29,253 research outputs found

    Measuring Impacts of New Highways Capacity – A Discussion of Potential Survey Methods

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    The paper reviews survey methods that might be used to detect the various impacts of new highway capacity (changes in flow and network travel times; behavioural responses such as rerouting, change in departure times, change of mode, redistribution and change in trip frequency; and changes in land use). The review was conducted in the context of a study for TRRL which sought to establish the feasibility of measuring responses to new highway capacity. The paper considers, in turn, surveys of traffic flow, public transport usage and network travel times, methods of estimating origin-destination matrices and a variety of questionnaire and interview techniques which might be used to collect individual travel data (roadside interviews; stopline surveys; household interviews; trip-end interviews; self completion questionnaires; retrospective, prospective and stated preference questions; panel surveys and indepth interviews). There is also a brief discussion of methods to determine bight movements and land use effects. The paper should not be regarded as a source of detailed information about the various types of survey but rather as a review of their comparative strengths and weaknesses in the given context

    Road traffic pollution monitoring and modelling tools and the UK national air quality strategy.

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    This paper provides an assessment of the tools required to fulfil the air quality management role now expected of local authorities within the UK. The use of a range of pollution monitoring tools in assessing air quality is discussed and illustrated with evidence from a number of previous studies of urban background and roadside pollution monitoring in Leicester. A number of approaches to pollution modelling currently available for deployment are examined. Subsequently, the modelling and monitoring tools are assessed against the requirements of Local Authorities establishing Air Quality Management Areas. Whilst the paper examines UK based policy, the study is of wider international interest

    Automatic Recognition of Public Transport Trips from Mobile Device Sensor Data and Transport Infrastructure Information

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    Automatic detection of public transport (PT) usage has important applications for intelligent transport systems. It is crucial for understanding the commuting habits of passengers at large and over longer periods of time. It also enables compilation of door-to-door trip chains, which in turn can assist public transport providers in improved optimisation of their transport networks. In addition, predictions of future trips based on past activities can be used to assist passengers with targeted information. This article documents a dataset compiled from a day of active commuting by a small group of people using different means of PT in the Helsinki region. Mobility data was collected by two means: (a) manually written details of each PT trip during the day, and (b) measurements using sensors of travellers' mobile devices. The manual log is used to cross-check and verify the results derived from automatic measurements. The mobile client application used for our data collection provides a fully automated measurement service and implements a set of algorithms for decreasing battery consumption. The live locations of some of the public transport vehicles in the region were made available by the local transport provider and sampled with a 30-second interval. The stopping times of local trains at stations during the day were retrieved from the railway operator. The static timetable information of all the PT vehicles operating in the area is made available by the transport provider, and linked to our dataset. The challenge is to correctly detect as many manually logged trips as possible by using the automatically collected data. This paper includes an analysis of challenges due to missing or partially sampled information in the data, and initial results from automatic recognition using a set of algorithms. Improvement of correct recognitions is left as an ongoing challenge.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 10 table

    Fine-grained traffic state estimation and visualisation

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    Tools for visualising the current traffic state are used by local authorities for strategic monitoring of the traffic network and by everyday users for planning their journey. Popular visualisations include those provided by Google Maps and by Inrix. Both employ a traffic lights colour-coding system, where roads on a map are coloured green if traffic is flowing normally and red or black if there is congestion. New sensor technology, especially from wireless sources, is allowing resolution down to lane level. A case study is reported in which a traffic micro-simulation test bed is used to generate high-resolution estimates. An interactive visualisation of the fine-grained traffic state is presented. The visualisation is demonstrated using Google Earth and affords the user a detailed three-dimensional view of the traffic state down to lane level in real time

    Wireless magnetic sensor network for road traffic monitoring and vehicle classification

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    Efficiency of transportation of people and goods is playing a vital role in economic growth. A key component for enabling effective planning of transportation networks is the deployment and operation of autonomous monitoring and traffic analysis tools. For that reason, such systems have been developed to register and classify road traffic usage. In this paper, we propose a novel system for road traffic monitoring and classification based on highly energy efficient wireless magnetic sensor networks. We develop novel algorithms for vehicle speed and length estimation and vehicle classification that use multiple magnetic sensors. We also demonstrate that, using such a low-cost system with simplified installation and maintenance compared to current solutions, it is possible to achieve highly accurate estimation and a high rate of positive vehicle classification

    Precise vehicle location as a fundamental parameter for intelligent selfaware rail-track maintenance systems

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    The rail industry in the UK is undergoing substantial changes in response to a modernisation vision for 2040. Development and implementation of these will lead to a highly automated and safe railway. Real-time regulation of traffic will optimise the performance of the network, with trains running in succession within an adjacent movable safety zone. Critically, maintenance will use intelligent trainborne and track-based systems. These will provide accurate and timely information for condition based intervention at precise track locations, reducing possession downtime and minimising the presence of workers in operating railways. Clearly, precise knowledge of trains’ real-time location is of paramount importance. The positional accuracy demand of the future railway is less than 2m. A critical consideration of this requirement is the capability to resolve train occupancy in adjacent tracks, with the highest degree of confidence. A finer resolution is required for locating faults such as damage or missing parts, precisely. Location of trains currently relies on track signalling technology. However, these systems mostly provide an indication of the presence of trains within discrete track sections. The standard Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), cannot precisely and reliably resolve location as required either. Within the context of the needs of the future railway, state of the art location technologies and systems were reviewed and critiqued. It was found that no current technology is able to resolve location as required. Uncertainty is a significant factor. A new integrated approach employing complimentary technologies and more efficient data fusion process, can potentially offer a more accurate and robust solution. Data fusion architectures enabling intelligent self-aware rail-track maintenance systems are proposed