365 research outputs found

    Plan validation and mixed-initiative planning in space operations

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    Bringing artificial intelligence planning and scheduling applications into the real world is a hard task that is receiving more attention every day by researchers and practitioners from many fields. In many cases, it requires the integration of several underlying techniques like planning, scheduling, constraint satisfaction, mixed-initiative planning and scheduling, temporal reasoning, knowledge representation, formal models and languages, and technological issues. Most papers included in this book are clear examples on how to integrate several of these techniques. Furthermore, the book also covers many interesting approaches in application areas ranging from industrial job shop to electronic tourism, environmental problems, virtual teaching or space missions. This book also provides powerful techniques that allow to build fully deployable applications to solve real problems and an updated review of many of the most interesting areas of application of these technologies, showing how powerful these technologies are to overcome the expresiveness and efficiency problems of real world problems

    System control of an autonomous planetary mobile spacecraft

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    The goal is to suggest the scheduling and control functions necessary for accomplishing mission objectives of a fairly autonomous interplanetary mobile spacecraft, while maximizing reliability. Goals are to provide an extensible, reliable system conservative in its use of on-board resources, while getting full value from subsystem autonomy, and avoiding the lure of ground micromanagement. A functional layout consisting of four basic elements is proposed: GROUND and SYSTEM EXECUTIVE system functions and RESOURCE CONTROL and ACTIVITY MANAGER subsystem functions. The system executive includes six subfunctions: SYSTEM MANAGER, SYSTEM FAULT PROTECTION, PLANNER, SCHEDULE ADAPTER, EVENT MONITOR and RESOURCE MONITOR. The full configuration is needed for autonomous operation on Moon or Mars, whereas a reduced version without the planning, schedule adaption and event monitoring functions could be appropriate for lower-autonomy use on the Moon. An implementation concept is suggested which is conservative in use of system resources and consists of modules combined with a network communications fabric. A language concept termed a scheduling calculus for rapidly performing essential on-board schedule adaption functions is introduced

    Third International Symposium on Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems, part 1

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    Under the theme of 'Opportunities in Ground Data Systems for High Efficiency Operations of Space Missions,' the SpaceOps '94 symposium included presentations of more than 150 technical papers spanning five topic areas: Mission Management, Operations, Data Management, System Development, and Systems Engineering. The papers focus on improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and quality of data acquisition, ground systems, and mission operations. New technology, techniques, methods, and human systems are discussed. Accomplishments are also reported in the application of information systems to improve data retrieval, reporting, and archiving; the management of human factors; the use of telescience and teleoperations; and the design and implementation of logistics support for mission operations

    NASA Flight Planning Branch Space Shuttle Lessons Learned

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    Planning products and procedures that allowed the mission Flight Control Teams and the Astronaut crews to plan, train and fly every Space Shuttle mission were developed by the Flight Planning Branch at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. As the Space Shuttle Program came to a close, lessons learned were collected from each phase of the successful execution of these Space Shuttle missions. Specific examples of how roles and responsibilities of console positions that develop the crew and vehicle attitude timelines have been analyzed and will be discussed. Additionally, the relationships and procedural hurdles experienced through international collaboration have molded operations. These facets will be explored and related to current and future operations with the International Space Station and future vehicles. Along with these important aspects, the evolution of technology and continual improvement of data transfer tools between the Space Shuttle and ground team has also defined specific lessons used in improving the control team s effectiveness. Methodologies to communicate and transmit messages, images, and files from the Mission Control Center to the Orbiter evolved over several years. These lessons were vital in shaping the effectiveness of safe and successful mission planning and have been applied to current mission planning work in addition to being incorporated into future space flight planning. The critical lessons from all aspects of previous plan, train, and fly phases of Space Shuttle flight missions are not only documented in this paper, but are also discussed regarding how they pertain to changes in process and consideration for future space flight planning

