2,159 research outputs found

    A new seal verification for Chinese color seal

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    Automatic seal imprint identification system is highly demanded in oriental countries. Even though several seal identification techniques have been proposed, it is seldom to find the papers on the recovery of lost seal imprint strokes caused by superimposition. In this paper, a new seal verification for Chinese color seal is proposed. This approach segments the seal imprint from the input image in terms of the adaptive thresholds. The lost seal imprint strokes are recovered based on the text stroke width that can be detected automatically. In addition, the moment-based seal verification is to compare the reference seal imprint and the recovered one. Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to correctly and efficiently verify the genuine and forgery seal imprint

    Character Segmentation in Asian Collector's Seal Imprints: An Attempt to Retrieval Based on Ancient Character Typeface

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    Collector's seals provide important clues about the ownership of a book. They contain much information pertaining to the essential elements of ancient materials and also show the details of possession, its relation to the book, the identity of the collectors and their social status and wealth, amongst others. Asian collectors have typically used artistic ancient characters rather than modern ones to make their seals. In addition to the owner's name, several other words are used to express more profound meanings. A system that automatically recognizes these characters can help enthusiasts and professionals better understand the background information of these seals. However, there is a lack of training data and labelled images, as samples of some seals are scarce and most of them are degraded images. It is necessary to find new ways to make full use of such scarce data. While these data are available online, they do not contain information on the characters'position. The goal of this research is to provide retrieval tools assist in obtaining more information from Asian collector's seals imprints without consuming a lot of computational resources. In this paper, a character segmentation method is proposed to predict the candidate characters'area without any labelled training data that contain character coordinate information. A retrieval-based recognition system that focuses on a single character is also proposed to support seal retrieval and matching. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed character segmentation method performs well on Asian collector's seals, with 92% of the test data being correctly segmented

    Design and Implementation of Anti-fake Seal System for Bank of Communications

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    随着经济的飞速发展,银行中的企业往来支票业务量日益增大,而支票鉴别和管理是银行业务流程中的一个重要环节。其过程通常包括:支票录入和账号识别、印章鉴别、记录保存、支票管理等几个步骤。目前大部分银行对支票有效性的鉴别、验印与记录信息仍手工进行。而传统的验印手法是手工折角,劳动强度大,管理难度高,费时费力,可靠性也差。另外一个突出问题是验印记录的保存和管理。对于大的银行,采用传统的方法将凭证装订保管,工作量很大,如想查阅以往的某一笔账几乎更是难上加难。因此,如果能够在一个系统中集成支票有效性鉴别、印章自动鉴别,自动生成验印记录及记录查询管理,既能够节省大量投资成本,也能够大幅度提高工作效率。 本课...With the rapid development of economy, the amount of business transactions in the bank is increasing, and the check identification and management is an important part of the banking business process. The process usually includes the following steps: checking account and checking account, seal identification, record keeping, check management, etc.. At present, most of the bank to identify, check th...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323113

    Stamp detection in scanned documents

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    The article presents current challenges in stamp detection problem. It is a crucial topic these days since more and more traditional paper documents are being scanned in order to be archived, sent through the net or just printed. Moreover, an electronic version of paper document stored on a hard drive can be taken as forensic evidence of possible crime. The main purpose of the method presented in the paper is to detect, localize and segment stamps (imprints) from the scanned document. The problem is not trivial since there is no such thing like stamp standard. There are many variations in size, shape, complexity and ink color. It should be remembered that the scanned document may be degraded in quality and the stamp can be placed on a relatively complicated background. The algorithm consists of several steps: color segmentation and pixel classification, regular shapes detection, candidates segmentation and verification. The paper includes also the initial results of selected experiments on real documents having different types of stamps

    Non-english and non-latin signature verification systems: A survey

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    Signatures continue to be an important biometric because they remain widely used as a means of personal verification and therefore an automatic verification system is needed. Manual signature-based authentication of a large number of documents is a difficult and time consuming task. Consequently for many years, in the field of protected communication and financial applications, we have observed an explosive growth in biometric personal authentication systems that are closely connected with measurable unique physical characteristics (e.g. hand geometry, iris scan, finger prints or DNA) or behavioural features. Substantial research has been undertaken in the field of signature verification involving English signatures, but to the best of our knowledge, very few works have considered non-English signatures such as Chinese, Japanese, Arabic etc. In order to convey the state-of-the-art in the field to researchers, in this paper we present a survey of non-English and non-Latin signature verification systems

    A Bridge and Engine Room Staffing and Scheduling Model for Robust Mission Accomplishment in the Littoral Combat Ships

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    The Navy’s Littoral Combat Ships were designed to be relatively small surface vessels for operations near a littoral shore theater. These ships were envisioned to be highly automated, networked, agile, stealthy surface combatants capable of defeating anti-access and asymmetric threats in the littorals with minimum manpower. To date, however, some of these ships have experienced significant engineering and propulsion plant failures that impacted mission accomplishment and were attributable, at least in part, to under staffing and over scheduling the human component of the automation-human operational environment. The critical human components on the Littoral Combat Ship are bridge and engine room staffing. Since the engineering plant has been the source of most major failures to date, this project sought to develop an engine room staffing and scheduling model for the Littoral Combat Ship class given a stated set of minimum mission objectives when operating under normal conditions – called “Condition III Underway Steaming”, which is used as the basis for official Navy manning calculations, and to provide recommendations for improved automation-human modeling. A survey of the crew of several LCS ships was conducted and the results were analyzed using exploratory data analysis and multiple joint correspondence analysis. Results of the survey analysis were applied to the design of a joint physical-cognitive-automation workflow analysis of critical procedures and failure modes as they map to four dimensions: fatigue, watch and maintenance tasking, and automation-human interface. Workflow analysis results were then simulated in an IMPRINT model of a typical watch period, and the results were evaluated against the four dimensions of the survey. The project validated that the four dimensions analyzed are indeed worthy of consideration in manpower models, and that IMPRINT has the potential, with a few modifications, to model joint physical-cognitive-automation workflows as an improvement to the current manpower-only models used in Navy ship design by accounting for human factors

