44 research outputs found

    A Gradual Approach for Multimodel Journey Planning: A Case Study in Izmir, Turkey

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    Planning a journey by integrating route and timetable information from diverse sources of transportation agencies such as bus, ferry, and train can be complicated. A user-friendly, informative journey planning system may simplify a plan by providing assistance in making better use of public transportation. In this study, we presented the service-oriented, multimodel Intelligent Journey Planning System, which we developed to assist travelers in journey planning. We selected Izmir, Turkey, as the pilot city for this system. The multicriteria problem is one of the well-known problems in transportation networks. Our study proposes a gradual path-finding algorithm to solve this problem by considering transfer count and travel time. The algorithm utilizes the techniques of efficient algorithms including round based public transit optimized router, transit node routing, and contraction hierarchies on transportation graph. We employed Dijkstra’s algorithm after the first stage of the path-finding algorithm by applying stage specific rules to reduce search space and runtime. The experimental results show that our path-finding algorithm takes 0.63 seconds of processing time on average, which is acceptable for the user experience

    Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Food Composition on Hypertensive Patient

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    The healthy food with attention of salt degree is one of the efforts for healthy living of hypertensive patient. The effort is important for reducing the probability of hypertension change to be dangerous disease. In this study, the food composition is build with attention nutrition amount, salt degree, and minimum cost. The proposed method is hybrid method of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS). The three scenarios of hybrid GA-VNS types had been developed in this study. Although hybrid GA and VNS take more time than pure GA or pure VNS but the proposed method give better quality of solution. VNS successfully help GA avoids premature convergence and improves better solution. The shortcomings on GA in local exploitation and premature convergence is solved by VNS, whereas the shortcoming on VNS that less capability in global exploration can be solved by use GA that has advantage in global exploration

    Optimization for Decision Making II

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    In the current context of the electronic governance of society, both administrations and citizens are demanding the greater participation of all the actors involved in the decision-making process relative to the governance of society. This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled “Optimization for Decision Making II”. These works give an appropriate response to the new challenges raised, the decision-making process can be done by applying different methods and tools, as well as using different objectives. In real-life problems, the formulation of decision-making problems and the application of optimization techniques to support decisions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimization techniques and methodologies are used to minimize risks, improve quality in making decisions or, in general, to solve problems. In addition, a sensitivity or robustness analysis should be done to validate/analyze the influence of uncertainty regarding decision-making. This book brings together a collection of inter-/multi-disciplinary works applied to the optimization of decision making in a coherent manner

    Metaheuristic Algorithms for Spatial Multi-Objective Decision Making

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    Spatial decision making is an everyday activity, common to individuals and organizations. However, recently there is an increasing interest in the importance of spatial decision-making systems, as more decision-makers with concerns about sustainability, social, economic, environmental, land use planning, and transportation issues discover the benefits of geographical information. Many spatial decision problems are regarded as optimization problems, which involve a large set of feasible alternatives, multiple conflicting objectives that are difficult and complex to solve. Hence, Multi-Objective Optimization methods (MOO)—metaheuristic algorithms integrated with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are appealing to be powerful tools in these regards, yet their implementation in spatial context is still challenging. In this thesis, various metaheuristic algorithms are adopted and improved to solve complex spatial problems. Disaster management and urban planning are used as case studies of this thesis.These case studies are explored in the four papers that are part of this thesis. In paper I, four metaheuristic algorithms have been implemented on the same spatial multi-objective problem—evacuation planning, to investigate their performance and potential. The findings show that all tested algorithms were effective in solving the problem, although in general, some had higher performance, while others showed the potential of being flexible to be modified to fit better to the problem. In the same context, paper II identified the effectiveness of the Multi-objective Artificial Bee Colony (MOABC) algorithm when improved to solve the evacuation problem. In paper III, we proposed a multi-objective optimization approach for urban evacuation planning that considered three spatial objectives which were optimized using an improved Multi-Objective Cuckoo Search algorithm (MOCS). Both improved algorithms (MOABC and MOCS) proved to be efficient in solving evacuation planning when compared to their standard version and other algorithms. Moreover, Paper IV proposed an urban land-use allocation model that involved three spatial objectives and proposed an improved Non-dominated Sorting Biogeography-based Optimization algorithm (NSBBO) to solve the problem efficiently and effectively.Overall, the work in this thesis demonstrates that different metaheuristic algorithms have the potential to change the way spatial decision problems are structured and can improve the transparency and facilitate decision-makers to map solutions and interactively modify decision preferences through trade-offs between multiple objectives. Moreover, the obtained results can be used in a systematic way to develop policy recommendations. From the perspective of GIS - Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) research, the thesis contributes to spatial optimization modelling and extended knowledge on the application of metaheuristic algorithms. The insights from this thesis could also benefit the development and practical implementation of other Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to enhance the capabilities of GIS for tackling complex spatial multi-objective decision problems in the future

    Advances in Public Transport Platform for the Development of Sustainability Cities

