78 research outputs found

    DNA Microarray Data Analysis: A New Survey on Biclustering

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    There are subsets of genes that have similar behavior under subsets of conditions, so we say that they coexpress, but behave independently under other subsets of conditions. Discovering such coexpressions can be helpful to uncover genomic knowledge such as gene networks or gene interactions. That is why, it is of utmost importance to make a simultaneous clustering of genes and conditions to identify clusters of genes that are coexpressed under clusters of conditions. This type of clustering is called biclustering.Biclustering is an NP-hard problem. Consequently, heuristic algorithms are typically used to approximate this problem by finding suboptimal solutions. In this paper, we make a new survey on biclustering of gene expression data, also called microarray data

    A biclustering algorithm based on a Bicluster Enumeration Tree: application to DNA microarray data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a number of domains, like in DNA microarray data analysis, we need to cluster simultaneously rows (genes) and columns (conditions) of a data matrix to identify groups of rows coherent with groups of columns. This kind of clustering is called <it>biclustering</it>. Biclustering algorithms are extensively used in DNA microarray data analysis. More effective biclustering algorithms are highly desirable and needed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We introduce <it>BiMine</it>, a new enumeration algorithm for biclustering of DNA microarray data. The proposed algorithm is based on three original features. First, <it>BiMine </it>relies on a new evaluation function called <it>Average Spearman's rho </it>(ASR). Second, <it>BiMine </it>uses a new tree structure, called <it>Bicluster Enumeration Tree </it>(BET), to represent the different biclusters discovered during the enumeration process. Third, to avoid the combinatorial explosion of the search tree, <it>BiMine </it>introduces a parametric rule that allows the enumeration process to cut tree branches that cannot lead to good biclusters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The performance of the proposed algorithm is assessed using both synthetic and real DNA microarray data. The experimental results show that <it>BiMine </it>competes well with several other biclustering methods. Moreover, we test the biological significance using a gene annotation web-tool to show that our proposed method is able to produce biologically relevant biclusters. The software is available upon request from the authors to academic users.</p

    Development of Biclustering Techniques for Gene Expression Data Modeling and Mining

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    The next-generation sequencing technologies can generate large-scale biological data with higher resolution, better accuracy, and lower technical variation than the arraybased counterparts. RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) can generate genome-scale gene expression data in biological samples at a given moment, facilitating a better understanding of cell functions at genetic and cellular levels. The abundance of gene expression datasets provides an opportunity to identify genes with similar expression patterns across multiple conditions, i.e., co-expression gene modules (CEMs). Genomescale identification of CEMs can be modeled and solved by biclustering, a twodimensional data mining technique that allows clustering of rows and columns in a gene expression matrix, simultaneously. Compared with traditional clustering that targets global patterns, biclustering can predict local patterns. This unique feature makes biclustering very useful when applied to big gene expression data since genes that participate in a cellular process are only active in specific conditions, thus are usually coexpressed under a subset of all conditions. The combination of biclustering and large-scale gene expression data holds promising potential for condition-specific functional pathway/network analysis. However, existing biclustering tools do not have satisfied performance on high-resolution RNA-Seq data, majorly due to the lack of (i) a consideration of high sparsity of RNA-Seq data, especially for scRNA-Seq data, and (ii) an understanding of the underlying transcriptional regulation signals of the observed gene expression values. QUBIC2, a novel biclustering algorithm, is designed for large-scale bulk RNA-Seq and single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-Seq) data analysis. Critical novelties of the algorithm include (i) used a truncated model to handle the unreliable quantification of genes with low or moderate expression; (ii) adopted the Gaussian mixture distribution and an information-divergency objective function to capture shared transcriptional regulation signals among a set of genes; (iii) utilized a Dual strategy to expand the core biclusters, aiming to save dropouts from the background; and (iv) developed a statistical framework to evaluate the significances of all the identified biclusters. Method validation on comprehensive data sets suggests that QUBIC2 had superior performance in functional modules detection and cell type classification. The applications of temporal and spatial data demonstrated that QUBIC2 could derive meaningful biological information from scRNA-Seq data. Also presented in this dissertation is QUBICR. This R package is characterized by an 82% average improved efficiency compared to the source C code of QUBIC. It provides a set of comprehensive functions to facilitate biclustering-based biological studies, including the discretization of expression data, query-based biclustering, bicluster expanding, biclusters comparison, heatmap visualization of any identified biclusters, and co-expression networks elucidation. In the end, a systematical summary is provided regarding the primary applications of biclustering for biological data and more advanced applications for biomedical data. It will assist researchers to effectively analyze their big data and generate valuable biological knowledge and novel insights with higher efficiency

