11 research outputs found

    A Web-based Geographic Information System for Aceh Natural Hazards

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     Aceh province is the most affected area by the tsunami of 26 December 2004. Aceh also has experiencing a number of natural hazards; flood, earthquakes, and volcano’s eruptions. Until now, Aceh has no natural hazards information system which can be used to increase public awareness in order to reduce the impact of the hazards. Natural hazards information system provides hazard maps as the guideline for disaster risk mitigation planning. Therefore, the development of a Web GIS based information system for Aceh natural hazards, referred as Aceh Natural Hazards Information System (ANHIS), is a very strategic decision to increase public awareness of the risks of natural disaster hazard in Aceh. This paper proposes conceptual design and the development of prototype for ANHIS. The main purpose of ANHIS is to visualize many natural hazards maps and disseminate information of the hazardous areas for disaster agencies, researchers and communities in order to help them act on warning issue. In order to develop the prototype, the system requirements, configuration, system design and implementation are presented in this paper. Furthermore, the results of prototype for ANHIS are demonstrated in terms of individual hazard map and multi-hazard map of many natural hazards in Aceh. Finally, the conclusions give the perspectives for future implementation of ANHIS

    Evaluation of Web GIS Functionality in Academic Libraries

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    The rise of web-based GIS resources has expanded the scale and scope of spatial information seeking in most, if not all, academic libraries. Even without formal GIS training, users can search for spatial information, create customized maps, as well as perform simple spatial analysis. However, few systematic evaluations have been conducted to summarize common web GIS functionalities as GIS moving from traditional desktop applications to the web. In this study, we evaluated and assessed the major functionalities of web GIS applications and their potential value for information discovery and access, using six most popular applications in the academic libraries. In addition, since web GIS targets non-GIS professionals, we also conducted an empirical usability evaluation of the six GIS applications in academic libraries. As the result, we identified eight major GIS functionalities that web GIS offers for information seeking purposes. The usability evaluation suggested that a user-friendly web GIS application should provide users a clear starting point, predictable map interaction, flexible customization capabilities, and familiar web experiences. Our study is one of the first studies to examine web-based GIS functionalities and their associated usability in a systematic way. The results will serve as an important reference for web GIS developers

    A Web-based Geographic Information System for Aceh Natural Hazards

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    Análisis Conceptual de la Interoperabilidad entre Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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    Hoy en día los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) se utilizan ampliamente al interior de las empresas para la gestión de la información espacial. Usualmente, el desarrollo de estos sistemas y sus bases de datos se realizan de manera aislada, generando inconvenientes a la hora de intentar compartir los datos y las funciones entre ellas. Este problema evidencia la necesidad de buscar opciones de interoperabilidad—definida ésta como la capacidad de los programas para compartir sus datos y procesos de manera que haya poca o nula intervención del usuario—entre los SIG. Existen varios esfuerzos realizados en esta dirección, principalmente a nivel sintáctico y semántico, clasificados en cuatro grupos principales: 1) la definición de estándares, 2) la elaboración de ontologías en el dominio SIG, 3) el desarrollo de servicios web y 4) la implementación de computación grid. En este artículo se realiza un análisis conceptual de los trabajos realizados en cada clasificación, se sintetizan los aportes identificados y se presenta un resumen mediante un esquema preconceptua

    Evaluation of standards and techniques for retrieval of geospatial raster data : a study for the ICOS Carbon Portal

