256 research outputs found

    Optimización de ataques a redes complejas mediante un algoritmo de colonias de abejas artificiales

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    En los últimos años, ha crecido el interés en formular como un problema de optimización la tarea de concebir ataques efectivos que causen el máximo daño sobre redes complejas. En este caso, los ataques se modelan como un proceso de eliminación de k vértices del grafo que representa la red. En este trabajo, seguimos esta línea de investigación presentando un problema de optimización que concierne la selección de los nodos a eliminar con el objetivo de minimizar el máximo valor de intermediación en el grafo residual. La intermediación es una medida de centralidad bien conocida que evalúa la importancia de los nodos de la red de acuerdo a su participación en los caminos más cortos. La relevancia de este indicador dentro de la tecnología actual disponible para el análisis de redes nos ha llevado a plantear esta técnica para planificar ataques efectivos sobre redes. Además, para abordar el problema de optimización, proponemos un algoritmo de colonias de abejas artificiales, que es una técnica de inteligencia colectiva inspirada en el comportamiento de las abejas cuando realizan la búsqueda de comida. Nuestra propuesta explota el conocimiento útil sobre el problema que se obtiene de la exploración de las fuentes de comida, aplicando una destrucción parcial de las soluciones escogidas y una reconstrucción heurística de las mismas. Mediante el análisis experimental de los resultados mostramos el buen comportamiento del algoritmo propuesto, con respecto a métodos de la literatura que pueden adoptarse para enfrentarse con el problema, tal como el método de ataque secuencial basado en centralidad

    Development of a R package to facilitate the learning of clustering techniques

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    This project explores the development of a tool, in the form of a R package, to ease the process of learning clustering techniques, how they work and what their pros and cons are. This tool should provide implementations for several different clustering techniques with explanations in order to allow the student to get familiar with the characteristics of each algorithm by testing them against several different datasets while deepening their understanding of them through the explanations. Additionally, these explanations should adapt to the input data, making the tool not only adept for self-regulated learning but for teaching too.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic


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    In recent years, large-scale e-learning environments such as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have become increasingly popular. In such environments, peer assessment, which is mutual assessment among learners, has been used to evaluate reports and programming assignments. When the number of learners increases as in MOOCs, peer assessment is often conducted by dividing learners into multiple groups to reduce the learners’ assessment workload. In this case, however, the accuracy of peer assessment depends on the way to form groups. To solve the problem, this study proposes a group optimization method based on item response theory (IRT) and integer programming. The proposed group optimization method is formulated as an integer programming problem that maximizes the Fisher information, which is a widely used index of ability assessment accuracy in IRT. Experimental results, however, show that the proposed method cannot sufficiently improve the accuracy compared to the random group formulation. To overcome this limitation, this study introduces the concept of external raters and proposes an external rater selection method that assigns a few appropriate external raters to each learner after the groups were formed using the proposed group optimization method. In this study, an external rater is defined as a peer-rater who belongs to different groups. The proposed external rater selection method is formulated as an integer programming problem that maximizes the lower bound of the Fisher information of the estimated ability of the learners by the external raters. Experimental results using both simulated and real-world peer assessment data show that the introduction of external raters is useful to improve the accuracy sufficiently. The result also demonstrates that the proposed external rater selection method based on IRT models can significantly improve the accuracy of ability assessment than the random selection.近年,MOOCsなどの大規模型eラーニングが普及してきた.大規模な数の学習者が参加している場合には,教師が一人で学習者のレポートやプログラム課題などを評価することは難しい.大規模の学習者の評価手法の一つとして,学習者同士によるピアアセスメントが注目されている.MOOCsのように学習者数が多い場合のピアアセスメントは,評価の負担を軽減するために学習者を複数のグループに分割してグループ内のメンバ同士で行うことが多い.しかし,この場合,グループ構成の仕方によって評価結果が大きく変化してしまう問題がある.この問題を解決するために,本研究では,項目反応理論と整数計画法を用いて,グループで行うピアアセスメントの精度を最適化するグループ構成手法を提案する.具体的には,項目反応理論において学習者の能力測定精度を表すフィッシャー情報量を最大化する整数計画問題としてグループ構成問題を定式化する.実験の結果,ランダムグループ構成と比べて,提案手法はおおむね測定精度を改善したが,それは限定的な結果であることが明らかとなった.そこで,本研究ではさらに,異なるグループから数名の学習者を外部評価者として各学習者に割り当て外部評価者選択手法を提案する.シミュレーションと実データ実験により,提案手法を用いることで能力測定精度を大幅に改善できることを示す.電気通信大学201