    G-Tric: enhancing triclustering evaluation using three-way synthetic datasets with ground truth

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Three-dimensional datasets, or three-way data, started to gain popularity due to their increasing capacity to describe inherently multivariate and temporal events, such as biological responses, social interactions along time, urban dynamics, or complex geophysical phenomena. Triclustering, subspace clustering of three-way data, enables the discovery of patterns corresponding to data subspaces (triclusters) with values correlated across the three dimensions (observations _ features _ contexts). With an increasing number of algorithms being proposed, effectively comparing them with state-of-the-art algorithms is paramount.These comparisons are usually performed using real data, without a known ground-truth, thus limiting the assessments. In this context, we propose a synthetic data generator, G-Tric, allowing the creation of synthetic datasets with configurable properties and the possibility to plant triclusters. The generator is prepared to create datasets resembling real three-way data from biomedical and social data domains, with the additional advantage of further providing the ground truth (triclustering solution) as output. G-Tric can replicate real-world datasets and create new ones that match researchers’ needs across several properties, including data type (numeric or symbolic), dimension, and background distribution. Users can tune the patterns and structure that characterize the planted triclusters (subspaces) and how they interact (overlapping). Data quality can also be controlled by defining the number of missing values, noise, and errors. Furthermore, a benchmark of datasets resembling real data is made available, together with the corresponding triclustering solutions (planted triclusters) and generating parameters. Triclustering evaluation using G-Tric provides the possibility to combine both intrinsic and extrinsic metrics to compare solutions that produce more reliable analyses. A set of predefined datasets, mimicking widely used three-way data and exploring crucial properties was generated and made available, highlighting G-Tric’s potential to advance triclustering state-of-the-art by easing the process of evaluating the quality of new triclustering approaches. Besides reviewing the current state-of-the-art regarding triclustering approaches, comparison studies and evaluation metrics, this work also analyzes how the lack of frameworks to generate synthetic data influences existent evaluation methodologies, limiting the scope of performance insights that can be extracted from each algorithm. As well as exemplifying how the set of decisions made on these evaluations can impact the quality and validity of those results. Alternatively, a different methodology that takes advantage of synthetic data with ground truth is presented. This approach, combined with the proposal of an extension to an existing clustering extrinsic measure, enables to assess solutions’ quality under new perspectives

    User-Specific Bicluster-based Collaborative Filtering

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Collaborative Filtering is one of the most popular and successful approaches for Recommender Systems. However, some challenges limit the effectiveness of Collaborative Filtering approaches when dealing with recommendation data, mainly due to the vast amounts of data and their sparse nature. In order to improve the scalability and performance of Collaborative Filtering approaches, several authors proposed successful approaches combining Collaborative Filtering with clustering techniques. In this work, we study the effectiveness of biclustering, an advanced clustering technique that groups rows and columns simultaneously, in Collaborative Filtering. When applied to the classic U-I interaction matrices, biclustering considers the duality relations between users and items, creating clusters of users who are similar under a particular group of items. We propose USBCF, a novel biclustering-based Collaborative Filtering approach that creates user specific models to improve the scalability of traditional CF approaches. Using a realworld dataset, we conduct a set of experiments to objectively evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, comparing it against baseline and state-of-the-art Collaborative Filtering methods. Our results show that the proposed approach can successfully suppress the main limitation of the previously proposed state-of-the-art biclustering-based Collaborative Filtering (BBCF) since BBCF can only output predictions for a small subset of the system users and item (lack of coverage). Moreover, USBCF produces rating predictions with quality comparable to the state-of-the-art approaches

