5,014 research outputs found


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            Recently, the development of the query-based preferences has received considerable attention from researchers and data users. One of the most popular preference-based queries is the skyline query, which will give a subset of superior records that are not dominated by any other records. As the developed version of skyline queries, a reverse skyline query rise. This query aims to get information about the query points that make a data or record as the part of result of their skyline query.     Furthermore, data-oriented IT development requires scientists to be able to process data in all conditions. In the real world, there exist incomplete multidimensional data, both because of damage, loss, and privacy. In order to increase the usability over a data set, this study will discuss one of the problems in processing reverse skyline queries over incomplete data, namely the "why-not" problem. The considered solution to this "why-not" problem is advice and steps so that a query point that does not initially consider an incomplete data, as a result, can later make the record or incomplete data as part of the results. In this study, there will be further discussion about the dominance relationship between incomplete data along with the solution of the problem. Moreover, some performance evaluations are conducted to measure the level of efficiency and effectiveness

    Personalizable Knowledge Integration

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    Large repositories of data are used daily as knowledge bases (KBs) feeding computer systems that support decision making processes, such as in medical or financial applications. Unfortunately, the larger a KB is, the harder it is to ensure its consistency and completeness. The problem of handling KBs of this kind has been studied in the AI and databases communities, but most approaches focus on computing answers locally to the KB, assuming there is some single, epistemically correct solution. It is important to recognize that for some applications, as part of the decision making process, users consider far more knowledge than that which is contained in the knowledge base, and that sometimes inconsistent data may help in directing reasoning; for instance, inconsistency in taxpayer records can serve as evidence of a possible fraud. Thus, the handling of this type of data needs to be context-sensitive, creating a synergy with the user in order to build useful, flexible data management systems. Inconsistent and incomplete information is ubiquitous and presents a substantial problem when trying to reason about the data: how can we derive an adequate model of the world, from the point of view of a given user, from a KB that may be inconsistent or incomplete? In this thesis we argue that in many cases users need to bring their application-specific knowledge to bear in order to inform the data management process. Therefore, we provide different approaches to handle, in a personalized fashion, some of the most common issues that arise in knowledge management. Specifically, we focus on (1) inconsistency management in relational databases, general knowledge bases, and a special kind of knowledge base designed for news reports; (2) management of incomplete information in the form of different types of null values; and (3) answering queries in the presence of uncertain schema matchings. We allow users to define policies to manage both inconsistent and incomplete information in their application in a way that takes both the user's knowledge of his problem, and his attitude to error/risk, into account. Using the frameworks and tools proposed here, users can specify when and how they want to manage/solve the issues that arise due to inconsistency and incompleteness in their data, in the way that best suits their needs

    A Survey on Array Storage, Query Languages, and Systems

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    Since scientific investigation is one of the most important providers of massive amounts of ordered data, there is a renewed interest in array data processing in the context of Big Data. To the best of our knowledge, a unified resource that summarizes and analyzes array processing research over its long existence is currently missing. In this survey, we provide a guide for past, present, and future research in array processing. The survey is organized along three main topics. Array storage discusses all the aspects related to array partitioning into chunks. The identification of a reduced set of array operators to form the foundation for an array query language is analyzed across multiple such proposals. Lastly, we survey real systems for array processing. The result is a thorough survey on array data storage and processing that should be consulted by anyone interested in this research topic, independent of experience level. The survey is not complete though. We greatly appreciate pointers towards any work we might have forgotten to mention.Comment: 44 page

    Semantic Keyword-based Search on Heterogeneous Information Systems

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    En los últimos años, con la difusión y el uso de Internet, el volumen de información disponible para los usuarios ha crecido exponencialmente. Además, la posibilidad de acceder a dicha información se ha visto impulsada por los niveles de conectividad de los que disfrutamos actualmente gracias al uso de los móviles de nueva generación y las redes inalámbricas (e.g., 3G, Wi-Fi). Sin embargo, con los métodos de acceso actuales, este exceso de información es tan perjudicial como la falta de la misma, ya que el usuario no tiene tiempo de procesarla en su totalidad. Por otro lado, esta información está detrás de sistemas de información de naturaleza muy heterogénea (e.g., buscadores Web, fuentes de Linked Data, etc.), y el usuario tiene que conocerlos para poder explotar al máximo sus capacidades. Esta diversidad se hace más patente si consideramos cualquier servicio de información como potencial fuente de información para el usuario (e.g., servicios basados en la localización, bases de datos exportadas mediante Servicios Web, etc.). Dado este nivel de heterogeneidad, la integración de estos sistemas se debe hacer externamente, ocultando su complejidad al usuario y dotándole de mecanismos para que pueda expresar sus consultas de forma sencilla. En este sentido, el uso de interfaces basados en palabras clave (keywords) se ha popularizado gracias a su sencillez y a su adopción por parte de los buscadores Web más usados. Sin embargo, esa sencillez que es su mayor virtud también es su mayor defecto, ya que genera problemas de ambigüedad en las consultas. Las consultas expresadas como conjuntos de palabras clave son inherentemente ambiguas al ser una proyección de la verdadera pregunta que el usuario quiere hacer. En la presente tesis, abordamos el problema de integrar sistemas de información heterogéneos bajo una búsqueda guiada por la semántica de las palabras clave; y presentamos QueryGen, un prototipo de nuestra solución. En esta búsqueda semántica abogamos por establecer la consulta que el usuario tenía en mente cuando escribió sus palabras clave, en un lenguaje de consulta formal para evitar posibles ambigüedades. La integración de los sistemas subyacentes se realiza a través de la definición de sus lenguajes de consulta y de sus modelos de ejecución. En particular, nuestro sistema: - Descubre el significado de las palabras clave consultando un conjunto dinámico de ontologías, y desambigua dichas palabras teniendo en cuenta su contexto (el resto de palabras clave), ya que cada una de las palabras tiene influencia sobre el significado del resto de la entrada. Durante este proceso, los significados que son suficientemente similares son fusionados y el sistema propone aquellos más probables dada la entrada del usuario. La información semántica obtenida en el proceso es integrada y utilizada en fases posteriores para obtener la correcta interpretación del conjunto de palabras clave. - Un mismo conjunto de palabras pueden representar diversas consultas aún cuando se conoce su significado individual. Por ello, una vez establecidos los significados de cada palabra y para obtener la consulta exacta del usuario, nuestro sistema encuentra todas las preguntas posibles utilizando las palabras clave. Esta traducción de palabras clave a preguntas se realiza empleando lenguajes de consulta formales para evitar las posibles ambigüedades y expresar la consulta de manera precisa. Nuestro sistema evita la generación de preguntas semánticamente incorrectas o duplicadas con la ayuda de un razonador basado en Lógicas Descriptivas (Description Logics). En este proceso, nuestro sistema es capaz de reaccionar ante entradas insuficientes (e.g., palabras omitidas) mediante la adición de términos virtuales, que representan internamente palabras que el usuario tenía en mente pero omitió cuando escribió su consulta. - Por último, tras la validación por parte del usuario de su consulta, nuestro sistema accede a los sistemas de información registrados que pueden responderla y recupera la respuesta de acuerdo a la semántica de la consulta. Para ello, nuestro sistema implementa una arquitectura modular permite añadir nuevos sistemas al vuelo siempre que se proporcione su especificación (lenguajes de consulta soportados, modelos y formatos de datos, etc.). Por otro lado, el trabajar con sistemas de información heterogéneos, en particular sistemas relacionados con la Computación Móvil, ha permitido que las contribuciones de esta tesis no se limiten al campo de la búsqueda semántica. A este respecto, se ha estudiado el ámbito de la semántica de las consultas basadas en la localización, y especialmente, la influencia de la semántica de las localizaciones en el procesado e interpretación de las mismas. En particular, se proponen dos modelos ontológicos para modelar y capturar la relaciones semánticas de las localizaciones y ampliar la expresividad de las consultas basadas en la localización. Durante el desarrollo de esta tesis, situada entre el ámbito de la Web Semántica y el de la Computación Móvil, se ha abierto una nueva línea de investigación acerca del modelado de conocimiento volátil, y se ha estudiado la posibilidad de utilizar razonadores basados en Lógicas Descriptivas en dispositivos basados en Android. Por último, nuestro trabajo en el ámbito de las búsquedas semánticas a partir de palabras clave ha sido extendido al ámbito de los agentes conversacionales, haciéndoles capaces de explotar distintas fuentes de datos semánticos actualmente disponibles bajo los principios del Linked Data

    Advanced data structures for the interpretation of image and cartographic data in geo-based information systems

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    A growing need to usse geographic information systems (GIS) to improve the flexibility and overall performance of very large, heterogeneous data bases was examined. The Vaster structure and the Topological Grid structure were compared to test whether such hybrid structures represent an improvement in performance. The use of artificial intelligence in a geographic/earth sciences data base context is being explored. The architecture of the Knowledge Based GIS (KBGIS) has a dual object/spatial data base and a three tier hierarchial search subsystem. Quadtree Spatial Spectra (QTSS) are derived, based on the quadtree data structure, to generate and represent spatial distribution information for large volumes of spatial data

