171 research outputs found

    Machine Learning in Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition

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    This book is to chart the progress in applying machine learning, including deep learning, to a broad range of image analysis and pattern recognition problems and applications. In this book, we have assembled original research articles making unique contributions to the theory, methodology and applications of machine learning in image analysis and pattern recognition

    A review on the application of computer vision and machine learning in the tea industry

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    Tea is rich in polyphenols, vitamins, and protein, which is good for health and tastes great. As a result, tea is very popular and has become the second most popular beverage in the world after water. For this reason, it is essential to improve the yield and quality of tea. In this paper, we review the application of computer vision and machine learning in the tea industry in the last decade, covering three crucial stages: cultivation, harvesting, and processing of tea. We found that many advanced artificial intelligence algorithms and sensor technologies have been used in tea, resulting in some vision-based tea harvesting equipment and disease detection methods. However, these applications focus on the identification of tea buds, the detection of several common diseases, and the classification of tea products. Clearly, the current applications have limitations and are insufficient for the intelligent and sustainable development of the tea field. The current fruitful developments in technologies related to UAVs, vision navigation, soft robotics, and sensors have the potential to provide new opportunities for vision-based tea harvesting machines, intelligent tea garden management, and multimodal-based tea processing monitoring. Therefore, research and development combining computer vision and machine learning is undoubtedly a future trend in the tea industry

    Electronic sensor technologies in monitoring quality of tea: A review

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    Tea, after water, is the most frequently consumed beverage in the world. The fermentation of tea leaves has a pivotal role in its quality and is usually monitored using the laboratory analytical instruments and olfactory perception of tea tasters. Developing electronic sensing platforms (ESPs), in terms of an electronic nose (e-nose), electronic tongue (e-tongue), and electronic eye (e-eye) equipped with progressive data processing algorithms, not only can accurately accelerate the consumer-based sensory quality assessment of tea, but also can define new standards for this bioactive product, to meet worldwide market demand. Using the complex data sets from electronic signals integrated with multivariate statistics can, thus, contribute to quality prediction and discrimination. The latest achievements and available solutions, to solve future problems and for easy and accurate real-time analysis of the sensory-chemical properties of tea and its products, are reviewed using bio-mimicking ESPs. These advanced sensing technologies, which measure the aroma, taste, and color profiles and input the data into mathematical classification algorithms, can discriminate different teas based on their price, geographical origins, harvest, fermentation, storage times, quality grades, and adulteration ratio. Although voltammetric and fluorescent sensor arrays are emerging for designing e-tongue systems, potentiometric electrodes are more often employed to monitor the taste profiles of tea. The use of a feature-level fusion strategy can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of prediction models, accompanied by the pattern recognition associations between the sensory properties and biochemical profiles of tea

    Deep Learning to Detect and Classify the Purity Level of Luwak Coffee Green Beans

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    Luwak coffee (palm civet coffee) is known as one of the most expensive coffee in the world. In order to lower production costs, Indonesian producers and retailers often mix high-priced Luwak coffee with regular coffee green beans. However, the absence of tools and methods to classify Luwak coffee counterfeiting makes the sensing method’s development urgent. The research aimed to detect and classify Luwak coffee green beans purity into the following purity categories, very low (0-25%), low (25-50%), medium (50-75%), and high (75-100%). The classifying method relied on a low-cost commercial visible light camera and the deep learning model method. Then, the research also compared the performance of four pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) models consisting of SqueezeNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet-50, and AlexNet. At the same time, the sensitivity analysis was performed by setting the CNN parameters such as optimization technique (SGDm, Adam, RMSProp) and the initial learning rate (0.00005 and 0.0001). The training and validation result obtained the GoogLeNet as the best CNN model with optimizer type Adam and learning rate 0.0001, which resulted in 89.65% accuracy. Furthermore, the testing process using confusion matrix from different sample data obtained the best CNN model using ResNet-50 with optimizer type RMSProp and learning rate 0.0001, providing an accuracy average of up to 85.00%. Later, the CNN model can be used to establish a real-time, non-destructive, rapid, and precise purity detection system

    Food Recognition and Ingredient Detection Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy With Deep Learning Techniques to Facilitate Human-food Interactions