    Verification of Authenticity of Stamps in Documents

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    Klasická inkoustová razítka, která se používají k autorizaci dokumentů, se dnes díky rozšíření moderních technologií dají relativně snadno padělat metodou oskenování a vytištění. V rámci diplomové práce je vyvíjen automatický nástroj pro ověření pravosti razítek, který najde využití zejména v prostředích, kde je nutné zpracovávat velké množství dokumentů. Procesu ověření pravosti razítka musí přirozeně předcházet jeho detekce v dokumentu - úloha zpracování obrazu, která zatím nemá přesvědčivé řešení. V této diplomové práci je navržena zcela nová metoda detekce a ověření pravosti razítka v barevných obrazech dokumentů. Tato metoda zahrnuje plnou segmentaci stránky za účelem určení kandidátních řešení, dále extrakci příznaků a následnou klasifikaci kandidátů za pomoci algoritmu podpůrných vektorů (SVM). Evaluace ukázala, že algoritmus umožňuje rozlišovat razítka od jiných barevných objektů v dokumentu jako jsou například loga a barevné nápisy. Kromě toho algoritmus dokáže rozlišit pravá razítka od kopií.Classical ink stamps and seals used for authentication of a document content have become relatively easy to forge by the scan & print technique since the technology is available to general public. For environments where a huge volume of documents is processed, an automatic system for verification of authenticity of stamps is being developed in the scope of this master's thesis. The process of stamp authenticity verification naturally must be preceded by the phase of stamp detection and segmentation - a difficult task of Document Image Analysis (DIA). In this master's thesis, a novel method for detection and verification of stamps in color document images is proposed. It involves a full segmentation of the page to identify candidate solutions, extraction of features, and further classification of the candidates by means of support vector machines. The evaluation has shown that the algorithm is capable of differentiating stamps from other color objects in the document such as logos or text and also genuine stamps from copied ones.

    Infrared face recognition: a comprehensive review of methodologies and databases

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    Automatic face recognition is an area with immense practical potential which includes a wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications. Hence it is unsurprising that it continues to be one of the most active research areas of computer vision. Even after over three decades of intense research, the state-of-the-art in face recognition continues to improve, benefitting from advances in a range of different research fields such as image processing, pattern recognition, computer graphics, and physiology. Systems based on visible spectrum images, the most researched face recognition modality, have reached a significant level of maturity with some practical success. However, they continue to face challenges in the presence of illumination, pose and expression changes, as well as facial disguises, all of which can significantly decrease recognition accuracy. Amongst various approaches which have been proposed in an attempt to overcome these limitations, the use of infrared (IR) imaging has emerged as a particularly promising research direction. This paper presents a comprehensive and timely review of the literature on this subject. Our key contributions are: (i) a summary of the inherent properties of infrared imaging which makes this modality promising in the context of face recognition, (ii) a systematic review of the most influential approaches, with a focus on emerging common trends as well as key differences between alternative methodologies, (iii) a description of the main databases of infrared facial images available to the researcher, and lastly (iv) a discussion of the most promising avenues for future research.Comment: Pattern Recognition, 2014. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.160

    An experimental study on the deformation behaviour and fracture mode of recycled aluminium alloy AA6061-reinforced alumina oxide undergoing high-velocity impact

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    The anisotropic behaviour and the damage evolution of recycled aluminium alloy-reinforced alumina oxide are investigated in this paper using Taylor impact test. The test is performed at various impact velocity ranging from 190 to 360 m/s by firing a cylindrical projectile towards anvil target. The deformation behaviour and the fracture modes are analysed using the digitized footprint of the deformed specimens. The damage initiation and the progression are observed around the impact surface and the surface 0.5 cm from the impact area using the scanning electron microscope. The deformed specimens showed several ductile fracture modes of mushrooming, tensile splitting and petalling. The critical impact velocity is defined below 280 m/s. The specimens showed a strong strain-rate dependency due to the damage evolution that is driven by severe localized plastic-strain deformation. The scanning electron microscope analysis showed the damage mechanism progress via voids initiation, growth and coalescence in the material. The micrograph within the footprint surface shows the presence of alumina oxide particles within the specimen. The microstructure analysis shows a significant refinement of the specimen particle at the surface located 0.5 cm above the impact area. ImageJ software is adopted in this work to measure the average size of voids within this surface. Non-symmetrical (ellipse-shaped) footprint around the footprints showed plastic anisotropic behaviour. The results in this paper provide a better understanding of the deformation behaviour of recycled materials subjected to dynamic loading. This information on mechanical response is crucial before any potential application can be established to substitute the primary sources