48 research outputs found

    Real-Time Localization Using Software Defined Radio

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    Service providers make use of cost-effective wireless solutions to identify, localize, and possibly track users using their carried MDs to support added services, such as geo-advertisement, security, and management. Indoor and outdoor hotspot areas play a significant role for such services. However, GPS does not work in many of these areas. To solve this problem, service providers leverage available indoor radio technologies, such as WiFi, GSM, and LTE, to identify and localize users. We focus our research on passive services provided by third parties, which are responsible for (i) data acquisition and (ii) processing, and network-based services, where (i) and (ii) are done inside the serving network. For better understanding of parameters that affect indoor localization, we investigate several factors that affect indoor signal propagation for both Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. For GSM-based passive services, we developed first a data acquisition module: a GSM receiver that can overhear GSM uplink messages transmitted by MDs while being invisible. A set of optimizations were made for the receiver components to support wideband capturing of the GSM spectrum while operating in real-time. Processing the wide-spectrum of the GSM is possible using a proposed distributed processing approach over an IP network. Then, to overcome the lack of information about tracked devices’ radio settings, we developed two novel localization algorithms that rely on proximity-based solutions to estimate in real environments devices’ locations. Given the challenging indoor environment on radio signals, such as NLOS reception and multipath propagation, we developed an original algorithm to detect and remove contaminated radio signals before being fed to the localization algorithm. To improve the localization algorithm, we extended our work with a hybrid based approach that uses both WiFi and GSM interfaces to localize users. For network-based services, we used a software implementation of a LTE base station to develop our algorithms, which characterize the indoor environment before applying the localization algorithm. Experiments were conducted without any special hardware, any prior knowledge of the indoor layout or any offline calibration of the system

    Comparison of state marginalization techniques in visual inertial navigation filters

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    The main focus of this thesis is finding and validating an efficient visual inertial navigation system (VINS) algorithm for applications in micro aerial vehicles (MAV). A typical VINS for a MAV consists of a low-cost micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a monocular camera, which provides a minimum payload sensor setup. This setup is highly desirable for navigation of MAVs because highly resource constrains in the platform. However, bias and noise of lowcost IMUs demand sufficiently accurate VINS algorithms. Accurate VINS algorithms has been developed over the past decade but they demand higher computational resources. Therefore, resource limited MAVs demand computationally efficient VINS algorithms. This thesis considers the following computational cost elements in the VINS algorithm: feature tracking front-end, state marginalization technique and the complexity of the algorithm formulation. In this thesis three state-of-the-art feature tracking front ends were compared in terms of accuracy. (VINS-Mono front-end, MSCKF-Mono feature tracker and Matlab based feature tracker). Four state-ofthe- art state marginalization techniques (MSCKF-Generic marginalization, MSCKFMono marginalization, MSCKF-Two way marginalization and Two keyframe based epipolar constraint marginalization) were compared in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The complexity of the VINS algorithm formulation has also been compared using the filter execution time. The research study then presents the comparative analysis of the algorithms using a publicly available MAV benchmark datasets. Based on the results, an efficient VINS algorithm is proposed which is suitable for MAVs

    Dynamic Thermal Imaging for Intraoperative Monitoring of Neuronal Activity and Cortical Perfusion

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    Neurosurgery is a demanding medical discipline that requires a complex interplay of several neuroimaging techniques. This allows structural as well as functional information to be recovered and then visualized to the surgeon. In the case of tumor resections this approach allows more fine-grained differentiation of healthy and pathological tissue which positively influences the postoperative outcome as well as the patient's quality of life. In this work, we will discuss several approaches to establish thermal imaging as a novel neuroimaging technique to primarily visualize neural activity and perfusion state in case of ischaemic stroke. Both applications require novel methods for data-preprocessing, visualization, pattern recognition as well as regression analysis of intraoperative thermal imaging. Online multimodal integration of preoperative and intraoperative data is accomplished by a 2D-3D image registration and image fusion framework with an average accuracy of 2.46 mm. In navigated surgeries, the proposed framework generally provides all necessary tools to project intraoperative 2D imaging data onto preoperative 3D volumetric datasets like 3D MR or CT imaging. Additionally, a fast machine learning framework for the recognition of cortical NaCl rinsings will be discussed throughout this thesis. Hereby, the standardized quantification of tissue perfusion by means of an approximated heating model can be achieved. Classifying the parameters of these models yields a map of connected areas, for which we have shown that these areas correlate with the demarcation caused by an ischaemic stroke segmented in postoperative CT datasets. Finally, a semiparametric regression model has been developed for intraoperative neural activity monitoring of the somatosensory cortex by somatosensory evoked potentials. These results were correlated with neural activity of optical imaging. We found that thermal imaging yields comparable results, yet doesn't share the limitations of optical imaging. In this thesis we would like to emphasize that thermal imaging depicts a novel and valid tool for both intraoperative functional and structural neuroimaging

    Secure and dependable cyber-physical system architectures

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    The increased computational power and connectivity in modern Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) inevitably introduce more security vulnerabilities. The concern about CPS security is growing especially because a successful attack on safety-critical CPS (e.g., avionics, automobile, smart grid, etc.) can result in the safety of such systems being compromised, leading to disastrous effects, from loss of human life to damages to the environment as well as critical infrastructure. CPS poses unique security challenges due to its stringent design and implementation requirements. This dissertation explores the structural differences of CPS compared to the general-purpose systems and utilizes the intrinsic characteristics of CPS as an asymmetric advantage to thwart and detect security attacks to safety-critical CPS. The dissertation presents analytic techniques and system design principles to enhance the security and dependability of CPS, with particular focus on (a) modeling and reasoning about the logical and physical behaviors of CPS and (b) architectural and operating-system supports for trusted, efficient run-time monitoring as well as attack-resiliency

    Automatic online spike sorting with singular value decomposition and fuzzy C-mean clustering

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    Background: Understanding how neurons contribute to perception, motor functions and cognition requires the reliable detection of spiking activity of individual neurons during a number of different experimental conditions. An important problem in computational neuroscience is thus to develop algorithms to automatically detect and sort the spiking activity of individual neurons from extracellular recordings. While many algorithms for spike sorting exist, the problem of accurate and fast online sorting still remains a challenging issue.Results: Here we present a novel software tool, called FSPS (Fuzzy SPike Sorting), which is designed to optimize: (i) fast and accurate detection, (ii) offline sorting and (iii) online classification of neuronal spikes with very limited or null human intervention. The method is based on a combination of Singular Value Decomposition for fast and highly accurate pre-processing of spike shapes, unsupervised Fuzzy C-mean, high-resolution alignment of extracted spike waveforms, optimal selection of the number of features to retain, automatic identification the number of clusters, and quantitative quality assessment of resulting clusters independent on their size. After being trained on a short testing data stream, the method can reliably perform supervised online classification and monitoring of single neuron activity. The generalized procedure has been implemented in our FSPS spike sorting software (available free for non-commercial academic applications at the address: http://www.spikesorting.com) using LabVIEW (National Instruments, USA). We evaluated the performance of our algorithm both on benchmark simulated datasets with different levels of background noise and on real extracellular recordings from premotor cortex of Macaque monkeys. The results of these tests showed an excellent accuracy in discriminating low-amplitude and overlapping spikes under strong background noise. The performance of our method is competitive with respect to other robust spike sorting algorithms.Conclusions: This new software provides neuroscience laboratories with a new tool for fast and robust online classification of single neuron activity. This feature could become crucial in situations when online spike detection from multiple electrodes is paramount, such as in human clinical recordings or in brain-computer interfaces.Instituto de Física La Plat

    Learning from Multi-Class Imbalanced Big Data with Apache Spark

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    With data becoming a new form of currency, its analysis has become a top priority in both academia and industry, furthering advancements in high-performance computing and machine learning. However, these large, real-world datasets come with additional complications such as noise and class overlap. Problems are magnified when with multi-class data is presented, especially since many of the popular algorithms were originally designed for binary data. Another challenge arises when the number of examples are not evenly distributed across all classes in a dataset. This often causes classifiers to favor the majority class over the minority classes, leading to undesirable results as learning from the rare cases may be the primary goal. Many of the classic machine learning algorithms were not designed for multi-class, imbalanced data or parallelism, and so their effectiveness has been hindered. This dissertation addresses some of these challenges with in-depth experimentation using novel implementations of machine learning algorithms using Apache Spark, a distributed computing framework based on the MapReduce model designed to handle very large datasets. Experimentation showed that many of the traditional classifier algorithms do not translate well to a distributed computing environment, indicating the need for a new generation of algorithms targeting modern high-performance computing. A collection of popular oversampling methods, originally designed for small binary class datasets, have been implemented using Apache Spark for the first time to improve parallelism and add multi-class support. An extensive study on how instance level difficulty affects the learning from large datasets was also performed