    Biclustering electronic health records to unravel disease presentation patterns

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019A Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) é uma doença neurodegenerativa heterogénea com padrões de apresentação altamente variáveis. Dada a natureza heterogénea dos doentes com ELA, aquando do diagnóstico os clínicos normalmente estimam a progressão da doença utilizando uma taxa de decaimento funcional, calculada com base na Escala Revista de Avaliação Funcional de ELA (ALSFRS-R). A utilização de modelos de Aprendizagem Automática que consigam lidar com este padrões complexos é necessária para compreender a doença, melhorar os cuidados aos doentes e a sua sobrevivência. Estes modelos devem ser explicáveis para que os clínicos possam tomar decisões informadas. Desta forma, o nosso objectivo é descobrir padrões de apresentação da doença, para isso propondo uma nova abordagem de Prospecção de Dados: Descoberta de Meta-atributos Discriminativos (DMD), que utiliza uma combinação de Biclustering, Classificação baseada em Biclustering e Prospecção de Regras de Associação para Classificação. Estes padrões (chamados de Meta-atributos) são compostos por subconjuntos de atributos discriminativos conjuntamente com os seus valores, permitindo assim distinguir e caracterizar subgrupos de doentes com padrões similares de apresentação da doença. Os Registos de Saúde Electrónicos (RSE) utilizados neste trabalho provêm do conjunto de dados JPND ONWebDUALS (ONTology-based Web Database for Understanding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), composto por questões standardizadas acerca de factores de risco, mutações genéticas, atributos clínicos ou informação de sobrevivência de uma coorte de doentes e controlos seguidos pelo consórcio ENCALS (European Network to Cure ALS), que inclui vários países europeus, incluindo Portugal. Nesta tese a metodologia proposta foi utilizada na parte portuguesa do conjunto de dados ONWebDUALS para encontrar padrões de apresentação da doença que: 1) distinguissem os doentes de ELA dos seus controlos e 2) caracterizassem grupos de doentes de ELA com diferentes taxas de progressão (categorizados em grupos Lentos, Neutros e Rápidos). Nenhum padrão coerente emergiu das experiências efectuadas para a primeira tarefa. Contudo, para a segunda tarefa os padrões encontrados para cada um dos três grupos de progressão foram reconhecidos e validados por clínicos especialistas em ELA, como sendo características relevantes de doentes com progressão Lenta, Neutra e Rápida. Estes resultados sugerem que a nossa abordagem genérica baseada em Biclustering tem potencial para identificar padrões de apresentação noutros problemas ou doenças semelhantes.Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a heterogeneous neurodegenerative disease with a high variability of presentation patterns. Given the heterogeneous nature of ALS patients and targeting a better prognosis, clinicians usually estimate disease progression at diagnosis using the rate of decay computed from the Revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R). In this context, the use of Machine Learning models able to unravel the complexity of disease presentation patterns is paramount for disease understanding, targeting improved patient care and longer survival times. Furthermore, explainable models are vital, since clinicians must be able to understand the reasoning behind a given model’s result before making a decision that can impact a patient’s life. Therefore we aim at unravelling disease presentation patterns by proposing a new Data Mining approach called Discriminative Meta-features Discovery (DMD), which uses a combination of Biclustering, Biclustering-based Classification and Class Association Rule Mining. These patterns (called Metafeatures) are composed of discriminative subsets of features together with their values, allowing to distinguish and characterize subgroups of patients with similar disease presentation patterns. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) data used in this work comes from the JPND ONWebDUALS (ONTology-based Web Database for Understanding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) dataset, comprised of standardized questionnaire answers regarding risk factors, genetic mutations, clinical features and survival information from a cohort of patients and controls from ENCALS (European Network to Cure ALS), a consortium of diverse European countries, including Portugal. In this work the proposed methodology was used on the ONWebDUALS Portuguese EHR data to find disease presentation patterns that: 1) distinguish the ALS patients from their controls and 2) characterize groups of ALS patients with different progression rates (categorized into Slow, Neutral and Fast groups). No clear pattern emerged from the experiments performed for the first task. However, in the second task the patterns found for each of the three progression groups were recognized and validated by ALS expert clinicians, as being relevant characteristics of slow, neutral and fast progressing patients. These results suggest that our generic Biclustering approach is a promising way to unravel disease presentation patterns and could be applied to similar problems and other diseases

