5,083 research outputs found

    Gender Differences in Selective Attention and Shopping Intention in the case of Taobao Live-show: An Eye-Tracking Study

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    Live-show video was introduced into electronic marketing place two years ago. However, it still remains unknown how such new communication ways between buyers and sellers influence individual online shopping intention. How the limited attention resource would be assigned to the main information of endogenous and exogenous cues in the video, and then lead to shopping intention become interesting and important research questions. This study examines these questions from the view of gender difference and social influence with eye-tracking tool. An experiment is designed to capture the visual pattern of selective attention to endogenous and exogenous cues when participants watching Taobao live-show video. Data from Eye-tracking index and questionnaire will be collected to validate the proposed model. Potential contributions and implications for future research are discussed

    Marketersā€™ Use Of Alternative Front-Of-Package Nutrition Symbols: An Examination Of Effects On Product Evaluations

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    How front-of-package (FOP) nutrition icon systems affect product evaluations for more and less healthful objective nutrition profiles is a critical question facing food marketers, consumers, and the public health community. We propose a conceptually-based hierarchical continuum to guide predictions regarding the effectiveness of several FOP systems currently used in the marketplace. In Studies 1a and 1b, we compare the effects of a broad set of FOP icons on nutrition evaluations linked to health, accuracy of evaluations, and purchase intentions for a single product. Based on these findings, Studies 2 and 3 test the effects of two conceptually-different FOP icon systems in a retail laboratory in which consumers make comparative evaluations of multiple products at the retail shelf. While there are favorable effects of each system beyond control conditions with no FOP icons, results show that icons with an evaluative component that aid consumersā€™ interpretations generally provide greater benefits (particularly in product comparison contexts). We offer implications for consumer packaged goods marketers, retailers, and the public policy and consumer health communities

    Creating Relevancy in Agricultural Science Information: Examining the Impact of Motivational Salience, Involvement and Pre-Existing Attitudes on Visual Attention to Scientific Information

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    Agricultural communications literature has indicated scientists are struggling to make information salient to consumers. Prior studies have examined the efficacy of message frames and types of appeals that increase visual attention and information processing among general consumers. Research suggests that value-oriented frames may connect with consumers through increased personal involvement and motivational salience. To evaluate the effects of competing message frames on visual attention, an eye-tracking experiment was conducted to understand the interaction between pre-existing attitudes and issue involvement on participantsā€™ attention to messages about genetic modification and antibiotic use in livestock. For products that are low in issue involvement (i.e., food products and scientific information), the results indicated the reader devoted more time to reading advertisements that were framed to be more motivationally salient (i.e., the value-oriented frame). Because selective attention is the first part in the sequence of how individuals process information and form attitudes, agricultural science communicators should highlight values and motivational salience in their messaging. Recommendations for practitioners and the use of eye tracking as a research tool are described

    Is digital advertising effective under conditions of low attention? : the impact of low attention processing on consumer brand consideration and choice : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    A crucial task for digital advertising is to influence choice despite consumers' lack of attention. Although lack of attention can reduce advertising effectiveness, recent research suggests that incidental exposure to ads while accessing digital content can lead to some outcome for the exposed ads. This evidence prompts four critical questions: (1) is digital advertising effective if processed at low attention; (2) can low attention processing increase brand consideration and choice; (3) what specific brand/product characteristics embedded in the ads are likely to influence the effect; and (4) what measures are appropriate to capture the low attention effects. To address the questions, three experimental studies (n = 1,423) were conducted in laboratory and online settings. The research manipulates two conditions for low attention processing, namely divided attention and incidental attention. The results show that, at least in the Twitter environment, advertising is effective even under conditions of low attention. Although focused attention still drives the greatest impact, low attention significantly increases the likelihood of target brands being included in the brand consideration and selected as preferred brand choice more than ā€˜no exposureā€™. The low attention effects were obtained without subsequent correct respondent recognition. This shows that brand consideration and choice measures were capable of capturing the low attention effects that the recognition measure failed to do. However, the results for source factors ā€“ factors that can moderate the effect of stimuli on the outcome ā€“ are more nuanced. Brand familiarity, utilitarian/hedonic products, rational/emotional appeals, and (mis)matching between appeals and brands affect the results in some unexpected ways when they interact with low attention. The thesis makes substantive contributions to the application of attention theory in advertising research, testing methodology for ads that are not actively processed, and design of advertising that can work at low attention. The findings are particularly relevant to address current phenomena such as multitasking, multiscreening, and ad avoidance behaviour. Unless advertisers understand how to make advertising work at low attention, the practice of bombarding consumers with attention-grabbing ads will continue to rise, and ad avoidance will accelerate, which in turn, will put advertising at a greater risk of being wasted

    The impact of online reviews on consumers' purchasing decisions : evidence from an eye-tracking study

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    This study investigated the impact of online product reviews on consumers purchasing decisions by using eye-tracking. The research methodology involved (i) development of a conceptual framework of online product review and purchasing intention through the moderation role of gender and visual attention in comments, and (ii) empirical investigation into the region of interest (ROI) analysis of consumers fixation during the purchase decision process and behavioral analysis. The results showed that consumers' attention to negative comments was significantly greater than that to positive comments, especially for female consumers. Furthermore, the study identified a significant correlation between the visual browsing behavior of consumers and their purchase intention. It also found that consumers were not able to identify false comments. The current study provides a deep understanding of the underlying mechanism of how online reviews influence shopping behavior, reveals the effect of gender on this effect for the first time and explains it from the perspective of attentional bias, which is essential for the theory of online consumer behavior. Specifically, the different effects of consumers' attention to negative comments seem to be moderated through gender with female consumers' attention to negative comments being significantly greater than to positive ones. These findings suggest that practitioners need to pay particular attention to negative comments and resolve them promptly through the customization of product/service information, taking into consideration consumer characteristics, including gender


