1,401 research outputs found

    Motion-capture-based hand gesture recognition for computing and control

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    This dissertation focuses on the study and development of algorithms that enable the analysis and recognition of hand gestures in a motion capture environment. Central to this work is the study of unlabeled point sets in a more abstract sense. Evaluations of proposed methods focus on examining their generalization to users not encountered during system training. In an initial exploratory study, we compare various classification algorithms based upon multiple interpretations and feature transformations of point sets, including those based upon aggregate features (e.g. mean) and a pseudo-rasterization of the capture space. We find aggregate feature classifiers to be balanced across multiple users but relatively limited in maximum achievable accuracy. Certain classifiers based upon the pseudo-rasterization performed best among tested classification algorithms. We follow this study with targeted examinations of certain subproblems. For the first subproblem, we introduce the a fortiori expectation-maximization (AFEM) algorithm for computing the parameters of a distribution from which unlabeled, correlated point sets are presumed to be generated. Each unlabeled point is assumed to correspond to a target with independent probability of appearance but correlated positions. We propose replacing the expectation phase of the algorithm with a Kalman filter modified within a Bayesian framework to account for the unknown point labels which manifest as uncertain measurement matrices. We also propose a mechanism to reorder the measurements in order to improve parameter estimates. In addition, we use a state-of-the-art Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler to efficiently sample measurement matrices. In the process, we indirectly propose a constrained k-means clustering algorithm. Simulations verify the utility of AFEM against a traditional expectation-maximization algorithm in a variety of scenarios. In the second subproblem, we consider the application of positive definite kernels and the earth mover\u27s distance (END) to our work. Positive definite kernels are an important tool in machine learning that enable efficient solutions to otherwise difficult or intractable problems by implicitly linearizing the problem geometry. We develop a set-theoretic interpretation of ENID and propose earth mover\u27s intersection (EMI). a positive definite analog to ENID. We offer proof of EMD\u27s negative definiteness and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for ENID to be conditionally negative definite, including approximations that guarantee negative definiteness. In particular, we show that ENID is related to various min-like kernels. We also present a positive definite preserving transformation that can be applied to any kernel and can be used to derive positive definite EMD-based kernels, and we show that the Jaccard index is simply the result of this transformation applied to set intersection. Finally, we evaluate kernels based on EMI and the proposed transformation versus ENID in various computer vision tasks and show that END is generally inferior even with indefinite kernel techniques. Finally, we apply deep learning to our problem. We propose neural network architectures for hand posture and gesture recognition from unlabeled marker sets in a coordinate system local to the hand. As a means of ensuring data integrity, we also propose an extended Kalman filter for tracking the rigid pattern of markers on which the local coordinate system is based. We consider fixed- and variable-size architectures including convolutional and recurrent neural networks that accept unlabeled marker input. We also consider a data-driven approach to labeling markers with a neural network and a collection of Kalman filters. Experimental evaluations with posture and gesture datasets show promising results for the proposed architectures with unlabeled markers, which outperform the alternative data-driven labeling method

    Real-Time, Multiple Pan/Tilt/Zoom Computer Vision Tracking and 3D Positioning System for Unmanned Aerial System Metrology

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    The study of structural characteristics of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) continues to be an important field of research for developing state of the art nano/micro systems. Development of a metrology system using computer vision (CV) tracking and 3D point extraction would provide an avenue for making these theoretical developments. This work provides a portable, scalable system capable of real-time tracking, zooming, and 3D position estimation of a UAS using multiple cameras. Current state-of-the-art photogrammetry systems use retro-reflective markers or single point lasers to obtain object poses and/or positions over time. Using a CV pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) system has the potential to circumvent their limitations. The system developed in this paper exploits parallel-processing and the GPU for CV-tracking, using optical flow and known camera motion, in order to capture a moving object using two PTU cameras. The parallel-processing technique developed in this work is versatile, allowing the ability to test other CV methods with a PTZ system using known camera motion. Utilizing known camera poses, the object\u27s 3D position is estimated and focal lengths are estimated for filling the image to a desired amount. This system is tested against truth data obtained using an industrial system

