10,617 research outputs found

    Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Computing Kemeny Scores - Theory and Practice

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    The central problem in this work is to compute a ranking of a set of elements which is "closest to" a given set of input rankings of the elements. We define "closest to" in an established way as having the minimum sum of Kendall-Tau distances to each input ranking. Unfortunately, the resulting problem Kemeny consensus is NP-hard for instances with n input rankings, n being an even integer greater than three. Nevertheless this problem plays a central role in many rank aggregation problems. It was shown that one can compute the corresponding Kemeny consensus list in f(k) + poly(n) time, being f(k) a computable function in one of the parameters "score of the consensus", "maximum distance between two input rankings", "number of candidates" and "average pairwise Kendall-Tau distance" and poly(n) a polynomial in the input size. This work will demonstrate the practical usefulness of the corresponding algorithms by applying them to randomly generated and several real-world data. Thus, we show that these fixed-parameter algorithms are not only of theoretical interest. In a more theoretical part of this work we will develop an improved fixed-parameter algorithm for the parameter "score of the consensus" having a better upper bound for the running time than previous algorithms.Comment: Studienarbei

    The Analysis of Rank Fusion Techniques to Improve Query Relevance

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    Rank fusion meta-search engine algorithms can be used to merge web search results of multiple search engines. In this paper we introduce two variants of the Weighted Borda-Fuse algorithm. The first variant retrieves documents based on popularities of component engines. The second one is based on k user-defined toplist of component engines. In this research, experiments were performed on k={50,100,200} toplist with AND/OR combinations implemented on ‘UNIB Meta Fusion’ meta-search engine prototype which employed 3 out of 5 popular search engines. Both of our two algorithms outperformed other rank fusion algorithms (relevance score is upto 0.76 compare to Google that is 0.27, at P@10). The pseudo-relevance automatic judgement techniques involved are Reciprocal Rank, Borda Count, and Condorcet. The optimal setting was reached for queries with operator "AND" (degree 1) or "AND ... AND" (degree 2) with k=200. The ‘UNIB Meta Fusion’ meta-search engine system was built correctly

    Pairwise meta-rules for better meta-learning-based algorithm ranking

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    In this paper, we present a novel meta-feature generation method in the context of meta-learning, which is based on rules that compare the performance of individual base learners in a one-against-one manner. In addition to these new meta-features, we also introduce a new meta-learner called Approximate Ranking Tree Forests (ART Forests) that performs very competitively when compared with several state-of-the-art meta-learners. Our experimental results are based on a large collection of datasets and show that the proposed new techniques can improve the overall performance of meta-learning for algorithm ranking significantly. A key point in our approach is that each performance figure of any base learner for any specific dataset is generated by optimising the parameters of the base learner separately for each dataset

    Improved User News Feed Customization for an Open Source Search Engine

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    Yioop is an open source search engine project hosted on the site of the same name.It offers several features outside of searching, with one such feature being a news feed. The current news feed system aggregates articles from a curated list of news sites determined by the owner. However in its current state, the feed list is limited in size, constrained by the hardware that the aggregator is run on. The goal of my project was to overcome this limit by improving the current storage method used. The solution was derived by making use of IndexArchiveBundles and IndexShards, both of which are abstract data structures designed to handle large indexes. An additional aspect needed to accomodate for news feed was the ability to traverse said data structures in decreasing order of recently added. New methods were added to the preexisting WordIterator to handle this need. The result is a system with two new advantages, the capacity to store more feed items than before and the functionality of moving through indexes from the end back to the start. Our findings also indicate that the new process is much faster, with insertions taking one-tenth of the time at its fastest. Additionally, whereas the old system only stored around 37500 items at most, the new system allows for potentially unlimited news items to be stored. The methodology detailed in this project can also be applied to any information retrieval system to construct an index and read from it

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    BlogForever D2.4: Weblog spider prototype and associated methodology

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    The purpose of this document is to present the evaluation of different solutions for capturing blogs, established methodology and to describe the developed blog spider prototype

    Fuzzy Content Mining for Targeted Advertisement

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    Content-targeted advertising system is becoming an increasingly important part of the funding source of free web services. Highly efficient content analysis is the pivotal key of such a system. This project aims to establish a content analysis engine involving fuzzy logic that is able to automatically analyze real user-posted Web documents such as blog entries. Based on the analysis result, the system matches and retrieves the most appropriate Web advertisements. The focus and complexity is on how to better estimate and acquire the keywords that represent a given Web document. Fuzzy Web mining concept will be applied to synthetically consider multiple factors of Web content. A Fuzzy Ranking System is established based on certain fuzzy (and some crisp) rules, fuzzy sets, and membership functions to get the best candidate keywords. Once it is has obtained the keywords, the system will retrieve corresponding advertisements from certain providers through Web services as matched advertisements, similarly to retrieving a products list from Amazon.com. In 87% of the cases, the results of this system can match the accuracy of the Google Adwords system. Furthermore, this expandable system will also be a solid base for further research and development on this topic
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