    Analyzing the BBOB Results by Means of Benchmarking Concepts

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    We present methods to answer two basic questions that arise when benchmarking optimization algorithms. The first one is: which algorithm is the "best" one? and the second one is: which algorithm should I use for my real-world problem? Both are connected and neither is easy to answer. We present a theoretical framework for designing and analyzing the raw data of such benchmark experiments. This represents a first step in answering the aforementioned questions. The 2009 and 2010 BBOB benchmark results are analyzed by means of this framework and we derive insight regarding the answers to the two questions. Furthermore, we discuss how to properly aggregate rankings from algorithm evaluations on individual problems into a consensus, its theoretical background and which common pitfalls should be avoided. Finally, we address the grouping of test problems into sets with similar optimizer rankings and investigate whether these are reflected by already proposed test problem characteristics, finding that this is not always the case.FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Mathematical Methods and Operation Research in Logistics, Project Planning, and Scheduling

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    In the last decade, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brought flexible supply chains and flexible design projects to the forefront. Nevertheless, the recent pandemic, the accompanying economic problems, and the resulting supply problems have further increased the role of logistics and supply chains. Therefore, planning and scheduling procedures that can respond flexibly to changed circumstances have become more valuable both in logistics and projects. There are already several competing criteria of project and logistic process planning and scheduling that need to be reconciled. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that even more emphasis needs to be placed on taking potential risks into account. Flexibility and resilience are emphasized in all decision-making processes, including the scheduling of logistic processes, activities, and projects

