10 research outputs found

    A two-storage model for deteriorating items with holding cost under inflation and Genetic Algorithms

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    A deterministic inventory model has been developed for deteriorating items and Genetic Algorithms (GA) having a ramp type demands with the effects of inflation with two-storage facilities. The owned warehouse (OW) has a fixed capacity of W units; the rented warehouse (RW) has unlimited capacity. Here, we assumed that the inventory holding cost in RW is higher than those in OW. Shortages in inventory are allowed and partially backlogged and Genetic Algorithms (GA) it is assumed that the inventory deteriorates over time at a variable deterioration rate. The effect of inflation has also been considered for various costs associated with the inventory system and Genetic Algorithms (GA). Numerical example is also used to study the behaviour of the model. Cost minimization technique is used to get the expressions for total cost and other parameters

    Two warehouse material location selection

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    As a company increases their use of warehouse, the excess inventory that cannot be stored in the owned warehouse are transferred to a third-party warehouse in which the company pays rent and transportation cost for storing items and moving items back to the production site. This research introduces the concept of material location selection that allocates materials to these two warehouses while minimizing the total storage and transportation costs. A two-warehouse material flow network model is formulated and then derived to generate five material location policies for evaluating the material flow situation of a real manufacturing company. The result showed that there is around 15%-40% cost saving that the company potentially obtains by systematically allocating materials to warehouses. A material location selection model is then proposed with a two-warehouse production planning model that accounts for workload dependent lead-time. In addition, an inventory rollback algorithm is given as means to bypass imperfect material movement information, in order to analyze inventory levels. Last, an application of the material location selection and production planning models is given as a potential extension of these models for determining an expansion size of the owned warehouse.Includes biblographical reference

    A Methodology For Minimizing The Oscillations In Supply Chains Using System Dynamics And Genetic Algorithms

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a critically significant strategy that enterprises depend on to meet challenges that they face because of highly competitive and dynamic business environments of today. Supply chain management involves the entire network of processes from procurement of raw materials/services/technologies to manufacturing or servicing intermediate products/services to converting them into final products or services and then distributing and retailing them till they reach final customers. A supply chain network by nature is a large and complex, engineering and management system. Oscillations occurring in a supply chain because of internal and/or external influences and measures to be taken to mitigate/minimize those oscillations are a core concern in managing the supply chain and driving an organization towards a competitive advantage. The objective of this thesis is to develop a methodology to minimize the oscillations occurring in a supply chain by making use of the techniques of System Dynamics (SD) and Genetic Algorithms (GAs). System dynamics is a very efficient tool to model large and complex systems in order to understand their complex, non-linear dynamic behavior. GAs are stochastic search algorithms, based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics, used to search complex and non-linear search spaces where traditional techniques may be unsuitable

    Multiobjective Coordination Models For Maintenance And Service Parts Inventory Planning And Control

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    In many equipment-intensive organizations in the manufacturing, service and particularly the defense sectors, service parts inventories constitute a significant source of tactical and operational costs and consume a significant portion of capital investment. For instance, the Defense Logistics Agency manages about 4 million consumable service parts and provides about 93% of all consumable service parts used by the military services. These items required about US1.9billionoverthefiscalyears19992002.Duringthesametime,theUSGeneralAccountabilityOfficediscoveredthat,intheUnitedStatesNavy,therewereabout3.7billionshipandsubmarinepartsthatwerenotneeded.TheFederalAviationAdministrationsaysthat26millionaircraftpartsarechangedeachyear.In2002,theholdingcostofservicepartsfortheaviationindustrywasestimatedtobeUS1.9 billion over the fiscal years 1999-2002. During the same time, the US General Accountability Office discovered that, in the United States Navy, there were about 3.7 billion ship and submarine parts that were not needed. The Federal Aviation Administration says that 26 million aircraft parts are changed each year. In 2002, the holding cost of service parts for the aviation industry was estimated to be US50 billion. The US Army Institute of Land Warfare reports that, at the beginning of the 2003 fiscal year, prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom the aviation service parts alone was in excess of US1billion.Thissituationmakesthemanagementoftheseitemsaverycriticaltacticalandstrategicissuethatisworthyoffurtherstudy.Thekeychallengeistomaintainhighequipmentavailabilitywithlowservicecost(e.g.,holding,warehousing,transportation,technicians,overhead,etc.).Forinstance,despitereportingUS1 billion. This situation makes the management of these items a very critical tactical and strategic issue that is worthy of further study. The key challenge is to maintain high equipment availability with low service cost (e.g., holding, warehousing, transportation, technicians, overhead, etc.). For instance, despite reporting US10.5 billion in appropriations spent on purchasing service parts in 2000, the United States Air Force (USAF) continues to report shortages of service parts. The USAF estimates that, if the investment on service parts decreases to about US$5.3 billion, weapons systems availability would range from 73 to 100 percent. Thus, better management of service parts inventories should create opportunities for cost savings caused by the efficient management of these inventories. Unfortunately, service parts belong to a class of inventory that continually makes them difficult to manage. Moreover, it can be said that the general function of service parts inventories is to support maintenance actions; therefore, service parts inventory policies are highly related to the resident maintenance policies. However, the interrelationship between service parts inventory management and maintenance policies is often overlooked, both in practice and in the academic literature, when it comes to optimizing maintenance and service parts inventory policies. Hence, there exists a great divide between maintenance and service parts inventory theory and practice. This research investigation specifically considers the aspect of joint maintenance and service part inventory optimization. We decompose the joint maintenance and service part inventory optimization problem into the supplier s problem and the customer s problem. Long-run expected cost functions for each problem that include the most common maintenance cost parameters and service parts inventory cost parameters are presented. Computational experiments are conducted for a single-supplier two-echelon service parts supply chain configuration varying the number of customers in the network. Lateral transshipments (LTs) of service parts between customers are not allowed. For this configuration, we optimize the cost functions using a traditional, or decoupled, approach, where each supply chain entity optimizes its cost individually, and a joint approach, where the cost objectives of both the supplier and customers are optimized simultaneously. We show that the multiple objective optimization approach outperforms the traditional decoupled optimization approach by generating lower system-wide supply chain network costs. The model formulations are extended by relaxing the assumption of no LTs between customers in the supply chain network. Similar to those for the no LTs configuration, the results for the LTs configuration show that the multiobjective optimization outperforms the decoupled optimization in terms of system-wide cost. Hence, it is economically beneficial to jointly consider all parties within the supply network. Further, we compare the model configurations LTs versus no LTs, and we show that using LTs improves the overall savings of the system. It is observed that the improvement is mostly derived from reduced shortage costs since the equipment downtime is reduced due to the proximity of the supply. The models and results of this research have significant practical implications as they can be used to assist decision-makers to determine when and where to pre-position parts inventories to maximize equipment availability. Furthermore, these models can assist in the preparation of the terms of long-term service agreements and maintenance contracts between original equipment manufacturers and their customers (i.e., equipment owners and/or operators), including determining the equitable allocation of all system-wide cost savings under the agreement

    Workplace values in the Japanese public sector: a constraining factor in the drive for continuous improvement

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    Risk-based shutdown inspection and maintenance for a processing facility

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    In this research, a risk-based shutdown inspection and maintenance interval optimization for a processing facility is proposed. Often inspection and maintenance activities can’t be performed until the processing unit or plant is taken into a non-operational state, generally known as “shutdown”. Extensive work on inspection and maintenance interval estimation modeling is available in the concerned literature however, no to very limited application on shutdown inspection and maintenance modeling is observed for a continuous operating facility. Majority of the published literature deals to optimize individual equipment inspection and maintenance interval without considering the overall impact of plant unavailability due to shutdown. They all deal to optimize individual equipment inspection and maintenance interval considering cost, risk, availability and reliability. The efforts towards finding an optimal inspection and maintenance interval is not considered in these studies especially when it requires unit or plant to be in shutdown state from an operational state for performing inspection and maintenance. This topic is selected to bridge the existing gap in the available literature and to provide a means to develop a methodology to estimate the shutdown inspection and maintenance interval for a continuous processing unit or plant, rather an inspection and maintenance interval for each piece of equipment considering the overall asset availability, reliability and risk. A component failure due to wear or degradation is a major threat to asset failure in a processing facility. A carefully planned inspection and maintenance strategy not only mitigate the effects of age-based degradation and reduce the threat of failure but also minimize the risk exposure. Generally failure caused by wear or degradation is modeled as a stochastic process. For an effective inspection and maintenance strategy, the stochastic nature of failure has to be taken into consideration. The proposed methodology aims to minimize the risk of exposure considering effect of failure on human life, financial investment and environment by optimizing the interval of process unit shutdown. Risk-based shutdown inspection and maintenance optimization quantifies the risk to which individual equipment are subjected and uses this as a basis for the optimization of a shutdown inspection and maintenance strategy

    Time Localization of Abrupt Changes in Cutting Process using Hilbert Huang Transform

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    Cutting process is extremely dynamical process influenced by different phenomena such as chip formation, dynamical responses and condition of machining system elements. Different phenomena in cutting zone have signatures in different frequency bands in signal acquired during process monitoring. The time localization of signal’s frequency content is very important. An emerging technique for simultaneous analysis of the signal in time and frequency domain that can be used for time localization of frequency is Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT). It is based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of the signal into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) as simple oscillatory modes. IMFs obtained using EMD can be processed using Hilbert Transform and instantaneous frequency of the signal can be computed. This paper gives a methodology for time localization of cutting process stop during intermittent turning. Cutting process stop leads to abrupt changes in acquired signal correlated to certain frequency band. The frequency band related to abrupt changes is localized in time using HHT. The potentials and limitations of HHT application in machining process monitoring are shown

    Metodología de implantación de modelos de gestión de la información dentro de los sistemas de planificación de recursos empresariales. Aplicación en la pequeña y mediana empresa

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    La Siguiente Generación de Sistemas de Fabricación (SGSF) trata de dar respuesta a los requerimientos de los nuevos modelos de empresas, en contextos de inteligencia, agilidad y adaptabilidad en un entono global y virtual. La Planificación de Recursos Empresariales (ERP) con soportes de gestión del producto (PDM) y el ciclo de vida del producto (PLM) proporciona soluciones de gestión empresarial sobre la base de un uso coherente de tecnologías de la información para la implantación en sistemas CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing), con un alto grado de adaptabilidad a la estnictura organizativa deseada. En general, esta implementación se lleva desarrollando hace tiempo en grandes empresas, siendo menor (casi nula) su extensión a PYMEs. La presente Tesis Doctoral, define y desarrolla una nueva metodología de implementación pan la generación automática de la información en los procesos de negocio que se verifican en empresas con requerimientos adaptados a las necesidades de la SGSF, dentro de los sistemas de gestión de los recursos empresariales (ERP), atendiendo a la influencia del factor humano. La validez del modelo teórico de la metodología mencionada se ha comprobado al implementarlo en una empresa del tipo PYME, del sector de Ingeniería. Para el establecimiento del Estado del Arte de este tema se ha diseñado y aplicado una metodología específica basada en el ciclo de mejora continua de Shewhart/Deming, aplicando las herramientas de búsqueda y análisis bibliográfico disponibles en la red con acceso a las correspondientes bases de datos