303 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Eye Image Classification for Ophthalmic Measurement Systems

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    : The accuracy and the overall performances of ophthalmic instrumentation, where specific analysis of eye images is involved, can be negatively influenced by invalid or incorrect frames acquired during everyday measurements of unaware or non-collaborative human patients and non-technical operators. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate and compare the adoption of several vision-based classification algorithms belonging to different fields, i.e., Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Expert Systems, in order to improve the performance of an ophthalmic instrument designed for the Pupillary Light Reflex measurement. To test the implemented solutions, we collected and publicly released PopEYE as one of the first datasets consisting of 15 k eye images belonging to 22 different subjects acquired through the aforementioned specialized ophthalmic device. Finally, we discuss the experimental results in terms of classification accuracy of the eye status, as well as computational load analysis, since the proposed solution is designed to be implemented in embedded boards, which have limited hardware resources in computational power and memory size

    An Efficient Boosted Classifier Tree-Based Feature Point Tracking System for Facial Expression Analysis

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    The study of facial movement and expression has been a prominent area of research since the early work of Charles Darwin. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS), developed by Paul Ekman, introduced the first universal method of coding and measuring facial movement. Human-Computer Interaction seeks to make human interaction with computer systems more effective, easier, safer, and more seamless. Facial expression recognition can be broken down into three distinctive subsections: Facial Feature Localization, Facial Action Recognition, and Facial Expression Classification. The first and most important stage in any facial expression analysis system is the localization of key facial features. Localization must be accurate and efficient to ensure reliable tracking and leave time for computation and comparisons to learned facial models while maintaining real-time performance. Two possible methods for localizing facial features are discussed in this dissertation. The Active Appearance Model is a statistical model describing an object\u27s parameters through the use of both shape and texture models, resulting in appearance. Statistical model-based training for object recognition takes multiple instances of the object class of interest, or positive samples, and multiple negative samples, i.e., images that do not contain objects of interest. Viola and Jones present a highly robust real-time face detection system, and a statistically boosted attentional detection cascade composed of many weak feature detectors. A basic algorithm for the elimination of unnecessary sub-frames while using Viola-Jones face detection is presented to further reduce image search time. A real-time emotion detection system is presented which is capable of identifying seven affective states (agreeing, concentrating, disagreeing, interested, thinking, unsure, and angry) from a near-infrared video stream. The Active Appearance Model is used to place 23 landmark points around key areas of the eyes, brows, and mouth. A prioritized binary decision tree then detects, based on the actions of these key points, if one of the seven emotional states occurs as frames pass. The completed system runs accurately and achieves a real-time frame rate of approximately 36 frames per second. A novel facial feature localization technique utilizing a nested cascade classifier tree is proposed. A coarse-to-fine search is performed in which the regions of interest are defined by the response of Haar-like features comprising the cascade classifiers. The individual responses of the Haar-like features are also used to activate finer-level searches. A specially cropped training set derived from the Cohn-Kanade AU-Coded database is also developed and tested. Extensions of this research include further testing to verify the novel facial feature localization technique presented for a full 26-point face model, and implementation of a real-time intensity sensitive automated Facial Action Coding System

    Human-Centric Machine Vision

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    Recently, the algorithms for the processing of the visual information have greatly evolved, providing efficient and effective solutions to cope with the variability and the complexity of real-world environments. These achievements yield to the development of Machine Vision systems that overcome the typical industrial applications, where the environments are controlled and the tasks are very specific, towards the use of innovative solutions to face with everyday needs of people. The Human-Centric Machine Vision can help to solve the problems raised by the needs of our society, e.g. security and safety, health care, medical imaging, and human machine interface. In such applications it is necessary to handle changing, unpredictable and complex situations, and to take care of the presence of humans

    Combining multiple Iris matchers using advanced fusion techniques to enhance Iris matching performance

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    M.Phil. (Electrical And Electronic Engineering)The enormous increase in technology advancement and the need to secure information e ectively has led to the development and implementation of iris image acquisition technologies for automated iris recognition systems. The iris biometric is gaining popularity and is becoming a reliable and a robust modality for future biometric security. Its wide application can be extended to biometric security areas such as national ID cards, banking systems such as ATM, e-commerce, biometric passports but not applicable in forensic investigations. Iris recognition has gained valuable attention in biometric research due to the uniqueness of its textures and its high recognition rates when employed on high biometric security areas. Identity veri cation for individuals becomes a challenging task when it has to be automated with a high accuracy and robustness against spoo ng attacks and repudiation. Current recognition systems are highly a ected by noise as a result of segmentation failure, and this noise factors increase the biometric error rates such as; the FAR and the FRR. This dissertation reports an investigation of score level fusion methods which can be used to enhance iris matching performance. The fusion methods implemented in this project includes, simple sum rule, weighted sum rule fusion, minimum score and an adaptive weighted sum rule. The proposed approach uses an adaptive fusion which maps feature quality scores with the matcher. The fused scores were generated from four various iris matchers namely; the NHD matcher, the WED matcher, the WHD matcher and the POC matcher. To ensure homogeneity of matching scores before fusion, raw scores were normalized using the tanh-estimators method, because it is e cient and robust against outliers. The results were tested against two publicly available databases; namely, CASIA and UBIRIS using two statistical and biometric system measurements namely the AUC and the EER. The results of these two measures gives the AUC = 99:36% for CASIA left images, the AUC = 99:18% for CASIA right images, the AUC = 99:59% for UBIRIS database and the Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.041 for CASIA left images, the EER = 0:087 for CASIA right images and with the EER = 0:038 for UBIRIS images