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    Food is a vital component of our everyday lives closely related to our health, well-being, and human behavior. The recent advancements of Spatial Computing technologies, particularly in Human-Food interactive (HFI) technologies have enabled novel eating and drinking experiences, including digital dietary assessments, augmented flavors, and virtual and augmented dining experiences. When designing novel HFI technologies, it is essential to recognize different food and beverages and their internal attributes (i.e., food sensing), such as volume and ingredients. As a result, contemporary research employs image analysis techniques to identify food items, notably in digital dietary assessments. These techniques, often combined with AI algorithms, analyze digital food images to extract various information about food items and quantities. However, these visual food analyzing methods are ineffective when: 1) identifying food’s internal attributes, 2) discriminating visually similar food and beverages, and 3) seamlessly integrating with people’s natural interactions while consuming food (e.g., automatically detecting the food when using a spoon to eat). This thesis presents a novel approach to digitally recognize beverages and their attributes, an essential step towards facilitating novel human-food interactions. The proposed technology has an electrical impedance measurement unit and a recognition method based on deep learning techniques. The electrical impedance measurement unit consists of the following components: 1) a 3D printed module with electrodes that can be attached to a paper cup, 2) an impedance analyzer to perform Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) across two electrodes to acquire measurements such as a beverage’s real part of impedances, imaginary part of impedances, phase angles, and 3) a control module to configure the impedance analyzer and send measurements to a computer that has the deep learning framework to conduct the analysis. Two types of multi-task learning models (hard parameter sharing multi-task network and multi-task network cascade) and their variations (with principal component analysis and different combinations of features) were employed to develop a proof-of-concept prototype to recognize eight different beverage types with various volume levels and sugar concentrations: two types of black tea (LiptonTM and TwiningsTM English-Breakfast), two types of coffee (StarbucksTM dark roasted and medium roasted), and four types of soda (regular and diet coca-cola, and regular and diet Pepsi). Measurements were acquired from these beverages while changing volume levels and sugar concentrations to construct training and test datasets. Both types of networks were trained using the training dataset while validated with the test dataset. Results show that the multi-task network cascades outperformed the hard parameter sharing multi-task networks in discriminating against a limited number of drinks (accuracy = 96.32%), volumes (root mean square error = 13.74ml), and sugar content (root mean square error = 7.99gdm3). Future work will extend this approach to include additional beverage types and their attributes to improve the robustness and performance of the system and develop a methodology to recognize solid foods with their attributes. The findings of this thesis will contribute to enable a new avenue for human-food interactive technology developments, such as automatic food journaling, virtual flavors, and wearable devices for non-invasive quality assessment

    A Review of Sorting and Separating Technologies Suitable for Compostable and Biodegradable Plastic Packaging

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    As a result of public pressure and government legislation to reduce plastic waste there has been a sharp rise in the manufacture and use of alternatives to conventional plastics including compostable and biodegradable plastics. If these plastics are not collected separately, they can contaminate plastic recycling, organic waste streams, and the environment. To deal with this contamination requires effective identification and sorting of these different polymer types to ensure they are separated and composted at end of life. This review provides the comprehensive overview of the identification and sorting technologies that can be applied to sort compostable and biodegradable plastics including gravity-based sorting, flotation sorting, triboelectrostatic sorting, image-based sorting, spectral based sorting, hyperspectral imaging and tracer-based sorting. The advantages and limitations of each sorting approach are discussed within a circular economy framework

    A Narrative Review of Recent Advances in Rapid Assessment of Anthocyanins in Agricultural and Food Products

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    Anthocyanins (ACNs) are plant polyphenols that have received increased attention recently mainly due to their potential health benefits and applications as functional food ingredients. This has also created an interest in the development and validation of several non-destructive techniques of ACN assessments in several food samples. Non-destructive and conventional techniques play an important role in the assessment of ACNs in agricultural and food products. Although conventional methods appear to be more accurate and specific in their analysis, they are also associated with higher costs, the destruction of samples, time-consuming, and require specialized laboratory equipment. In this review article, we present the latest findings relating to the use of several spectroscopic techniques (fluorescence, Raman, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and near-infrared spectroscopy), hyperspectral imaging, chemometric-based machine learning, and artificial intelligence applications for assessing the ACN content in agricultural and food products. Furthermore, we also propose technical and future advancements of the established techniques with the need for further developments and technique amalgamations

    Artificial Neural Networks in Agriculture

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    Modern agriculture needs to have high production efficiency combined with a high quality of obtained products. This applies to both crop and livestock production. To meet these requirements, advanced methods of data analysis are more and more frequently used, including those derived from artificial intelligence methods. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are one of the most popular tools of this kind. They are widely used in solving various classification and prediction tasks, for some time also in the broadly defined field of agriculture. They can form part of precision farming and decision support systems. Artificial neural networks can replace the classical methods of modelling many issues, and are one of the main alternatives to classical mathematical models. The spectrum of applications of artificial neural networks is very wide. For a long time now, researchers from all over the world have been using these tools to support agricultural production, making it more efficient and providing the highest-quality products possible

