244 research outputs found

    Node placement optimization using extended virtual force and cuckoo search algorithm in wireless sensor network

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    Node placement is one of the fundamental issues that affects the performance of coverage and connectivity in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). In a large scale WSN, sensor nodes are deployed randomly where they are scattered too close or far apart from each other. This random deployment causes issues such as coverage hole, overlapping and connectivity failure that contributes to the performance of coverage and connectivity of WSN. Therefore, node placement model is develop to find the optimal node placement in order to maintain the coverage and guaranteed the connectivity in random deployment. The performance of Extended Virtual Force-Based Algorithm (EVFA) and Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm are evaluated and EVFA shows the improvement of coverage area and exhibits a guaranteed connectivity compared to CS algorithm. Both algorithms have their own strength in improving the coverage performance. The EVFA approach can relocate the sensor nodes using a repulsive and attractive force after initial deployment and CS algorithm is more efficient in exploring the search of maximum coverage area in random deployment. This study proposed Extended Virtual Force and Cuckoo Search (EVFCS) algorithm with a combination of EVFA and CS algorithm to find an optimal node placement. A series of experimental studies on evaluation of proposed algorithm were conducted within simulated environment. In EVFCS, the algorithm searches the best value of threshold distance and relocated the new position of sensor nodes. The result suggested 18.212m is the best threshold distance that maximizes the coverage area. It also minimizes the problems of coverage hole and overlapping while guaranteeing a reasonable connectivity quality. It proved that the proposed EVFCS outperforms the EVFA approach and achieved a significant improvement in coverage area and guaranteed connectivity. The implementation of the EVFCS improved the problems of initial random deployment

    A parallel implementation on a multi-core architecture of a dynamic programming algorithm applied in cognitive radio ad hoc networks

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    Spectral resources allocation is a major problem in cognitive radio ad hoc networks and currently most of the research papers use meta-heuristics to solve it. On the other side, the term parallelism refers to techniques to make programs faster by performing several computations in parallel. Parallelism would be very interesting to increase the performance of real-time systems, especially for the cognitive radio ad hoc networks that interest us in this work. In this paper, we present a parallel implementation on a multi-core architecture of dynamic programming algorithm applied in cognitive radio ad hoc networks. Our simulations approve the desired results, showing significant gain in terms of execution time. The main objective is to allow a cognitive engine to use an exact method and to have better results compared to the use of meta-heuristics

    Towards Efficient Sensor Placement for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network

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    Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN) is the recent emergence in wireless technologies that facilitate industrial applications. IWSN constructs a reliable and self-responding industrial system using interconnected intelligent sensors. These sensors continuously monitor and analyze the industrial process to evoke its best performance. Since the sensors are resource-constrained and communicate wirelessly, the excess sensor placement utilizes more energy and also affects the environment. Thus, sensors need to use efficiently to minimize their network traffic and energy utilization. In this paper, we proposed a vertex coloring based optimal sensor placement to determine the minimal sensor requirement for an efficient network

    Novel Scheme for Minimal Iterative PSO Algorithm for Extending Network Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network

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    Clustering is one of the operations in the wireless sensor network that offers both streamlined data routing services as well as energy efficiency. In this viewpoint, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has already proved its effectiveness in enhancing clustering operation, energy efficiency, etc. However, PSO also suffers from a higher degree of iteration and computational complexity when it comes to solving complex problems, e.g., allocating transmittance energy to the cluster head in a dynamic network. Therefore, we present a novel, simple, and yet a cost-effective method that performs enhancement of the conventional PSO approach for minimizing the iterative steps and maximizing the probability of selecting a better clustered. A significant research contribution of the proposed system is its assurance towards minimizing the transmittance energy as well as receiving energy of a cluster head. The study outcome proved proposed a system to be better than conventional system in the form of energy efficiency

    Optimal leach protocol with improved bat algorithm in wireless sensor networks

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    © 2019, Korean Society for Internet Information. All rights reserved. A low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol is a low-power adaptive cluster routing protocol which was proposed by MIT’s Chandrakasan for sensor networks. In the LEACH protocol, the selection mode of cluster-head nodes is a random selection of cycles, which may result in uneven distribution of nodal energy and reduce the lifetime of the entire network. Hence, we propose a new selection method to enhance the lifetime of network, in this selection function, the energy consumed between nodes in the clusters and the power consumed by the transfer between the cluster head and the base station are considered at the same time. Meanwhile, the improved FTBA algorithm integrating the curve strategy is proposed to enhance local and global search capabilities. Then we combine the improved BA with LEACH, and use the intelligent algorithm to select the cluster head. Experiment results show that the improved BA has stronger optimization ability than other optimization algorithms, which the method we proposed (FTBA-TC-LEACH) is superior than the LEACH and LEACH with standard BA (SBA-LEACH). The FTBA-TC-LEACH can obviously reduce network energy consumption and enhance the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs)

    SRP-HEE: A Modified Stateless Routing Protocol based on Homomorphic Energy based Encryption for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Due to the wireless nature, the sensors node data are prone to location privacy of source and classification of the packet by unauthorized parties. Data encryption is one of the most effective ways to thwart unauthorized access to the data and trace information. Traditional wireless network security solutions are not viable for WSNs In this paper, a novel distributed forward aware factor based heuristics towards generating greedy routing using stateless routing is SRP-HEE for wireless sensor network. The model employs the homomorphic Energy based encryption technique. Energy based Encryption model is devoted as homomorphic mechanism due to their less computational complexity. Additionally, privacy constraint becoming a critical issue in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) because sensor nodes are generally prone to attacks which deplete energy quickly as it is exposed to mobile sink frequently for data transmission. Through inclusion of the Forward aware factor on the Greedy routing strategies, it is possible to eliminate the attacking node which is depleting the energy of the source node. Heuristic conditions are used for optimizing the sampling rate and battery level for tackling the battery capacity constraints of the wireless sensor nodes. The Node characteristics of the propagating node have been analysed utilizing kalman filter and linear regression. The cooperative caching of the network information will enable to handle the fault condition by changing the privacy level of the network. The Simulation results demonstrate that SRP-HEE model outperforms existing technique on basis of Latency, Packet Delivery Ratio, Network Overhead, and Energy Utilization of nodes