    Adaptive video delivery using semantics

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    The diffusion of network appliances such as cellular phones, personal digital assistants and hand-held computers has created the need to personalize the way media content is delivered to the end user. Moreover, recent devices, such as digital radio receivers with graphics displays, and new applications, such as intelligent visual surveillance, require novel forms of video analysis for content adaptation and summarization. To cope with these challenges, we propose an automatic method for the extraction of semantics from video, and we present a framework that exploits these semantics in order to provide adaptive video delivery. First, an algorithm that relies on motion information to extract multiple semantic video objects is proposed. The algorithm operates in two stages. In the first stage, a statistical change detector produces the segmentation of moving objects from the background. This process is robust with regard to camera noise and does not need manual tuning along a sequence or for different sequences. In the second stage, feedbacks between an object partition and a region partition are used to track individual objects along the frames. These interactions allow us to cope with multiple, deformable objects, occlusions, splitting, appearance and disappearance of objects, and complex motion. Subsequently, semantics are used to prioritize visual data in order to improve the performance of adaptive video delivery. The idea behind this approach is to organize the content so that a particular network or device does not inhibit the main content message. Specifically, we propose two new video adaptation strategies. The first strategy combines semantic analysis with a traditional frame-based video encoder. Background simplifications resulting from this approach do not penalize overall quality at low bitrates. The second strategy uses metadata to efficiently encode the main content message. The metadata-based representation of object's shape and motion suffices to convey the meaning and action of a scene when the objects are familiar. The impact of different video adaptation strategies is then quantified with subjective experiments. We ask a panel of human observers to rate the quality of adapted video sequences on a normalized scale. From these results, we further derive an objective quality metric, the semantic peak signal-to-noise ratio (SPSNR), that accounts for different image areas and for their relevance to the observer in order to reflect the focus of attention of the human visual system. At last, we determine the adaptation strategy that provides maximum value for the end user by maximizing the SPSNR for given client resources at the time of delivery. By combining semantic video analysis and adaptive delivery, the solution presented in this dissertation permits the distribution of video in complex media environments and supports a large variety of content-based applications

    Robust density modelling using the student's t-distribution for human action recognition

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    The extraction of human features from videos is often inaccurate and prone to outliers. Such outliers can severely affect density modelling when the Gaussian distribution is used as the model since it is highly sensitive to outliers. The Gaussian distribution is also often used as base component of graphical models for recognising human actions in the videos (hidden Markov model and others) and the presence of outliers can significantly affect the recognition accuracy. In contrast, the Student's t-distribution is more robust to outliers and can be exploited to improve the recognition rate in the presence of abnormal data. In this paper, we present an HMM which uses mixtures of t-distributions as observation probabilities and show how experiments over two well-known datasets (Weizmann, MuHAVi) reported a remarkable improvement in classification accuracy. © 2011 IEEE

    Optimization for Deep Learning Systems Applied to Computer Vision

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    149 p.Since the DL revolution and especially over the last years (2010-2022), DNNs have become an essentialpart of the CV field, and they are present in all its sub-fields (video-surveillance, industrialmanufacturing, autonomous driving, ...) and in almost every new state-of-the-art application that isdeveloped. However, DNNs are very complex and the architecture needs to be carefully selected andadapted in order to maximize its efficiency. In many cases, networks are not specifically designed for theconsidered use case, they are simply recycled from other applications and slightly adapted, without takinginto account the particularities of the use case or the interaction with the rest of the system components,which usually results in a performance drop.This research work aims at providing knowledge and tools for the optimization of systems based on DeepLearning applied to different real use cases within the field of Computer Vision, in order to maximizetheir effectiveness and efficiency