    On-board Obstacle Avoidance in the Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Teleoperation von Drohnen in Umgebungen ohne GPS-Verbindung und wenig Bewegungsspielraum stellt den Operator vor besondere Herausforderungen. Hindernisse in einer unbekannten Umgebung erfordern eine zuverlässige Zustandsschätzung und Algorithmen zur Vermeidung von Kollisionen. In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir ein System zur kollisionsfreien Navigation einer ferngesteuerten Drohne mit vier Propellern (Quadcopter) in abgeschlossenen Räumen. Die Plattform ist mit einem Miniaturcomputer und dem Minimum an Sensoren ausgestattet. Diese Ausstattung genügt den Anforderungen an die Rechenleistung. Dieses Setup ermöglicht des Weiteren eine hochgenaue Zustandsschätzung mit Hilfe einer Kaskaden-Architektur, sehr gutes Folgeverhalten bezüglich der kommandierten Geschwindigkeit, sowie eine kollisionsfreie Navigation. Ein Komplementärfilter berechnet die Höhe der Drohne, während ein Kalman-Filter Beschleunigung durch eine IMU und Messungen eines Optical-Flow Sensors fusioniert und in die Softwarearchitektur integriert. Eine RGB-D Kamera stellt dem Operator ein visuelles Feedback, sowie Distanzmessungen zur Verfügung, um ein Roboter-zentriertes Modell umliegender Hindernisse mit Hilfe eines Bin-Occupancy-Filters zu erstellen. Der Algorithmus speichert die Position dieser Hindernisse, auch wenn sie das Sehfeld des Sensors verlassen, mit Hilfe des geschätzten Zustandes des Roboters. Das Prinzip des Ausweich-Algorithmus basiert auf dem Ansatz einer modell-prädiktiven Regelung. Durch Vorhersage der wahrscheinlichen Position eines Hindernisses werden die durch den Operator kommandierten Sollwerte gefiltert, um eine mögliche Kollision mit einem Hindernis zu vermeiden. Die Plattform wurde experimentell sowohl in einer räumlich abgeschlossenen Umgebung mit zahlreichen Hindernissen als auch bei Testflügen in offener Umgebung mit natürlichen Hindernissen wie z.B. Bäume getestet. Fliegende Roboter bergen das Risiko, im Fall eines Fehlers, sei es ein Bedienungs- oder Berechnungsfehler, durch einen Aufprall am Boden oder an Hindernissen Schaden zu nehmen. Aus diesem Grund nimmt die Entwicklung von Algorithmen dieser Roboter ein hohes Maß an Zeit und Ressourcen in Anspruch. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir zwei Methoden (Software-in-the-loop- und Hardware-in-the-loop-Simulation) um den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen. Via Software-in-the-loop-Simulation konnte der Zustandsschätzer mit Hilfe simulierter Sensoren und zuvor aufgenommener Datensätze verbessert werden. Eine Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation ermöglichte uns, den Roboter in Gazebo (ein bekannter frei verfügbarer ROS-Simulator) mit zusätzlicher auf dem Roboter installierter Hardware in Simulation zu bewegen. Ebenso können wir damit die Echtzeitfähigkeit der Algorithmen direkt auf der Hardware validieren und verifizieren. Zu guter Letzt analysierten wir den Einfluss der Roboterbewegung auf das visuelle Feedback des Operators. Obwohl einige Drohnen die Möglichkeit einer mechanischen Stabilisierung der Kamera besitzen, können unsere Drohnen aufgrund von Gewichtsbeschränkungen nicht auf diese Unterstützung zurückgreifen. Eine Fixierung der Kamera verursacht, während der Roboter sich bewegt, oft unstetige Bewegungen des Bildes und beeinträchtigt damit negativ die Manövrierbarkeit des Roboters. Viele wissenschaftliche Arbeiten beschäftigen sich mit der Lösung dieses Problems durch Feature-Tracking. Damit kann die Bewegung der Kamera rekonstruiert und das Videosignal stabilisiert werden. Wir zeigen, dass diese Methode stark vereinfacht werden kann, durch die Verwendung der Roboter-internen IMU. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen, dass unser Algorithmus das Kamerabild erfolgreich stabilisieren und der rechnerische Aufwand deutlich reduziert werden kann. Ebenso präsentieren wir ein neues Design eines Quadcopters, um dessen Ausrichtung von der lateralen Bewegung zu entkoppeln. Unser Konzept erlaubt die Neigung der Propellerblätter unabhängig von der Ausrichtung des Roboters mit Hilfe zweier zusätzlicher Aktuatoren. Nachdem wir das dynamische Modell dieses Systems hergeleitet haben, synthetisierten wir einen auf Feedback-Linearisierung basierten Regler. Simulationen bestätigen unsere Überlegungen und heben die Verbesserung der Manövrierfähigkeit dieses neuartigen Designs hervor.The teleoperation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially in cramped, GPS-restricted, environments, poses many challenges. The presence of obstacles in an unfamiliar environment requires reliable state estimation and active algorithms to prevent collisions. In this dissertation, we present a collision-free indoor navigation system for a teleoperated quadrotor UAV. The platform is equipped with an on-board miniature computer and a minimal set of sensors for this task and is self-sufficient with respect to external tracking systems and computation. The platform is capable of highly accurate state-estimation, tracking of the velocity commanded by the user and collision-free navigation. The robot estimates its state in a cascade architecture. The attitude of the platform is calculated with a complementary filter and its linear velocity through a Kalman filter integration of inertial and optical flow measurements. An RGB-D camera serves the purpose of providing visual feedback to the operator and depth measurements to build a probabilistic, robot-centric obstacle state with a bin-occupancy filter. The algorithm tracks the obstacles when they leave the field of view of the sensor by updating their positions with the estimate of the robot's motion. The avoidance part of our navigation system is based on the Model Predictive Control approach. By predicting the possible future obstacles states, the UAV filters the operator commands by altering them to prevent collisions. Experiments in obstacle-rich indoor and outdoor environments validate the efficiency of the proposed setup. Flying robots are highly prone to damage in cases of control errors, as these most likely will cause them to fall to the ground. Therefore, the development of algorithm for UAVs entails considerable amount of time and resources. In this dissertation we present two simulation methods, i.e. software- and hardware-in-the-loop simulations, to facilitate this process. The software-in-the-loop testing was used for the development and tuning of the state estimator for our robot using both the simulated sensors and pre-recorded datasets of sensor measurements, e.g., from real robotic experiments. With hardware-in-the-loop simulations, we are able to command the robot simulated in Gazebo, a popular open source ROS-enabled physical simulator, using computational units that are embedded on our quadrotor UAVs. Hence, we can test in simulation not only the correct execution of algorithms, but also the computational feasibility directly on the robot's hardware. Lastly, we analyze the influence of the robot's motion on the visual feedback provided to the operator. While some UAVs have the capacity to carry mechanically stabilized camera equipment, weight limits or other problems may make mechanical stabilization impractical. With a fixed camera, the video stream is often unsteady due to the multirotor's movement and can impair the operator's situation awareness. There has been significant research on how to stabilize videos using feature tracking to determine camera movement, which in turn is used to manipulate frames and stabilize the camera stream. However, we believe that this process could be greatly simplified by using data from a UAV’s on-board inertial measurement unit to stabilize the camera feed. Our results show that our algorithm successfully stabilizes the camera stream with the added benefit of requiring less computational power. We also propose a novel quadrotor design concept to decouple its orientation from the lateral motion of the quadrotor. In our design the tilt angles of the propellers with respect to the quadrotor body are being simultaneously controlled with two additional actuators by employing the parallelogram principle. After deriving the dynamic model of this design, we propose a controller for this platform based on feedback linearization. Simulation results confirm our theoretical findings, highlighting the improved motion capabilities of this novel design with respect to standard quadrotors