    Parameter selection and performance comparison of particle swarm optimization in sensor networks localization

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    Localization is a key technology in wireless sensor networks. Faced with the challenges of the sensors\u27 memory, computational constraints, and limited energy, particle swarm optimization has been widely applied in the localization of wireless sensor networks, demonstrating better performance than other optimization methods. In particle swarm optimization-based localization algorithms, the variants and parameters should be chosen elaborately to achieve the best performance. However, there is a lack of guidance on how to choose these variants and parameters. Further, there is no comprehensive performance comparison among particle swarm optimization algorithms. The main contribution of this paper is three-fold. First, it surveys the popular particle swarm optimization variants and particle swarm optimization-based localization algorithms for wireless sensor networks. Secondly, it presents parameter selection of nine particle swarm optimization variants and six types of swarm topologies by extensive simulations. Thirdly, it comprehensively compares the performance of these algorithms. The results show that the particle swarm optimization with constriction coefficient using ring topology outperforms other variants and swarm topologies, and it performs better than the second-order cone programming algorithm

    Cost-efficient deployment of multi-hop wireless networks over disaster areas using multi-objective meta-heuristics

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    Nowadays there is a global concern with the growing frequency and magnitude of natural disasters, many of them associated with climate change at a global scale. When tackled during a stringent economic era, the allocation of resources to efficiently deal with such disaster situations (e.g., brigades, vehicles and other support equipment for fire events) undergoes severe budgetary limitations which, in several proven cases, have lead to personal casualties due to a reduced support equipment. As such, the lack of enough communication resources to cover the disaster area at hand may cause a risky radio isolation of the deployed teams and ultimately fatal implications, as occurred in different recent episodes in Spain and USA during the last decade. This issue becomes even more dramatic when understood jointly with the strong budget cuts lately imposed by national authorities. In this context, this article postulates cost-efficient multi-hop communications as a technological solution to provide extended radio coverage to the deployed teams over disaster areas. Specifically, a Harmony Search (HS) based scheme is proposed to determine the optimal number, position and model of a set of wireless relays that must be deployed over a large-scale disaster area. The approach presented in this paper operates under a Pareto-optimal strategy, so a number of different deployments is then produced by balancing between redundant coverage and economical cost of the deployment. This information can assist authorities in their resource provisioning and/or operation duties. The performance of different heuristic operators to enhance the proposed HS algorithm are assessed and discussed by means of extensive simulations over synthetically generated scenarios, as well as over a more realistic, orography-aware setup constructed with LIDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) data captured in the city center of Bilbao (Spain)

    Optimal Coverage in Wireless Sensor Network using Augmented Nature-Inspired Algorithm

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               One of the difficult problems that must be carefully considered before any network configuration is getting the best possible network coverage. The amount of redundant information that is sensed is decreased due to optimal network coverage, which also reduces the restricted energy consumption of battery-powered sensors. WSN sensors can sense, receive, and send data concurrently. Along with the energy limitation, accurate sensors and non-redundant data are a crucial challenge for WSNs. To maximize the ideal coverage and reduce the waste of the constrained sensor battery lifespan, all these actions must be accomplished. Augmented Nature-inspired algorithm is showing promise as a solution to the crucial problems in “Wireless Sensor Networks” (WSNs), particularly those related to the reduced sensor lifetime. For “Wireless Sensor Networks” (WSNs) to provide the best coverage, we focus on algorithms that are inspired by Augmented Nature in this research. In wireless sensor networks, the cluster head is chosen using the Diversity-Driven Multi-Parent Evolutionary Algorithm. For Data encryption Improved Identity Based Encryption (IIBE) is used.  For centralized optimization and reducing coverage gaps in WSNs Time variant Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used. The suggested model's metrics are examined and compared to various traditional algorithms. This model solves the reduced sensor lifetime and redundant information in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as well as will give real and effective optimum coverage to the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

    Skema Lokalisasi Node pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Berbasis Algoritma Hibrid Bat-PSO

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    Jaringan sensor nirkabel terdiri dari ratusan hingga ribuan nodes. Metode konvensional yang digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi node sensor yang tersebar pada lokasi pengamatan adalah pemasangan GPS pada setiap node. Namun, hal ini sangat tidak efektif dan membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu metode lokalisasi yang akurat untuk dapat mengestimasi posisi dari setiap node sensor. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah menggunakan algoritma metaheuristik. Pada penelitian ini, diusulkan sebuah algoritma metaheuristik yang menggabungkan keunggulan dari algoritma Bat dan algoritma particle swarm optimization (PSO) untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan lokalisasi pada jaringan sensor nirkabel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, algoritma hibrid Bat-PSO mampu digunakan untuk mengestimasi seluruh posisi node dalam berbagai variasi kepadatan node. Algoritma hibrid Bat-PSO juga dapat mengestimasi posisi node dengan lebih akurat jika dibandingkan dengan algoritma orisinil Bat
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