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    Evaluation of Standards and Techniques for Retrieval of Geospatial Raster Data - A study for ICOS Carbon Portal Geospatial raster data represent the world as a surface with its geographic information which varies continuously. These data can be grid-based data like Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) and geographic image data like multispectral images. The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) European project is launched to measure greenhouse gases emission. The outputs of these measurements are the data in both geospatial vector (raw data) and raster formats (elaborated data). By using these measurements, scientists create flux maps over Europe. The flux maps are important for many groups such as researchers, stakeholders and public users. In this regard, ICOS Carbon Portal (ICOS CP) looks for a sufficient way to make the ICOS elaborated data available for all of these groups in an online environment. Among others, ICOS CP desires to design a geoportal to let users download the modelled geospatial raster data in different formats and geographic extents. Open GeoSpatial Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) defines a geospatial web service to render geospatial raster data such as flux maps in any desired subset in space and time. This study presents two techniques to design a geoportal compatible with WCS. This geoportal should be able to retrieve the ICOS data in both NetCDF and GeoTIFF formats as well as allow retrieval of subsets in time and space. In the first technique, a geospatial raster database (Rasdaman) is used to store the data. Rasdaman OGC component (Petascope) as the server tool connects the database to the client side through WCS protocol. In the Second technique, an advanced file-based system (NetCDF) is applied to maintain the data. THREDDS as the WCS server ships the data to the client side through WCS protocol. These two techniques returned good result to download the data in desired formats and subsets.Evaluation of Standards and Techniques for Retrieval of Geospatial Raster Data Geospatial data refer to an object or phenomena located on the specific scene in space, in relation with the other objects. They are linked to geometry and topology. Geospatial raster data are a subset of geospatial data. Geospatial raster data represent the world as a surface with its geographic information which varies continuously. These data can be grid-based data like Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) and geographic image data like multispectral images. The challenges present in working with geospatial raster data are related to three important components: I) storage and management systems, II) standardized services and III) software interface of geospatial raster data. Each component has its own importance in the aim of improving the interaction with geospatial raster data. A proper geospatial raster data storage and management system makes it easy to classify, search and retrieve the data. A standardized service is needed to unify, download, process and share these data among other users. The last challenge is choosing suitable software interface to support the standardized services on the web. The aim is to provide ability for users to download geospatial raster data in different formats in any desired space and time subsets. In this regard, two different techniques are evaluated to connect the main three components to provide such aim. In the first technique, a geospatial raster database is used to store the data. Then this database is connected to the software interface through standardized service. In the Second technique, an advanced file-based system is applied to maintain the data. The server ships the data to software interface through standardized service. Although these two techniques have their own difficulties, they returned good result. Users can download the data in desired formats on the web. In addition, they can download the data for any specific area and specific time

    XGIS Flex : um framework livre para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informações geográficas para a WEB

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências, 2013.Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta dois estudos de caso relacionados a arquiteturas de implantação de sistemas de informações geográficas (SIG) em ambiente web que culminaram no desenvolvimento de um framework composto por um conjunto de componentes de apoio à construção de novos softwares de SIG para web. O primeiro estudo foi realizado com foco na interoperabilidade de serviços de mapas na web, contemplando principalmente as funções de consulta e disponibilização de dados em formatos diversos. Para viabilizar a troca e integração de informações espacializadas, foi necessário o desenvolvimento de alguns componentes que foram escritos sobre tecnologias proprietárias tais como Esri Flex API. Entendidas as limitações que um motor central de código fechado poderia trazer ao objeto principal do estudo, isto é, o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura de intercâmbio de informações geográficas, surgiu a idéia de construir um conjunto de software que contornassem tais dificuldades. O segundo estudo foi realizado com foco na elaboração de um framework livre para desenvolvimento de SIG em ambiente web de padrão Rich Internet Application (RIA) e que seguisse conceitos da Web 2.0, possibilitando a indexação e visualização de dados provenientes de diferentes tipos de mídia (fotografias, vídeos, documentos) que fossem aderentes aos padrões da Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), mas que, ainda assim, fossem possíveis de serem compartilhadas com outros formatos de dados. Este último estudo buscou ainda reduzir a complexidade e custos de implantação de projetos dessa natureza e facilitar a customização por parte de usuários finais. Ao conjunto de códigos desenvolvidos e sua arquitetura, foi dado o nome de XGIS Flex Framework. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis MSc. Thesis presents two study cases related to the architectures of implementation of geographical information systems (GIS) in web environment that ended in the development of a framework composed by a set of components supporting the preparation of new web GIS software packages. The first study was conducted focused on the interoperability of map services in the web, mainly covering the functions of consultation and release of data at varying formats. In order to enable exchange and integration of spatial information, it was necessary to develop components based on proprietary technologies like ESRI Flex API. After understanding the limitations that a central engine of closed source code could bring to the main object of study, that is, the development of an architecture for the exchange of geographic information, we came out with the idea of building a set of software that would circumvent such difficulties. The second study was conducted focusing on the preparation of a free framework for development of GIS in an environment of Rich Internet Application (RIA) and Web 2.0 concepts. The purpose here was to enable indexing and visualization of data from different types of media (photos, videos, documents) that were adherent not only to the standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), but also to other data formats. The latter study also sought to reduce the complexity and costs of implementation of such projects and to facilitate customization by end users. This set of developed softwares and its architecture was named XGIS Flex Framework

    Quiet paths for people : developing routing analysis and Web GIS application

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    Altistuminen saasteille saattaa vähentää merkittävästi aktiivisten liikkumismuotojen, kuten kävelyn ja pyöräilyn terveyshyötyjä. Yksi liikenteestä johtuvista saasteista on melu, joka voi aiheuttaa terveyshaittoja, kuten kohonnutta verenpainetta ja stressiä. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa ja selvityksissä melulle altistumista on arvioutu yleensä kotipaikan suhteen ja liikkumisen aikana tapahtuva altistus on jäänyt vähemmälle huomiolle. Koska liikkumisen aikainen (dynaaminen) melualtistus saattaa muodostaa merkittävän oan kaupunkilaisten päivittäisestä kokonaismelualtistuksesta, tarvitaan kehittyneempiä menetelmiä dynaamisen melualtistuksen arvioimiseen ja vähentämiseen. Tässä tutkielmassa kehitin kävelyn reititysmenetelmän ja sovelluksen, jolla voi 1) etsiä lyhimmän reitin, 2) mallintaa kävelyn aikaisen melualtistuksen ja 3) löytää vaihtoehtoisia, hiljaisempia reittejä. Sovellus hyödyntää OpenStreetMap-tieverkostoaineistoa ja mallinnettua aineistoa tieliikenteen tyypillisistä päiväajan melutasoista. Reitinetsintä perustuu kehittämääni melukustannusfunktioon ja alhaisimman kustannuksen reititysanalyysiin. Melukustannukset lasketaan sovelluksessa lukuisilla eri meluherkkyyskertoimilla, minkä ansiosta sovellus löytää useita vaihtoehtoisia (hiljaisempia) reittejä. Jotta eri reittien meluisuutta (melualtistuksia) voidaan vertailla, kehitin sarjan melualtistusindeksejä. Tapaustutkimuksessa tutkin Helsingistä tehtävien työmatkojen aikaisia melualtistuksia; selvitin rekistereihin perustuvien työmatkojen mukaiset joukkoliikennereitit ja tutkin reittien kävelyosuuksien aikaisia melualtistuksia reitittämällä kävelyreitit uudestaan kehittämälläni reitityssovelluksella. Lisäksi tutkin hiljaisempien reittivaihtoehtojen mahdollistamia vähennyksiä melualtistuksissa tapaustutkimuksessa mallinnetuilla kävelyreiteillä. Tapaustutkimuksen tulokset indikoivat, että tyypilliset dynaamiset melualtistukset vaihtelevat huomattavasti eri asuinpaikkojen välillä. Toisaalta merkittävä osa melulle altistumisesta on mahdollista välttää hiljaisemmilla reittivaihtoehdoilla; tilanteesta riippuen, hiljaisemmat reitit tarjoavat keskimäärin 12–57 % vähennyksen altistuksessa yli 65 dB melutasoille ja 1.6–9.6 dB keskimääräisen vähennyksen reittien keskimääräisessä melutasossa. Altistuksen mahdolliseen vähennykseen näyttäisivät vaikuttavan ainakin 1) melualtistuksen suuruus lyhimmällä (ts. verrokki) reitillä, 2) lyhimmän reitin pituus, eli etäisyys lähtö- ja kohdepisteen välillä reititysgraafissa ja 3) hiljaisemman reitin pituus lyhimpään reittiin verrattuna. Julkaisin hiljaisten kävelyreittien reitityssovelluksen avoimena web-rajapintapalveluna (API - Application Programming Interface) ja kehitin hiljaisten kävelyreittien reittioppaan mobiilioptimoituna web-karttasovelluksena. Kaikki tutkielmassa kehitetyt menetelmät ja lähdekoodit ovat avoimesti saatavilla GitHub-palvelussa. Yksilöiden ja kaupunkisuunnittelijoiden tietoutta dynaamisesta altistuksesta melulle (ja muille saasteille) tulisi lisätä kehittämällä altistusten arviointiin ja vähentämiseen kehittyneempiä analyyseja ja sovelluksia. Tässä tutkielmassa kehitetty web-karttasovellus havainnollistaa hiljaisten reittien reititysmenetelmän toimivuutta tosielämän tilanteissa ja voi näin ollen auttaa jalankulkijoita löytämään hiljaisempia, ja siten terveellisempiä, reittivaihtoehtoja. Kun ympäristöllisiin altistuksiin perustuvaa reitinetsintää kehitetään pidemmälle, tulisi pyrkiä huomioimaan useampia erillisiä altistuksia samanaikaisesti