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 2)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publication of the results, among others

    Artificial Intelligence for detection and prevention of mold contamination in tomato processing

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    openIl presente elaborato si propone di analizzare l'uso dell'intelligenza artificiale attraverso il riconoscimento di immagini per rilevare la presenza di muffa nei pomodori durante il processo di essiccazione. La muffa nei pomodori rappresenta un rischio sia per la salute umana sia per l'industria alimentare, comportando, anche, una serie di problemi che vanno oltre l'aspetto estetico. Essa è causata principalmente da funghi che si diffondono rapidamente sulla superficie dei pomodori. Tale processo compromette così la qualità con la conseguente produzione di tossine che possono influire sulla salute umana. L'obiettivo sperimentale di questo lavoro è il problema dello spreco e della perdita di prodotto nell'industria alimentare. Quando i pomodori sono colpiti da muffe, infatti, diventano inadatti al consumo, con conseguente perdita di cibo. Lo spreco di pomodori a causa delle muffe rappresenta anche la perdita di preziose risorse, utili alla produzione, come terra, acqua, energia e tempo. Il proposito è testare, anche nella fase iniziale, la capacità di un algoritmo di rilevamento degli oggetti per identificare la muffa, e adottare misure preventive. L'analisi sperimentale ha previsto l'addestramento dell'algoritmo con un'ampia serie di foto, tra cui pomodori sani e rovinati di diversi tipi, forme e consistenze. Per etichettare le immagini e creare le epoche di addestramento è stato quindi utilizzato YOLOv7, l'algoritmo di rilevamento degli oggetti scelto, basato su reti neurali. Per valutare le prestazioni sono state utilizzate metriche di valutazione, tra cui “Precision” e “Recall”. L'ipotesi di applicazione dell'intelligenza artificiale in futuro sarà un grande potenziale per migliorare i processi di produzione alimentare, facilitando, così, l'identificazione delle muffe. Il rilevamento rapido delle muffe faciliterebbe la separazione tempestiva dei prodotti contaminati, riducendo così il rischio di diffusione delle tossine e preservando la qualità degli alimenti non contaminati. Questo approccio contribuirebbe a ridurre al minimo gli sprechi alimentari e le inefficienze delle risorse associate allo scarto di grandi quantità di prodotto. Inoltre, l'integrazione della computer vision nel contesto dell'HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) potrebbe migliorare i protocolli di sicurezza alimentare grazie a un rilevamento accurato e tempestivo. Questa tecnologia potrà offrire, dando priorità alla prevenzione, una promettente opportunità per migliorare la qualità, l'efficienza e la sostenibilità dei futuri processi di produzione alimentare.This study investigates the use of computer vision couples with artificial intelligence to detect mold in tomatoes during the drying process. Mold presence in tomatoes poses threats to human health and the food industry as it leads to several issues beyond appearance. It is primarily caused by fungi that spread rapidly over the tomato surface, compromising their quality, and potentially producing toxins that can harm human health. The experimental aim of this work focused on the issue of wastage and loss within the food industry. When tomatoes succumb to mold, they become unsuitable for consumption, resulting in a loss of food and resources. Considering that tomato production requires resources such as land, water, energy, and time, wasting tomatoes due to mold also represents a waste of these valuable resources. The goal was to evaluate the mold detection capabilities of an object detection algorithm, particularly in its early stages, to facilitate preventative measures. This experimental analysis entailed training the algorithm with an extensive array of images, encompassing a variety of healthy and spoiled tomatoes of different shapes, types, textures and drying stages. The chosen object detection algorithm, YOLOv7, is convolutional neural network-based and was utilized for image labeling and training epochs. Evaluation metrics, including precision and recall, were utilized to assess the algorithm's performance. The implementation of artificial intelligence in the future has significant potential for enhancing food production processes by streamlining mold identification. Prompt mold detection would expedite segregation of contaminated products, thus reducing the risk of toxin dissemination and preserving the quality of uncontaminated food. This approach could minimize food waste and resource inefficiencies linked to discarding significant product amounts. Furthermore, integrating computer vision in the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) context could enhance food safety protocols via accurate and prompt detection. By prioritizing prevention, this technology offers a promising chance to optimize quality, efficiency, and sustainability of future food production processes
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