2,223 research outputs found

    Climate Change and Highland Malaria: Fresh Air for a Hot Debate

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    In recent decades, malaria has become established in zones at the margin of its previous distribution, especially in the highlands of East Africa. Studies in this region have sparked a heated debate over the importance of climate change in the territorial expansion of malaria, where positions range from its neglect to the reification of correlations as causes. Here, we review studies supporting and rebutting the role of climatic change as a driving force for highland invasion by malaria. We assessed the conclusions from both sides of the argument and found that evidence for the role of climate in these dynamics is robust. However, we also argue that over-emphasizing the importance of climate is misleading for setting a research agenda, even one which attempts to understand climate change impacts on emerging malaria patterns. We review alternative drivers for the emergence of this disease and highlight the problems still calling for research if the multidimensional nature of malaria is to be adequately tackled. We also contextualize highland malaria as an ongoing evolutionary process. Finally, we present Schmalhausen's law, which explains the lack of resilience in stressed systems, as a biological principle that unifies the importance of climatic and other environmental factors in driving malaria patterns across different spatio-temporal scales

    Linking individual phenotype to density-dependent population growth: the influence of body size on the population dynamics of malaria vectors

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    Understanding the endogenous factors that drive the population dynamics of malaria mosquitoes will facilitate more accurate predictions about vector control effectiveness and our ability to destabilize the growth of either low- or high-density insect populations. We assessed whether variation in phenotypic traits predict the dynamics of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato mosquitoes, the most important vectors of human malaria. Anopheles gambiae dynamics were monitored over a six-month period of seasonal growth and decline. The population exhibited density-dependent feedback, with the carrying capacity being modified by rainfall (97% wAICc support). The individual phenotypic expression of the maternal (p = 0.0001) and current (p = 0.040) body size positively influenced population growth. Our field-based evidence uniquely demonstrates that individual fitness can have population-level impacts and, furthermore, can mitigate the impact of exogenous drivers (e.g. rainfall) in species whose reproduction depends upon it. Once frontline interventions have suppressed mosquito densities, attempts to eliminate malaria with supplementary vector control tools may be attenuated by increased population growth and individual fitness

    Rationalizing Historical Successes of Malaria Control in Africa in Terms of Mosquito Resource Availability Management.

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    Environmental management of mosquito resources is a promising approach with which to control malaria, but it has seen little application in Africa for more than half a century. Here we present a kinetic model of mosquito foraging for aquatic habitats and vertebrate hosts that allows estimation of malaria transmission intensity by defining the availability of these resources as the rate at which individual mosquitoes encounter and use them. The model captures historically observed responses of malaria transmission to environmental change, highlights important gaps in current understanding of vector ecology, and suggests convenient solutions. Resource availability is an intuitive concept that provides an adaptable framework for models of mosquito population dynamics, gene flow, and pathogen transmission that can be conveniently parameterized with direct field measurements. Furthermore, the model presented predicts that drastic reductions of malaria transmission are possible with environmental management and elucidates an ecologic basis for previous successes of integrated malaria control in Africa before the advent of DDT or chloroquine. Environmental management for malaria control requires specialist skills that are currently lacking in sub-Saharan Africa where they are needed most. Infrastructure and human capacity building in clinical, public health, and environmental disciplines should therefore be prioritized so that growing financial support for tackling malaria can be translated into truly integrated control programs

    Integrating an agent-based model of malaria mosquitoes with a geographic information system

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    Agent-based models (ABMs) are used to model infectious diseases and disease-transmitting vectors. Malaria is a deadly infectious disease in humans, transmitted by Anopheles mosquito vectors. Although geographic information system (GIS) has been used before with ABMs, no ABM-based malaria study showed the usage of custom-built spatial outputs integrated within a modeling framework. In this paper, we show how to effectively integrate a malaria ABM with GIS-based, spatially derived parameters. For a specific study area, we process GIS data layers, create hypothetical scenarios, produce maps, and analyze biological insights. Results indicate that availability of resources and relative distances between them are crucial determinants for malaria transmission. The maps also reveal potential hotspots for the measured variables. We argue that such integrated approaches, which combine knowledge from entomological, epidemiological, simulation-based, and geo-spatial domains, are required for the identification of relationships between spatial variables, and may have important implications for malaria vector control. © 2013 DIME UNIVERSITAT DI GENOVA

    Proteomics of Anopheles gambiae

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    Mathematical Modelling of Mosquito Dispersal in a Heterogeneous Environment.

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    Mosquito dispersal is a key behavioural factor that affects the persistence and resurgence of several vector-borne diseases. Spatial heterogeneity of mosquito resources, such as hosts and breeding sites, affects mosquito dispersal behaviour and consequently affects mosquito population structures, human exposure to vectors, and the ability to control disease transmission. In this paper, we develop and simulate a discrete-space continuous-time mathematical model to investigate the impact of dispersal and heterogeneous distribution of resources on the distribution and dynamics of mosquito populations. We build an ordinary differential equation model of the mosquito life cycle and replicate it across a hexagonal grid (multi-patch system) that represents two-dimensional space. We use the model to estimate mosquito dispersal distances and to evaluate the effect of spatial repellents as a vector control strategy. We find evidence of association between heterogeneity, dispersal, spatial distribution of resources, and mosquito population dynamics. Random distribution of repellents reduces the distance moved by mosquitoes, offering a promising strategy for disease control

    Landscape epidemiology modeling using an agent-based model and a geographic information system

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    A landscape epidemiology modeling framework is presented which integrates the simulation outputs from an established spatial agent-based model (ABM) of malaria with a geographic information system (GIS). For a study area in Kenya, five landscape scenarios are constructed with varying coverage levels of two mosquito-control interventions. For each scenario, maps are presented to show the average distributions of three output indices obtained from the results of 750 simulation runs. Hot spot analysis is performed to detect statistically significant hot spots and cold spots. Additional spatial analysis is conducted using ordinary kriging with circular semivariograms for all scenarios. The integration of epidemiological simulation-based results with spatial analyses techniques within a single modeling framework can be a valuable tool for conducting a variety of disease control activities such as exploring new biological insights, monitoring epidemiological landscape changes, and guiding resource allocation for further investigation

    Blocking the evolution of insecticide-resistant malaria vectors with a microsporidian

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    Finding a way to block the evolution insecticide resistance would be a major breakthrough for the control of malaria. We suggest that this may be possible by introducing a stress into mosquito populations that restores the sensitivity of genetically resistant mosquitoes and that decreases their longevity when they are not exposed to insecticide. We use a mathematical model to show that, despite the intense selection pressure imposed by insecticides, moderate levels of stress might tip the evolutionary balance between costs and benefits of resistance toward maintaining sensitivity. Our experimental work with the microsporidian parasite Vavraia culicis infecting two lines of resistant mosquitoes and a sensitive line suggests that it may indeed be possible to stress the mosquitoes in the required way. The mortality of resistant mosquitoes 24 h after exposure to the insecticide was up to 8.8 times higher in infected than in uninfected ones; if mosquitoes were not exposed to the insecticide, resistant mosquitoes infected by the microsporidian lived about half as long as uninfected ones and insecticide-sensitive mosquitoes (with or without the parasite). Our results suggest that biopesticides or other insecticides that interfere with the expression of resistance may help to manage insecticide resistance in programs of malaria control