8,898 research outputs found

    An Ontology based Text-to-Picture Multimedia m-Learning System

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    Multimedia Text-to-Picture is the process of building mental representation from words associated with images. From the research aspect, multimedia instructional message items are illustrations of material using words and pictures that are designed to promote user realization. Illustrations can be presented in a static form such as images, symbols, icons, figures, tables, charts, and maps; or in a dynamic form such as animation, or video clips. Due to the intuitiveness and vividness of visual illustration, many text to picture systems have been proposed in the literature like, Word2Image, Chat with Illustrations, and many others as discussed in the literature review chapter of this thesis. However, we found that some common limitations exist in these systems, especially for the presented images. In fact, the retrieved materials are not fully suitable for educational purposes. Many of them are not context-based and didn’t take into consideration the need of learners (i.e., general purpose images). Manually finding the required pedagogic images to illustrate educational content for learners is inefficient and requires huge efforts, which is a very challenging task. In addition, the available learning systems that mine text based on keywords or sentences selection provide incomplete pedagogic illustrations. This is because words and their semantically related terms are not considered during the process of finding illustrations. In this dissertation, we propose new approaches based on the semantic conceptual graph and semantically distributed weights to mine optimal illustrations that match Arabic text in the children’s story domain. We combine these approaches with best keywords and sentences selection algorithms, in order to improve the retrieval of images matching the Arabic text. Our findings show significant improvements in modelling Arabic vocabulary with the most meaningful images and best coverage of the domain in discourse. We also develop a mobile Text-to-Picture System that has two novel features, which are (1) a conceptual graph visualization (CGV) and (2) a visual illustrative assessment. The CGV shows the relationship between terms associated with a picture. It enables the learners to discover the semantic links between Arabic terms and improve their understanding of Arabic vocabulary. The assessment component allows the instructor to automatically follow up the performance of learners. Our experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our multimedia text-to-picture system in enhancing the learners’ knowledge and boost their comprehension of Arabic vocabulary


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    Education is a conscious effort made to improve the condition of individuals and society. If individuals and communities have awareness, a harmonious, harmonious and peaceful life will be created. Examining the development of Chinese Muslim education with a philosophical perspective on informal, formal and non-formal education. The three types of education will provide positive values ​​for Chinese Muslims to participate in the intellectual life of the nation. Observations and interviews as data collection instruments. The data analysis technique is data reduction by organizing and organizing data, presenting data and verifying data, then drawing conclusions with a philosophical rational approach to the research focus. The results obtained: 1. Informal education runs as informal education for Muslim communities in general. Epistemologically, the Chinese Muslim community develops scientific structures, including religious sciences and general sciences 2. The formal education presented by the Chinese Muslim community includes kindergartens, and there are also universities with built scientific structures, namely empirical science as a response to the development of science and technology. The College of Management and Computer Science was founded by a Chinese Muslim whose curriculum content is to strengthen prospective graduates to master science and technology. 3. Non-formal education: a). Pondok Tahfidzul Qur'an is the takmir program of the Muhammad Cheng Hoo mosque. b). Training of converts. c). Community development is like dhikr together every Friday night. d). Routine assessment twice a week. The Teonghoa Muslim education movement philosophically instills religious values ​​that are embraced by both the Chinese Muslim community and the Muslim community in Makassar City

    Quality Improvement Arabic Education with Transformation of Arabic Learning Media

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    Various aspects of the world of education, including learning media have been shifted by Covid-19. This research aims to identify and evaluate the use of Arabic learning media design at the Raden Paku Modern Islamic Boarding School in Trenggalek. Employing a qualitative approach, this study analyzed descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and the observable behavior of the research subjects. Online news articles and student interviews served as the sources for the study's data. Online news mapping was confirmed with student groups as participants in the study, meanwhile, interviews were conducted with 30 students. The results showed that the Raden Paku Modern Islamic Boarding School is an institution that has a good vision and mission in the religious field. Therefore, the process of learning Arabic was greatly aided by the guidance of teachers (ustadzah). In addition, ustadzah actively participated in educational events and chose the top learning materials for the lessons she was teaching. Such as visual media and audio media which aim to increase interest in learning and increase learning stimulation for students. Digital-based Arabic teaching media is more effective in strengthening student competencies so as to encourage student achievement. The transformative teaching media in question has the criteria of being easily accessible, helping students to be more creative, and encouraging students to be more independent

    Animal Cognition, Species Invariantism, and Mathematical Realism

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    What can we infer from numerical cognition about mathematical realism? In this paper, I will consider one aspect of numerical cognition that has received little attention in the literature: the remarkable similarities of numerical cognitive capacities across many animal species. This Invariantism in Numerical Cognition (INC) indicates that mathematics and morality are disanalogous in an important respect: proto-moral beliefs differ substantially between animal species, whereas proto-mathematical beliefs (at least in the animals studied) seem to show more similarities. This makes moral beliefs more susceptible to a contingency challenge from evolution compared to mathematical beliefs, and indicates that mathematical beliefs might be less vulnerable to evolutionary debunking arguments. I will then examine to what extent INC can be used to flesh out a positive case for mathematical realism. Finally, I will review two forms of mathematical realism that are promising in the light of the evolutionary evidence about numerical cognition, ante rem structuralism and Millean empiricism

