4,737 research outputs found

    A New Computer-Aided Diagnosis System with Modified Genetic Feature Selection for BI-RADS Classification of Breast Masses in Mammograms

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    Mammography remains the most prevalent imaging tool for early breast cancer screening. The language used to describe abnormalities in mammographic reports is based on the breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS). Assigning a correct BI-RADS category to each examined mammogram is a strenuous and challenging task for even experts. This paper proposes a new and effective computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to classify mammographic masses into four assessment categories in BI-RADS. The mass regions are first enhanced by means of histogram equalization and then semiautomatically segmented based on the region growing technique. A total of 130 handcrafted BI-RADS features are then extrcated from the shape, margin, and density of each mass, together with the mass size and the patient's age, as mentioned in BI-RADS mammography. Then, a modified feature selection method based on the genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to select the most clinically significant BI-RADS features. Finally, a back-propagation neural network (BPN) is employed for classification, and its accuracy is used as the fitness in GA. A set of 500 mammogram images from the digital database of screening mammography (DDSM) is used for evaluation. Our system achieves classification accuracy, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and Matthews correlation coefficient of 84.5%, 84.4%, 94.8%, and 79.3%, respectively. To our best knowledge, this is the best current result for BI-RADS classification of breast masses in mammography, which makes the proposed system promising to support radiologists for deciding proper patient management based on the automatically assigned BI-RADS categories

    Aspects of algorithms and dynamics of cellular paradigms

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    Els paradigmes cel·lulars, com les xarxes neuronals cel·lulars (CNN, en anglès) i els autòmats cel·lulars (CA, en anglès), són una eina excel·lent de càlcul, al ser equivalents a una màquina universal de Turing. La introducció de la màquina universal CNN (CNN-UM, en anglès) ha permès desenvolupar hardware, el nucli computacional del qual funciona segons la filosofia cel·lular; aquest hardware ha trobat aplicació en diversos camps al llarg de la darrera dècada. Malgrat això, encara hi ha moltes preguntes a obertes sobre com definir els algoritmes d'una CNN-UM i com estudiar la dinàmica dels autòmats cel·lulars. En aquesta tesis es tracten els dos problemes: primer, es demostra que es possible acotar l'espai dels algoritmes per a la CNN-UM i explorar-lo gràcies a les tècniques genètiques; i segon, s'expliquen els fonaments de l'estudi dels CA per mitjà de la dinàmica no lineal (segons la definició de Chua) i s'il·lustra com aquesta tècnica ha permès trobar resultats innovadors.Los paradigmas celulares, como las redes neuronales celulares (CNN, eninglés) y los autómatas celulares (CA, en inglés), son una excelenteherramienta de cálculo, al ser equivalentes a una maquina universal deTuring. La introducción de la maquina universal CNN (CNN-UM, eninglés) ha permitido desarrollar hardware cuyo núcleo computacionalfunciona según la filosofía celular; dicho hardware ha encontradoaplicación en varios campos a lo largo de la ultima década. Sinembargo, hay aun muchas preguntas abiertas sobre como definir losalgoritmos de una CNN-UM y como estudiar la dinámica de los autómatascelular. En esta tesis se tratan ambos problemas: primero se demuestraque es posible acotar el espacio de los algoritmos para la CNN-UM yexplorarlo gracias a técnicas genéticas; segundo, se explican losfundamentos del estudio de los CA por medio de la dinámica no lineal(según la definición de Chua) y se ilustra como esta técnica hapermitido encontrar resultados novedosos.Cellular paradigms, like Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) and Cellular Automata (CA) are an excellent tool to perform computation, since they are equivalent to a Universal Turing machine. The introduction of the Cellular Neural Network - Universal Machine (CNN-UM) allowed us to develop hardware whose computational core works according to the principles of cellular paradigms; such a hardware has found application in a number of fields throughout the last decade. Nevertheless, there are still many open questions about how to define algorithms for a CNN-UM, and how to study the dynamics of Cellular Automata. In this dissertation both problems are tackled: first, we prove that it is possible to bound the space of all algorithms of CNN-UM and explore it through genetic techniques; second, we explain the fundamentals of the nonlinear perspective of CA (according to Chua's definition), and we illustrate how this technique has allowed us to find novel results