    Explicit Reasoning over End-to-End Neural Architectures for Visual Question Answering

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    Many vision and language tasks require commonsense reasoning beyond data-driven image and natural language processing. Here we adopt Visual Question Answering (VQA) as an example task, where a system is expected to answer a question in natural language about an image. Current state-of-the-art systems attempted to solve the task using deep neural architectures and achieved promising performance. However, the resulting systems are generally opaque and they struggle in understanding questions for which extra knowledge is required. In this paper, we present an explicit reasoning layer on top of a set of penultimate neural network based systems. The reasoning layer enables reasoning and answering questions where additional knowledge is required, and at the same time provides an interpretable interface to the end users. Specifically, the reasoning layer adopts a Probabilistic Soft Logic (PSL) based engine to reason over a basket of inputs: visual relations, the semantic parse of the question, and background ontological knowledge from word2vec and ConceptNet. Experimental analysis of the answers and the key evidential predicates generated on the VQA dataset validate our approach.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, AAAI 201

    Query Workload-Aware Index Structures for Range Searches in 1D, 2D, and High-Dimensional Spaces

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    abstract: Most current database management systems are optimized for single query execution. Yet, often, queries come as part of a query workload. Therefore, there is a need for index structures that can take into consideration existence of multiple queries in a query workload and efficiently produce accurate results for the entire query workload. These index structures should be scalable to handle large amounts of data as well as large query workloads. The main objective of this dissertation is to create and design scalable index structures that are optimized for range query workloads. Range queries are an important type of queries with wide-ranging applications. There are no existing index structures that are optimized for efficient execution of range query workloads. There are also unique challenges that need to be addressed for range queries in 1D, 2D, and high-dimensional spaces. In this work, I introduce novel cost models, index selection algorithms, and storage mechanisms that can tackle these challenges and efficiently process a given range query workload in 1D, 2D, and high-dimensional spaces. In particular, I introduce the index structures, HCS (for 1D spaces), cSHB (for 2D spaces), and PSLSH (for high-dimensional spaces) that are designed specifically to efficiently handle range query workload and the unique challenges arising from their respective spaces. I experimentally show the effectiveness of the above proposed index structures by comparing with state-of-the-art techniques.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Ontology-based data integration in EPNet: Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire

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    Semantic technologies are rapidly changing the historical research. Over the last decades, an immense amount of new quantifiable data have been accumulated, and made available in interchangeable formats, in social sciences and humanities, opening up new possibilities for solving old questions and posing new ones. This paper introduces a framework that eases the access of scholars to historical and cultural data about food production and commercial trade system during the Roman Empire, distributed across different data sources. The proposed approach relies on the Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) paradigm, where the different datasets are virtually integrated by a conceptual layer (an ontology) that provides to the user a clear point of access and a unified and unambiguous conceptual view

    Performance comparison of point and spatial access methods

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    In the past few years a large number of multidimensional point access methods, also called multiattribute index structures, has been suggested, all of them claiming good performance. Since no performance comparison of these structures under arbitrary (strongly correlated nonuniform, short "ugly") data distributions and under various types of queries has been performed, database researchers and designers were hesitant to use any of these new point access methods. As shown in a recent paper, such point access methods are not only important in traditional database applications. In new applications such as CAD/CIM and geographic or environmental information systems, access methods for spatial objects are needed. As recently shown such access methods are based on point access methods in terms of functionality and performance. Our performance comparison naturally consists of two parts. In part I we w i l l compare multidimensional point access methods, whereas in part I I spatial access methods for rectangles will be compared. In part I we present a survey and classification of existing point access methods. Then we carefully select the following four methods for implementation and performance comparison under seven different data files (distributions) and various types of queries: the 2-level grid file, the BANG file, the hB-tree and a new scheme, called the BUDDY hash tree. We were surprised to see one method to be the clear winner which was the BUDDY hash tree. It exhibits an at least 20 % better average performance than its competitors and is robust under ugly data and queries. In part I I we compare spatial access methods for rectangles. After presenting a survey and classification of existing spatial access methods we carefully selected the following four methods for implementation and performance comparison under six different data files (distributions) and various types of queries: the R-tree, the BANG file, PLOP hashing and the BUDDY hash tree. The result presented two winners: the BANG file and the BUDDY hash tree. This comparison is a first step towards a standardized testbed or benchmark. We offer our data and query files to each designer of a new point or spatial access method such that he can run his implementation in our testbed