1,821 research outputs found

    Motion estimation for H.264/AVC on multiple GPUs using NVIDIA CUDA

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    To achieve the high coding efficiency the H.264/AVC standard offers, the encoding process quickly becomes computationally demanding. One of the most intensive encoding phases is motion estimation. Even modern CPUs struggle to process high-definition video sequences in real-time. While personal computers are typically equipped with powerful Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accelerate graphics operations, these GPUs lie dormant when encoding a video sequence. Furthermore, recent developments show more and more computer configurations come with multiple GPUs. However, no existing GPU-enabled motion estimation architectures target multiple GPUs. In addition, these architectures provide no early-out behavior nor can they enforce a specific processing order. We developed a motion search architecture, capable of executing motion estimation and partitioning for an H.264/AVC sequence entirely on the GPU using the NVIDIA CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) platform. This paper describes our architecture and presents a novel job scheduling system we designed, making it possible to control the GPU in a flexible way. This job scheduling system can enforce real-time demands of the video encoder by prioritizing calculations and providing an early-out mode. Furthermore, the job scheduling system allows the use of multiple GPUs in one computer system and efficient load balancing of the motion search over these GPUs. This paper focuses on the execution speed of the novel job scheduling system on both single and multi-GPU systems. Initial results show that real-time full motion search of 720p high-definition content is possible with a 32 by 32 search window running on a system with four GPUs

    GPU acceleration of brain image proccessing

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    Durante los últimos años se ha venido demostrando el alto poder computacional que ofrecen las GPUs a la hora de resolver determinados problemas. Al mismo tiempo, existen campos en los que no es posible beneficiarse completamente de las mejoras conseguidas por los investigadores, debido principalmente a que los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones llegan a ser extremadamente largos. Este es por ejemplo el caso del registro de imágenes en medicina. A pesar de que se han conseguido aceleraciones sobre el registro de imágenes, su uso en la práctica clínica es aún limitado. Entre otras cosas, esto se debe al rendimiento conseguido. Por lo tanto se plantea como objetivo de este proyecto, conseguir mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de una aplicación dedicada al resgitro de imágenes en medicina, con el fin de ayudar a aliviar este problema

    Massively Parallel Computation Using Graphics Processors with Application to Optimal Experimentation in Dynamic Control

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    The rapid increase in the performance of graphics hardware, coupled with recent improvements in its programmability has lead to its adoption in many non-graphics applications, including wide variety of scientific computing fields. At the same time, a number of important dynamic optimal policy problems in economics are athirst of computing power to help overcome dual curses of complexity and dimensionality. We investigate if computational economics may benefit from new tools on a case study of imperfect information dynamic programming problem with learning and experimentation trade-off that is, a choice between controlling the policy target and learning system parameters. Specifically, we use a model of active learning and control of linear autoregression with unknown slope that appeared in a variety of macroeconomic policy and other contexts. The endogeneity of posterior beliefs makes the problem difficult in that the value function need not be convex and policy function need not be continuous. This complication makes the problem a suitable target for massively-parallel computation using graphics processors. Our findings are cautiously optimistic in that new tools let us easily achieve a factor of 15 performance gain relative to an implementation targeting single-core processors and thus establish a better reference point on the computational speed vs. coding complexity trade-off frontier. While further gains and wider applicability may lie behind steep learning barrier, we argue that the future of many computations belong to parallel algorithms anyway.Graphics Processing Units, CUDA programming, Dynamic programming, Learning, Experimentation

    GPU Accelerated Multi-agent Path Planning Based on Grid Space Decomposition

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    In this work, we describe a simple and powerful method to implement real-time multi-agent path-finding on Graphics Processor Units (GPUs). The technique aims to find potential paths for many thousands of agents, using the A* algorithm and an input grid map partitioned into blocks. We propose an implementation for the GPU that uses a search space decomposition approach to break down the forward search A* algorithm into parallel independently forward sub-searches. We show that this approach fits well with the programming model of GPUs, enabling planning for many thousands of agents in parallel in real-time applications such as computer games and robotics. The paper describes this implementation using the Compute Unified Device Architecture programming environment, and demonstrates its advantages in GPU performance compared to GPU implementation of Real-Time Adaptive A*


