70 research outputs found

    Application Specific Customization and Scalability of Soft Multiprocessors

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    Digital neuromorphic auditory systems

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    This dissertation presents several digital neuromorphic auditory systems. Neuromorphic systems are capable of running in real-time at a smaller computing cost and consume lower power than on widely available general computers. These auditory systems are considered neuromorphic as they are modelled after computational models of the mammalian auditory pathway and are capable of running on digital hardware, or more specifically on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The models introduced are categorised into three parts: a cochlear model, an auditory pitch model, and a functional primary auditory cortical (A1) model. The cochlear model is the primary interface of an input sound signal and transmits the 2D time-frequency representation of the sound to the pitch models as well as to the A1 model. In the pitch model, pitch information is extracted from the sound signal in the form of a fundamental frequency. From the A1 model, timbre information in the form of time-frequency envelope information of the sound signal is extracted. Since the computational auditory models mentioned above are required to be implemented on FPGAs that possess fewer computational resources than general-purpose computers, the algorithms in the models are optimised so that they fit on a single FPGA. The optimisation includes using simplified hardware-implementable signal processing algorithms. Computational resource information of each model on FPGA is extracted to understand the minimum computational resources required to run each model. This information includes the quantity of logic modules, register quantity utilised, and power consumption. Similarity comparisons are also made between the output responses of the computational auditory models on software and hardware using pure tones, chirp signals, frequency-modulated signal, moving ripple signals, and musical signals as input. The limitation of the responses of the models to musical signals at multiple intensity levels is also presented along with the use of an automatic gain control algorithm to alleviate such limitations. With real-world musical signals as their inputs, the responses of the models are also tested using classifiers – the response of the auditory pitch model is used for the classification of monophonic musical notes, and the response of the A1 model is used for the classification of musical instruments with their respective monophonic signals. Classification accuracy results are shown for model output responses on both software and hardware. With the hardware implementable auditory pitch model, the classification score stands at 100% accuracy for musical notes from the 4th and 5th octaves containing 24 classes of notes. With the hardware implementation auditory timbre model, the classification score is 92% accuracy for 12 classes musical instruments. Also presented is the difference in memory requirements of the model output responses on both software and hardware – pitch and timbre responses used for the classification exercises use 24 and 2 times less memory space for hardware than software

    Dynamically reconfigurable management of energy, performance, and accuracy applied to digital signal, image, and video Processing Applications

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    There is strong interest in the development of dynamically reconfigurable systems that can meet real-time constraints in energy/power-performance-accuracy (EPA/PPA). In this dissertation, I introduce a framework for implementing dynamically reconfigurable digital signal, image, and video processing systems. The basic idea is to first generate a collection of Pareto-optimal realizations in the EPA/PPA space. Dynamic EPA/PPA management is then achieved by selecting the Pareto-optimal implementations that can meet the real-time constraints. The systems are then demonstrated using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) and dynamic frequency control on FPGAs. The framework is demonstrated on: i) a dynamic pixel processor, ii) a dynamically reconfigurable 1-D digital filtering architecture, and iii) a dynamically reconfigurable 2-D separable digital filtering system. Efficient implementations of the pixel processor are based on the use of look-up tables and local-multiplexes to minimize FPGA resources. For the pixel-processor, different realizations are generated based on the number of input bits, the number of cores, the number of output bits, and the frequency of operation. For each parameters combination, there is a different pixel-processor realization. Pareto-optimal realizations are selected based on measurements of energy per frame, PSNR accuracy, and performance in terms of frames per second. Dynamic EPA/PPA management is demonstrated for a sequential list of real-time constraints by selecting optimal realizations and implementing using DPR and dynamic frequency control. Efficient FPGA implementations for the 1-D and 2-D FIR filters are based on the use a distributed arithmetic technique. Different realizations are generated by varying the number of coefficients, coefficient bitwidth, and output bitwidth. Pareto-optimal realizations are selected in the EPA space. Dynamic EPA management is demonstrated on the application of real-time EPA constraints on a digital video. The results suggest that the general framework can be applied to a variety of digital signal, image, and video processing systems. It is based on the use of offline-processing that is used to determine the Pareto-optimal realizations. Real-time constraints are met by selecting Pareto-optimal realizations pre-loaded in memory that are then implemented efficiently using DPR and/or dynamic frequency control

    Can my chip behave like my brain?