    A multi-hypothesis approach for range-only simultaneous localization and mapping with aerial robots

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    Los sistemas de Range-only SLAM (o RO-SLAM) tienen como objetivo la construcción de un mapa formado por la posición de un conjunto de sensores de distancia y la localización simultánea del robot con respecto a dicho mapa, utilizando únicamente para ello medidas de distancia. Los sensores de distancia son dispositivos capaces de medir la distancia relativa entre cada par de dispositivos. Estos sensores son especialmente interesantes para su applicación a vehículos aéreos debido a su reducido tamaño y peso. Además, estos dispositivos son capaces de operar en interiores o zonas con carencia de señal GPS y no requieren de una línea de visión directa entre cada par de dispositivos a diferencia de otros sensores como cámaras o sensores laser, permitiendo así obtener una lectura de datos continuada sin oclusiones. Sin embargo, estos sensores presentan un modelo de observación no lineal con una deficiencia de rango debido a la carencia de información de orientación relativa entre cada par de sensores. Además, cuando se incrementa la dimensionalidad del problema de 2D a 3D para su aplicación a vehículos aéreos, el número de variables ocultas del modelo aumenta haciendo el problema más costoso computacionalmente especialmente ante implementaciones multi-hipótesis. Esta tesis estudia y propone diferentes métodos que permitan la aplicación eficiente de estos sistemas RO-SLAM con vehículos terrestres o aéreos en entornos reales. Para ello se estudia la escalabilidad del sistema en relación al número de variables ocultas y el número de dispositivos a posicionar en el mapa. A diferencia de otros métodos descritos en la literatura de RO-SLAM, los algoritmos propuestos en esta tesis tienen en cuenta las correlaciones existentes entre cada par de dispositivos especialmente para la integración de medidas estÃa˛ticas entre pares de sensores del mapa. Además, esta tesis estudia el ruido y las medidas espúreas que puedan generar los sensores de distancia para mejorar la robustez de los algoritmos propuestos con técnicas de detección y filtración. También se proponen métodos de integración de medidas de otros sensores como cámaras, altímetros o GPS para refinar las estimaciones realizadas por el sistema RO-SLAM. Otros capítulos estudian y proponen técnicas para la integración de los algoritmos RO-SLAM presentados a sistemas con múltiples robots, así como el uso de técnicas de percepción activa que permitan reducir la incertidumbre del sistema ante trayectorias con carencia de trilateración entre el robot y los sensores de destancia estáticos del mapa. Todos los métodos propuestos han sido validados mediante simulaciones y experimentos con sistemas reales detallados en esta tesis. Además, todos los sistemas software implementados, así como los conjuntos de datos registrados durante la experimentación han sido publicados y documentados para su uso en la comunidad científica

    A Low-cost, Wearable Opto-inertial 6 DOF Hand Pose Tracking System for VR

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    In this paper, a low cost, wearable six Degree of Freedom (6-DOF) hand pose tracking system is proposed for Virtual Reality applications. It is designed for use with an integrated hand exoskeleton system for kinesthetic haptic feedback. The tracking system consists of an Infrared (IR) based optical tracker with low cost mono-camera and inertial and magnetic measurement unit. Image processing is done on LabVIEW software to extract the 3-DOF position from two IR targets and Magdwick filter has been implemented on Mbed LPC1768 board to obtain orientation data. Six DOF hand tracking outputs filtered and synchronized on LabVIEW software are then sent to the Unity Virtual environment via User Datagram Protocol (UDP) stream. Experimental results show that this low cost and compact system has a comparable performance of minimal Jitter with position and orientation Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of less than 0.2 mm and 0.15 degrees, respectively. Total Latency of the system is also less than 40 ms

