109,132 research outputs found

    Surface mine design using intelligent computer techniques

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    Surface mine planning involves the results of algorithmic numerical calculations being used by engineers to make informed decisions relating to the design. The Department of Mining Engineering at the Unversity of Nottingham has in the past been involved in developing modular algorithmic packages. The emphasis of the computer research has now altered. Smaller specialised systems are now being developed to cover individual aspects of the design process. Artificial intelligence techniques are being introduced into the mining environment to solve the planning problems often associated with the large amounts of uncertain information needed by the engineer. This thesis is concerned with the development of MINDER, a decision support system capable of assisting the mine planner in the complex task of optimum surface mining equipment selection. An expert system shell has been used to create a series of individual application modules, each containing a multi-level knowledge base structure. An information handling system has been developed which is capable of storing consultation information and transfering it between knowledge bases and between application modules. Once an effective method of information handling had been achieved the flow of control between the system knowledge bases was rapid and followed complex inferencing routes. Most of the commercially available packages mathematically model a deposit, calculate volumes and simulate operations. One of the aims of the MINDER system was to integrate with other software, for example MINDER is capable of reading volumetric and material information from Surpac mine planning software. Geological data and manufacturer’s equipment specifications are stored in DbaseIV databases. The expert system is capable of writing macros based on the consultation and performing complex relation operations involved in the elimination and ranking of equipment. In a similar manner macros are written to control the simulation package GPSS which used to simulate operations using the selected equipment. A range of ‘in-house’ Pascal software is used for numerical calculations and matrix manipulation, an example of this is the fuzzy logic software used to handle uncertain information. Another aspect of the project is an investigation into the use of machine learning techniques in the field of equipment selection. Knowledge induction software has been used to induce new rules and check those produced in the MINDER system. Various experiments have been carried out using neural network software to produce equipment selection models. Training data taken from the mining industry was used on both these systems and the results were tested against MINDER consultation results

    Surface mine design using intelligent computer techniques

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    Surface mine planning involves the results of algorithmic numerical calculations being used by engineers to make informed decisions relating to the design. The Department of Mining Engineering at the Unversity of Nottingham has in the past been involved in developing modular algorithmic packages. The emphasis of the computer research has now altered. Smaller specialised systems are now being developed to cover individual aspects of the design process. Artificial intelligence techniques are being introduced into the mining environment to solve the planning problems often associated with the large amounts of uncertain information needed by the engineer. This thesis is concerned with the development of MINDER, a decision support system capable of assisting the mine planner in the complex task of optimum surface mining equipment selection. An expert system shell has been used to create a series of individual application modules, each containing a multi-level knowledge base structure. An information handling system has been developed which is capable of storing consultation information and transfering it between knowledge bases and between application modules. Once an effective method of information handling had been achieved the flow of control between the system knowledge bases was rapid and followed complex inferencing routes. Most of the commercially available packages mathematically model a deposit, calculate volumes and simulate operations. One of the aims of the MINDER system was to integrate with other software, for example MINDER is capable of reading volumetric and material information from Surpac mine planning software. Geological data and manufacturer’s equipment specifications are stored in DbaseIV databases. The expert system is capable of writing macros based on the consultation and performing complex relation operations involved in the elimination and ranking of equipment. In a similar manner macros are written to control the simulation package GPSS which used to simulate operations using the selected equipment. A range of ‘in-house’ Pascal software is used for numerical calculations and matrix manipulation, an example of this is the fuzzy logic software used to handle uncertain information. Another aspect of the project is an investigation into the use of machine learning techniques in the field of equipment selection. Knowledge induction software has been used to induce new rules and check those produced in the MINDER system. Various experiments have been carried out using neural network software to produce equipment selection models. Training data taken from the mining industry was used on both these systems and the results were tested against MINDER consultation results

    Adapting to climate risks and extreme weather: guide for mining - minerals industry professionals

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    AbstractExtreme weather events in Australia over recent years have highlighted the costs for Australian mining and mineral processing operations of being under-prepared for adapting to climate risk. For example, the 2010/2011 Queensland floods closed or restricted production of about forty out of Queensland’s fifty coal mines costing more than $2 billion in lost production.Whilst mining and mineral professionals have experience with risk management and managing workplace health and safety, changes to patterns of extreme weather events and future climate impacts are unpredictable. Responding to these challenges requires planning and preparation for events that many people have never experienced before. With increasing investor and public concern for the impact of such events, this guide is aimed at assisting a wide range of mining and mineral industry professionals to incorporate planning and management of extreme weather events and impacts from climate change into pre-development, development and construction, mining and processing operations and post-mining phases. The guide should be read in conjunction with the research  final report which describes the research process for developing the guide and reflects on challenges and lessons for adaptation research from the project.The Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) led the development of the guide with input from the Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, University of Queensland and a Steering Committee from the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy’s Sustainability Committee and individual AusIMM members, who volunteered their time and experience. As the situation of every mining and mineral production operation is going to be different, this guide has been designed to provide general information about the nature of extreme weather events, and some specific examples of how unexpectedly severe flooding, storm, drought, high temperature and bushfire events have affected mining and mineral processing operations. A number of case studies used throughout the guide also illustrate the ways forward thinking operations have tackled dramatically changing climatic conditions.Each section of the guide outlines a range of direct and indirect impacts from a different type of extreme weather, and provides a starting point for identifying potential risks and adaptation options that can be applied in different situations. The impacts and adaptation sections provide guidance on putting the key steps into practice by detailing specific case examples of leading practice and how a risk management approach can be linked to adaptive planning. More information about specific aspects of extreme weather, planning and preparation for the risks presented by these events, and tools for undertaking climate related adaptation is provided in the ‘Additional Resources’ section

