13 research outputs found

    Intention-driven illusory behaviors: The importance of detailed vs. gist processing in remembering what you have done and what you have yet to do

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    Have you ever formed an intention to reply to an email only to find that, after a short passage of time, you cannot remember if you actually did send the email, or simply intended to? The present work examines the effect of gist and detailed processing on the ability to reduce these errors of intention-behavior conflation. As detailed processing involves encoding specific features of an event, we hypothesized that intentions or behaviors encoded in more detail would be more discriminable in memory, and thus, reduce the likelihood of producing intention-driven illusory behaviors. In two experiments, we used a hiring paradigm to posit a means of attenuating this effect. Experiment 1 demonstrated that processing intentions in a detailed manner reduced the proportion of illusory behaviors reported. Experiment 2 showed that this type of processing was most effective when it was done to keep track of behaviors. Methodological limitations of exclusively relying on behavioral data are discussed, as well as future directions to both extend current work to meet the demands of technological advances that reduce the necessity to engage in internal monitoring processes, and explore conditions wherein intention-driven illusory behaviors are actually less likely to occur

    Rumors and Rumor Corrections on Twitter : Studying Message Characteristics and Opinion Leadership

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    As rumors often ripple across the cyberspace, posting rumor corrections on social media can bring about social good by spreading the truth. However, rumors and rumor corrections are not easily distinguishable from one another. Therefore, this paper investigates how three message characteristics, namely, the use of emotions, clarity and credible source attribution, can predict message veracity on social media. Message veracity denotes whether a message is a rumor or a rumor correction. In addition, the paper further examines the extent to which opinion leadership moderates the relation between message characteristics and message veracity. Set against the context of the death hoax of Singapore’s first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew in March 2015, data for this paper came from Twitter. Analysis involved binary logistic regression. All the three message characteristics predicted veracity. Rumor corrections were characterized by lower use of emotions, higher clarity, and higher credible source attribution compared with rumors. Furthermore, opinion leadership moderated the relation between the use of emotions and message veracity as well as that between credible source attribution and message veracity

    Exposure to the News Networks Through Social Media Sites and Their Reflections on Spreading Rumors among Students – Field Study

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    The scientific study aimed to identify rumors in the students society in the age of social media sites and confrontation mechanisms. The research community included a sample of experts who use new media. Descriptive and statistical approaches (interviews and questionnaires) are used to analyze and understand rumors through social media sites and how to confront them. The study came up with results, the most important of them are as follows: 62% of the research community believes that students (young people) use of news networks via social media sites affects the spread of rumors, while 63% of the research community considers that the quality of social media sites used by young people helps spread rumors, and 43% of the research community agree that technology users are predominantly young people, which helps spread the rumor. Finally, the study recommended that news sites pay attention to the method of dealing with crises, investigate accuracy and credibility, and increase the effective communication between the leaders and students institutions

    Same-Sex Marriage Referendum: What Factors Cause People to Stop the Circulation of Negative Messages on Smartphones?

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    In 2018, Taiwan held a referendum on same-sex marriage issues. Since it was the first time the public had an opportunity to make a decision on such issues, it became a battleground for conflicting ideologies, in which false messages were employed to influence voters. The current study focuses on the factors that might help people to stop the circulation of false messages. Social capital, political efficacy, and the theory of planned behavior have been integrated to develop a theoretical framework. The current study employs a 2x2 experimental design with partial least squares structural modelling to examine the hypotheses. The results demonstrated that people rarely follow rational routes to make voting decision on such issues. Voters are not concerned with the truthfulness of the messages but their stance. However, people might conceal their stance when facing weak ties of their social relations

    Ranking Influential Nodes of Fake News Spreading on Mobile Social Networks

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    Online fake news can generate a negative impact on both users and society. Due to the concerns with spread of fake news and misinformation, assessing the network influence of online users has become an important issue. This study quantifies the influence of nodes by proposing an algorithm based on information entropy theory. Dynamic process of influence of nodes is characterized on mobile social networks (MSNs). Weibo (i.e., the Chinese version of microblogging) users are chosen to build the real network and quantified influence of them is analyzed according to the model proposed in this paper. MATLAB is employed to simulate and validate the model. Results show the comprehensive influence of nodes increases with the rise of two factors: the number of nodes connected to them and the frequency of their interaction. Indirect influence of nodes becomes stronger than direct influence when the network scope rises. This study can help relevant organizations effectively oversee the spread of online fake news on MSNs

    Intentions to Trust and Share Online Health Rumors : An Experiment with Medical Professionals

