236 research outputs found

    Survey on Combinatorial Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling

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    Register allocation (mapping variables to processor registers or memory) and instruction scheduling (reordering instructions to increase instruction-level parallelism) are essential tasks for generating efficient assembly code in a compiler. In the last three decades, combinatorial optimization has emerged as an alternative to traditional, heuristic algorithms for these two tasks. Combinatorial optimization approaches can deliver optimal solutions according to a model, can precisely capture trade-offs between conflicting decisions, and are more flexible at the expense of increased compilation time. This paper provides an exhaustive literature review and a classification of combinatorial optimization approaches to register allocation and instruction scheduling, with a focus on the techniques that are most applied in this context: integer programming, constraint programming, partitioned Boolean quadratic programming, and enumeration. Researchers in compilers and combinatorial optimization can benefit from identifying developments, trends, and challenges in the area; compiler practitioners may discern opportunities and grasp the potential benefit of applying combinatorial optimization

    Clustered VLIW architecture based on queue register files

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureInstruction-level parallelism (ILP) is a set of hardware and software techniques that allow parallel execution of machine operations. Superscalar architectures rely most heavily upon hardware schemes to identify parallelism among operations. Although successful in terms of performance, the hardware complexity involved might limit the scalability of this model. VLIW architectures use a different approach to exploit ILP. In this case all data dependence analyses and scheduling of operations are performed at compile time, resulting in a simpler hardware organization. This allows the inclusion of a larger number of functional units (FUs) into a single chip. IN spite of this relative simplification, the scalability of VLIW architectures can be constrained by the size and number of ports of the register file. VLIW machines often use software pipelining techniques to improve the execution of loop structures, which can increase the register pressure. Furthermore, the access time of a register file can be compromised by the number of ports, causing a negative impact on the machine cycle time. For these reasons we understand that the benefits of having parallel FUs, which have motivated the investigation of alternative machine designs. This thesis presents a scalar VLIW architecture comprising clusters of FUs and private register files. Register files organised as queue structures are used as a mechanism for inter-cluster communication, allowing the enforcement of fixed latency in the process. This scheme presents better possibilities in terms of scalability as the size of the individual register files is not determined by the total number of FUs, suggesting that the silicon area may grow only linearly with respect to the total number of FUs. However, the effectiveness of such an organization depends on the efficiency of the code partitioning strategy. We have developed an algorithm for a clustered VLIW architecture integrating both software pipelining and code partitioning in a a single procedure. Experimental results show it may allow performance levels close to an unclustered machine without communication restraints. Finally, we have developed silicon area and cycle time models to quantify the scalability of performance and cost for this class of architecture

    Recursos anchos: una técnica de bajo coste para explotar paralelismo agresivo en códigos numéricos

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    Els bucles son la part que més temps consumeix en les aplicacions numèriques. El rendiment dels bucles està limitat tant pels recursos oferts per l'arquitectura com per les recurrències del bucle en la computació. Per executar més operacions per cicle, els processadors actuals es dissenyen amb graus creixents de replicació de recursos (tècnica de replicació) para ports de memòria i unitats funcionals. En canvi, el gran cost en termes d'àrea i temps de cicle d'aquesta tècnica limita tenir alts graus de replicació: alts valors en temps de cicle contraresten els guanys deguts al decrement en el nombre de cicles, mentre que alts valors en l'àrea requerida poden portar a configuracions impossibles d'implementar. Una alternativa a la replicació de recursos, és fer los més amples (tècnica que anomenem "widening"), i que ha estat usada en alguns dissenys recents. Amb aquesta tècnica, l'amplitud dels recursos s'amplia, fent una mateixa operació sobre múltiples dades. Per altra banda, alguns microprocessadors escalars de propòsit general han estat implementats amb unitats de coma flotants que implementen la instrucció sumar i multiplicar unificada (tècnica de fusió), el que redueix la latència de la operació combinada, tanmateix com el nombre de recursos utilitzats. A aquest treball s'avaluen un ampli conjunt d'alternatives de disseny de processadors VLIW que combinen les tres tècniques. S'efectua una projecció tecnològica de les noves generacions de processadors per predir les possibles alternatives implementables. Com a conclusió, demostrem que tenint en compte el cost, combinar certs graus de replicació i "widening" als recursos hardware és més efectiu que aplicar únicament replicació. Així mateix, confirmem que fer servir unitats que fusionen multiplicació i suma pot tenir un impacte molt significatiu en l'increment de rendiment en futures arquitectures de processadors a un cost molt raonable.Loops are the main time-consuming part of numerical applications. The performance of the loops is limited either by the resources offered by the architecture or by recurrences in the computation. To execute more operations per cycle, current processors are designed with growing degrees of resource replication (replication technique) for memory ports and functional units. However, the high cost in terms of area and cycle time of this technique precludes the use of high degrees of replication. High values for the cycle time may clearly offset any gain in terms of number of execution cycles. High values for the area may lead to an unimplementable configuration. An alternative to resource replication is resource widening (widening technique), which has also been used in some recent designs in which the width of the resources is increased (i.e., a single operation is performed over multiple data). Moreover, several general-purpose superscalar microprocessors have been implemented with multiply-add fused floating point units (fusion technique), which reduces the latency of the combined operation and the number of resources used. On this thesis, we evaluate a broad set of VLIW processor design alternatives that combine the three techniques. We perform a technological projection for the next processor generations in order to foresee the possible implementable alternatives. From this study, we conclude that if the cost is taken into account, combining certain degrees of replication and widening in the hardware resources is more effective than applying only replication. Also, we confirm that multiply-add fused units will have a significant impact in raising the performance of future processor architectures with a reasonable increase in cost