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    A variety of multiprocessor architectures has proliferated even for off-the-shelf computing platforms. To make use of these platforms, traditional implementation frameworks focus on implementing Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications using special platform features to achieve high performance. However, due to the fast evolution of the underlying architectures, solution redevelopment is error prone and re-usability of existing solutions and libraries is limited. In this thesis, we facilitate an efficient migration of DSP systems to multiprocessor platforms while systematically leveraging previous investment in optimized library kernels using dataflow design frameworks. We make these library elements, which are typically tailored to specialized architectures, more amenable to extensive analysis and optimization using an efficient and systematic process. In this thesis we provide techniques to allow such migration through four basic contributions: 1. We propose and develop a framework to explore efficient utilization of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) cores and accelerators available in heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms consisting of General Purpose Processors (GPPs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). We also propose new scheduling techniques by applying extensive block processing in conjunction with appropriate task mapping and task ordering methods that match efficiently with the underlying architecture. The approach gives the developer the ability to prototype a GPU-accelerated application and explore its design space efficiently and effectively. 2. We introduce the concept of Partial Expansion Graphs (PEGs) as an implementation model and associated class of scheduling strategies. PEGs are designed to help realize DSP systems in terms of forms and granularities of parallelism that are well matched to the given applications and targeted platforms. PEGs also facilitate derivation of both static and dynamic scheduling techniques, depending on the amount of variability in task execution times and other operating conditions. We show how to implement efficient PEG-based scheduling methods using real time operating systems, and to re-use pre-optimized libraries of DSP components within such implementations. 3. We develop new algorithms for scheduling and mapping systems implemented using PEGs. Collectively, these algorithms operate in three steps. First, the amount of data parallelism in the application graph is tuned systematically over many iterations to profit from the available cores in the target platform. Then a mapping algorithm that uses graph analysis is developed to distribute data and task parallel instances over different cores while trying to balance the load of all processing units to make use of pipeline parallelism. Finally, we use a novel technique for performance evaluation by implementing the scheduler and a customizable solution on the programmable platform. This allows accurate fitness functions to be measured and used to drive runtime adaptation of schedules. 4. In addition to providing scheduling techniques for the mentioned applications and platforms, we also show how to integrate the resulting solution in the underlying environment. This is achieved by leveraging existing libraries and applying the GPP-GPU scheduling framework to augment a popular existing Software Defined Radio (SDR) development environment -- GNU Radio -- with a dataflow foundation and a stand-alone GPU-accelerated library. We also show how to realize the PEG model on real time operating system libraries, such as the Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS. A code generator that accepts a manual system designer solution as well as automatically configured solutions is provided to complete the design flow starting from application model to running system

    Volume ray casting techniques and applications using general purpose computations on graphics processing units

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    Traditional 3D computer graphics focus on rendering the exterior of objects. Volume rendering is a technique used to visualize information corresponding to the interior of an object, commonly used in medical imaging and other fields. Visualization of such data may be accomplished by ray casting; an embarrassingly parallel algorithm also commonly used in ray tracing. There has been growing interest in performing general purpose computations on graphics processing units (GPGPU), which are capable exploiting parallel applications and yielding far greater performance than sequential implementations on CPUs. Modern GPUs allow for rapid acceleration of volume rendering applications, offering affordable high performance visualization systems. This thesis explores volume ray casting performance and visual quality enhancements using the NVIDIA CUDA platform, and demonstrates how high quality volume renderings can be produced with interactive and real time frame rates on modern commodity graphics hardware. A number of techniques are employed in this effort, including early ray termination, super sampling and texture filtering. In a performance comparison of a sequential versus CUDA implementation on high-end hardware, the latter is capable of rendering 60 frames per second with an impressive price-performance ratio heavily favoring GPUs. A number of unique volume rendering applications are explored including multiple volume rendering capable of arbitrary placement and rigid volume registration, hypertexturing and stereoscopic anaglyphs, each greatly enhanced by the real time interaction of volume data. The techniques and applications discussed in this thesis may prove to be invaluable tools in fields such as medical and molecular imaging, flow and scientific visualization, engineering drawing and many others

    Control of an autonomous robot using machine learning techniques implemented on a GPU device

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    In a world where artificial intelligence is so consolidated in many fields and in different applications, there is a need to understand how it works and how we can improve these algorithms in order to optimize them. In this project we will focus on the autonomous control of a robot by face detection. To implement this functionality, we have compared different Convolutional Neural Networks. After a detailed study of each of these models and comparing their results, it has been decided to use the FaceNet system for face detection algorithm. To improve the performance and the processing of the video frames, a GPU, Nvidia Jetson Nano, will be used. Finally, by means of the Jetson Nano board we will control the iRobot Roomba 600 robot through commands that will be sent through a serial port, which the robot will receive to manage its actuators and to be able to move following our face

