19 research outputs found

    Task-based agricultural mobile robots in arable farming: A review

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    In agriculture (in the context of this paper, the terms “agriculture” and “farming” refer to only the farming of crops and exclude the farming of animals), smart farming and automated agricultural technology have emerged as promising methodologies for increasing the crop productivity without sacrificing produce quality. The emergence of various robotics technologies has facilitated the application of these techniques in agricultural processes. However, incorporating this technology in farms has proven to be challenging because of the large variations in shape, size, rate and type of growth, type of produce, and environmental requirements for different types of crops. Agricultural processes are chains of systematic, repetitive, and time-dependent tasks. However, some agricultural processes differ based on the type of farming, namely permanent crop farming and arable farming. Permanent crop farming includes permanent crops or woody plants such as orchards and vineyards whereas arable farming includes temporary crops such as wheat and rice. Major operations in open arable farming include tilling, soil analysis, seeding, transplanting, crop scouting, pest control, weed removal and harvesting where robots can assist in performing all of these tasks. Each specific operation requires axillary devices and sensors with specific functions. This article reviews the latest advances in the application of mobile robots in these agricultural operations for open arable farming and provide an overview of the systems and techniques that are used. This article also discusses various challenges for future improvements in using reliable mobile robots for arable farmin

    Performance Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Control Algorithm for a Crawler-Type Agricultural Vehicle Based on Low-Cost Multi-Sensor Fusion Positioning

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    The agriculture sector is currently facing the problems of aging and decreasing skilled labor, meaning that the future direction of agriculture will be a transition to automation and mechanization that can maximize efficiency and decrease costs. Moreover, interest in the development of autonomous agricultural vehicles is increasing due to advances in sensor technology and information and communication technology (ICT). Therefore, an autonomous driving control algorithm using a low-cost global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-real-time kinematic (RTK) module and a low-cost motion sensor module was developed to commercialize an autonomous driving system for a crawler-type agricultural vehicle. Moreover, an autonomous driving control algorithm, including the GNSS-RTK/motion sensor integration algorithm and the path-tracking control algorithm, was proposed. Then, the performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated based on three trajectories. The Root Mean Square Errors (RMSEs) of the path-following of each trajectory are calculated to be 9, 7, and 7 cm, respectively, and the maximum error is smaller than 30 cm. Thus, it is expected that the proposed algorithm could be used to conduct autonomous driving with about a 10 cm-level of accuracy. © 2020 by the authors.1

    Static and dynamic evaluations of acoustic positioning system using TDMA and FDMA for robots operating in a greenhouse

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    Acoustic positioning system has great potential to be applied in a greenhouse due to its centimeter-level accuracy, low cost, and ability of extensive greenhouse coverage. Spread Spectrum Sound-based local positioning system (SSSLPS) was proposed to be a navigation tool for multiple agricultural robots by the authors' research team. However, to increase the system capacity for positioning multiple robots in a greenhouse, the near-far problem caused by the interference between speakers needs to be overcome. The use of different access methods, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) or Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), is essential in the SSSLPS system for solving the near-far problem. The static positioning in a greenhouse was first evaluated by setting different parameters to determine the optimal signal setting for a dynamic experiment. From that, the moving robot tests were added with a motion capture system and tested the performance of TDMA and FDMA. The results demonstrated that TDMA can be used in a stationary sound-based positioning system with 12.2 mm accuracy, but it has a time delay problem in dynamic positioning. A simulation was designed to mimic the position error increases with different moving speeds. Although FDMA has the sound damping problem in high-frequency regions creating a peak detection issue, it achieved a higher accuracy with an average position error of 62.1 mm compared to 180.3 mm of TDMA. This study shows that the TDMA method is suitable for static measurements, while the FDMA method is suitable for measuring dynamic objects and controlling mobile robots

    An efficient headland-turning navigation system for a safflower picking robot

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    This study proposes a navigation system for the headland autonomous turning of a safflower picking robot. The proposed system includes binocular cameras, differential satellites, and inertial sensors. The method of extracting the headland boundary line combining the hue, saturation, and value-fixed threshold segmentation method and random sample consensus algorithm and planning the headland-turning trajectory of a robot based on the multiorder Bezier curve are used as control methods. In addition, a headland-turning tracking model of a safflower picking robot is designed, and a path-tracking control algorithm is developed. A field test verifies the performance of the designed headland-turning navigation system. The test results show that the accuracy of the judgment result regarding the existence of a headland is higher than 96%. In headland boundary detection, the angle deviation is less than 1.5˚, and the depth value error is less than 50 mm. The headland-turning path tracking test result shows that at a turning speed of 0.5 km/h, the average lateral deviation is 37 mm, and the turning time is 24.2 seconds. Compared to the 1 km/h, the turning speed of 0.5 km/h provides a better trajectory tracking effect, but the turning time is longer. The test results verify that this navigation system can accurately extract the headland boundary line and can successfully realise the headland-turning path tracking of a safflower picking robot. The results presented in this study can provide a useful reference for the autonomous navigation of a field robot

    Networked Control System for the Guidance of a Four-Wheel Steering Agricultural Robotic Platform

