14 research outputs found

    An IoT-Based Computational Framework for Healthcare Monitoring in Mobile Environments

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    The new Internet of Things paradigm allows for small devices with sensing, processing and communication capabilities to be designed, which enable the development of sensors, embedded devices and other ‘things’ ready to understand the environment. In this paper, a distributed framework based on the internet of things paradigm is proposed for monitoring human biomedical signals in activities involving physical exertion. The main advantages and novelties of the proposed system is the flexibility in computing the health application by using resources from available devices inside the body area network of the user. This proposed framework can be applied to other mobile environments, especially those where intensive data acquisition and high processing needs take place. Finally, we present a case study in order to validate our proposal that consists in monitoring footballers’ heart rates during a football match. The real-time data acquired by these devices presents a clear social objective of being able to predict not only situations of sudden death but also possible injuries.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO/FEDER) under the granted Project SEQUOIA-UA (Management requirements and methodology for Big Data analytics) TIN2015-63502-C3-3-R, by the University of Alicante, within the program of support for research, under project GRE14-10, and by the Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain, within the program of support for research, under project GV/2016/087. This work has also been partially funded by Vicerrectorado de Innovación, University of Alicante, Spain (Vigrob)

    A Federated Filtering Framework for Internet of Medical Things

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    Based on the dominant paradigm, all the wearable IoT devices used in the healthcare sector also known as the internet of medical things (IoMT) are resource constrained in power and computational capabilities. The IoMT devices are continuously pushing their readings to the remote cloud servers for real-time data analytics, that causes faster drainage of the device battery. Moreover, other demerits of continuous centralizing of data include exposed privacy and high latency. This paper presents a novel Federated Filtering Framework for IoMT devices which is based on the prediction of data at the central fog server using shared models provided by the local IoMT devices. The fog server performs model averaging to predict the aggregated data matrix and also computes filter parameters for local IoMT devices. Two significant theoretical contributions of this paper are the global tolerable perturbation error (TolF{To{l_F}}) and the local filtering parameter (δ\delta); where the former controls the decision-making accuracy due to eigenvalue perturbation and the later balances the tradeoff between the communication overhead and perturbation error of the aggregated data matrix (predicted matrix) at the fog server. Experimental evaluation based on real healthcare data demonstrates that the proposed scheme saves upto 95\% of the communication cost while maintaining reasonable data privacy and low latency.Comment: 6 pages, 6 Figures, accepted for oral presentation in IEEE ICC 2019, Internet of Things, Federated Learning and Perturbation theor

    Development of a ubiquitous healthcare system based on combined psychological and physiological indices

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    This study examined if the psychological flow experience could be characterized by the heart rate diurnal rhythm and heart rate variability (HRV) based on IoT wrist device and Holter ECG records. We defined 5 parameters as the heart rate rhythm. i.e. 24-hour rhythm amplitude (A_24), 12-hour rhythm amplitude (A_12), Cosinor rhythm amplitude (Camp), Autonomic Switching Rate (the maximum cosinor derivative: ASR), Amplitude of Derivative (cosinor rhythm derivative amplitude: Damp). In addition, 7 parameters were acquired from R-R interval extracted from Holter ECG records. i.e. standard derivation of all NN interval (SDNN), standard derivation of average of NN intervals in all 5 min segments of the entire recordings (SDANN), The square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals (RMSSD), The average of standard derivation of NN intervals in all 5 min segments of the entire recordings (ASDNN), mean of standard derivation of differences between NN intervals (MSDSD) as time domain indices and power in low frequency range (LF), power in high frequency range (HF), Ratio LF (LF/HF) as frequency domain indices. The method was applied to the data taken from 20 health individuals aged 25-57 working at a software system development company (ISID-AO Co. Ltd., Tokyo) to be volunteered for the heart rate diurnal analysis and 5 healthy subjects aged 29-48 working at the same company for HRV analysis. As a result, A_24 and ASR are highly correlated with the flow experience frequency in the heart rate rhythm analysis (Adjusted R^2=0.340, p<0.05). RMSSD and LF have the strong correlation with the flow experience frequency in the HRV analysis (Adjusted R^2=0.991, p<0.05)

