322 research outputs found

    Adaptive Latency Insensitive Protocols

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    Latency-insensitive design copes with excessive delays typical of global wires in current and future IC technologies. It achieves its goal via encapsulation of synchronous logic blocks in wrappers that communicate through a latency-insensitive protocol (LIP) and pipelined interconnects. Previously proposed solutions suffer from an excessive performance penalty in terms of throughput or from a lack of generality. This article presents an adaptive LIP that outperforms previous static implementations, as demonstrated by two relevant cases — a microprocessor and an MPEG encoder — whose components we made insensitive to the latencies of their interconnections through a newly developed wrapper. We also present an informal exposition of the theoretical basis of adaptive LIPs, as well as implementation detail

    Adaptive Latency Insensitive Protocols andElastic Circuits with Early Evaluation: A Comparative Analysis

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    AbstractLatency Insensitive Protocols (LIP) and Elastic Circuits (EC) solve the same problem of rendering a design tolerant to additional latencies caused by wires or computational elements. They are performance-limited by a firing semantics that enforces coherency through a lazy evaluation rule: Computation is enabled if all inputs to a block are simultaneously available. Adaptive LIP's (ALIP) and EC with early evaluation (ECEE) increase the performance by relaxing the evaluation rule: Computation is enabled as soon as the subset of inputs needed at a given time is available. Their difference in terms of implementation and behavior in selected cases justifies the need for the comparative analysis reported in this paper. Results have been obtained through simple examples, a single representative case-study already used in the context of both LIP's and EC and through extensive simulations over a suite of benchmarks

    An algebraic theory for behavioral modeling and protocol synthesis in system design

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    International audienceThe design productivity gap has been recognized by the semiconductor industry as one of the major threats to the continued growth of system-on-chips and embedded systems. Ad-hoc system-level design methodologies, that lifts modeling to higher levels of abstraction, and the concept of intellectual property (IP), that promotes reuse of existing components, are essential steps to manage design complexity. However, the issue of compositional correctness arises with these steps. Given components from different manufacturers, designed with heterogeneous models, at different levels of abstraction, assembling them in a correct-by-construction manner is a difficult challenge. We address this challenge by proposing a process algebraic model to support system design with a formal model of computation and serve as a type system to capture the behavior of system components at the interface level. The proposed algebra is conceptually minimal, equipped with a formal semantics defined in a synchronous model of computation. It supports a scalable notion and a flexible degree of abstraction. We demonstrate its benefits by considering the type-based synthesis of latency-insensitive protocols, showing that the synthesis of component wrappers can be optimized by behavioral information carried by interface type descriptions and yield minimized stalls and maximized throughput

    On-Chip Transparent Wire Pipelining (invited paper)

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    Wire pipelining has been proposed as a viable mean to break the discrepancy between decreasing gate delays and increasing wire delays in deep-submicron technologies. Far from being a straightforwardly applicable technique, this methodology requires a number of design modifications in order to insert it seamlessly in the current design flow. In this paper we briefly survey the methods presented by other researchers in the field and then we thoroughly analyze the solutions we recently proposed, ranging from system-level wire pipelining to physical design aspects

    Combining dynamic and static scheduling in high-level synthesis

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are starting to become mainstream devices for custom computing, particularly deployed in data centres. However, using these FPGA devices requires familiarity with digital design at a low abstraction level. In order to enable software engineers without a hardware background to design custom hardware, high-level synthesis (HLS) tools automatically transform a high-level program, for example in C/C++, into a low-level hardware description. A central task in HLS is scheduling: the allocation of operations to clock cycles. The classic approach to scheduling is static, in which each operation is mapped to a clock cycle at compile time, but recent years have seen the emergence of dynamic scheduling, in which an operation’s clock cycle is only determined at run-time. Both approaches have their merits: static scheduling can lead to simpler circuitry and more resource sharing, while dynamic scheduling can lead to faster hardware when the computation has a non-trivial control flow. This thesis proposes a scheduling approach that combines the best of both worlds. My idea is to use existing program analysis techniques in software designs, such as probabilistic analysis and formal verification, to optimize the HLS hardware. First, this thesis proposes a tool named DASS that uses a heuristic-based approach to identify the code regions in the input program that are amenable to static scheduling and synthesises them into statically scheduled components, also known as static islands, leaving the top-level hardware dynamically scheduled. Second, this thesis addresses a problem of this approach: that the analysis of static islands and their dynamically scheduled surroundings are separate, where one treats the other as black boxes. We apply static analysis including dependence analysis between static islands and their dynamically scheduled surroundings to optimize the offsets of static islands for high performance. We also apply probabilistic analysis to estimate the performance of the dynamically scheduled part and use this information to optimize the static islands for high area efficiency. Finally, this thesis addresses the problem of conservatism in using sequential control flow designs which can limit the throughput of the hardware. We show this challenge can be solved by formally proving that certain control flows can be safely parallelised for high performance. This thesis demonstrates how to use automated formal verification to find out-of-order loop pipelining solutions and multi-threading solutions from a sequential program.Open Acces