    Islamic Education Model in Madrasah in The Perspective of Islamic Education Philosophy

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    Madrasah is an Islamic educational institution that is unique in Indonesia. On this fact, this study tries to explore the philosophical foundation of the existing system in madrasah. This research is a literature review. Data analysis uses a descriptive analysis method and philosophical approach. This study results concluded that the Islamic education system in madrasah has three philosophical foundations, namely ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The ontology dimension shows the existence of madrasah as tafaqquh fi al-din to instill the principles of akidah akhlak. In terms of epistemology, madrasah prioritize religiosity as a scientific development. In the axiological dimension, Islamic education aims to develop people who are oriented towards the afterlife

    Text-to-picture tools, systems, and approaches: a survey

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    Text-to-picture systems attempt to facilitate high-level, user-friendly communication between humans and computers while promoting understanding of natural language. These systems interpret a natural language text and transform it into a visual format as pictures or images that are either static or dynamic. In this paper, we aim to identify current difficulties and the main problems faced by prior systems, and in particular, we seek to investigate the feasibility of automatic visualization of Arabic story text through multimedia. Hence, we analyzed a number of well-known text-to-picture systems, tools, and approaches. We showed their constituent steps, such as knowledge extraction, mapping, and image layout, as well as their performance and limitations. We also compared these systems based on a set of criteria, mainly natural language processing, natural language understanding, and input/output modalities. Our survey showed that currently emerging techniques in natural language processing tools and computer vision have made promising advances in analyzing general text and understanding images and videos. Furthermore, important remarks and findings have been deduced from these prior works, which would help in developing an effective text-to-picture system for learning and educational purposes. - 2019, The Author(s).This work was made possible by NPRP grant #10-0205-170346 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors

    Modern Islamic Boarding Schools: A review of The Philosophy of Islamic Education

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    The rise of European nations with the spirit of modernism had an influence throughout the world, including Islamic education in Indonesia, namely Islamic boarding schools. The emergence of modern Islamic boarding schools is seen as an answer to the challenges of the times, so that Muslims no longer rely on the traditional education system. This research aims to review how the concept of modern Islamic boarding schools is reviewed by Islamic educational philosophy. The research method used is library research, namely research that examines books and manuscripts sourced from libraries. The results of this study show that there were differences in Islamic countries in anticipating the spirit of European modernism, one of which was the Ottoman Empire which continued to maintain the purity of madrasa education, and established a new school called the Rusydiyyyah school which was devoted to studying modern sciences from European nations


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    Education is one of the most important things in life, where there is a process of seeking information so that those who initially don't know become familiar with it, and those who don't understand become familiar with it. To educate people and make them knowledgeable, humans known as teachers or educators are needed. This study uses the library research method, which aims to collect information relevant to the problem or topic being studied. The information obtained comes from research reports, scientific books, scientific essays, theses and dissertations, statutes, regulations, yearbooks, encyclopedias, and other written sources, both printed and from other electronic sources. Overall, the authors can conclude that philosophy plays an important role as a basis for strengthening teaching in schools. Educational philosophy can provide guidance to teachers in carrying out their roles and obligations as educators who are encouraged and imitated in teaching and learning activities in schools, especially in the classroom

    Exploring Inclusion, Disability and the Label of Intellectual Disability: Saudi Teachers’ Experiences and Perspectives

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    This study aims to critically explore how Saudi teachers understand the phenomena of inclusion, disability and the label of intellectual disability. It also seeks to research the extent to which the two implemented models of inclusion/special education in Saudi mainstream schools respond to the academic and social requirements of disabled learners, to uncover the disabling barriers and to offer suggestions for ending or, at least minimising, inequalities and exclusion of children labelled disabled from and within Saudi mainstream schools. Drawing on theories from a range of disciplines, including educational psychology, critical disability studies and education theory, I explored these issues through conducting in-depth semi- structured interviews with 31 participant teachers on an individualised basis. My thematic analysis has generated four key findings. First, the vast majority of participant teachers have misconceptions around inclusion, disability and the label of intellectual disability. They conflate integration and inclusion, locate ‘the problem’ of disability within-child and view people labelled with intellectual disabilities as ‘unable’ thus less than human. Second, participant teachers have different views about the two models of inclusion/special education implemented in schools where they teach. They have positive viewpoints about the mainstream classrooms model but negative perspectives about the self-contained classrooms model. Third, the analysis also uncovers that mainstream schools where participant teachers teach are fettered with disabling barriers and practices and that the Saudi education system are bound up with ableism. Fourth, to eliminate or, at least reduce, inequalities and exclusion of people labelled disabled from and within Saudi mainstream schools, participant teachers suggest raising awareness, creating an inclusive space for all, reviewing, enforcing and developing inclusive policies and regulations and promoting the core values of inclusive education. I also offer further recommendations for the Saudi Ministry of Education to take into consideration in Chapter 8 (section 8.5)
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