    Rámec pro plánování problémy

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    Import 22/07/2015Scheduling problems form an important subclass of combinatorial optimisation problems with many applications in manufacturing and logistics. Predominately these problems are NP-complete (decision based) and NP-hard (optimisation based), hence the main course of research in solving them concentrates on the design of efficient heuristic algorithms. Two main categories of these algorithms exist: deterministic algorithms and evolutionary metaheuristics. The deterministic algorithms comprise local improvement techniques, such as k-opt algorithm, which try to improve existing feasible solution, and constructive heuristics, such as NEH, which build a solution starting from scratch, adding one job at a time. Evolutionary metaheuristics have prospered in the past decades, owing to their efficiency and flexibility. Drawing inspiration from the theory of natural evolution or swarm behavioural patterns, the most popular of these algorithms in practice include for instance Genetic Algorithms, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimisation, amongst others. However, even though these heuristics provide in most cases close to optimal solution at reasonable execution time, this time is still impractically long for many applications. Therefore much effort has been dedicated to accelerating these algorithms. Since the development of hardware turns away from increasing the clock speed towards the parallel processing units, owing to reaching the limits of technology due to the increased power consumption and heat dissipation, this effort goes into parallelisation of the existing algorithms, to enable exploitation of the computing power of multi-core or many-core platforms. This is the goal of the first part of the thesis, accelerating two of the deterministic algorithms, NEH and 2-opt, with interesting results. Another approach has been taken in the second part, with the core premise of exploring the influence of stochasticity on the performance of an evolutionary algorithm, selecting the relatively recent and promising Discrete Artificial Bee Colony algorithm. The pseudo-random number generator has been replaced with the different types of dissipative chaos maps, with some of them improving the algorithm significantly. It has been shown that the population based evolutionary algorithms often form complex networks, taken from the point of view of the information exchange between individual solutions during the course of population development. The final part of this thesis puts this observation into practice by embedding the complex network analysis based self-adaptive mechanism into the ABC algorithm, a continuous optimisation problems solving evolutionary algorithm, which is however the basis for the afore mentioned DABC algorithm, and proving the effectiveness for some of the developed versions, currently on the standard continuous optimisation test functions, with the possibility to extend this modification to the combinatorial optimisations problems in the future being discussed in the conclusion.Rozvrhovací problémy jsou důležitou podtřídou úloh kombinatorické optimalizace s řadou aplikací ve výrobě a logistice. Většina těchto problémů je NP-úplných (rozhodovací forma) a NP-těžkých (optimalizační forma), proto se výzkum zaměřuje na návrh efektivních heuristických algoritmů. Dvě hlavní kategorie těchto algoritmů jsou deterministické algoritmy a evoluční metaheuristiky. Deterministické algoritmy zahrnují techniky lokálního prohledávání, například algoritmus k-opt, jejichž cílem je zlepšení existujícího přípustného řešení problému, dále pak konstruktivní heuristiky, jejichž příkladem je algoritmus NEH, které hledané řešení vytvářejí inkrementálně, bez potřeby znalosti vstupního bodu v prohledávaném prostoru řešení. Evoluční metaheuristiky mají za sebou historii úspěšného vývoje v posledních desetiletích, zejména díky jejich efektivitě a flexibilitě. Jejich inspirací jsou poznatky převzaté z biologie, teorie evoluce a inteligence hejna. Mezi nejpopulárnějšími z těchto algoritmů jsou, mimo jiné, genetické algoritmy, diferenciální evoluce, rojení částic (Particle Swarm Optimisation). Ačkoli tyto heuristiky nalézají ve většině případů řešení blížící se globálnímu optimu v přípustném výpočetním čase, pro řadu aplikací mohou být stále ještě nepřijatelně pomalé. Velké úsilí bylo věnováno zrychlení těchto algoritmů. Protože se vývoj hardware díky dosažení technologických limitů, vzhledem ke zvyšující se spotřebě energie a tepelnému vyzařování, obrací od zvyšování frekvence jednojádrového procesoru k vícejádrovým procesorům a paralelnímu zpracování, je tato snaha většinou orientovaná na paralelizaci existujících algoritmů, aby bylo umožněno využití výpočetní síly vícejádrových platforem (multi-core a many-core). Prvním cílem této práce je tudíž akcelerace dvou deterministických algoritmů, NEH a 2-opt, přičemž bylo dosaženo zajímavých výsledků. Jiný přístup byl zvolen ve druhé části, s hlavní myšlenkou prozkoumání vlivu náhodnosti na výkon evolučního algoritmu. Za tímto účelem byl zvolen relativně nový a slibný algoritmus Discrete Artificial Bee Colony. Generátor pseudonáhodných čísel byl nahrazen několika různými chaotickými mapami, z nichž některé znatelně zlepšily výsledky algoritmu. Bylo ukázáno, že evoluční algoritmy založené na populaci často formují komplexní sítě, vzato z pohledu výměny informací mezi jednotlivými řešeními v populaci během jejího vývoje. Závěrečná část práce aplikuje toto pozorování vložením samo přizpůsobivého mechanismu založeném na analýze komplexní sítě do algoritmu ABC, který je evolučním algoritmem pro spojitou optimalizaci a zároveň základem dříve zmíněného DABC algoritmu. Efektivita několika verzí algoritmu založeném na této myšlence je dokázána na standardní sadě testovacích funkcí pro spojitou optimalizaci. Možnost rozšíření této modifikace na kombinatorické optimalizační problémy je diskutována v závěru práce.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Advanced Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Power Systems Control and Analysis

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    The work published in this book is related to the application of advanced signal processing in smart grids, including power quality, data management, stability and economic management in presence of renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and electric vehicles. The distinct architecture of smart grids has prompted investigations into the use of advanced algorithms combined with signal processing methods to provide optimal results. The presented applications are focused on data management with cloud computing, power quality assessment, photovoltaic power plant control, and electrical vehicle charge stations, all supported by modern AI-based optimization methods