    Oil Spill Response Capacity in Nunavut and The Beaufort Sea

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    WWF-Canada commissioned a series of reports to identify barriers that will prevent northern communities from effectively responding to a shipbased oil spill. Parallel reports for the western Beaufort region and Nunavut outline these barriers. A third report provides a framework for developing realistic oil spill response plans for Nunavut communities. To effectively address the issues of oil spill response capacity in the North, engagement with communities is crucial to developing a framework that works within the Arctic context

    Freshwater ecosystem services in mining regions : modelling options for policy development support

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    The ecosystem services (ES) approach offers an integrated perspective of social-ecological systems, suitable for holistic assessments of mining impacts. Yet for ES models to be policy-relevant, methodological consensus in mining contexts is needed. We review articles assessing ES in mining areas focusing on freshwater components and policy support potential. Twenty-six articles were analysed concerning (i) methodological complexity (data types, number of parameters, processes and ecosystem-human integration level) and (ii) potential applicability for policy development (communication of uncertainties, scenario simulation, stakeholder participation and management recommendations). Articles illustrate mining impacts on ES through valuation exercises mostly. However, the lack of ground-and surface-water measurements, as well as insufficient representation of the connectivity among soil, water and humans, leave room for improvements. Inclusion of mining-specific environmental stressors models, increasing resolution of topographies, determination of baseline ES patterns and inclusion of multi-stakeholder perspectives are advantageous for policy support. We argue that achieving more holistic assessments exhorts practitioners to aim for high social-ecological connectivity using mechanistic models where possible and using inductive methods only where necessary. Due to data constraints, cause-effect networks might be the most feasible and best solution. Thus, a policy-oriented framework is proposed, in which data science is directed to environmental modelling for analysis of mining impacts on water ES

    Sustainable mining, local communities and environmental regulation

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    Sustainable mining is an objective as well as a tool for balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations. Each of these three dimensions of mining – and sustainable development – has many components, some of which were chosen for closer study in the SUMILCERE project. While there is no single component that in itself provides a definitive argument for or against sustainable mining, the research reveals some that have proven valuable in the process of balancing the different dimensions of sustainability. In the SUMILCERE project, comparative studies enabled us to identify factors such as the following, which are essential when discussing the balancing in practice of the three dimensions of sustainable mining cited above: the framework and functionality of environmental regulation to protect the environment (environmental sustainability); the competitiveness of the mining industry in light of environmental regulation and its enforcement (economic sustainability); public participation and the opportunities local communities have to influence their surroundings, as well as communities’ acceptance of projects (social sustainability) before and during operations; and the protection of Sámi cultural rights in mining projects (social and cultural sustainability). Although each of the three dimensions of sustainability leaves room for discretion in the weight assigned to it, ecological sustainability, protected by smart environmental regulation and minimum standards, sets essential boundaries that leave no room for compromises. Economic and social sustainability are possible only within these limits. Details of the analyses in the Kolarctic area and accounts of the methods used can be found in the cited SUMILCERE articles.publishedVersio

    Sustainable seabed mining: guidelines and a new concept for Atlantis II Deep

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    The feasibility of exploiting seabed resources is subject to the engineering solutions, and economic prospects. Due to rising metal prices, predicted mineral scarcities and unequal allocations of resources in the world, vast research programmes on the exploration and exploitation of seabed minerals are presented in 1970s. Very few studies have been published after the 1980s, when predictions were not fulfilled. The attention grew back in the last decade with marine mineral mining being in research and commercial focus again and the first seabed mining license for massive sulphides being granted in Papua New Guinea’s Exclusive Economic Zone.Research on seabed exploitation and seabed mining is a complex transdisciplinary field that demands for further attention and development. Since the field links engineering, economics, environmental, legal and supply chain research, it demands for research from a systems point of view. This implies the application of a holistic sustainability framework of to analyse the feasibility of engineering systems. The research at hand aims to close this gap by developing such a framework and providing a review of seabed resources. Based on this review it identifies a significant potential for massive sulphides in inactive hydrothermal vents and sediments to solve global resource scarcities. The research aims to provide background on seabed exploitation and to apply a holistic systems engineering approach to develop general guidelines for sustainable seabed mining of polymetallic sulphides and a new concept and solutions for the Atlantis II Deep deposit in the Red Sea.The research methodology will start with acquiring a broader academic and industrial view on sustainable seabed mining through an online survey and expert interviews on seabed mining. In addition, the Nautilus Minerals case is reviewed for lessons learned and identification of challenges. Thereafter, a new concept for Atlantis II Deep is developed that based on a site specific assessment.The research undertaken in this study provides a new perspective regarding sustainable seabed mining. The main contributions of this research are the development of extensive guidelines for key issues in sustainable seabed mining as well as a new concept for seabed mining involving engineering systems, environmental risk mitigation, economic feasibility, logistics and legal aspects

