6 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Approach of Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Volumetric Active Contour without Edge for Segmenting Brain Tumors in MRI Scan

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    Segmentation of brain tumors in magnetic resonance imaging is a one of the most complex processes in medical image analysis because it requires a combination of data knowledge with domain knowledge to achieve highly results. Such that, the data knowledge refers to homogeneity, continuity, and anatomical texture. While the domain knowledge refers to shapes, location, and size of the tumor to be delineated. Due to recent advances in medical imaging technologies which produce a massive number of cross-sectional slices, this makes a manual segmentation process is a very intensive, time-consuming and prone to inconsistences. In this study, an automated method for recognizing and segmenting the pathological area in MRI scans has been developed. First the dataset has been pre-processed and prepared by implementing a set of algorithms to standardize all collected samples. A particle swarm optimization is utilized to find the core of pathological area within each MRI slice. Finally, an active contour without edge method is utilized to extract the pathological area in MRI scan. Results reported on the collected dataset includes 50 MRI scans of pathological patients that was provided by Iraqi Center for Research and Magnetic Resonance of Al Imamain Al-Kadhimain Medical City in Iraq. The achieved accuracy of the proposed method was 92% compared with manual delineation

    Manual and automatic image analysis segmentation methods for blood flow studies in microchannels

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    In blood flow studies, image analysis plays an extremely important role to examine raw data obtained by high-speed video microscopy systems. This work shows different ways to process the images which contain various blood phenomena happening in microfluidic devices and in microcirculation. For this purpose, the current methods used for tracking red blood cells (RBCs) flowing through a glass capillary and techniques to measure the cell-free layer thickness in different kinds of microchannels will be presented. Most of the past blood flow experimental data have been collected and analyzed by means of manual methods, that can be extremely reliable, but they are highly time-consuming, user-intensive, repetitive, and the results can be subjective to user-induced errors. For this reason, it is crucial to develop image analysis methods able to obtain the data automatically. Concerning automatic image analysis methods for individual RBCs tracking and to measure the well known microfluidic phenomena cell-free layer, two developed methods are presented and discussed in order to demonstrate their feasibility to obtain accurate data acquisition in such studies. Additionally, a comparison analysis between manual and automatic methods was performed.This project has been funded by Portuguese national funds of FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through the base funding from the following research units: UIDB/00532/2020 (Transport Phenomena Research Center—CEFT), UIDB/04077/2020 (Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability Center—MEtRICs), UIDB/00690/2020 (CIMO). The authors are also grateful for the partial funding of FCT through the projects, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029394 (PTDC/EMD-EMD/29394/2017) and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171 (PTDC/EMD-EMD/30171/2017) funded by COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, PORTUGAL2020 and FEDER. D. Bento acknowledges the PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/ 91192/2012 granted by FCT

    Detection of brain tumour in 2d MRI: implementation and critical review of clustering-based image segmentation methods

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    Image segmentation can be defined as segregation or partitioning of images into multiple regions with the same predefined homogeneity criterion. Image segmentation is a crucial process in medical image analysis. This paper explores and investigates several unsupervised image segmentation approaches and their viability and performances in delineating tumour region in contrast enhanced T1-weighted brain MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans. First and foremost, raw CE T1-weighted brain MR images are downloaded from a free online database. The images are then pre-processed and undergo an important process called skull stripping. Then, image segmentation techniques such as k-means clustering, Gaussian mixture model segmentation and fuzzy c-means are applied to the pre-processed MR images. The image segmentation results are evaluated using several performance measures, such as precision, recall, Tanimoto coefficient and Dice similarity index in reference to ground truth images. The highest average Dice coefficient is achieved by k-means (0.189) before post-processing and GMM (0.208) after post-processing. Unsupervised clustering-based brain tumour segmentation based on just image pixel intensity in single-spectral brain MRI without adaptive post-processing algorithm cannot achieve efficient and robust segmentation results

    Spatial fuzzy c-mean sobel algorithm with grey wolf optimizer for MRI brain image segmentation

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    Segmentation is the process of dividing the original image into multiple sub regions called segments in such a way that there is no intersection between any two regions. In medical images, the segmentation is hard to obtain due to the intensity similarity among various regions and the presence of noise in medical images. One of the most popular segmentation algorithms is Spatial Fuzzy C-means (SFCM). Although this algorithm has a good performance in medical images, it suffers from two issues. The first problem is lack of a proper strategy for point initialization step, which must be performed either randomly or manually by human. The second problem of SFCM is having inaccurate segmented edges. The goal of this research is to propose a robust medical image segmentation algorithm that overcomes these weaknesses of SFCM for segmenting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain images with less human intervention. First, in order to find the optimum initial points, a histogram based algorithm in conjunction with Grey Wolf Optimizer (H-GWO) is proposed. The proposed H-GWO algorithm finds the approximate initial point values by the proposed histogram based method and then by taking advantage of GWO, which is a soft computing method, the optimum initial values are found. Second, in order to enhance SFCM segmentation process and achieve higher accurate segmented edges, an edge detection algorithm called Sobel was utilized. Therefore, the proposed hybrid SFCM-Sobel algorithm first finds the edges of the original image by Sobel edge detector algorithm and finally extends the edges of SFCM segmented images to the edges that are detected by Sobel. In order to have a robust segmentation algorithm with less human intervention, the H-GWO and SFCM-Sobel segmentation algorithms are integrated to have a semi-automatic robust segmentation algorithm. The results of the proposed H-GWO algorithms show that optimum initial points are achieved and the segmented images of the SFCM-Sobel algorithm have more accurate edges as compared to recent algorithms. Overall, quantitative analysis indicates that better segmentation accuracy is obtained. Therefore, this algorithm can be utilized to capture more accurate segmented in images in the era of medical imaging

    Micro/Nano Devices for Blood Analysis, Volume II

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    The development of micro- and nanodevices for blood analysis continues to be a growing interdisciplinary subject that demands the careful integration of different research fields. Following the success of the book “Micro/Nano Devices for Blood Analysis”, we invited more authors from the scientific community to participate in and submit their research for a second volume. Researchers from different areas and backgrounds cooperated actively and submitted high-quality research, focusing on the latest advances and challenges in micro- and nanodevices for diagnostics and blood analysis; micro- and nanofluidics; technologies for flow visualization and diagnosis; biochips, organ-on-a-chip and lab-on-a-chip devices; and their applications to research and industry