9 research outputs found

    Концептуальные основы адаптивных авторулевых

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    Проблематика. Роботу присвячено критичному аналізу літератури, що охоплює головні аспекти створення адаптивних систем керування рухом судна. Мета дослідження. Метою роботи є визначення перспективних напрямів досліджень у галузі створення адаптивних систем керування рухом судна. Методика реалізації. Проведено аналіз існуючих підходів до ідентифікації параметрів моделі судна (зокрема, ідентифікації на зиґзаґу, на циркуляції та за допомогою калманівської фільтрації), визначено переваги і недоліки цих методів, що можуть бути покладені в основу створення адаптивних автостернових. Наведено критичний аналіз підходів до керування судном за допомогою класичних та новітніх методів автоматичного керування об’єктами, зокрема параметричного настроювання класичних ПІД-регуляторів, перемикання регуляторів, застосування нелінійних регуляторів – лінійно-квадратичних (LQ), “ковзного режиму” (sliding mode), а також штучного інтелекту – нейромереж, нечіткої логіки та гібридних підходів. Окремо в огляді наведено аналіз розробок вітчизняних авторів, присвячених розробці адаптивних автостернових та адаптивному керуванню рухом судна. Результати дослідження. В результаті аналізу літературних джерел визначено перспективні напрями досліджень у галузі створення адаптивних систем керування рухом судна. Висновки. Перспективними напрямами досліджень є: 1) розробка нових підходів до ідентифікації параметрів моделі руху судна та збурень, що діють на нього; 2) застосування методів штучного інтелекту, зокрема нечіткої логіки та нейромереж, до адаптивного керування судном; 3) побудова адаптивних нелінійних систем керування рухом судна.Background. The paper is devoted to critical analysis of literature that covers the major aspects of adaptive ship motion control systems. Objective. The objective of a study is identifying the promising areas of research in the field of adaptive ship motion control. Methods. The analysis of existing approaches to ship model parameters identification (including identification during zig-zag motion, during circulation and identification using Kalman filtering) is done; advantages and disadvantages of those methods are determined. The methods mentioned can be used as a basis for creating adaptive gyropilots. A critical review of approaches to ship control by means of classical and modern methods of automatic control, including the parametric adjustment of classic PID regulators, switching of regulators, use of nonlinear regulators — linear-quadratic (LQ), sliding mode regulators, and artificial intelligence — neural networks, fuzzy logic and hybrid approaches, is done. Separately, in the survey analysis of papers of Ukrainian authors, which are devoted to the development of adaptive gyropilots and adaptive ship motion control, is presented. Results. As a result of literature survey, prospective areas of studies in the field of adaptive ship control are determined. Conclusions. Most promising research areas are: 1) development of novel approaches to the identification of the vessel model parameters and disturbances acting on it; 2) application of artificial intelligence, including fuzzy logic and neural networks, to adaptive ship control methods; 3) development of adaptive nonlinear systems for ship motion control.Проблематика. Работа посвящена критическому анализу литературы, охватывающей основные аспекты создания адаптивных систем управления движением судна. Цель исследования. Цель работы – определение перспективных направлений исследований в области создания адаптивных систем управления движением судна. Методика реализации. Проведен анализ существующих подходов к идентификации параметров модели судна (в частности, идентификации на зигзаге, на циркуляции и с помощью калмановской фильтрации), определены преимущества и недостатки этих методов, которые могут быть положены в основу создания адаптивных авторулевых. Приведен критический анализ подходов к управлению судном с помощью классических и новых методов автоматического управления объектами, в частности параметрической настройки классических ПИД-регуляторов, переключения регуляторов, применения нелинейных регуляторов – линейно-квадратичных (LQ), “скользящего режима” (sliding mode), а также искусственного интеллекта – нейросетей, нечеткой логики и гибридных подходов. Отдельно в обзоре приведен анализ разработок отечественных авторов, посвященных разработке адаптивных авторулевых и адаптивному управлению движением судна. Результаты исследования. В результате анализа литературных источников определены перспективные направления исследований в области создания адаптивных систем управления движением судна. Выводы. Перспективными направлениями исследований являются: 1) разработка новых подходов к идентификации параметров модели движения судна и действующих на него возмущений; 2) применение методов искусственного интеллекта, в частности нечеткой логики и нейронных сетей, к адаптивному управлению судном; 3) построение адаптивных нелинейных систем управления движением судна

    Nonlinear Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicle

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    An Unmmaned Surface Vehicle is a marine vehicle which has a complicated nonlinear model and partially uncertain parameters in its model. Therefore, an USV needs an advance control technique to solve this complicated problem. Nonlinear control is the most suitable technique to control this model. Nonlinear control is less sensitive to parameter uncertainty and disturbance perturbation which is beneficial for Unmanned Surface Vehicle which has highly disturbance parameter perturbation also. In the previous work, a disturbance model has never been considered in the control process due to highly perturbation in the model. Therefore, this work take account of the disturbance factors of Unmanned Surface Vehicle model