    Lineamientos para el diseño de aplicaciones de ingreso de texto para adultos mayores

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    The care and monitoring of the health of the elderly in order to increase life expectancy, their safety, make them self-sufficient, and improve their quality of life, have been the focus of many investigations that involve the use of the Internet of the Things or Internet of Things (IoT). Likewise, many of these systems, social networks and communication tools, are making it necessary for older people to be interested in the use of smartphones or Smartphones, which has inspired to carry out this work, whose objective is to determine the guidelines for the design of text entry applications for older adults. Some works carried out by other authors were considered to obtain the guidelines used for the development of a prototype (called KeySenior) focused on the entry of text, applying the guidelines considered positive for our purpose. The prototype was tested through a user study with a very heterogeneous group of elderly people, from their socio-economic level, the frequency of use and type of mobile phone, to the pathologies they suffer from. They finally answered a questionnaire with the help of one of the researchers, who also took notes of the most important observations, to help to determine the degree of fulfillment of the objective of this work. Some of the guidelines implemented in KeySenior did not have the expected acceptance, however most of them had great acceptance.El cuidado y monitorización de la salud de las personas mayores con el fin de aumentar la esperanza de vida, su seguridad, lograr que sean autosuficientes, y mejorar su calidad de vida, han sido el foco de muchas investigaciones que involucran el uso de internet de las cosas o Internet of Things (IoT). Así mismo, mucho de estos sistemas, las redes sociales y herramientas de comunicación, están haciendo lo necesario para que las personas mayores se interesen en el uso de los teléfonos inteligentes o smartphones, lo que ha inspirado para la realización de este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es determinar los lineamientos para el diseño de aplicaciones de ingreso de texto para adultos mayores. Se consideraron algunos trabajos realizados por otros autores para obtener los lineamientos usados para el desarrollo de un prototipo (denominado KeySenior) enfocado al ingreso de texto, aplicando los lineamientos considerados positivos para nuestro propósito. Se probó el prototipo mediante un estudio de usuarios con un grupo de personas mayores muy heterogéneo, desde su nivel socio-económico, la frecuencia de uso y tipo&nbsp; de teléfono móvil, hasta las patologías que padecen. Ellos al final contestaron un cuestionario con la ayuda de uno de los investigadores, quien también anotó las observaciones más importantes, para ayudar a determinar el grado de cumplimiento del objetivo de este trabajo. Algunos de los lineamientos implementados en keysenior no tuvieron la aceptación esperada; sin embargo, la mayoría de ellos tuvo gran aceptación

    A bibliography experiment on research within the scope of industry 4.0 application areas in sports: Sporda endüstri 4.0 uygulama alanları kapsamında yapılan araştırmalar üzerine bir bibliyografya denemesi

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    Developed countries develop their production sites within the scope of industry 4.0 technology components and experience constant change and transformation to establish economic superiority. This situation allows them to produce more in various fields and thus to rise to a more advantageous position economically. Industry 4.0 technology affects areas within the scope of the sports industry such as sports tourism, athlete performance, athlete health, sports publishing, sports textile products, sports education and training, sports management and human resources, and creates an international competition environment in terms of production and performance. In this study, it is aimed to examine the researches about the usage areas of industry 4.0 in sports. From this point on, researches in the context of the subject have been presented with bibliographic method. In the conclusion section, the weaknesses and possibilities of youth sociology were discussed, and efforts were made to present a projection on what to do about the field. In this respect, a youth sociology evaluation has been tried to be made on the prominent topics, forgotten aspects and themes left incomplete in youth sociology studies. ​Extended English summary is in the end of&nbsp;Full Text&nbsp;PDF (TURKISH)&nbsp;file. &nbsp; Özet Gelişmiş ülkeler endüstri 4.0 teknolojisi bileşenleri kapsamında üretim sahalarını geliştirmekte ve ekonomik üstünlük kurmak amacıyla sürekli değişim ve dönüşüm yaşamaktadır. Bu durum onların çeşitli alanlarda daha fazla üretmelerine dolayısıyla ekonomik yönden daha avantajlı konuma yükselmelerine olanak sağlamaktadır. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojisi spor turizmi, sporcu performansı, sporcu sağlığı, spor yayıncılığı, spor tekstil ürünleri, spor eğitimi ve öğretimi, spor yönetimi ve insan kaynakları gibi spor endüstrisi kapsamındaki alanları etkilemekte üretim ve performans yönünden ülkeler arası bir rekabet ortamı oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada endüstri 4.0’ın sporda kullanım alanları ile ilgili araştırmaların incelenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle konu bağlamındaki araştırmalar bibliyografik metodla ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç bölümünde ise sporda endüstri 4.0 kullanım alanları tartışılmış, alana olan katkıları ve olumuz etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. &nbsp