    Agile SoC Development with Open ESP

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    ESP is an open-source research platform for heterogeneous SoC design. The platform combines a modular tile-based architecture with a variety of application-oriented flows for the design and optimization of accelerators. The ESP architecture is highly scalable and strikes a balance between regularity and specialization. The companion methodology raises the level of abstraction to system-level design and enables an automated flow from software and hardware development to full-system prototyping on FPGA. For application developers, ESP offers domain-specific automated solutions to synthesize new accelerators for their software and to map complex workloads onto the SoC architecture. For hardware engineers, ESP offers automated solutions to integrate their accelerator designs into the complete SoC. Conceived as a heterogeneous integration platform and tested through years of teaching at Columbia University, ESP supports the open-source hardware community by providing a flexible platform for agile SoC development.Comment: Invited Paper at the 2020 International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) - Special Session on Opensource Tools and Platforms for Agile Development of Specialized Architecture

    Implementation of Bus-Based and NoC-Based MP3 Decoders on FPGA

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    The trend of modern System-on-Chip (SoC) design is increasing in size and number of Processing Elements (PE) for various and general purpose tasks. Emergence of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) into the world of technology has lowered the limitations faced by Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design. FPGA has a less timeto- market and is a perfect candidate for prototyping purposes due to the flexibility they create for the design and this is the key feature of the FPGA technology. Technology advancements have introduced reconfiguration concepts which increase the flexibility of FPGA designs more. One method to improve SoC's performance is to adopt a sophi sticated communication medium between PEs to achieve a high throughput. Bus architecture has been improved to meet the requirements of high-performance SoCs, however, its inherently poor scalability limjts their enhancement. The Network-on-Chip (NoC) design paradigm has emerged to overcome the scalability limitations of point-to-point and bus communkation. This thesis presents an investigation towards NoC versus bus based implementation of an SoC. An MP3 decoder has been selected as an application to be implemented on the proposed design. The final design in the thes is demonstrated that the NoC based MP3 decoder achieves a 14% faster clock frequency and real time operation with the NoC based design decode an MP3 frame on average in 10% less time that the bus based MP3 decoder

    Asynchronous techniques for new generation variation-tolerant FPGA

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis presents a practical scenario for asynchronous logic implementation that would benefit the modern Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) technology in improving reliability. A method based on Asynchronously-Assisted Logic (AAL) blocks is proposed here in order to provide the right degree of variation tolerance, preserve as much of the traditional FPGAs structure as possible, and make use of asynchrony only when necessary or beneficial for functionality. The newly proposed AAL introduces extra underlying hard-blocks that support asynchronous interaction only when needed and at minimum overhead. This has the potential to avoid the obstacles to the progress of asynchronous designs, particularly in terms of area and power overheads. The proposed approach provides a solution that is complementary to existing variation tolerance techniques such as the late-binding technique, but improves the reliability of the system as well as reducing the design’s margin headroom when implemented on programmable logic devices (PLDs) or FPGAs. The proposed method suggests the deployment of configurable AAL blocks to reinforce only the variation-critical paths (VCPs) with the help of variation maps, rather than re-mapping and re-routing. The layout level results for this method's worst case increase in the CLB’s overall size only of 6.3%. The proposed strategy retains the structure of the global interconnect resources that occupy the lion’s share of the modern FPGA’s soft fabric, and yet permits the dual-rail iv completion-detection (DR-CD) protocol without the need to globally double the interconnect resources. Simulation results of global and interconnect voltage variations demonstrate the robustness of the method

    CAD Tool Design for NCL and MTNCL Asynchronous Circuits

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    This thesis presents an implementation of a method developed to readily convert Boolean designs into an ultra-low power asynchronous design methodology called MTNCL, which combines multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) with NULL Convention Logic (NCL) systems. MTNCL provides the leakage power advantages of an all high-Vt implementation with a reasonable speed penalty compared to the all low-Vt implementation, and has negligible area overhead. The proposed tool utilizes industry-standard CAD tools. This research also presents an Automated Gate-Level Pipelining with Bit-Wise Completion (AGLPBW) method to maximize throughput of delay-insensitive full-word pipelined NCL circuits. These methods have been integrated into the Mentor Graphics and Synopsis CAD tools, using a C-program, which performs the majority of the computations, such that the method can be easily ported to other CAD tool suites. Both methods have been successfully tested on circuits, including a 4-bit × 4-bit multiplier, an unsigned Booth2 multiplier, and a 4-bit/8-operation arithmetic logic unit (ALU
