construction shift groups are replaced with the one of shift belonging to that group of shifts.When all shifts are added to roster, computation of workload for each schedule is performed. If computed workload is equal to the one defined in working contract, then this schedule is complete, else begin shifts revision process. During revision process those schedules are considered which do not meet work contract requirements.If computed workload is larger than the one defined in working contract, each shift is replaced with the shift, if it’s possible, with lesser duration time. If computed workload is lesser than the one defined in working contract, each shift is replaced with the shift, if it’s possible, with larger duration time.This process continues while schedule does not meet workload requirement defined in working contract or no further improvement can be made.Research limitations/implications—Problem dimension: 27 health care workers, 15 shifts, over 20 soft constraints, rostering period—one calendar month.Practical implications – modifications made to shift sequence based approach allows to construct a roster for one of the major Lithuania’s hospitals personnel in shorter time.Originality/Value—modification of shift sequence based approach is proposed

    'The application of Bayesian Optimization and Classifier Systems in Nurse Scheduling'

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    Abstract. Two ideas taken from Bayesian optimization and classifier systems are presented for personnel scheduling based on choosing a suitable scheduling rule from a set for each person's assignment. Unlike our previous work of using genetic algorithms whose learning is implicit, the learning in both approaches is explicit, i.e. we are able to identify building blocks directly. To achieve this target, the Bayesian optimization algorithm builds a Bayesian network of the joint probability distribution of the rules used to construct solutions, while the adapted classifier system assigns each rule a strength value that is constantly updated according to its usefulness in the current situation. Computational results from 52 real data instances of nurse scheduling demonstrate the success of both approaches. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed approaches might be suitable for other scheduling problems

    An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Nurse Scheduling

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    Schedules can be built in a similar way to a human scheduler by using a set of rules that involve domain knowledge. This paper presents an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) for the nurse scheduling problem, which involves choosing a suitable scheduling rule from a set for the assignment of each nurse. Unlike previous work that used Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to implement implicit learning, the learning in the proposed algorithm is explicit, i.e. we identify and mix building blocks directly. The EDA is applied to implement such explicit learning by building a Bayesian network of the joint distribution of solutions. The conditional probability of each variable in the network is computed according to an initial set of promising solutions. Subsequently, each new instance for each variable is generated by using the corresponding conditional probabilities, until all variables have been generated, i.e. in our case, a new rule string has been obtained. Another set of rule strings will be generated in this way, some of which will replace previous strings based on fitness selection. If stopping conditions are not met, the conditional probabilities for all nodes in the Bayesian network are updated again using the current set of promising rule strings. Computational results from 52 real data instances demonstrate the success of this approach. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed approach might be suitable for other scheduling problems

    Nurse Rostering: A Tabu Search Technique With Embedded Nurse Preferences

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    The decision making in assigning all nursing staffs to shift duties in a hospital unit must be done appropriately because it is a crucial task due to various requirements and constraints that need to be fulfilled. The shift assignment or also known as roster has a great impact on the nurses’ operational circumstances which are strongly related to the intensity of quality of health care. The head nurse usually spends a substantial amount of time developing manual rosters, especially when there are many staff requests. Yet, sometimes she could not ensure that all constraints are met. Therefore, this research identified the relevant constraints being imposed in solving the nurse rostering problem (NRP) and examined the efficient method to generate the nurse roster based on constraints involved. Subsequently, as part of this research, we develop a Tabu Search (TS) model to solve a particular NRP. There are two aspects of enhancement in the proposed TS model. The first aspect is in the initialization phase of the TS model, where we introduced a semi-random initialization method to produce an initial solution. The advantage of using this initialization method is that it avoids the violation of hard constraints at any time in the TS process. The second aspect is in the neighbourhood generation phase, where several neighbours need to be generated as part of the TS approach. In this phase, we introduced two different neighbourhood generation methods, which are specific to the NRP. The proposed TS model is evaluated for its efficiency, where 30 samples of rosters generated were taken for analysis. The feasible solutions (i.e. the roster) were evaluated based on their minimum penalty values. The penalty values were given based on different violations of hard and soft constraints. The TS model is able to produce efficient rosters which do not violate any hard constraints and at the same time, fulfill the soft constraints as much as possible. The performance of the model is certainly better than the manually generated model and also comparable to the existing similar nurse rostering model

    A Greedy Double Swap Heuristic for Nurse Scheduling

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    One of the key challenges of nurse scheduling problem (NSP) is the number of constraints placed on preparing the timetable, both from the regulatory requirements as well as the patients' demand for the appropriate nursing care specialists. In addition, the preferences of the nursing staffs related to their work schedules add another dimension of complexity. Most solutions proposed for solving nurse scheduling involve the use of mathematical programming and generally considers only the hard constraints. However, the psychological needs of the nurses are ignored and this resulted in subsequent interventions by the nursing staffs to remedy any deficiency and often results in last minute changes to the schedule. In this paper, we present a staff preference optimization framework which is solved with a greedy double swap heuristic. The heuristic yields good performance in speed at solving the problem. The heuristic is simple and we will demonstrate its performance by implementing it on open source spreadsheet software

    The Application of Bayesian Optimization and Classifier Systems in Nurse Scheduling

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    Two ideas taken from Bayesian optimization and classifier systems are presented for personnel scheduling based on choosing a suitable scheduling rule from a set for each persons assignment. Unlike our previous work of using genetic algorithms whose learning is implicit, the learning in both approaches is explicit, i.e. we are able to identify building blocks directly. To achieve this target, the Bayesian optimization algorithm builds a Bayesian network of the joint probability distribution of the rules used to construct solutions, while the adapted classifier system assigns each rule a strength value that is constantly updated according to its usefulness in the current situation. Computational results from 52 real data instances of nurse scheduling demonstrate the success of both approaches. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed approaches might be suitable for other scheduling problems
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