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    Many decades ago, Carver Mead established the foundations of neuromorphic systems. Neuromorphic systems are analog circuits that emulate biology. These circuits utilize subthreshold dynamics of CMOS transistors to mimic the behavior of neurons. The objective is to not only simulate the human brain, but also to build useful applications using these bio-inspired circuits for ultra low power speech processing, image processing, and robotics. This can be achieved using reconfigurable hardware, like field programmable analog arrays (FPAAs), which enable configuring different applications on a cross platform system. As digital systems saturate in terms of power efficiency, this alternate approach has the potential to improve computational efficiency by approximately eight orders of magnitude. These systems, which include analog, digital, and neuromorphic elements combine to result in a very powerful reconfigurable processing machine.Ph.D

    Design and Implementation of Complexity Reduced Digital Signal Processors for Low Power Biomedical Applications

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    Wearable health monitoring systems can provide remote care with supervised, inde-pendent living which are capable of signal sensing, acquisition, local processing and transmission. A generic biopotential signal (such as Electrocardiogram (ECG), and Electroencephalogram (EEG)) processing platform consists of four main functional components. The signals acquired by the electrodes are amplified and preconditioned by the (1) Analog-Front-End (AFE) which are then digitized via the (2) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for further processing. The local digital signal processing is usually handled by a custom designed (3) Digital Signal Processor (DSP) which is responsible for either anyone or combination of signal processing algorithms such as noise detection, noise/artefact removal, feature extraction, classification and compres-sion. The digitally processed data is then transmitted via the (4) transmitter which is renown as the most power hungry block in the complete platform. All the afore-mentioned components of the wearable systems are required to be designed and fitted into an integrated system where the area and the power requirements are stringent. Therefore, hardware complexity and power dissipation of each functional component are crucial aspects while designing and implementing a wearable monitoring platform. The work undertaken focuses on reducing the hardware complexity of a biosignal DSP and presents low hardware complexity solutions that can be employed in the aforemen-tioned wearable platforms. A typical state-of-the-art system utilizes Sigma Delta (Σ∆) ADCs incorporating a Σ∆ modulator and a decimation filter whereas the state-of-the-art decimation filters employ linear phase Finite-Impulse-Response (FIR) filters with high orders that in-crease the hardware complexity [1–5]. In this thesis, the novel use of minimum phase Infinite-Impulse-Response (IIR) decimators is proposed where the hardware complexity is massively reduced compared to the conventional FIR decimators. In addition, the non-linear phase effects of these filters are also investigated since phase non-linearity may distort the time domain representation of the signal being filtered which is un-desirable effect for biopotential signals especially when the fiducial characteristics carry diagnostic importance. In the case of ECG monitoring systems the effect of the IIR filter phase non-linearity is minimal which does not affect the diagnostic accuracy of the signals. The work undertaken also proposes two methods for reducing the hardware complexity of the popular biosignal processing tool, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). General purpose multipliers are known to be hardware and power hungry in terms of the number of addition operations or their underlying building blocks like full adders or half adders required. Higher number of adders leads to an increase in the power consumption which is directly proportional to the clock frequency, supply voltage, switching activity and the resources utilized. A typical Field-Programmable-Gate-Array’s (FPGA) resources are Look-up Tables (LUTs) whereas a custom Digital Signal Processor’s (DSP) are gate-level cells of standard cell libraries that are used to build adders [6]. One of the proposed methods is the replacement of the hardware and power hungry general pur-pose multipliers and the coefficient memories with reconfigurable multiplier blocks that are composed of simple shift-add networks and multiplexers. This method substantially reduces the resource utilization as well as the power consumption of the system. The second proposed method is the design and implementation of the DWT filter banks using IIR filters which employ less number of arithmetic operations compared to the state-of-the-art FIR wavelets. This reduces the hardware complexity of the analysis filter bank of the DWT and can be employed in applications where the reconstruction is not required. However, the synthesis filter bank for the IIR wavelet transform has a higher computational complexity compared to the conventional FIR wavelet synthesis filter banks since re-indexing of the filtered data sequence is required that can only be achieved via the use of extra registers. Therefore, this led to the proposal of a novel design which replaces the complex IIR based synthesis filter banks with FIR fil-ters which are the approximations of the associated IIR filters. Finally, a comparative study is presented where the hybrid IIR/FIR and FIR/FIR wavelet filter banks are de-ployed in a typical noise reduction scenario using the wavelet thresholding techniques. It is concluded that the proposed hybrid IIR/FIR wavelet filter banks provide better denoising performance, reduced computational complexity and power consumption in comparison to their IIR/IIR and FIR/FIR counterparts