ja siten reitittämään yleisesti ottaen terveellisempiä reittejä.It is likely that journey-time exposure to pollutants limit the positive health effects of active transport modes (e.g. walking and cycling). One of the pollutants caused by vehicular traffic is traffic noise, which is likely to cause various negative health effects such as increased stress levels and blood pressure. In prior studies, individuals’ exposure to community noise has usually been assessed only with respect to home location, as required by national and international policies. However, these static exposure assessments most likely ignore a substantial share of individuals’ total daily noise exposure that occurs while they are on the move. Hence, new methods are needed for both assessing and reducing journey-time exposure to traffic noise as well as to other pollutants. In this study, I developed a multifunctional routing application for 1) finding shortest paths, 2) assessing dynamic exposure to noise on the paths and 3) finding alternative, quieter paths for walking. The application uses street network data from OpenStreetMap and modeled traffic noise data of typical daytime traffic noise levels. The underlying least cost path (LCP) analysis employs a custom-designed environmental impedance function for noise and a set of (various) noise sensitivity coefficients. I defined a set of indices for quantifying and comparing dynamic (i.e. journey-time) exposure to high noise levels. I applied the developed routing application in a case study of pedestrians’ dynamic exposure to noise on commuting related walks in Helsinki. The walks were projected by carrying out an extensive public transport itinerary planning on census based commuting flow data. In addition, I assessed achievable reductions in exposure to traffic noise by taking quieter paths with statistical means by a subset of 18446 commuting related walks (OD pairs). The results show significant spatial variation in average dynamic noise exposure between neighborhoods but also significant achievable reductions in noise exposure by quieter paths; depending on the situation, quieter paths provide 12–57 % mean reduction in exposure to noise levels higher than 65 dB and 1.6–9.6 dB mean reduction in mean dB (compared to the shortest paths). At least three factors seem to affect the achievable reduction in noise exposure on alternative paths: 1) exposure to noise on the shortest path, 2) length of the shortest path and 3) length of the quiet path compared to the shortest path. I have published the quiet path routing application as a web-based quiet path routing API (application programming interface) and developed an accompanying quiet path route planner as a mobile-friendly web map application. The online quiet path route planner demonstrates the applicability of the quiet path routing method in real-life situations and can thus help pedestrians to choose quieter paths. Since the quiet path routing API is open, anyone can query short and quiet paths equipped with attributes on journey-time exposure to noise. All methods and source codes developed in the study are openly available via GitHub. Individuals’ and urban planners’ awareness of dynamic exposure to noise and other pollutants should be further increased with advanced exposure assessments and routing applications. Web-based exposure-aware route planner applications have the potential to help individuals to choose alternative, healthier paths. When developing exposure-based routing analysis further, attempts should be made to enable simultaneously considering multiple environmental exposures in order to find overall healthier paths