    Kombinasi K-NN dan Gradient Boosted Trees untuk Klasifikasi Penerima Program Bantuan Sosial

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    Kemiskinan bagi pemerintah Indonesia termasuk masalah yang sulit untuk diselesaikan. Upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam mengatasi kemiskinan di Indonesia yaitudengan  program bantuan sosial meliputiBLT (Bantuan Langsung Tunai), PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan), Raskin (Beras Miskin), dan lain lain. Dalam Pelaksanaan program bantuan sosial saat masih sangat terbatas sehingga dalam penerimaan program bantuan tidak tepat sasaran. Data mining membantu untuk menentukan keputusan dalam memprediksi data di masa yang akan datang. Gradient Boosted Trees dan K-NN merupakan salah satu metode data mining untuk klasifikasi data. Masing-masing metode tersebut memiliki kelemahan. Gradient Boosted Trees menghasilkan nilai persentase akurasi lebih rendah dibanding metode K-NN. Dari permasalahan tersebut maka diusulkan metode kombinasi K-NN dan Gradient Boosted Trees untuk meningkatkan akurasi pada pelaksanaan program bantuan sosial agar tepat sasaran. Metode K-NN, Gradient Boosted Trees, K-NN-Gradient Boosted Treesdilakukan pengujian pada data yang sama untuk mendapatkan hasil perbandingan nilai akurasi. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa kombinasi tersebut menghasilkan nilai persentase yang tinggi dibanding metode K-NN atau Gradient Boosted Trees yaitu 98.17%.AbstractPoverty for the Indonesian government is a problem that is difficult to solve. The efforts made by the government in overcoming poverty in Indonesia are through social assistance programs including BLT (Bantuan Langsung Tunai), PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan), Raskin (Beras Miskin), and others. In the implementation of the social assistance program when it was still very limited, the acceptance of the aid program was not on target. Data mining helps to determine decisions in predicting data in the future. Gradient Boosted Trees and K-NN are data mining methods for data classification. Each of these methods has weaknesses. Gradient Boosted Trees produce lower accuracy percentage values than the K-NN method. From these problems, a proposed method of combination of K-NN and Gradient Boosted Trees is used to improve the accuracy of the implementation of social assistance programs so that it is right on target. The K-NN, Gradient Boosted Trees, and K-NN-Gradient Boosted Trees methods are tested on the same data to get a comparison of the accuracy values. The test results prove that the combination produced a high percentage value compared to the K-NN or Gradient Boosted Trees method that is 98.17%

    Application of pupillometry during measurement of the defocused curve

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    Cílem této práce je návrh algoritmu, který provede detekci pupily z videa. V diplomové práci jsou také popsány teoretické znalosti potřebné ke správné detekci pupily. Detekce je provedena na 24 videích, které jsou převedeny na jednotlivé snímky. Úplným výsledkem je závislost průměru pupily na použité dioptrii. Celkové procento úspěšnosti algoritmu je 88,13 %. Celková chyba měření je 11,87 %. Pro 17 z 24 pacientů je potvrzeno, že čím je větší dioptrie, tím je větší pupila.The aim of this work is to design algorithm that will detect pupil from video. The theoretical knowledge necessary for proper pupil detection is also described in this master’s thesis. Detection is done on 24 videos that are converted to single images. The complete result the dependence of the pupil diameter on the used dioptre. The overall success rate of the algorithm is 88,13 %. The overall error is 11,87 %. For 17 out of 24 patients, it is confirmed that the greater the dioptre, the larger the pupil.

    Computing driver tiredness and fatigue in automobile via eye tracking and body movements

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    The aim of this paper is to classify the driver tiredness and fatigue in automobile via eye tracking and body movements using deep learning based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. Vehicle driver face localization serves as one of the most widely used real-world applications in fields like toll control, traffic accident scene analysis, and suspected vehicle tracking. The research proposed a CNN classifier for simultaneously localizing the region of human face and eye positioning. The classifier, rather than bounding rectangles, gives bounding quadrilaterals, which gives a more precise indication for vehicle driver face localization. The adjusted regions are preprocessed to remove noise and passed to the CNN classifier for real time processing. The preprocessing of the face features extracts connected components, filters them by size, and groups them into face expressions. The employed CNN is the well-known technology for human face recognition. One we aim to extract the facial landmarks from the frames, we will then leverage classification models and deep learning based convolutional neural networks that predict the state of the driver as 'Alert' or 'Drowsy' for each of the frames extracted. The CNN model could predict the output state labels (Alert/Drowsy) for each frame, but we wanted to take care of sequential image frames as that is extremely important while predicting the state of an individual. The process completes, if all regions have a sufficiently high score or a fixed number of retries are exhausted. The output consists of the detected human face type, the list of regions including the extracted mouth and eyes with recognition reliability through CNN with an accuracy of 98.57% with 100 epochs of training and testing