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    A current trend in the agricultural area is the development of mobile robots and autonomous vehicles for precision agriculture (PA). One of the major challenges in the design of these robots is the development of the electronic architecture for the control of the devices. In a joint project among research institutions and a private company in Brazil a multifunctional robotic platform for information acquisition in PA is being designed. This platform has as main characteristics four-wheel propulsion and independent steering, adjustable width, span of 1,80 m in height, diesel engine, hydraulic system, and a CAN-based networked control system (NCS). This paper presents a NCS solution for the platform guidance by the four-wheel hydraulic steering distributed control. The control strategy, centered on the robot manipulators control theory, is based on the difference between the desired and actual position and considering the angular speed of the wheels. The results demonstrate that the NCS was simple and efficient, providing suitable steering performance for the platform guidance. Even though the simplicity of the NCS solution developed, it also overcame some verified control challenges in the robot guidance system design such as the hydraulic system delay, nonlinearities in the steering actuators, and inertia in the steering system due the friction of different terrains

    Research on orchard navigation method based on fusion of 3D SLAM and point cloud positioning

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    Accurate navigation is crucial in the construction of intelligent orchards, and the need for vehicle navigation accuracy becomes even more important as production is refined. However, traditional navigation methods based on global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and 2D light detection and ranging (LiDAR) can be unreliable in complex scenarios with little sensory information due to tree canopy occlusion. To solve these issues, this paper proposes a 3D LiDAR-based navigation method for trellis orchards. With the use of 3D LiDAR with a 3D simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, orchard point cloud information is collected and filtered using the Point Cloud Library (PCL) to extract trellis point clouds as matching targets. In terms of positioning, the real-time position is determined through a reliable method of fusing multiple sensors for positioning, which involves transforming the real-time kinematics (RTK) information into the initial position and doing a normal distribution transformation between the current frame point cloud and the scaffold reference point cloud to match the point cloud position. For path planning, the required vector map is manually planned in the orchard point cloud to specify the path of the roadway, and finally, navigation is achieved through pure path tracking. Field tests have shown that the accuracy of the normal distributions transform (NDT) SLAM method can reach 5 cm in each rank with a coefficient of variation that is less than 2%. Additionally, the navigation system has a high positioning heading accuracy with a deviation within 1° and a standard deviation of less than 0.6° when moving along the path point cloud at a speed of 1.0 m/s in a Y-trellis pear orchard. The lateral positioning deviation was also controlled within 5 cm with a standard deviation of less than 2 cm. This navigation system has a high level of accuracy and can be customized to specific tasks, making it widely applicable in trellis orchards with autonomous navigation pesticide sprayers

    Actuators and sensors for application in agricultural robots: A review

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    In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, agricultural robots have gradually begun to replace humans, to complete various agricultural operations, changing traditional agricultural production methods. Not only is the labor input reduced, but also the production efficiency can be improved, which invariably contributes to the development of smart agriculture. This paper reviews the core technologies used for agricultural robots in non-structural environments. In addition, we review the technological progress of drive systems, control strategies, end-effectors, robotic arms, environmental perception, and other related systems. This research shows that in a non-structured agricultural environment, using cameras and light detection and ranging (LiDAR), as well as ultrasonic and satellite navigation equipment, and by integrating sensing, transmission, control, and operation, different types of actuators can be innovatively designed and developed to drive the advance of agricultural robots, to meet the delicate and complex requirements of agricultural products as operational objects, such that better productivity and standardization of agriculture can be achieved. In summary, agricultural production is developing toward a data-driven, standardized, and unmanned approach, with smart agriculture supported by actuator-driven-based agricultural robots. This paper concludes with a summary of the main existing technologies and challenges in the development of actuators for applications in agricultural robots, and the outlook regarding the primary development directions of agricultural robots in the near future

    Navigation of an Autonomous Differential Drive Robot for Field Scouting in Semi-structured Environments

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    In recent years, the interests of introducing autonomous robots by growers into agriculture fields are rejuvenated due to the ever-increasing labor cost and the recent declining numbers of seasonal workers. The utilization of customized, autonomous agricultural robots has a profound impact on future orchard operations by providing low cost, meticulous inspection. Different sensors have been proven proficient in agrarian navigation including the likes of GPS, inertial, magnetic, rotary encoding, time of flight as well as vision. To compensate for anticipated disturbances, variances and constraints contingent to the outdoor semi-structured environment, a differential style drive vehicle will be implemented as an easily controllable system to conduct tasks such as imaging and sampling. In order to verify the motion control of a robot, custom-designed for strawberry fields, the task is separated into multiple phases to manage the over-bed and cross-bed operation needs. In particular, during the cross-bed segment an elevated strawberry bed will provide distance references utilized in a logic filter and tuned PID algorithm for safe and efficient travel. Due to the significant sources of uncertainty such as wheel slip and the vehicle model, nonlinear robust controllers are designed for the cross-bed motion, purely relying on vision feedback. A simple image filter algorithm was developed for strawberry row detection, in which pixels corresponding to the bed center will be tracked while the vehicle is in controlled motion. This incorporated derivation and formulation of a bounded uncertainty parameter that will be employed in the nonlinear control. Simulation of the entire system was subsequently completed to ensure the control capability before successful validation in multiple commercial farms. It is anticipated that with the developed algorithms the authentication of fully autonomous robotic systems functioning in agricultural crops will provide heightened efficiency of needed costly services; scouting, disease detection, collection, and distribution