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    This literature review systematically analyses recent studies on the effective design of e-commerce presences in order to provide a state-of-the-art overview on this important topic. To do so, our review focuses on the level of webshop elements (i.e., the building blocks to design webshops), which we cluster in eight categories (e.g., color usage, music usage, rich media usage), derived from previous website quality frameworks (e.g., SITEQUAL, WebQual) and prior reviews. The basis of our comprehensive literature review are 91 articles grouped into the webshop element categories and additionally analyzed along three key study criteria, namely the applied research methods, theories, and key dependent variables. Based on the findings from this bibliographic analysis, we formulate an agenda for future research avenues to guide researchers in further exploring the field of e-commerce presences and to support practitioners in their decision-making on the implementation of webshop elements

    The Use of Eye-tracking in Information Systems Research: A Literature Review of the Last Decade

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    Eye-trackers provide continuous information on individualsā€™ gaze behavior. Due to the increasing popularity of eye- tracking in the information systems (IS) field, we reviewed how past research has used eye-tracking to inform future research. Accordingly, we conducted a literature review to describe the use of eye-tracking in IS research based on a sample of 113 empirical papers published since 2008 in IS journals and conference proceedings. Specifically, we examined the methodologies and experimental settings used in eye-tracking IS research and how eye-tracking can be used to inform the IS field. We found that IS research that used eye-tracking varies in its methodological and theoretical complexity. Research on pattern analysis shows promise since such research develops a broader range of analysis methodologies. The potential of eye-tracking remains unfulfilled in the IS field since past research has mostly focused on attention-related constructs and used fixation count metrics on desktop computers. We call for researchers to utilize eye-tracking more broadly in IS research by extending the type of metrics they use, the analyses they perform, and the constructs they investigate

    Augmented Reality in Sport Broadcasting

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    For a large portion of its history, sport broadcasting has been stagnant when it comes to incorporating new and innovative technologies. However, due to declining viewership and consumer desire for customizable content, augmented reality graphics have begun to be incorporated into multiple sport broadcast products. In fact, the UEFA Champions League, NBA, NFL, and NHL have all used or indicated their intention to utilize AR graphics in future broadcasts. Considering that media rights revenue is the main source of revenue to sport properties and organizations, it is important to carefully consider how the core product (the broadcast) is presented. The study examined consumer attitudes and intentions towards AR in sport broadcasts by utilizing three types of broadcasts of an NBA game. One of the broadcasts was a traditional broadcast format with no AR enhancement and the other two were enhanced with AR graphics, a coach-mode broadcast that featured AR player tracking and play diagramming while the other enhanced broadcast, mascot-mode, featured AR graphics similar to a video game with over-the-top animations. Results of the current study provide insight into consumer preferences towards AR in sport broadcasting and guidance to sport properties planning to utilize broadcast AR graphics. Specifically, that sport consumers were significantly more likely to re-view (p \u3c .05) and recommend via word of mouth (p \u3c .05) the coach-mode AR than the mascot-mode AR. Sport involvement was a significant factor for how sport fans perceive the AR broadcast types through incorporating the perspective of the elaboration likelihood model

    The effect of web advertising visual design on online purchase intention: An examination across gender

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    With web advertising growing to be a huge industry, it is important to understand the effectiveness of web advertisement. In this study we investigate the effects of web advertising visual design (WAVD) purchasing intention within the framework of an integrated model. Nine hypotheses were developed and tested on a dataset of 316 observations collected via a questionnaire survey. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicate that while web advertising visual cues influence consumers' purchasing intention through advertising attitudes and brand attitudes, they do not have direct effects on purchasing intention. Further results on the moderating role of gender suggest that web advertising visual cues have direct effect on consumers' purchasing intention for male groups but not for female groups. This study contributes to the understanding the role of visual dimensions in forming online purchase intentions

    How Visual Communication Strategies, Brand Familiarity, And Personal Relevance Influence Instagram Usersā€™ Responses To Brand Content

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    This study comprehensively investigated the effects of visual themes, visual perspective, personal relevance, and brand familiarity on brand constructions (attitude-toward-brand, brand love, brand respect, and three dimensions of brand image) on Instagram. The study consists of two parts. In Study 1, the main and interaction effects of visual design elements on individualsā€™ visual attentions, brand recognition, and attitude toward brands were examined by using a 4 (visual theme: customer-centric, employee-centric, product-centric, and non-branded) Ɨ 2 (view perspective: first-person view vs. third-person view) between-subject eye-tracking test. In Study 2, a 4 (visual theme: customer-centric, employee-centric, non-brand, and product-centric) Ɨ2 (brand familiarity: familiar vs. unfamiliar) Ɨ 2 (view perspective: first-person view vs. third-person view) Ɨ 2 (personal relevance: high vs. low) mixed between- and within-factorial design was used to test the influences of visual and intellectual content on participantsā€™ reactions to brand constructions on Instagram. The roles of two moderators, personal relevance and brand familiarity, were also tested. Results in Study 1 showed that, overall, participants spent the longest time viewing and paid the most visual attention to Instagram posts with customer-centric images from a first-person perspective. In terms of pictures using the third-person view, posts with product-centric images received the longest fixation duration and the most fixation frequency. Moreover, participantsā€™ brand recognition performances were positively influenced by fixation frequency but not by total fixation duration. Findings from Study 2 indicated that high relevance Instagram posts with the first-person angle and customer-centric images to promote a familiar brand received the most favorable attitude, strongest brand respect, and strongest feeling of sensuality toward the brand in all experimental conditions. Limitations and future directions in visual branding on Instagram were also discussed
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