126 research outputs found

    A review and open issues of multifarious image steganography techniques in spatial domain

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    Nowadays, information hiding is becoming a helpful technique and fetch more attention due fast growth of using internet, it is applied for sending secret information by using different techniques. Steganography is one of major important technique in information hiding. Steganography is science of concealing the secure information within a carrier object to provide the secure communication though the internet, so that no one can recognize and detect it’s except the sender & receiver. In steganography, many various carrier formats can be used such as an image, video, protocol, audio. The digital image is most popular used as a carrier file due its frequency on internet. There are many techniques variable for image steganography, each has own strong and weak points. In this study, we conducted a review of image steganography in spatial domain to explore the term image steganography by reviewing, collecting, synthesizing and analyze the challenges of different studies which related to this area published from 2014 to 2017. The aims of this review is provides an overview of image steganography and comparison between approved studies are discussed according to the pixel selection, payload capacity and embedding algorithm to open important research issues in the future works and obtain a robust method

    Encryption and Decryption of Images with Pixel Data Modification Using Hand Gesture Passcodes

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    To ensure data security and safeguard sensitive information in society, image encryption and decryption as well as pixel data modifications, are essential. To avoid misuse and preserve trust in our digital environment, it is crucial to use these technologies responsibly and ethically. So, to overcome some of the issues, the authors designed a way to modify pixel data that would hold the hidden information. The objective of this work is to change the pixel values in a way that can be used to store information about black and white image pixel data. Prior to encryption and decryption, by using Python we were able to construct a passcode with hand gestures in the air, then encrypt it without any data loss. It concentrates on keeping track of simply two pixel values. Thus, pixel values are slightly changed to ensure the masked image is not misleading. Considering that the RGB values are at their border values of 254, 255 the test cases of masking overcome issues with the corner values susceptibility

    Efficiency of LSB steganography on medical information

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    The development of the medical field had led to the transformation of communication from paper information into the digital form. Medical information security had become a great concern as the medical field is moving towards the digital world and hence patient information, disease diagnosis and so on are all being stored in the digital image. Therefore, to improve the medical information security, securing of patient information and the increasing requirements for communication to be transferred between patients, client, medical practitioners, and sponsors is essential to be secured. The core aim of this research is to make available a complete knowledge about the research trends on LSB Steganography Technique, which are applied to securing medical information such as text, image, audio, video and graphics and also discuss the efficiency of the LSB technique. The survey findings show that LSB steganography technique is efficient in securing medical information from intruder

    Security and imperceptibility improving of image steganography using pixel allocation and random function techniques

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    Information security is one of the main aspects of processes and methodologies in the technical age of information and communication. The security of information should be a key priority in the secret exchange of information between two parties. In order to ensure the security of information, there are some strategies that are used, and they include steganography and cryptography. An effective digital image-steganographic method based on odd/even pixel allocation and random function to increase the security and imperceptibility has been improved. This lately developed outline has been verified for increasing the security and imperceptibility to determine the existent problems. Huffman coding has been used to modify secret data prior embedding stage; this modified equivalent secret data that prevent the secret data from attackers to increase the secret data capacities. The main objective of our scheme is to boost the peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR) of the stego cover and stop against any attack. The size of the secret data also increases. The results confirm good PSNR values in addition of these findings confirmed the proposed method eligibility

    Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review

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    Medical images can be intentionally or unintentionally manipulated both within the secure medical system environment and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and transmitted. Many organisations have invested heavily in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), which are intended to facilitate data security. However, it is common for images, and records, to be extracted from these for a wide range of accepted practices, such as external second opinion, transmission to another care provider, patient data request, etc. Therefore, confirming trust within medical imaging workflows has become essential. Digital watermarking has been recognised as a promising approach for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of medical images. Authenticity refers to the ability to identify the information origin and prove that the data relates to the right patient. Integrity means the capacity to ensure that the information has not been altered without authorisation. This paper presents a survey of medical images watermarking and offers an evident scene for concerned researchers by analysing the robustness and limitations of various existing approaches. This includes studying the security levels of medical images within PACS system, clarifying the requirements of medical images watermarking and defining the purposes of watermarking approaches when applied to medical images