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    A modern radio or wireless communications transceiver is programmed via software and firmware to change its functionalities at the baseband. However, the actual implementation of the radio circuits relies on dedicated hardware, and the design and implementation of such devices are time consuming and challenging. Due to the need for real-time operation, dedicated hardware is preferred in order to meet stringent requirements on throughput and latency. With increasing need for higher throughput and shorter latency, while supporting increasing bandwidth across a fragmented spectrum, dedicated subsystems are developed in order to service individual frequency bands and specifications. Such a dedicated-hardware-intensive approach leads to high resource costs, including costs due to multiple instantiations of mixers, filters, and samplers. Such increases in hardware requirements in turn increases device size, power consumption, weight, and financial cost. If it can meet the required real-time constraints, a more flexible and reconfigurable design approach, such as a software-based solution, is often more desirable over a dedicated hardware solution. However, significant challenges must be overcome in order to meet constraints on throughput and latency while servicing different frequency bands and bandwidths. Graphics processing unit (GPU) technology provides a promising class of platforms for addressing these challenges. GPUs, which were originally designed for rendering images and video sequences, have been adapted as general purpose high-throughput computation engines for a wide variety of application areas beyond their original target domains. Linear algebra and signal processing acceleration are examples of such application areas. In this thesis, we apply GPUs as software-based, baseband radios and demonstrate novel, software-based implementations of key subsystems in modern wireless transceivers. In our work, we develop novel implementation techniques that allow communication system designers to use GPUs as accelerators for baseband processing functions, including real-time filtering and signal transformations. More specifically, we apply GPUs to accelerate several computationally-intensive, frontend radio subsystems, including filtering, signal mixing, sample rate conversion, and synchronization. These are critical subsystems that must operate in real-time to reliably receive waveforms. The contributions of this thesis can be broadly organized into 3 major areas: (1) channelization, (2) arbitrary resampling, and (3) synchronization. 1. Channelization: a wideband signal is shared between different users and channels, and a channelizer is used to separate the components of the shared signal in the different channels. A channelizer is often used as a pre-processing step in selecting a specific channel-of-interest. A typical channelization process involves signal conversion, resampling, and filtering to reject adjacent channels. We investigate GPU acceleration for a particularly efficient form of channelizer called a polyphase filterbank channelizer, and demonstrate a real-time implementation of our novel channelizer design. 2. Arbitrary resampling: following a channelization process, a signal is often resampled to at least twice the data rate in order to further condition the signal. Since different communication standards require different resampling ratios, it is desirable for a resampling subsystem to support a variety of different ratios. We investigate optimized, GPU-based methods for resampling using polyphase filter structures that are mapped efficiently into GPU hardware. We investigate these GPU implementation techniques in the context of interpolation (integer-factor increases in sampling rate), decimation (integer-factor decreases in sampling rate), and rational resampling. Finally, we demonstrate an efficient implementation of arbitrary resampling using GPUs. This implementation exploits specialized hardware units within the GPU to enable efficient and accurate resampling processes involving arbitrary changes in sample rate. 3. Synchronization: incoming signals in a wireless communications transceiver must be synchronized in order to recover the transmitted data properly from complex channel effects such as thermal noise, fading, and multipath propagation. We investigate timing recovery in GPUs to accelerate the most computationally intensive part of the synchronization process, and correctly align the incoming data symbols in the receiver. Furthermore, we implement fully-parallel timing error detection to accelerate maximum likelihood estimation

    Algorithms and Circuits for Analog-Digital Hybrid Multibeam Arrays

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    Fifth generation (5G) and beyond wireless communication systems will rely heavily on larger antenna arrays combined with beamforming to mitigate the high free-space path-loss that prevails in millimeter-wave (mmW) and above frequencies. Sharp beams that can support wide bandwidths are desired both at the transmitter and the receiver to leverage the glut of bandwidth available at these frequency bands. Further, multiple simultaneous sharp beams are imperative for such systems to exploit mmW/sub-THz wireless channels using multiple reflected paths simultaneously. Therefore, multibeam antenna arrays that can support wider bandwidths are a key enabler for 5G and beyond systems. In general, N-beam systems using N-element antenna arrays will involve circuit complexities of the order of N2. This dissertation investigates new analog, digital and hybrid low complexity multibeam beamforming algorithms and circuits for reducing the associated high size, weight, and power (SWaP) complexities in larger multibeam arrays. The research efforts on the digital beamforming aspect propose the use of a new class of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) approximations for multibeam generation to eliminate the need for digital multipliers in the beamforming circuitry. For this, 8-, 16- and 32-beam multiplierless multibeam algorithms have been proposed for uniform linear array applications. A 2.4 GHz 16-element array receiver setup and a 5.8 GHz 32-element array receiver system which use field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) as digital backend have been built for real-time experimental verification of the digital multiplierless algorithms. The multiplierless algorithms have been experimentally verified by digitally measuring beams. It has been shown that the measured beams from the multiplierless algorithms are in good agreement with the exact counterpart algorithms. Analog realizations of the proposed approximate DFT transforms have also been investigated leading to low-complex, high bandwidth circuits in CMOS. Further, a novel approach for reducing the circuit complexity of analog true-time delay (TTD) N-beam beamforming networks using N-element arrays has been proposed for wideband squint-free operation. A sparse factorization of the N-beam delay Vandermonde beamforming matrix is used to reduce the total amount of TTD elements that are needed for obtaining N number of beams in a wideband array. The method has been verified using measured responses of CMOS all-pass filters (APFs). The wideband squint-free multibeam algorithm is also used to propose a new low-complexity hybrid beamforming architecture targeting future 5G mmW systems. Apart from that, the dissertation also explores multibeam beamforming architectures for uniform circular arrays (UCAs). An algorithm having N log N circuit complexity for simultaneous generation of N-beams in an N-element UCA is explored and verified