    High throughput image compression and decompression on GPUs

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines GPU-freundlichen, intra-only, Wavelet-basierten Videokompressionsverfahrens mit hohem Durchsatz, das für visuell verlustfreie Anwendungen optimiert ist. Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass der JPEG 2000 Entropie-Kodierer ein Flaschenhals ist, werden verschiedene algorithmische Änderungen vorgeschlagen und bewertet. Zunächst wird der JPEG 2000 Selective Arithmetic Coding Mode auf der GPU realisiert, wobei sich die Erhöhung des Durchsatzes hierdurch als begrenzt zeigt. Stattdessen werden zwei nicht standard-kompatible Änderungen vorgeschlagen, die (1) jede Bitebebene in nur einem einzelnen Pass verarbeiten (Single-Pass-Modus) und (2) einen echten Rohcodierungsmodus einführen, der sample-weise parallelisierbar ist und keine aufwendige Kontextmodellierung erfordert. Als nächstes wird ein alternativer Entropiekodierer aus der Literatur, der Bitplane Coder with Parallel Coefficient Processing (BPC-PaCo), evaluiert. Er gibt Signaladaptivität zu Gunsten von höherer Parallelität auf und daher wird hier untersucht und gezeigt, dass ein aus verschiedensten Testsequenzen gemitteltes statisches Wahrscheinlichkeitsmodell eine kompetitive Kompressionseffizienz erreicht. Es wird zudem eine Kombination von BPC-PaCo mit dem Single-Pass-Modus vorgeschlagen, der den Speedup gegenüber dem JPEG 2000 Entropiekodierer von 2,15x (BPC-PaCo mit zwei Pässen) auf 2,6x (BPC-PaCo mit Single-Pass-Modus) erhöht auf Kosten eines um 0,3 dB auf 1,0 dB erhöhten Spitzen-Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (PSNR). Weiter wird ein paralleler Algorithmus zur Post-Compression Ratenkontrolle vorgestellt sowie eine parallele Codestream-Erstellung auf der GPU. Es wird weiterhin ein theoretisches Laufzeitmodell formuliert, das es durch Benchmarking von einer GPU ermöglicht die Laufzeit einer Routine auf einer anderen GPU vorherzusagen. Schließlich wird der erste JPEG XS GPU Decoder vorgestellt und evaluiert. JPEG XS wurde als Low Complexity Codec konzipiert und forderte erstmals explizit GPU-Freundlichkeit bereits im Call for Proposals. Ab Bitraten über 1 bpp ist der Decoder etwa 2x schneller im Vergleich zu JPEG 2000 und 1,5x schneller als der schnellste hier vorgestellte Entropiekodierer (BPC-PaCo mit Single-Pass-Modus). Mit einer GeForce GTX 1080 wird ein Decoder Durchsatz von rund 200 fps für eine UHD-4:4:4-Sequenz erreicht.This work investigates possibilities to create a high throughput, GPU-friendly, intra-only, Wavelet-based video compression algorithm optimized for visually lossless applications. Addressing the key observation that JPEG 2000’s entropy coder is a bottleneck and might be overly complex for a high bit rate scenario, various algorithmic alterations are proposed. First, JPEG 2000’s Selective Arithmetic Coding mode is realized on the GPU, but the gains in terms of an increased throughput are shown to be limited. Instead, two independent alterations not compliant to the standard are proposed, that (1) give up the concept of intra-bit plane truncation points and (2) introduce a true raw-coding mode that is fully parallelizable and does not require any context modeling. Next, an alternative block coder from the literature, the Bitplane Coder with Parallel Coefficient Processing (BPC-PaCo), is evaluated. Since it trades signal adaptiveness for increased parallelism, it is shown here how a stationary probability model averaged from a set of test sequences yields competitive compression efficiency. A combination of BPC-PaCo with the single-pass mode is proposed and shown to increase the speedup with respect to the original JPEG 2000 entropy coder from 2.15x (BPC-PaCo with two passes) to 2.6x (proposed BPC-PaCo with single-pass mode) at the marginal cost of increasing the PSNR penalty by 0.3 dB to at most 1 dB. Furthermore, a parallel algorithm is presented that determines the optimal code block bit stream truncation points (given an available bit rate budget) and builds the entire code stream on the GPU, reducing the amount of data that has to be transferred back into host memory to a minimum. A theoretical runtime model is formulated that allows, based on benchmarking results on one GPU, to predict the runtime of a kernel on another GPU. Lastly, the first ever JPEG XS GPU-decoder realization is presented. JPEG XS was designed to be a low complexity codec and for the first time explicitly demanded GPU-friendliness already in the call for proposals. Starting at bit rates above 1 bpp, the decoder is around 2x faster compared to the original JPEG 2000 and 1.5x faster compared to JPEG 2000 with the fastest evaluated entropy coder (BPC-PaCo with single-pass mode). With a GeForce GTX 1080, a decoding throughput of around 200 fps is achieved for a UHD 4:4:4 sequence