    Paperless Transfer of Medical Images: Storing Patient Data in Medical Images

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    Medical images have become an integral part ofpatient diagnosis in recent years. With the introduction of HealthInformation Management Systems (HIMS) used for the storageand sharing of patient data, as well as the use of the PictureArchiving and Communication Systems (PACS) formanipulating and storage of CT Scans, X-rays, MRIs and othermedical images, the security of patient data has become a seriousconcern for medical professionals. The secure transfer of theseimages along with patient data is necessary for maintainingconfidentiality as required by the Data Protection Act, 2011 inTrinidad and Tobago and similar legislation worldwide. Tofacilitate this secure transfer, different digital watermarking andsteganography techniques have been proposed to safely hideinformation in these digital images. This paper focuses on theamount of data that can be embedded into typical medical imageswithout compromising visual quality. In addition, ExploitingModification Direction (EMD) is selected as the method of choicefor hiding information in medical images and it is compared tothe commonly used Least Significant Bit (LSB) method.Preliminary results show that by using EMD there little to nodistortion even at the highest embedding capacity

    Reversible data hiding method by extending reduced difference expansion

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    To keep hiding secret data in multimedia files, such as video, audio, and image considers essential for information security. Image, for instance, as the media aids data insertion securely. The use of insertion technique must ensure a reliable process on retaining data quality and capacity. However, a trade-off between the resulted image quality and the embedded payload capacity after the embedding process often occurs. Therefore, this research aims at extending the existing method of integrating confidential messages using the Reduced Difference Expansion (RDE), transform into a medical image by changing the base point, block size, and recalculating of difference. The results display that the proposed method enhances the quality of the stego image and capacity of the hidden message

    Randomized Symmetric Crypto Spatial Fusion Steganographic System

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    The image fusion steganographic system embeds encrypted messages in decomposed multimedia carriers using a pseudorandom generator but it fails to evaluate the contents of the cover image. This results in the secret data being embedded in smooth regions, which leads to visible distortion that affects the imperceptibility and confidentiality. To solve this issue, as well as to improve the quality and robustness of the system, the Randomized Symmetric Crypto Spatial Fusion Steganography System is proposed in this study. It comprises three-subsystem bitwise encryption, spatial fusion, and bitwise embedding. First, bitwise encryption encrypts the message using bitwise operation to improve the confidentiality. Then, spatial fusion decomposes and evaluates the region of embedding on the basis of sharp intensity and capacity. This restricts the visibility of distortion and provides a high embedding capacity. Finally, the bitwise embedding system embeds the encrypted message through differencing the pixels in the region by 1, checking even or odd options and not equal to zero constraints. This reduces the modification rate to avoid distortion. The proposed heuristic algorithm is implemented in the blue channel, to which the human visual system is less sensitive. It was tested using standard IST natural images with steganalysis algorithms and resulted in better quality, imperceptibility, embedding capacity and invulnerability to various attacks compared to other steganographic systems

    Computational intelligence-based steganalysis comparison for RCM-DWT and PVA-MOD methods

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    This research article proposes data hiding technique for improving the data hiding procedure and securing the data transmission with the help of contrast mapping technique along with advanced data encryption standard. High data hiding capacity, image quality and security are the measures of steganography. Of these three measures, number of bits that can be hidden in a single cover pixel, bits per pixel (bpp), is very important and many researchers are working to improve the bpp. We propose an improved high capacity data hiding method that maintains the acceptable image quality that is more than 30 dB and improves the embedding capacity higher than that of the methods proposed in recent years. The method proposed in this paper uses notational system and achieves higher embedding rate of 4 bpp and also maintain the good visual quality. To measure the efficiency of the proposed information hiding methodology, a simulation system was developed with some of impairments caused by a communication system. PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise ratio) is used to verify the robustness of the images. The proposed research work is verified in accordance to noise analysis. To evaluate the defencing performance during attack RS steganalysis is used