    Digital and Mixed Domain Hardware Reduction Algorithms and Implementations for Massive MIMO

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    Emerging 5G and 6G based wireless communications systems largely rely on multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems to reduce inherently extensive path losses, facilitate high data rates, and high spatial diversity. Massive MIMO systems used in mmWave and sub-THz applications consists of hundreds perhaps thousands of antenna elements at base stations. Digital beamforming techniques provide the highest flexibility and better degrees of freedom for phased antenna arrays as compared to its analog and hybrid alternatives but has the highest hardware complexity. Conventional digital beamformers at the receiver require a dedicated analog to digital converter (ADC) for every antenna element, leading to ADCs for elements. The number of ADCs is the key deterministic factor for the power consumption of an antenna array system. The digital hardware consists of fast Fourier transform (FFT) cores with a multiplier complexity of (N log2N) for an element system to generate multiple beams. It is required to reduce the mixed and digital hardware complexities in MIMO systems to reduce the cost and the power consumption, while maintaining high performance. The well-known concept has been in use for ADCs to achieve reduced complexities. An extension of the architecture to multi-dimensional domain is explored in this dissertation to implement a single port ADC to replace ADCs in an element system, using the correlation of received signals in the spatial domain. This concept has applications in conventional uniform linear arrays (ULAs) as well as in focal plane array (FPA) receivers. Our analysis has shown that sparsity in the spatio-temporal frequency domain can be exploited to reduce the number of ADCs from N to where . By using the limited field of view of practical antennas, multiple sub-arrays are combined without interferences to achieve a factor of K increment in the information carrying capacity of the ADC systems. Applications of this concept include ULAs and rectangular array systems. Experimental verifications were done for a element, 1.8 - 2.1 GHz wideband array system to sample using ADCs. This dissertation proposes that frequency division multiplexing (FDM) receiver outputs at an intermediate frequency (IF) can pack multiple (M) narrowband channels with a guard band to avoid interferences. The combined output is then sampled using a single wideband ADC and baseband channels are retrieved in the digital domain. Measurement results were obtained by employing a element, 28 GHz antenna array system to combine channels together to achieve a 75% reduction of ADC requirement. Implementation of FFT cores in the digital domain is not always exact because of the finite precision. Therefore, this dissertation explores the possibility of approximating the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix to achieve reduced hardware complexities at an allowable cost of accuracy. A point approximate DFT (ADFT) core was implemented on digital hardware using radix-32 to achieve savings in cost, size, weight and power (C-SWaP) and synthesized for ASIC at 45-nm technology

    FPGA based Uniform Channelizer Implementation

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    Channelizers are widely used in modern digital communication systems. Advanced uniform multirate channelization have been theoretically proved to be capable of reducing the computational load, with a better performance. Therefore, in this thesis, we implement these designs on a FPGA board for the sake of the comprehensive evaluation of resource usage, performance and frequency response. The uniform filter-banks are one of the most essential unit in channelization. The Generalised Discrete Fourier Transform Modulated Filter Bank (GDFT-FB), as an important variant of basic a DFT-FB, has been implemented in FPGA and demonstrated with a better computational saving rather than traditional schemes. Moreover the oversampling version is demonstrated to have a better frequency response with an acceptable amount of extra resources. On the other hand, frequency response masking (FRM) techniques is able to reduce the number of coefficients. Therefore, the full FRM GDFT-FB and alternative narrowband FRM GDFT-FB are both implemented in FPGA platform, in order to achieve a better performance and hardware efficiency