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    An Unmmaned Surface Vehicle is a marine vehicle which has a complicated nonlinear model and partially uncertain parameters in its model. Therefore, an USV needs an advance control technique to solve this complicated problem.  Nonlinear control is the most suitable technique to control this model. Nonlinear control is less sensitive to parameter uncertainty and disturbance perturbation which is beneficial for Unmanned Surface Vehicle which has highly disturbance parameter perturbation also. In the previous work, a disturbance model has never been considered in the control process due to highly perturbation in the model. Therefore, this work take account of the disturbance factors of Unmanned Surface Vehicle model

    Applications of artificial intelligence in ship berthing: A review

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    Ship berthing operations in restricted waters such as ports requires the accurate use of onboard-vessel equipment such as rudder, thrusters, and main propulsions. For big ships, the assistance of exterior supports such as tugboats are necessary, however with the advancement of technology, we may hypothesize that the use of artificial intelligence to support ship berthing safely at ports without the dependency on the tugboats may be a reality. In this paper we comprehensively assessed and analyzed several literatures regarding this topic. Through this review, we seek out to present a better understanding of the use of artificial intelligence in ship berthing especially neural networks and collision avoidance algorithms. We discovered that the use of global and local path planning combined with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) may help to achieve collision avoidance while completing ship berthing operations

    Applications of artificial intelligence in ship berthing: A review

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    855-863Ship berthing operations in restricted waters such as ports requires the accurate use of onboard-vessel equipment such as rudder, thrusters, and main propulsions. For big ships, the assistance of exterior supports such as tugboats are necessary, however with the advancement of technology, we may hypothesize that the use of artificial intelligence to support ship berthing safely at ports without the dependency on the tugboats may be a reality. In this paper we comprehensively assessed and analyzed several literatures regarding this topic. Through this review, we seek out to present a better understanding of the use of artificial intelligence in ship berthing especially neural networks and collision avoidance algorithms. We discovered that the use of global and local path planning combined with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) may help to achieve collision avoidance while completing ship berthing operations

    Fuzzy-Based Optimal Adaptive Line-of-Sight Path Following for Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Uncertainties and Time-Varying Disturbances

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    This paper investigates the path following control problem for an underactuated unmanned surface vehicle (USV) in the presence of dynamical uncertainties and time-varying external disturbances. Based on fuzzy optimization algorithm, an improved adaptive line-of-sight (ALOS) guidance law is proposed, which is suitable for straight-line and curve paths. On the basis of guidance information provided by LOS, a three-degree-of-freedom (DOF) dynamic model of an underactuated USV has been used to design a practical path following controller. The controller is designed by combining backstepping method, neural shunting model, neural network minimum parameter learning method, and Nussbaum function. Neural shunting model is used to solve the problem of “explosion of complexity,” which is an inherent illness of backstepping algorithm. Meanwhile, a simpler neural network minimum parameter learning method than multilayer neural network is employed to identify the uncertainties and time-varying external disturbances. In particular, Nussbaum function is introduced into the controller design to solve the problem of unknown control gain coefficient. And much effort is made to obtain the stability for the closed-loop control system, using the Lyapunov stability theory. Simulation experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the improved LOS guidance algorithm and the path following controller

    A multirobot platform based on autonomous surface and underwater vehicles with bio-inspired neurocontrollers for long-term oil spills monitoring

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    This paper describes the BUSCAMOS-Oil monitoring system, which is a robotic platform consisting of an autonomous surface vessel combined with an underwater vehicle. The system has been designed for the long-term monitoring of oil spills, including the search for the spill, and transmitting information on its location, extent, direction and speed. Both vehicles are controlled by two different types of bio-inspired neural networks: a Self-Organization Direction Mapping Network for trajectory generation and a Neural Network for Avoidance Behaviour for avoiding obstacles. The systems’ resilient capabilities are provided by bio-inspired algorithms implemented in a modular software architecture and controlled by redundant devices to give the necessary robustness to operate in the difficult conditions typically found in long-term oil-spill operations. The efficacy of the vehicles’ adaptive navigation system and long-term mission capabilities are shown in the experimental results.This work was partially supported by the BUSCAMOS Project (ref. 1003211003700) under the program DN8644 COINCIDENTE of the Spanish Defense Ministry, the “Research Programme for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia” of the Seneca Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia-19895/GERM/15)”, and the Spanish Government’s cDrone (ref. TIN2013-45920-R) and ViSelTR (ref. TIN2012-39279) projects