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    Quantitative evaluation of overlaying discrepancies in mobile augmented reality applications for AEC/FM

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a trending technology that provides a live view of the real and physical environment augmented by virtual elements, enhancing the information of the scene with digital information (sound, video, graphics, text or geo-location). Its application to architecture, engineering and construction, and facility management (AEC/FM) is straightforward and can be very useful to improve the on-site work at different stages of the projects. However, one of the most important limitations of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is the lack of accuracy when the screen overlays the virtual models on the real images captured by the camera. The main reasons are errors related to tracking (positioning and orientation of the mobile device) and image capture and processing (projection and distortion issues). This paper shows a new methodology to mathematically perform a quantitative evaluation, in world coordinates, of those overlaying discrepancies on the screen, obtaining the real-scale distances from any real point to the sightlines of its virtual projections for any AR application. Additionally, a new utility for filtering built-in sensor signals in mobile devices is presented: the Drift-Vibration-Threshold function (DVT), a straightforward tool to filter the drift suffered by most sensor-based tracking systems

    Evaluating indoor positioning systems in a shopping mall : the lessons learned from the IPIN 2018 competition

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    The Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) conference holds an annual competition in which indoor localization systems from different research groups worldwide are evaluated empirically. The objective of this competition is to establish a systematic evaluation methodology with rigorous metrics both for real-time (on-site) and post-processing (off-site) situations, in a realistic environment unfamiliar to the prototype developers. For the IPIN 2018 conference, this competition was held on September 22nd, 2018, in Atlantis, a large shopping mall in Nantes (France). Four competition tracks (two on-site and two off-site) were designed. They consisted of several 1 km routes traversing several floors of the mall. Along these paths, 180 points were topographically surveyed with a 10 cm accuracy, to serve as ground truth landmarks, combining theodolite measurements, differential global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and 3D scanner systems. 34 teams effectively competed. The accuracy score corresponds to the third quartile (75th percentile) of an error metric that combines the horizontal positioning error and the floor detection. The best results for the on-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 11.70 m (Track 1) and 5.50 m (Track 2), while the best results for the off-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 0.90 m (Track 3) and 1.30 m (Track 4). These results showed that it is possible to obtain high accuracy indoor positioning solutions in large, realistic environments using wearable light-weight sensors without deploying any beacon. This paper describes the organization work of the tracks, analyzes the methodology used to quantify the results, reviews the lessons learned from the competition and discusses its future

    A LiDAR-Inertial SLAM Tightly-Coupled with Dropout-Tolerant GNSS Fusion for Autonomous Mine Service Vehicles

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    Multi-modal sensor integration has become a crucial prerequisite for the real-world navigation systems. Recent studies have reported successful deployment of such system in many fields. However, it is still challenging for navigation tasks in mine scenes due to satellite signal dropouts, degraded perception, and observation degeneracy. To solve this problem, we propose a LiDAR-inertial odometry method in this paper, utilizing both Kalman filter and graph optimization. The front-end consists of multiple parallel running LiDAR-inertial odometries, where the laser points, IMU, and wheel odometer information are tightly fused in an error-state Kalman filter. Instead of the commonly used feature points, we employ surface elements for registration. The back-end construct a pose graph and jointly optimize the pose estimation results from inertial, LiDAR odometry, and global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Since the vehicle has a long operation time inside the tunnel, the largely accumulated drift may be not fully by the GNSS measurements. We hereby leverage a loop closure based re-initialization process to achieve full alignment. In addition, the system robustness is improved through handling data loss, stream consistency, and estimation error. The experimental results show that our system has a good tolerance to the long-period degeneracy with the cooperation different LiDARs and surfel registration, achieving meter-level accuracy even for tens of minutes running during GNSS dropouts