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    With the rise of fake news and doctored narratives on the Internet, research on online rumors is growing. Previous works often dealt with either individuals’ trust in rumors or their willingness to share. Juxtaposing both in the same study, the aim of this paper is to investigate medical professionals’ intentions to trust and share online health rumors as a function of their personal involvement, the rumor type, and the presence of counter-rumors. Personal involvement refers to individuals’ perceived relevance of a rumor. Two common types of rumors include dread and wish. Counter-rumors are messages that debunk rumors. A within-participants experiment was conducted with 60 participants, divided evenly among doctors, nurses and medical students, each of whom was exposed to eight cancer-related rumors. Rumor type and the presence of counter-rumors were induced. Personal involvement, intention to trust, and intention to share were measured using a questionnaire. Results showed that personal involvement compelled intentions to trust and share. Dread rumors triggered intentions to trust and share more than did wish rumors. The presence of counter-rumors lowered intention to trust, but not intention to share. Moreover, rumor type moderated the relation between personal involvement and intentions to trust and share

    Social Media Role in Relieving the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis

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    This research explores the possibilities and limitations associated with utilizing new media technologies in relieving humanitarian crises by focusing on the Rohingyan case. The main interest is to approach a conceptual communication framework based on the current Rohingya refugees’ perceptions about social media networks and mobile apps and the potential suggestions to optimize its usefulness in relieving their crisis. Addressing the obstructive challenges that interrupt the new media technologies functionality is another objective of the study. The mixed methodology interlaces the qualitative findings of the questionnaire with the qualitative outcomes of the semi-structured interviews to reach an inclusive investigation to the research questions. An examination to the significance of relationships between Rohingya demographic attributes and their preferences and perceptions toward social media platforms and mobile apps is substantial to explore the dominant factors that may influence the relationship between the Rohingya and different media platforms. Keywords: social media, mixed methods, Rohingya, humanitarian crises DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/87-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Factors influencing user participation in social media: Evidence from twitter usage during COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia

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    With increasing frequency, people are using social media sites to obtain timely information about the world's grand challenges and this phenomenon is amplified during crises. However, little research has been conducted to determine how people participate and how their involvement can be promoted on social media sites, although the critical role played by those sites has been well documented. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study develops and tests a theoretical model to establish the effect of several factors with survey data collected during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Saudi Arabia. The relationship was verified on a sample of 213 respondents active on Twitter, using Partial Least Square (PLS). The study found that attitude, perceived behavioural control and subjective norm affect Twitter users' active participation significantly within the context of a time of crisis. It also found a positive effect of utilitarian and hedonic values and trust. These results will provide a more comprehensive evaluation of Twitter users in grand challenges (and more specifically during a crisis) and furnish academics and managers with instructive guidance. © 2021 Elsevier Lt

    Faktor peramal pembelian sebenar produk herba di Malaysia: Kesan moderator persepsi manfaat dan persepsi risiko

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    The usage of herbal products has gained popularity in the modern society and is often used as an alternative medicine. The increased popularity of herbal is caused by the change in lifestyle due to modernization process and health problems. Even though there is an increased demand for herbal products, however, studies on actual purchase of herbal-based products are still insufficient, particularly in Malaysian context. Hence, this research is to identify factors that influence the actual purchase of herbal-based products. In order to achive the objective, a conceptual model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour was proposed to explain the relationships between variable in this reseach. A total of 576 questionnaires were distributed in six states using Mall Intercept, however only 473 usable responses were obtained and used for data analysis. Data in this study was analyzed through a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and SmartPLS. The results reveal that 15 hypotheses are significant that support the finding. As expected, attitudes, purchase intention, product safety, and social influence are significantly related to the purchase intention and actual purchase, while perceived benefits moderate the relationship between attitudes and actual purchase. The results also show that intention mediates the relationship between attitude, social influence, product safety and actual purchase. Finally, this research also discusses the contributions, limitations and suggestions for future research related to the actual purchase of herbal-based products

    Clothing brand purchase intention through SNS

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the intention to purchase products through clothing brands' social network sites (SNS) based on the theory of planned behavior and uses and gratifications theory (U&G), and the moderating effects of self-image congruity (SIC). Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 1,003 followers of their favorite clothing brands' SNS. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and multi-group SEM analysis. The models were estimated from the matrices of variances and covariances by the maximum likelihood procedure using EQS 6.1. Findings The results highlight the positive impact of U&G on attitude, SNS intentions and SNS use, and U&G, SNS intentions and SNS use were seen to be the main antecedents predicting purchase intentions. Furthermore, SIC was found to have moderating effects between SNS attitude and SNS intentions and between SNS intentions and SNS use. Practical implications This research can help clothing brands understand the need to generate brand beliefs, and to develop contents or events to help accomplish the transition from use to purchase. Originality/value This research contributes to the literature by providing a better understanding of intention to use and purchase intention through clothing brands' SNS pages