    Low Cost Mission Operations Workshop

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    The presentations given at the Low Cost (Space) Mission Operations (LCMO) Workshop are outlined. The LCMO concepts are covered in four introductory sections: Definition of Mission Operations (OPS); Mission Operations (MOS) Elements; The Operations Concept; and Mission Operations for Two Classes of Missions (operationally simple and complex). Individual presentations cover the following topics: Science Data Processing and Analysis; Mis sion Design, Planning, and Sequencing; Data Transport and Delivery, and Mission Coordination and Engineering Analysis. A list of panelists who participated in the conference is included along with a listing of the contact persons for obtaining more information concerning LCMO at JPL. The presentation of this document is in outline and graphic form

    The deep space network

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    Various ongoing projects within the Deep Space Network are discussed, including mission support, communications, data processing, and network operations

    Automated Hierarchical, Forward-Chaining Temporal Planner for Planetary Robots Exploring Unknown Environments

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    The transition of mobile robots from a controlled environment towards the real-world represents a major leap in terms of complexity coming primarily from three different factors: partial observability, nondeterminism and dynamic events. To cope with them, robots must achieve some intelligence behaviours to be cost and operationally effective. Two particularly interesting examples of highly complex robotic scenarios are Mars rover missions and the Darpa Robotic Challenge (DRC). In spite of the important differences they present in terms of constraints and requirements, they both have adopted certain level of autonomy to overcome some specific problems. For instance, Mars rovers have been endowed with multiple systems to enable autonomous payload operations and consequently increase science return. In the case of DRC, most teams have autonomous footstep planning or arm trajectory calculation. Even though some specific problems can be addressed with dedicated tools, the general problem remains unsolved: to deploy on-board a reliable reasoning system able to operate robots without human intervention even in complex environments. This is precisely the goal of an automated mission planner. The scientific community has provided plenty of planners able to provide very fast solutions for classical problems, typically characterized by the lack of time and resources representation. Moreover, there are also a handful of applied planners with higher levels of expressiveness at the price of lowest performance. However, a fast, expressive and robust planner has never been used in complex robotic missions. These three properties represent the main drivers for the outcomes of the thesis. To bridge the gap between classical and applied planning, a novel formalism named Hierarchical TimeLine Networks (HTLN) combining Timeline and HTN planning has been proposed. HTLN has been implemented on a mission planner named QuijoteExpress, the first forward-chaining timeline planner to the best of our knowledge. The main idea is to benefit from the great performance of forward-chaining search to resolve temporal problems on the state-space. In addition, QuijoteExpress includes search enhancements such as parallel planning by division of the problem in sub-problems or advanced heuristics management. Regarding expressiveness, the planner incorporates HTN techniques that allow to define hierarchical models and solutions. Finally, plan robustness in uncertain scenarios has been addressed by means of sufficient plans that allow to leave parts of valid plans undefined. To test the planner, a novel lightweight, timeline and ROS-based executive named SanchoExpress has been designed to translate the plans into actions understandable by the different robot subsystems. The entire approach has been tested in two realistic and complementary domains. A cooperative multirover Mars mission and an urban search and rescue mission. The results were extremely positive and opens new promising ways in the field of automated planning applied to robotics

    Complexity of qualitative timeline-based planning

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    The timeline-based approach to automated planning was originally developed in the context of space missions. In this approach, problem domains are expressed as systems consisting of independent but interacting components whose behaviors over time, the timelines, are governed by a set of temporal constraints, called synchronization rules. Although timeline-based system descriptions have been successfully used in practice for decades, the research on the theoretical aspects only started recently. In the last few years, some interesting results have been shown concerning both its expressive power and the computational complexity of the related planning problem. In particular, the general problem has been proved to be EXPSPACE-complete. Given the applicability of the approach in many practical scenarios, it is thus natural to ask whether computationally simpler but still expressive fragments can be identified. In this paper, we study the timeline-based planning problem with the restriction that only qualitative synchronization rules, i.e., rules without explicit time bounds in the constraints, are allowed. We show that the problem becomes PSPACE-complete

    Tracking and data systems support for the Helios project. Volume 2: DSN support of Project Helios April 1975 - May 1976

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    Deep Space Network activities in the development of the Helios B mission from planning through entry of Helios 2 into first superior conjunction (end of Mission Phase II) are summarized. Network operational support activities for Helios 1 from first superior conjunction through entry into third superior conjunction are included