    Pemodelan Kapal Perang Kelas Sigma Extended Skala 3 Meter Berbasis Eksperimen

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    Kapal perang kelas SIGMA extended adalah kapal perang pada tahap desain oleh tim konsorsium KNRT (Kementrian Negara Riset dan Teknologi) 2012. Kapal tersebut dirancang berdasarkan kapal perang pendahulunya yaitu kelas Ship Integrated Geometric Modularity Approach (SIGMA). Penelitian ini difokuskan pada evaluasi kriteria dan memperoleh parameter kapal perang kelas SIGMA extended skala 3 meter berbasis eksperimen. Kapal prototipe ini dilengkapi oleh perangkat seperti pengendali, Global Positioning Sistem (GPS), IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), wireless Local Area Network (LAN), speed log, pengkondisi sinyal, sistem propulsi propeller dan penggerak rudder. Seluruh komponen instrumen terintegrasi secara serial ke komputer client yang berperan sebagai pengendali utama kapal. komputer client terintegrasi dengan komputer server yang berada di darat melalui sistem komunikasi wireless Virtual Private Network (VPN). Pengendali utama ditanamkan alogaritma turning circle dan zigzag sesuai aturan International Maritime Organization (IMO). Performansi pengujian turning circle 35 derajat diperoleh jarak advance, transfer dan tactical diameter sebesar 3,3 Lpp, 1,8 Lpp dan 3,3 Lpp. Performansi pengujian zig-zag 10 derajat diperoleh overshoot pertama dan overshoot kedua sebesar 6,81 derajat dan 6,88 derajat. Performansi pengujian zig-zag 20 derajat diperoleh overshoot pertama sebesar 12,6 derajat. Hasil pengujian telah sesuai dengan standar manuver yang diatur oleh IMO. Parameter model dinamika Nomoto yang dihasilkan antara lain K sebesar 0,014, T1 sebesar 0,052, T2 sebesar 0,56 dan T3 sebesar -14,286. ======================================================================================================================== SIGMA extended class warship is a warship at the design stage by the consortium team Ministry of Research and Technology (KNRT) in 2012, where the ship is the issue of the development dimension, reliable in battle and maneuver. Designed by its predecessor warship class Ship Integrated Geometric Modularity Approach (SIGMA). This research focused on evaluate criteria and obtain the dynamics of the model parameters warship class SIGMA extended 3 meter scale based on experiments. Ship prototype is equipped by devices such as controllers, Global Positioning System (GPS) Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), wireless LAN (Local Area Network), speed log, signal conditioning, propulsion systems propeller and rudder. All component of the instrument are connected in series to a client computer that acts as the main controller board. client computer integrated with a computer server that are on the ground through a wireless communication system Virtual Private Network (VPN). The main controller embedded algorithms turning circle and zig-zag according to the rules of International Maritime Organization (IMO). Performance testing 35 degree turning circle obtained advance, transfer and tactical diameter of 3.3 Lpp, Lpp 1.8 and 3.3 Lpp. Performance testing of zig-zag 10 degrees obtained first overshoot and second overshoot of 6,81 degrees and 6,88 degrees. Performance testing of the zig-zag 20 degrees obtained first overshoot of 12.6 degrees. The test results are in accordance with the standards set by the maneuver that the IMO. Nomoto dynamics model parameters were generated from 0.014 for K, 0.052 for T1, 0.56 for T2 and -14.286 for T3

    Control de vehículos marinos de superficie subactuados basado en filtros planos lineales

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    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal diseñar un sistema de control automático para vehículos marinos de superficie mediante el uso de un controlador por rechazo activo de perturbaciones (ADRC) basado en filtros planos lineales para su posterior implementación en un barco dedicado a la medición de variables marítimas, siguiendo una trayectoria planificada de antemano. La tesis incluye el modelamiento del barco basado en leyes físicas y el cual coincide en resultados con el modelo robótico trabajado en la bibliografía, una revisión teórica del controlador basado en filtro plano lineal, el diseño del controlador propiamente y una propuesta de implementación del sistema de control en un barco dedicado a monitoreo de variables marítimas ambientales. El controlador diseñado consta de dos partes; un generador de trayectorias realizables y un controlador de vehículo marino subactuado, ambos basados en filtros planos lineales. La combinación de ambos permite un control práctico (con estabilización no asintótica) del barco con un error en estado estacionario pequeño diferente de cero. Se realizaron pruebas del controlador en un modelo matemático de barco validado, obteniéndose un desempeño similar al de un controlador basado en linealización por realimentación de estados. Como ventaja, el controlador propuesto puede seguir trayectorias arbitrarias, poligonales y que requiere solo dos parámetros conocidos del modelo matemático del barco para funcionar adecuadamente; debido a esto, se reduce la carga computacional y se aligera la labor de identificación que sería necesaria en el caso del controlador basado en linealización por realimentación de estados.Tesi