    Technological safety of sustainable development of coal enterprises

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    Purpose. Substantiation of conceptual base of searching the ways of threats prevention to sustainable development of coal enterprises in the presence of multidirectional vectors of economic pressure of the external environment. Methods. Methods of the structural and comparative analysis for an assessment of usage of the main definitions of a research, their essence and communication with other categories which define efficiency of development of the coal enterprise are used for the solution of the set tasks in the work; groups and classifications are used for systematization of types of economic security and stability of the enterprise, and also factors which cause them. Findings. The analysis of main definitions that reflecting essence of such scientific phenomena as “sustainable development” and “economic security” of the enterprise is conducted. Actuality and reasonability of scientific research conducting on formation of methodical base and tools of an assessment of a technological component of sustainable development safety of coal enterprises is substantiated. Originality. Research of opportunities of the comprehensive programs creation of adaptive management of the mining enterprise including a retrospective and perspective assessment of a pathway of its development. Practical implications. Introduction of adaptation activity at the coal enterprises in aspect of process of technological safety ensuring.Мета. Обґрунтування концептуальної бази пошуку шляхів запобігання загрозам сталого розвитку вугільних підприємств при наявності різноспрямованих векторів економічного тиску зовнішнього середовища. Методика. Для вирішення поставлених у роботі завдань використані методи структурно-порівняльного аналізу – для оцінки використання основних дефініцій дослідження, їх сутності та зв’язку з іншими категоріями, які визначають ефективність розвитку вугільного підприємства; групування й класифікації – для систематизації видів економічної безпеки і стійкості підприємства, а також факторів, які їх обумовлюють. Результати. Проведено аналіз основних визначень, що відображають сутність таких наукових феноменів, як “сталий розвиток” і “економічна безпека” підприємства. Обґрунтована актуальність та доцільність проведення наукових досліджень з формування методичної бази й інструментарію оцінки технологічної складової безпеки сталого розвитку вугільних підприємств. Наукова новизна. Дослідження можливостей створення комплексних програм адаптивного управління гірничим підприємством, що включають ретроспективну і перспективну оцінки траєкторії його розвитку. Практична значимість. Впровадження адаптаційної діяльності на вугільних підприємствах в аспекті процесу забезпечення технологічної безпеки.Цель. Обоснование концептуальной базы поиска путей предотвращения угроз устойчивому развитию угольных предприятий при наличии разнонаправленных векторов экономического давления внешней среды. Методика. Для решения поставленных в работе задач использованы методы структурно-сравнительного анализа – для оценки использования основных дефиниций исследования, их сущности и связи с другими категориями, которые определяют эффективность развития угольного предприятия; группировки и классификации – для систематизации видов экономической безопасности и устойчивости предприятия, а также факторов, которые их обусловливают. Результаты. Проведен анализ основных определений, отражающих сущность таких научных феноменов, как “устойчивое развитие” и “экономическая безопасность” предприятия. Обоснована актуальность и целесообразность проведения научных исследований по формированию методической базы и инструментария оценки технологической составляющей безопасности устойчивого развития угольных предприятий. Научная новизна. Исследование возможностей создания комплексных программ адаптивного управления горным предприятием, включающих ретроспективную и перспективную оценку траектории его развития. Практическая значимость. Внедрение адаптационной деятельности на угольных предприятиях в аспекте процесса обеспечения технологической безопасности.Authors express gratitude for the help and consultations during work performing for director of management of coal mining of LLC “DTEK Energy” Mykhailo Barabash

    Automation and robotics technology for intelligent mining systems

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    The U.S. Bureau of Mines is approaching the problems of accidents and efficiency in the mining industry through the application of automation and robotics to mining systems. This technology can increase safety by removing workers from hazardous areas of the mines or from performing hazardous tasks. The short-term goal of the Automation and Robotics program is to develop technology that can be implemented in the form of an autonomous mining machine using current continuous mining machine equipment. In the longer term, the goal is to conduct research that will lead to new intelligent mining systems that capitalize on the capabilities of robotics. The Bureau of Mines Automation and Robotics program has been structured to produce the technology required for the short- and long-term goals. The short-term goal of application of automation and robotics to an existing mining machine, resulting in autonomous operation, is expected to be accomplished within five years. Key technology elements required for an autonomous continuous mining machine are well underway and include machine navigation systems, coal-rock interface detectors, machine condition monitoring, and intelligent computer systems. The Bureau of Mines program is described, including status of key technology elements for an autonomous continuous mining machine, the program schedule, and future work. Although the program is directed toward underground mining, much of the technology being developed may have applications for space systems or mining on the Moon or other planets