    The 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Enhanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis diagnosis using 3D visualization and automatic classification of lesions

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    Breast cancer represents the main cause of cancer-related deaths in women. Nonetheless, the mortality rate of this disease has been decreasing over the last three decades, largely due to the screening programs for early detection. For many years, both screening and clinical diagnosis were mostly done through Digital Mammography (DM). Approved in 2011, Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is similar to DM but it allows a 3D reconstruction of the breast tissue, which helps the diagnosis by reducing the tissue overlap. Currently, DBT is firmly established and is approved as a stand-alone modality to replace DM. The main objective of this thesis is to develop computational tools to improve the visualization and interpretation of DBT data. Several methods for an enhanced visualization of DBT data through volume rendering were studied and developed. Firstly, important rendering parameters were considered. A new approach for automatic generation of transfer functions was implemented and two other parameters that highly affect the quality of volume rendered images were explored: voxel size in Z direction and sampling distance. Next, new image processing methods that improve the rendering quality by considering the noise regularization and the reduction of out-of-plane artifacts were developed. The interpretation of DBT data with automatic detection of lesions was approached through artificial intelligence methods. Several deep learning Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) were implemented and trained to classify a complete DBT image for the presence or absence of microcalcification clusters (MCs). Then, a faster R-CNN (region-based CNN) was trained to detect and accurately locate the MCs in the DBT images. The detected MCs were rendered with the developed 3D rendering software, which provided an enhanced visualization of the volume of interest. The combination of volume visualization with lesion detection may, in the future, improve both diagnostic accuracy and also reduce analysis time. This thesis promotes the development of new computational imaging methods to increase the diagnostic value of DBT, with the aim of assisting radiologists in their task of analyzing DBT volumes and diagnosing breast cancer

    Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.Comment: 46 pages, 22 fig

    A deep learning framework to classify breast density with noisy labels regularization

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    Background and objective: Breast density assessed from digital mammograms is a biomarker for higher risk of developing breast cancer. Experienced radiologists assess breast density using the Breast Image and Data System (BI-RADS) categories. Supervised learning algorithms have been developed with this objective in mind, however, the performance of these algorithms depends on the quality of the ground-truth information which is usually labeled by expert readers. These labels are noisy approximations of the ground truth, as there is often intra- and inter-reader variability among labels. Thus, it is crucial to provide a reliable method to obtain digital mammograms matching BI-RADS categories. This paper presents RegL (Labels Regularizer), a methodology that includes different image pre-processes to allow both a correct breast segmentation and the enhancement of image quality through an intensity adjustment, thus allowing the use of deep learning to classify the mammograms into BI-RADS categories. The Confusion Matrix (CM) - CNN network used implements an architecture that models each radiologist's noisy label. The final methodology pipeline was determined after comparing the performance of image pre-processes combined with different DL architectures. Methods: A multi-center study composed of 1395 women whose mammograms were classified into the four BI-RADS categories by three experienced radiologists is presented. A total of 892 mammograms were used as the training corpus, 224 formed the validation corpus, and 279 the test corpus. Results: The combination of five networks implementing the RegL methodology achieved the best results among all the models in the test set. The ensemble model obtained an accuracy of (0.85) and a kappa index of 0.71. Conclusions: The proposed methodology has a similar performance to the experienced radiologists in the classification of digital mammograms into BI-RADS categories. This suggests that the pre-processing steps and modelling of each radiologist's label allows for a better estimation of the unknown ground truth labels.This work was partially funded by Generalitat Valenciana through IVACE (Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness) distributed nominatively to Valencian technological innovation centres under project expedient IMAMCN/2021/1.S
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