211 research outputs found

    An ETH-Tight Exact Algorithm for Euclidean TSP

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    We study exact algorithms for {\sc Euclidean TSP} in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. In the early 1990s algorithms with nO(n)n^{O(\sqrt{n})} running time were presented for the planar case, and some years later an algorithm with nO(n11/d)n^{O(n^{1-1/d})} running time was presented for any d2d\geq 2. Despite significant interest in subexponential exact algorithms over the past decade, there has been no progress on {\sc Euclidean TSP}, except for a lower bound stating that the problem admits no 2O(n11/dϵ)2^{O(n^{1-1/d-\epsilon})} algorithm unless ETH fails. Up to constant factors in the exponent, we settle the complexity of {\sc Euclidean TSP} by giving a 2O(n11/d)2^{O(n^{1-1/d})} algorithm and by showing that a 2o(n11/d)2^{o(n^{1-1/d})} algorithm does not exist unless ETH fails.Comment: To appear in FOCS 201

    A Gap-{ETH}-Tight Approximation Scheme for Euclidean {TSP}

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    We revisit the classic task of finding the shortest tour of nn points in dd-dimensional Euclidean space, for any fixed constant d2d \geq 2. We determine the optimal dependence on ε\varepsilon in the running time of an algorithm that computes a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximate tour, under a plausible assumption. Specifically, we give an algorithm that runs in 2O(1/εd1)nlogn2^{\mathcal{O}(1/\varepsilon^{d-1})} n\log n time. This improves the previously smallest dependence on ε\varepsilon in the running time (1/ε)O(1/εd1)nlogn(1/\varepsilon)^{\mathcal{O}(1/\varepsilon^{d-1})}n \log n of the algorithm by Rao and Smith (STOC 1998). We also show that a 2o(1/εd1)poly(n)2^{o(1/\varepsilon^{d-1})}\text{poly}(n) algorithm would violate the Gap-Exponential Time Hypothesis (Gap-ETH). Our new algorithm builds upon the celebrated quadtree-based methods initially proposed by Arora (J. ACM 1998), but it adds a simple new idea that we call \emph{sparsity-sensitive patching}. On a high level this lets the granularity with which we simplify the tour depend on how sparse it is locally. Our approach is (arguably) simpler than the one by Rao and Smith since it can work without geometric spanners. We demonstrate the technique extends easily to other problems, by showing as an example that it also yields a Gap-ETH-tight approximation scheme for Rectilinear Steiner Tree

    A quasi-polynomial algorithm for well-spaced hyperbolic TSP

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    We study the traveling salesman problem in the hyperbolic plane of Gaussian curvature 1-1. Let α\alpha denote the minimum distance between any two input points. Using a new separator theorem and a new rerouting argument, we give an nO(log2n)max(1,1/α)n^{O(\log^2 n)\max(1,1/\alpha)} algorithm for Hyperbolic TSP. This is quasi-polynomial time if α\alpha is at least some absolute constant, and it grows to nO(n)n^{O(\sqrt{n})} as α\alpha decreases to log2n/n\log^2 n/\sqrt{n}. (For even smaller values of α\alpha, we can use a planarity-based algorithm of Hwang et al. (1993), which gives a running time of nO(n)n^{O(\sqrt{n})}.)Comment: SoCG 202

    A Survey on Approximation in Parameterized Complexity: Hardness and Algorithms

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    Parameterization and approximation are two popular ways of coping with NP-hard problems. More recently, the two have also been combined to derive many interesting results. We survey developments in the area both from the algorithmic and hardness perspectives, with emphasis on new techniques and potential future research directions

    A Quasi-Polynomial Algorithm for Well-Spaced Hyperbolic TSP

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    Euclidean TSP in Narrow Strips

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    TSP in a Simple Polygon

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    We study the Traveling Salesman Problem inside a simple polygon. In this problem, which we call tsp in a simple polygon, we wish to compute a shortest tour that visits a given set S of n sites inside a simple polygon P with m edges while staying inside the polygon. This natural problem has, to the best of our knowledge, not been studied so far from a theoretical perspective. It can be solved exactly in poly(n,m) + 2^O(?nlog n) time, using an algorithm by Marx, Pilipczuk, and Pilipczuk (FOCS 2018) for subset tsp as a subroutine. We present a much simpler algorithm that solves tsp in a simple polygon directly and that has the same running time


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    We investigate how the complexity of Euclidean TSP for point sets PP inside the strip (,+)×[0,δ](-\infty,+\infty)\times [0,\delta] depends on the strip width δ\delta. We obtain two main results. First, for the case where the points have distinct integer xx-coordinates, we prove that a shortest bitonic tour (which can be computed in O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2 n) time using an existing algorithm) is guaranteed to be a shortest tour overall when δ22\delta\leq 2\sqrt{2}, a bound which is best possible. Second, we present an algorithm that is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to δ\delta. More precisely, our algorithm has running time 2O(δ)n22^{O(\sqrt{\delta})} n^2 for sparse point sets, where each 1×δ1\times\delta rectangle inside the strip contains O(1)O(1) points. For random point sets, where the points are chosen uniformly at random from the rectangle~[0,n]×[0,δ][0,n]\times [0,\delta], it has an expected running time of 2O(δ)n2+O(n3)2^{O(\sqrt{\delta})} n^2 + O(n^3)

    Learning-Augmented Online TSP on Rings, Trees, Flowers and (Almost) Everywhere Else

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    We study the Online Traveling Salesperson Problem (OLTSP) with predictions. In OLTSP, a sequence of initially unknown requests arrive over time at points (locations) of a metric space. The goal is, starting from a particular point of the metric space (the origin), to serve all these requests while minimizing the total time spent. The server moves with unit speed or is "waiting" (zero speed) at some location. We consider two variants: in the open variant, the goal is achieved when the last request is served. In the closed one, the server additionally has to return to the origin. We adopt a prediction model, introduced for OLTSP on the line [Gouleakis et al., 2023], in which the predictions correspond to the locations of the requests and extend it to more general metric spaces. We first propose an oracle-based algorithmic framework, inspired by previous work [Bampis et al., 2023]. This framework allows us to design online algorithms for general metric spaces that provide competitive ratio guarantees which, given perfect predictions, beat the best possible classical guarantee (consistency). Moreover, they degrade gracefully along with the increase in error (smoothness), but always within a constant factor of the best known competitive ratio in the classical case (robustness). Having reduced the problem to designing suitable efficient oracles, we describe how to achieve this for general metric spaces as well as specific metric spaces (rings, trees and flowers), the resulting algorithms being tractable in the latter case. The consistency guarantees of our algorithms are tight in almost all cases, and their smoothness guarantees only suffer a linear dependency on the error, which we show is necessary. Finally, we provide robustness guarantees improving previous results

    Fractal Dimension and Lower Bounds for Geometric Problems

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    We study the complexity of geometric problems on spaces of low fractal dimension. It was recently shown by [Sidiropoulos & Sridhar, SoCG 2017] that several problems admit improved solutions when the input is a pointset in Euclidean space with fractal dimension smaller than the ambient dimension. In this paper we prove nearly-matching lower bounds, thus establishing nearly-optimal bounds for various problems as a function of the fractal dimension. More specifically, we show that for any set of n points in d-dimensional Euclidean space, of fractal dimension delta in (1,d), for any epsilon>0 and c >= 1, any c-spanner must have treewidth at least Omega(n^{1-1/(delta - epsilon)} / c^{d-1}), matching the previous upper bound. The construction used to prove this lower bound on the treewidth of spanners, can also be used to derive lower bounds on the running time of algorithms for various problems, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis. We provide two prototypical results of this type: - For any delta in (1,d) and any epsilon >0, d-dimensional Euclidean TSP on n points with fractal dimension at most delta cannot be solved in time 2^{O(n^{1-1/(delta - epsilon)})}. The best-known upper bound is 2^{O(n^{1-1/delta} log n)}. - For any delta in (1,d) and any epsilon >0, the problem of finding k-pairwise non-intersecting d-dimensional unit balls/axis parallel unit cubes with centers having fractal dimension at most delta cannot be solved in time f(k)n^{O (k^{1-1/(delta - epsilon)})} for any computable function f. The best-known upper bound is n^{O(k^{1-1/delta} log n)}. The above results nearly match previously known upper bounds from [Sidiropoulos & Sridhar, SoCG 2017], and generalize analogous lower bounds for the case of ambient dimension due to [Marx & Sidiropoulos, SoCG 2014]