    A general framework to realize an abstract machine as an ILP processor with application to java

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    Virtual cluster scheduling through the scheduling graph

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    This paper presents an instruction scheduling and cluster assignment approach for clustered processors. The proposed technique makes use of a novel representation named the scheduling graph which describes all possible schedules. A powerful deduction process is applied to this graph, reducing at each step the set of possible schedules. In contrast to traditional list scheduling techniques, the proposed scheme tries to establish relations among instructions rather than assigning each instruction to a particular cycle. The main advantage is that wrong or poor schedules can be anticipated and discarded earlier. In addition, cluster assignment of instructions is performed using another novel concept called virtual clusters, which define sets of instructions that must execute in the same cluster. These clusters are managed during the deduction process to identify incompatibilities among instructions. The mapping of virtual to physical clusters is postponed until the scheduling of the instructions has finalized. The advantages this novel approach features include: (1) accurate scheduling information when assigning, and, (2) accurate information of the cluster assignment constraints imposed by scheduling decisions. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed scheme with superblocks extracted from Speclnt95 and MediaBench. The results show that this approach produces better schedules than the previous state-of-the-art. Speed-ups are up to 15%, with average speed-ups ranging from 2.5% (2-Clusters) to 9.5% (4-Clusters).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improving multithreading performance for clustered VLIW architectures.

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    Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are very popular in embedded and mobile computing domain. Use of VLIW processors range from Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) found in a plethora of communication and multimedia devices to Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) used in gaming and high performance computing devices. The advantage of VLIWs is their low complexity and low power design which enable high performance at a low cost. Scalability of VLIWs is limited by the scalability of register file ports. It is not viable to have a VLIW processor with a single large register file because of area and power consumption implications of the register file. Clustered VLIW solve the register file scalability issue by partitioning the register file into multiple clusters and a set of functional units that are attached to register file of that cluster. Using a clustered approach, higher issue width can be achieved while keeping the cost of register file within reasonable limits. Several commercial VLIW processors have been designed using the clustered VLIW model. VLIW processors can be used to run a larger set of applications. Many of these applications have a good Lnstruction Level Parallelism (ILP) which can be efficiently utilized. However, several applications, specially the ones that are control code dominated do not exibit good ILP and the processor is underutilized. Cache misses is another major source of resource underutiliztion. Multithreading is a popular technique to improve processor utilization. Interleaved MultiThreading (IMT) hides cache miss latencies by scheduling a different thread each cycle but cannot hide unused instructions slots. Simultaneous MultiThread (SMT) can also remove ILP under-utilization by issuing multiple threads to fill the empty instruction slots. However, SMT has a higher implementation cost than IMT. The thesis presents Cluster-level Simultaneous MultiThreading (CSMT) that supports a limited form of SMT where VLIW instructions from different threads are merged at a cluster-level granularity. This lowers the hardware implementation cost to a level comparable to the cheap IMT technique. The more complex SMT combines VLIW instructions at the individual operation-level granularity which is quite expensive especially in for a mobile solution. We refer to SMT at operation-level as OpSMT to reduce ambiguity. While previous studies restricted OpSMT on a VLIW to 2 threads, CSMT has a better scalability and upto 8 threads can be supported at a reasonable cost. The thesis proposes several other techniques to further improve CSMT performance. In particular, Cluster renaming remaps the clusters used by instructions of different threads to reduce resource conflicts. Cluster renaming is quite effective in reducing the issue-slots under-utilization and significantly improves CSMT performance.The thesis also proposes: a hybrid between IMT and CSMT which increases the number of supported threads, heterogeneous instruction merging where some instructions are combined using SMT and CSMT rest, and finally, split-issue, a technique that allows to launch partially an instruction making it easier to be combined with others