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    Field log book, labeled L. Sprague R., Chiloq. Dam to Williamson R., SP-1, Sprague R., SP-1, 2006, and Klamath 2006, PHABSIM Depth & Velocity, 1600.07 of project PHABSIM site

    Model of the Computer Simulation System for Managing Geospace under Uncertainty Conditions

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    Cilj - Cilj istraživanja je razvoj modela, implementacija prototipa i verifikacija računarskog simulacionog sistema koji omogućuje rad sa nepreciznim geoprostornim podacima u realnim uslovima, i proširivanje postojećiim sistemima, razvoja novih algoritama za obradu, novih modela za reprezentaciju procesa i njihovu integraciju. Metodologija - Za modeliranje neodređenosti i nepreciznosti u podacima i procesima korišćen je fazi pristup. Za razvoj softverskog sistema korišćen je objektni pristup (UML 2.0.), model višeslojne distribuirane softverske arhitekture, kombinacija više objektno orijentisanih programskih jezika, i standardi iz oblasti prostornih podataka i procesa. Verifikacija je izvršena na primeru ekstrakcije prostornih osobina na osnovu rasterskih mapa, i implementirana su dva prostorna procesa u skladu sa definisanim modelima. Rezultati - Predloženi su modeli tačkastih (fazi tačka), pravolinijskih (fazi duž) i jednostavnih površinskih (fazi trougao, fazi krug) nepreciznih objekata pomoću fazi skupova. Date su definicije i osobine osnovnih prostornih operacija (prostorna merenja, prostorne funkcije i prostorne relacije). Dat je predlog za modeliranje geoprostornih procesa i algoritam za odreĎivanje fazi konveksnog omotača koji se odlikuje smanjenom računskom složenošću u odnosu na postojeće algoritme. Ograničenja istraživanja/implikacije – Sistem ne obuhvata standardizovan format za razmenu nepreciznih prostornih podataka. To znači da se format razmene mora implementirati u softveru. Praktične implikacije - Predloženi modeli mogu se, pre svega, koristiti u geografskim informacionim sistemima, ali i u analizi slike, te drugim zadacima koji zahtevaju modelovanje realnog prostora (robotika i slično). Originalnost/vrednost – Originalni doprinosi su sledeći: novi modeli tačkastih (fazi tačka), pravolinijskih (fazi duž) i jednostavnih površinskih (fazi trougao, fazi krug) objekata, novi modeli osnovnih prostornih operacija (prostorna merenja, prostorne funkcije i prostorne relacije) i novi algoritam za odreĎivanje fazi konveksnog omotača koji se odlikuje smanjenom računskom složenošću u odnosu na postojeće algoritme.Purpose- The purpose is model development, software prototype implementation and verification of the computer simulation system which provides support for imprecise data processing under real conditions, as well as extensions to existing systems, development of novel algorithms for data processing, new models for processes’ representation and their integration. Design/methodology/approach - Fuzzy approach is used for modelling uncertainties and imprecision. For the software system’s development object approach (UML 2.0), multi-tiered distributed software architecture, combination of several object programming languages, and standards for geospatial data and processes are deployed. Verification is carried out by the example of spatial features extraction from raster maps which is applied to two spatial processes compliant to the proposed model. Findings- Models for point (fuzzy point), line (fuzzy line) and simple planar (fuzzy triangle, fuzzy circle) imprecise objects are proposed. The definitions and basic features of spatial operations (spatial measurements, spatial functions and spatial relations) are given. A proposal for modelling geospatial processes is given and the algorithm for fuzzy convex hull characterized by reduced computational complexity. Research limitations/implications - The system does not comprise standardized format for imprecise data interchange. This means that interchange format should be implemented within the software. Practical implications - The proposed models can be used, primarily for geographic information systems, but they can be also deployed in image analysis as well as tasks requiring modelling of the real space (robotics, etc.). Originality/Value - The main original contributions are: novel models for point (fuzzy point), line (fuzzy line) and simple planar (fuzzy triangle, fuzzy circle) imprecise objects, novel models for imprecise spatial operations (spatial measurements, spatial functions and spatial relations), and the algorithm for fuzzy convex hull characterized by reduced computational complexity