    Updates of Wearing Devices (WDs) In Healthcare, And Disease Monitoring

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     With the rising pervasiveness of growing populace, aging and chronic illnesses consistently rising medical services costs, the health care system is going through a crucial change from the conventional hospital focused system to an individual-focused system. Since the twentieth century, wearable sensors are becoming widespread in medical care and biomedical monitoring systems, engaging consistent estimation of biomarkers for checking of the diseased condition and wellbeing, clinical diagnostics and assessment in biological fluids like saliva, blood, and sweat. Recently, the improvements have been centered around electrochemical and optical biosensors, alongside advances with the non-invasive monitoring of biomarkers, bacteria and hormones, etc. Wearable devices have created with a mix of multiplexed biosensing, microfluidic testing and transport frameworks incorporated with flexible materials and body connections for additional created wear ability and effortlessness. These wearables hold guarantee and are fit for a higher understanding of the relationships between analyte focuses inside the blood or non-invasive biofluids and feedback to the patient, which is fundamentally significant in ideal finding, therapy, and control of diseases. In any case, cohort validation studies and execution assessment of wearable biosensors are expected to support their clinical acceptance. In the current review, we discussed the significance, highlights, types of wearables, difficulties and utilizations of wearable devices for biological fluids for the prevention of diseased conditions and real time monitoring of human wellbeing. In this, we sum up the different wearable devices that are developed for health care monitoring and their future potential has been discussed in detail

    Self-adaptive mobile web service discovery framework for dynamic mobile environment

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    The advancement in mobile technologies has undoubtedly turned mobile web service (MWS) into a significant computing resource in a dynamic mobile environment (DME). The discovery is one of the critical stages in the MWS life cycle to identify the most relevant MWS for a particular task as per the request's context needs. While the traditional service discovery frameworks that assume the world is static with predetermined context are constrained in DME, the adaptive solutions show potential. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these frameworks is plagued by three problems. Firstly, the coarse-grained MWS categorization approach that fails to deal with the proliferation of functionally similar MWS. Secondly, context models constricted by insufficient expressiveness and inadequate extensibility confound the difficulty in describing the DME, MWS, and the user’s MWS needs. Thirdly, matchmaking requires manual adjustment and disregard context information that triggers self-adaptation, leading to the ineffective and inaccurate discovery of relevant MWS. Therefore, to address these challenges, a self-adaptive MWS discovery framework for DME comprises an enhanced MWS categorization approach, an extensible meta-context ontology model, and a self-adaptive MWS matchmaker is proposed. In this research, the MWS categorization is achieved by extracting the goals and tags from the functional description of MWS and then subsuming k-means in the modified negative selection algorithm (M-NSA) to create categories that contain similar MWS. The designing of meta-context ontology is conducted using the lightweight unified process for ontology building (UPON-Lite) in collaboration with the feature-oriented domain analysis (FODA). The self-adaptive MWS matchmaking is achieved by enabling the self-adaptive matchmaker to learn MWS relevance using a Modified-Negative Selection Algorithm (M-NSA) and retrieve the most relevant MWS based on the current context of the discovery. The MWS categorization approach was evaluated, and its impact on the effectiveness of the framework is assessed. The meta-context ontology was evaluated using case studies, and its impact on the service relevance learning was assessed. The proposed framework was evaluated using a case study and the ProgrammableWeb dataset. It exhibits significant improvements in terms of binary relevance, graded relevance, and statistical significance, with the highest average precision value of 0.9167. This study demonstrates that the proposed framework is accurate and effective for service-based application designers and other MWS clients