    Clustering and Classification of Multi-domain Proteins

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    Rapid development of next-generation sequencing technology has led to an unprecedented growth in protein sequence data repositories over the last decade. Majority of these proteins lack structural and functional characterization. This necessitates design and development of fast, efficient, and sensitive computational tools and algorithms that can classify these proteins into functionally coherent groups. Domains are fundamental units of protein structure and function. Multi-domain proteins are extremely complex as opposed to proteins that have single or no domains. They exhibit network-like complex evolutionary events such as domain shuffling, domain loss, and domain gain. These events therefore, cannot be represented in the conventional protein clustering algorithms like phylogenetic reconstruction and Markov clustering. In this thesis, a multi-domain protein classification system is developed primarily based on the domain composition of protein sequences. Using the principle of co-clustering (biclustering), both proteins and domains are simultaneously clustered, where each bicluster contains a subset of proteins and domains forming a complete bipartite graph. These clusters are then converted into a network of biclusters based on the domains shared between the clusters, thereby classifying the proteins into similar protein families. We applied our biclustering network approach on a multi-domain protein family, Regulator of G-protein Signalling (RGS) proteins, where heterogeneous domain composition exists among subfamilies. Our approach showed mostly consistent clustering with the existing RGS subfamilies. The average maximum Jaccard Index scores for the clusters obtained by Markov Clustering and phylogenetic clustering methods against the biclusters were 0.64 and 0.60, respectively. Compared to other clustering methods, our approach uses auxiliary domain information of each protein, and therefore, generates more functionally coherent protein clusters and differentiates each protein subfamily from each other. Biclustered networks on complete nine proteomes showed that the number of multi-domain proteins included in connected biclusters rapidly increased with genome complexity, 48.5% in bacteria to 80% in eukaryotes. Protein clustering and classification, incorporating such wealth of additonal domain information on protein networks has wide applications and would impact functional analysis and characterization of novel proteins. Advisers: Stephen D. Scott and Etsuko N. Moriyam

    Integrated biclustering of heterogeneous genome-wide datasets for the inference of global regulatory networks

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    BACKGROUND: The learning of global genetic regulatory networks from expression data is a severely under-constrained problem that is aided by reducing the dimensionality of the search space by means of clustering genes into putatively co-regulated groups, as opposed to those that are simply co-expressed. Be cause genes may be co-regulated only across a subset of all observed experimental conditions, biclustering (clustering of genes and conditions) is more appropriate than standard clustering. Co-regulated genes are also often functionally (physically, spatially, genetically, and/or evolutionarily) associated, and such a priori known or pre-computed associations can provide support for appropriately grouping genes. One important association is the presence of one or more common cis-regulatory motifs. In organisms where these motifs are not known, their de novo detection, integrated into the clustering algorithm, can help to guide the process towards more biologically parsimonious solutions. RESULTS: We have developed an algorithm, cMonkey, that detects putative co-regulated gene groupings by integrating the biclustering of gene expression data and various functional associations with the de novo detection of sequence motifs. CONCLUSION: We have applied this procedure to the archaeon Halobacterium NRC-1, as part of our efforts to decipher its regulatory network. In addition, we used cMonkey on public data for three organisms in the other two domains of life: Helicobacter pylori, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Escherichia coli. The biclusters detected by cMonkey both recapitulated known biology and enabled novel predictions (some for Halobacterium were subsequently confirmed in the laboratory). For example, it identified the bacteriorhodopsin regulon, assigned additional genes to this regulon with apparently unrelated function, and detected its known promoter motif. We have performed a thorough comparison of cMonkey results against other clustering methods, and find that cMonkey biclusters are more parsimonious with all available evidence for co-regulation
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