    Exploiting Fine-Grain Concurrency Analytical Insights in Superscalar Processor Design

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    This dissertation develops analytical models to provide insight into various design issues associated with superscalar-type processors, i.e., the processors capable of executing multiple instructions per cycle. A survey of the existing machines and literature has been completed with a proposed classification of various approaches for exploiting fine-grain concurrency. Optimization of a single pipeline is discussed based on an analytical model. The model-predicted performance curves are found to be in close proximity to published results using simulation techniques. A model is also developed for comparing different branch strategies for single-pipeline processors in terms of their effectiveness in reducing branch delay. The additional instruction fetch traffic generated by certain branch strategies is also studied and is shown to be a useful criterion for choosing between equally well performing strategies. Next, processors with multiple pipelines are modelled to study the tradeoffs associated with deeper pipelines versus multiple pipelines. The model developed can reveal the cause of performance bottleneck: insufficient resources to exploit discovered parallelism, insufficient instruction stream parallelism, or insufficient scope of concurrency detection. The cost associated with speculative (i.e., beyond basic block) execution is examined via probability distributions that characterize the inherent parallelism in the instruction stream. The throughput prediction of the analytic model is shown, using a variety of benchmarks, to be close to the measured static throughput of the compiler output, under resource and scope constraints. Further experiments provide misprediction delay estimates for these benchmarks under scope constraints, assuming beyond-basic-block, out-of-order execution and run-time scheduling. These results were derived using traces generated by the Multiflow TRACE SCHEDULING™(*) compacting C and FORTRAN 77 compilers. A simplified extension to the model to include multiprocessors is also proposed. The extended model is used to analyze combined systems, such as superpipelined multiprocessors and superscalar multiprocessors, both with shared memory. It is shown that the number of pipelines (or processors) at which the maximum throughput is obtained is increasingly sensitive to the ratio of memory access time to network access delay, as memory access time increases. Further, as a function of inter-iteration dependency distance, optimum throughput is shown to vary nonlinearly, whereas the corresponding Optimum number of processors varies linearly. The predictions from the analytical model agree with published results based on simulations. (*)TRACE SCHEDULING is a trademark of Multiflow Computer, Inc

    An automated OpenCL FPGA compilation framework targeting a configurable, VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    Modern system-on-chips augment their baseline CPU with coprocessors and accelerators to increase overall computational capacity and power efficiency, and thus have evolved into heterogeneous systems. Several languages have been developed to enable this paradigm shift, including CUDA and OpenCL. This thesis discusses a unified compilation environment to enable heterogeneous system design through the use of OpenCL and a customised VLIW chip multiprocessor (CMP) architecture, known as the LE1. An LLVM compilation framework was researched and a prototype developed to enable the execution of OpenCL applications on the LE1 CPU. The framework fully automates the compilation flow and supports work-item coalescing to better utilise the CPU cores and alleviate the effects of thread divergence. This thesis discusses in detail both the software stack and target hardware architecture and evaluates the scalability of the proposed framework on a highly precise cycle-accurate simulator. This is achieved through the execution of 12 benchmarks across 240 different machine configurations, as well as further results utilising an incomplete development branch of the compiler. It is shown that the problems generally scale well with the LE1 architecture, up to eight cores, when the memory system becomes a serious bottleneck. Results demonstrate superlinear performance on certain benchmarks (x9 for the bitonic sort benchmark with 8 dual-issue cores) with further improvements from compiler optimisations (x14 for bitonic with the same configuration

    Processor Models For Instruction Scheduling using Constraint Programming

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    Instruction scheduling is one of the most important optimisations performed when producing code in a compiler. The problem consists of finding a minimum length schedule subject to latency and different resource constraints. This is a hard problem, classically approached by heuristic algorithms. In the last decade, research interest has shifted from heuristic to potentially optimal methods. When using optimal methods, a lot of compilation time is spent searching for an optimal solution. This makes it important that the problem definition reflects the reality of the processor. In this work, a constraint programming approach was used to study the impact that the model detail has on performance. Several models of a superscalar processor were embedded in LLVM and evaluated using SPEC CPU2000. The result shows that there is substantial performance to be gained, over 5% for some programs. The stability of the improvement is heavily dependent on the accuracy of the model