    An Input Power-Aware Maximum Efficiency Tracking Technique for Energy Harvesting in IoT Applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) enables intelligent monitoring and management in many applications such as industrial and biomedical systems as well as environmental and infrastructure monitoring. As a result, IoT requires billions of wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes equipped with a microcontroller and transceiver. As many of these WSN nodes are off-grid and small-sized, their limited-capacity batteries need periodic replacement. To mitigate the high costs and challenges of these battery replacements, energy harvesting from ambient sources is vital to achieve energy-autonomous operation. Energy harvesting for WSNs is challenging because the available energy varies significantly with ambient conditions and in many applications, energy must be harvested from ultra-low power levels. To tackle these stringent power constraints, this dissertation proposes a discontinuous charging technique for switched-capacitor converters that improves the power conversion efficiency (PCE) at low input power levels and extends the input power harvesting range at which high PCE is achievable. Discontinuous charging delivers current to energy storage only during clock non-overlap time. This enables tuning of the output current to minimize converter losses based on the available input power. Based on this fundamental result, an input power-aware, two-dimensional efficiency tracking technique for WSNs is presented. In addition to conventional switching frequency control, clock nonoverlap time control is introduced to adaptively optimize the power conversion efficiency according to the sensed ambient power levels. The proposed technique is designed and simulated in 90nm CMOS with post-layout extraction. Under the same input and output conditions, the proposed system maintains at least 45% PCE at 4μW input power, as opposed to a conventional continuous system which requires at least 18.7μW to maintain the same PCE. In this technique, the input power harvesting range is extended by 1.5x. The technique is applied to a WSN implementation utilizing the IEEE 802.15.4- compatible GreenNet communications protocol for industrial and wearable applications. This allows the node to meet specifications and achieve energy autonomy when deployed in harsher environments where the input power is 49% lower than what is required for conventional operation

    IoT and its business impact on remote monitoring of patients with chronic diseases in Germany

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    The goal of this dissertation is to determine the business impact of IoT and remote monitoring on patients with chronic diseases in Germany. Therefore, expert interviews with representatives of the four major affected stakeholder groups were conducted. These four groups consist of statutory health insurance companies, businesses, doctors and patients. The aim of these interviews was to assess the current status of IoT and remote monitoring in the German healthcare system and to find out about the main obstacles that currently keep the business impact at a low level. Although only representatives from the first three groups could be interviewed all interviewees agreed that IoT is in its early stages in Germany. The main obstacles impeding a significant growth of IoT and remote monitoring in Germany are identified as technological, regulatory, and cultural ones. Additionally, the self-governing structures of the German healthcare system and the multidisciplinary approach of already ongoing IoT projects complicate the diffusion of IoT solutions. Despite these barriers the interviewed experts are convinced that IoT and remote monitoring will prevail in Germany sooner or later.O objetivo desta dissertação é determinar o impacto económico da Internet das Coisas (IoT – Internet of Things) e monitorização remota dos pacientes com doenças crónicas na Alemanha. Portanto, foram conduzidas entrevistas com representantes dos quatro maiores grupos de intervenientes afetados. Estes quatro grupos consistem em seguradoras de saúde, negócios, médicos e pacientes. O objetivo destas entrevistas foi aferir o estado atual da IoT e monitorização remota no sistema de saúde Alemão e averiguar os principais obstáculos que mantêm atualmente um baixo nível de impacto económico. Apesar de apenas os representantes dos primeiros três grupos terem sido entrevistados, todos concordaram que a IoT está na sua fase inicial na Alemanha. Os maiores obstáculos que impedem um crescimento significativo da IoT e monitorização remota na Alemanha foram identificados como sendo tecnológicos, regulatórios e culturais. Para além do mais, as estruturas autónomas do sistema de saúde Alemão e a abordagem multidisciplinar dos projetos de IoT já em curso complicam a difusão de soluções IoT. Não obstante estas barreiras, os especialistas entrevistados estão convencidos que a IoT e monitorização remota vai prevalecer na Alemanha mais tarde ou mais cedo