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    Modern societies demand high and varied mobility, which in turn requires a complex transport system adapted to social needs that guarantees the movement of people and goods in an economically efficient and safe way, but all are subject to a new environmental rationality and the new logic of the paradigm of sustainability. From this perspective, an efficient and flexible transport system that provides intelligent and sustainable mobility patterns is essential to our economy and our quality of life. The current transport system poses growing and significant challenges for the environment, human health, and sustainability, while current mobility schemes have focused much more on the private vehicle that has conditioned both the lifestyles of citizens and cities, as well as urban and territorial sustainability. Transport has a very considerable weight in the framework of sustainable development due to environmental pressures, associated social and economic effects, and interrelations with other sectors. The continuous growth that this sector has experienced over the last few years and its foreseeable increase, even considering the change in trends due to the current situation of generalized crisis, make the challenge of sustainable transport a strategic priority at local, national, European, and global levels. This Special Issue will pay attention to all those research approaches focused on the relationship between evolution in the area of transport with a high incidence in the environment from the perspective of efficiency

    Ambulance routing problems with rich constraints and multiple objectives

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    Humanitäre non-profit Organisationen im Bereich des Patiententransports sehen sich dazu verpflichtet alle möglichen Einsparungs- und Optimierungspotentiale auszuloten um ihre Ausgaben zu reduzieren. Im Gegensatz zu Notfalleinsatzfahrten, bei denen ein Zusammenlegen mehrerer Transportaufträge normalerweise nicht möglich ist, besteht bei regulären Patiententransporten durchaus Einsparungspotential. Diese Tatsache gibt Anlass zur wissenschaftlichen Analyse jener Problemstellung, welche die täglich notwendige Planung regulärer Patiententransportaufträge umfasst. Solche Aufgabenstellungen werden als Dial-A-Ride-Probleme modelliert. Eine angemessene Service-Qualität kann entweder durch entsprechende Nebenbedingungen gewährleistet oder durch eine zusätzliche Zielfunktion minimiert werden. Beide Herangehensweisen werden hier untersucht. Zuerst wird eine vereinfachte Problemstellung aus der Literatur behandelt und ein kompetitives heuristisches Lösungsverfahren entwickelt. Diese vereinfachte Problemstellung wird in zwei Richtungen erweitert. Einerseits wird, zusätzlich zur Minimierung der Gesamtkosten, eine zweite benutzerorientierte Zielfunktion eingeführt. Andererseits werden eine heterogene Fahrzeugflotte und unterschiedliche Patiententypen in die Standardproblemstellung integriert. Letztendlich wird das reale Patiententransportproblem, basierend auf Informationen des Roten Kreuzes, definiert und gelöst. Neben heterogenen Fahrzeugen und unterschiedlichen Patienten, werden nun auch die Zuordnung von Fahrern und sonstigem Personal zu den verschiedenen Fahrzeugen, Mittagspausen und weitere Aufenthalte am Depot berücksichtigt. Alle eingesetzten exakten Methoden, obwohl sie auf neuesten Erkenntnissen aus der Literatur aufbauen, können Instanzen von realistischer Größe nicht lösen. Dieser Umstand macht die Entwicklung von passenden heuristischen Verfahren nach wie vor unumgänglich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein relativ generisches System basierend auf der Variable Neighborhood Search Idee entwickelt, das auf alle behandelten Einzielproblemversionen angewandt werden kann; auch für die bi-kriterielle Problemstellung, in Kombination mit Path Relinking, werden gute Ergebnisse erzielt.Humanitarian non-profit ambulance dispatching organizations are committed to look at cost reduction potentials in order to decrease their expenses. While in the context of emergency transportation cost reduction cannot be achieved by means of combined passenger routes, this can be done when dealing with regular patients. This research work is motivated by the problem situation faced by ambulance dispatchers in the field of patient transportation. Problems of this kind are modeled as dial-a-ride problems. In the field of patient transportation, the provision of a certain quality of service is necessary; the term “user inconvenience” is used in this context. User inconvenience can either be considered in terms of additional constraints or in terms of additional objectives. Both approaches are investigated in this book. The aim is to model and solve the real world problem based on available information from the Austrian Red Cross. In a first step, a competitive heuristic solution method for a simplified problem version is developed. This problem version is extended in two ways. On the one hand, besides routing costs, a user-oriented objective, minimizing user inconvenience, in terms of mean user ride time, is introduced. On the other hand, heterogeneous patient types and a heterogeneous vehicle fleet are integrated into the standard dial-a-ride model. In a final step, in addition to heterogeneous patients and vehicles, the assignment of drivers and other staff members to vehicles, the scheduling of lunch breaks, and additional stops at the depot are considered. All exact methods employed, although based on state of the art concepts, are not capable of solving instances of realistic size. This fact makes the development of according heuristic solution methods necessary. In this book a rather generic variable neighborhood search framework is proposed. It is able to accommodate all single objective problem versions and also proves to work well when applied to the bi-objective problem in combination with path relinking

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC