816 research outputs found

    Segmentation Assisted Object Distinction For Direct Volume Rendering

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    Ray casting is a direct volume rendering technique for visualizing 3D arrays of sampled data. It has vital applications in medical and biological imaging. Nevertheless, it is inherently open to cluttered classification results. It suffers from overlapping transfer function values and lacks a sufficiently powerful voxel parsing mechanism for object distinction. In this research work, we are proposing an image processing based approach towards enhancing ray casting technique’s object distinction process. The ray casting architecture is modified to accommodate object membership information generated by a K-means based hybrid segmentation algorithm. Object membership information is assigned to cubical vertices in the form of ID tags. An intra-object buffer is devised and coordinated with inter-object buffer, allowing the otherwise global rendering module to embed multiple local (secondary) rendering processes. A local rendering process adds two advantageous aspects to global rendering module. First, depth oriented manipulation of interpolation and composition operations that lead to freedom of interpolation method choice based on the number of available objects in various volumetric depths, improvement of LOD (level of details) for desired objects and reduced number of required mathematical computations. Second, localization of transfer function design that enables the utilization of binary (non-overlapping) transfer functions for color and opacity assignment. A set of image processing techniques are creatively employed in the design of K-means based hybrid segmentation algorithm

    Task-based Adaptation of Graphical Content in Smart Visual Interfaces

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    To be effective visual representations must be adapted to their respective context of use, especially in so-called Smart Visual Interfaces striving to present specifically those information required for the task at hand. This thesis proposes a generic approach that facilitate the automatic generation of task-specific visual representations from suitable task descriptions. It is discussed how the approach is applied to four principal content types raster images, 2D vector and 3D graphics as well as data visualizations, and how existing display techniques can be integrated into the approach.Effektive visuelle Repräsentationen müssen an den jeweiligen Nutzungskontext angepasst sein, insbesondere in sog. Smart Visual Interfaces, welche anstreben, möglichst genau für die aktuelle Aufgabe benötigte Informationen anzubieten. Diese Arbeit entwirft einen generischen Ansatz zur automatischen Erzeugung aufgabenspezifischer Darstellungen anhand geeigneter Aufgabenbeschreibungen. Es wird gezeigt, wie dieser Ansatz auf vier grundlegende Inhaltstypen Rasterbilder, 2D-Vektor- und 3D-Grafik sowie Datenvisualisierungen anwendbar ist, und wie existierende Darstellungstechniken integrierbar sind

    Scaling Up Medical Visualization : Multi-Modal, Multi-Patient, and Multi-Audience Approaches for Medical Data Exploration, Analysis and Communication

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    Medisinsk visualisering er en av de mest applikasjonsrettede områdene av visualiseringsforsking. Tett samarbeid med medisinske eksperter er nødvendig for å tolke medisinsk bildedata og lage betydningsfulle visualiseringsteknikker og visualiseringsapplikasjoner. Kreft er en av de vanligste dødsårsakene, og med økende gjennomsnittsalder i i-land øker også antallet diagnoser av gynekologisk kreft. Moderne avbildningsteknikker er et viktig verktøy for å vurdere svulster og produsere et økende antall bildedata som radiologer må tolke. I tillegg til antallet bildemodaliteter, øker også antallet pasienter, noe som fører til at visualiseringsløsninger må bli skalert opp for å adressere den økende kompleksiteten av multimodal- og multipasientdata. Dessuten er ikke medisinsk visualisering kun tiltenkt medisinsk personale, men har også som mål å informere pasienter, pårørende, og offentligheten om risikoen relatert til visse sykdommer, og mulige behandlinger. Derfor har vi identifisert behovet for å skalere opp medisinske visualiseringsløsninger for å kunne håndtere multipublikumdata. Denne avhandlingen adresserer skaleringen av disse dimensjonene i forskjellige bidrag vi har kommet med. Først presenterer vi teknikkene våre for å skalere visualiseringer i flere modaliteter. Vi introduserer en visualiseringsteknikk som tar i bruk små multipler for å vise data fra flere modaliteter innenfor et bildesnitt. Dette lar radiologer utforske dataen effektivt uten å måtte bruke flere sidestilte vinduer. I det neste steget utviklet vi en analyseplatform ved å ta i bruk «radiomic tumor profiling» på forskjellige bildemodaliteter for å analysere kohortdata og finne nye biomarkører fra bilder. Biomarkører fra bilder er indikatorer basert på bildedata som kan forutsi variabler relatert til kliniske utfall. «Radiomic tumor profiling» er en teknikk som genererer mulige biomarkører fra bilder basert på første- og andregrads statistiske målinger. Applikasjonen lar medisinske eksperter analysere multiparametrisk bildedata for å finne mulige korrelasjoner mellom kliniske parameter og data fra «radiomic tumor profiling». Denne tilnærmingen skalerer i to dimensjoner, multimodal og multipasient. I en senere versjon la vi til funksjonalitet for å skalere multipublikumdimensjonen ved å gjøre applikasjonen vår anvendelig for livmorhalskreft- og prostatakreftdata, i tillegg til livmorkreftdataen som applikasjonen var designet for. I et senere bidrag fokuserer vi på svulstdata på en annen skala og muliggjør analysen av svulstdeler ved å bruke multimodal bildedata i en tilnærming basert på hierarkisk gruppering. Applikasjonen vår finner mulige interessante regioner som kan informere fremtidige behandlingsavgjørelser. I et annet bidrag, en digital sonderingsinteraksjon, fokuserer vi på multipasientdata. Bildedata fra flere pasienter kan sammenlignes for å finne interessante mønster i svulstene som kan være knyttet til hvor aggressive svulstene er. Til slutt skalerer vi multipublikumdimensjonen med en likhetsvisualisering som er anvendelig for forskning på livmorkreft, på bilder av nevrologisk kreft, og maskinlæringsforskning på automatisk segmentering av svulstdata. Som en kontrast til de allerede fremhevete bidragene, fokuserer vårt siste bidrag, ScrollyVis, hovedsakelig på multipublikumkommunikasjon. Vi muliggjør skapelsen av dynamiske og vitenskapelige “scrollytelling”-opplevelser for spesifikke eller generelle publikum. Slike historien kan bli brukt i spesifikke brukstilfeller som kommunikasjon mellom lege og pasient, eller for å kommunisere vitenskapelige resultater via historier til et generelt publikum i en digital museumsutstilling. Våre foreslåtte applikasjoner og interaksjonsteknikker har blitt demonstrert i brukstilfeller og evaluert med domeneeksperter og fokusgrupper. Dette har ført til at noen av våre bidrag allerede er i bruk på andre forskingsinstitusjoner. Vi ønsker å evaluere innvirkningen deres på andre vitenskapelige felt og offentligheten i fremtidige arbeid.Medical visualization is one of the most application-oriented areas of visualization research. Close collaboration with medical experts is essential for interpreting medical imaging data and creating meaningful visualization techniques and visualization applications. Cancer is one of the most common causes of death, and with increasing average age in developed countries, gynecological malignancy case numbers are rising. Modern imaging techniques are an essential tool in assessing tumors and produce an increasing number of imaging data radiologists must interpret. Besides the number of imaging modalities, the number of patients is also rising, leading to visualization solutions that must be scaled up to address the rising complexity of multi-modal and multi-patient data. Furthermore, medical visualization is not only targeted toward medical professionals but also has the goal of informing patients, relatives, and the public about the risks of certain diseases and potential treatments. Therefore, we identify the need to scale medical visualization solutions to cope with multi-audience data. This thesis addresses the scaling of these dimensions in different contributions we made. First, we present our techniques to scale medical visualizations in multiple modalities. We introduced a visualization technique using small multiples to display the data of multiple modalities within one imaging slice. This allows radiologists to explore the data efficiently without having several juxtaposed windows. In the next step, we developed an analysis platform using radiomic tumor profiling on multiple imaging modalities to analyze cohort data and to find new imaging biomarkers. Imaging biomarkers are indicators based on imaging data that predict clinical outcome related variables. Radiomic tumor profiling is a technique that generates potential imaging biomarkers based on first and second-order statistical measurements. The application allows medical experts to analyze the multi-parametric imaging data to find potential correlations between clinical parameters and the radiomic tumor profiling data. This approach scales up in two dimensions, multi-modal and multi-patient. In a later version, we added features to scale the multi-audience dimension by making our application applicable to cervical and prostate cancer data and the endometrial cancer data the application was designed for. In a subsequent contribution, we focus on tumor data on another scale and enable the analysis of tumor sub-parts by using the multi-modal imaging data in a hierarchical clustering approach. Our application finds potentially interesting regions that could inform future treatment decisions. In another contribution, the digital probing interaction, we focus on multi-patient data. The imaging data of multiple patients can be compared to find interesting tumor patterns potentially linked to the aggressiveness of the tumors. Lastly, we scale the multi-audience dimension with our similarity visualization applicable to endometrial cancer research, neurological cancer imaging research, and machine learning research on the automatic segmentation of tumor data. In contrast to the previously highlighted contributions, our last contribution, ScrollyVis, focuses primarily on multi-audience communication. We enable the creation of dynamic scientific scrollytelling experiences for a specific or general audience. Such stories can be used for specific use cases such as patient-doctor communication or communicating scientific results via stories targeting the general audience in a digital museum exhibition. Our proposed applications and interaction techniques have been demonstrated in application use cases and evaluated with domain experts and focus groups. As a result, we brought some of our contributions to usage in practice at other research institutes. We want to evaluate their impact on other scientific fields and the general public in future work.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Accessible software frameworks for reproducible image analysis of host-pathogen interactions

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    Um die Mechanismen hinter lebensgefährlichen Krankheiten zu verstehen, müssen die zugrundeliegenden Interaktionen zwischen den Wirtszellen und krankheitserregenden Mikroorganismen bekannt sein. Die kontinuierlichen Verbesserungen in bildgebenden Verfahren und Computertechnologien ermöglichen die Anwendung von Methoden aus der bildbasierten Systembiologie, welche moderne Computeralgorithmen benutzt um das Verhalten von Zellen, Geweben oder ganzen Organen präzise zu messen. Um den Standards des digitalen Managements von Forschungsdaten zu genügen, müssen Algorithmen den FAIR-Prinzipien (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) entsprechen und zur Verbreitung ebenjener in der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft beitragen. Dies ist insbesondere wichtig für interdisziplinäre Teams bestehend aus Experimentatoren und Informatikern, in denen Computerprogramme zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation und schnellerer Adaption von neuen Technologien beitragen können. In dieser Arbeit wurden daher Software-Frameworks entwickelt, welche dazu beitragen die FAIR-Prinzipien durch die Entwicklung von standardisierten, reproduzierbaren, hochperformanten, und leicht zugänglichen Softwarepaketen zur Quantifizierung von Interaktionen in biologischen System zu verbreiten. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit wie Software-Frameworks zu der Charakterisierung von Interaktionen zwischen Wirtszellen und Pathogenen beitragen können, indem der Entwurf und die Anwendung von quantitativen und FAIR-kompatiblen Bildanalyseprogrammen vereinfacht werden. Diese Verbesserungen erleichtern zukünftige Kollaborationen mit Lebenswissenschaftlern und Medizinern, was nach dem Prinzip der bildbasierten Systembiologie zur Entwicklung von neuen Experimenten, Bildgebungsverfahren, Algorithmen, und Computermodellen führen wird


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    The Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) was established by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) at the NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) on June 6, 1983. RIACS is privately operated by USRA, a consortium of universities that serves as a bridge between NASA and the academic community. Under a five-year co-operative agreement with NASA, research at RIACS is focused on areas that are strategically enabling to the Ames Research Center's role as NASA's Center of Excellence for Information Technology. The primary mission of RIACS is charted to carry out research and development in computer science. This work is devoted in the main to tasks that are strategically enabling with respect to NASA's bold mission in space exploration and aeronautics. There are three foci for this work: (1) Automated Reasoning. (2) Human-Centered Computing. and (3) High Performance Computing and Networking. RIACS has the additional goal of broadening the base of researcher in these areas of importance to the nation's space and aeronautics enterprises. Through its visiting scientist program, RIACS facilitates the participation of university-based researchers, including both faculty and students, in the research activities of NASA and RIACS. RIACS researchers work in close collaboration with NASA computer scientists on projects such as the Remote Agent Experiment on Deep Space One mission, and Super-Resolution Surface Modeling

    Visual analytics methods for retinal layers in optical coherence tomography data

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    Optical coherence tomography is an important imaging technology for the early detection of ocular diseases. Yet, identifying substructural defects in the 3D retinal images is challenging. We therefore present novel visual analytics methods for the exploration of small and localized retinal alterations. Our methods reduce the data complexity and ensure the visibility of relevant information. The results of two cross-sectional studies show that our methods improve the detection of retinal defects, contributing to a deeper understanding of the retinal condition at an early stage of disease.Die optische Kohärenztomographie ist ein wichtiges Bildgebungsverfahren zur Früherkennung von Augenerkrankungen. Die Identifizierung von substrukturellen Defekten in den 3D-Netzhautbildern ist jedoch eine Herausforderung. Wir stellen daher neue Visual-Analytics-Methoden zur Exploration von kleinen und lokalen Netzhautveränderungen vor. Unsere Methoden reduzieren die Datenkomplexität und gewährleisten die Sichtbarkeit relevanter Informationen. Die Ergebnisse zweier Querschnittsstudien zeigen, dass unsere Methoden die Erkennung von Netzhautdefekten in frühen Krankheitsstadien verbessern

    Complexity Reduction in Image-Based Breast Cancer Care

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    The diversity of malignancies of the breast requires personalized diagnostic and therapeutic decision making in a complex situation. This thesis contributes in three clinical areas: (1) For clinical diagnostic image evaluation, computer-aided detection and diagnosis of mass and non-mass lesions in breast MRI is developed. 4D texture features characterize mass lesions. For non-mass lesions, a combined detection/characterisation method utilizes the bilateral symmetry of the breast s contrast agent uptake. (2) To improve clinical workflows, a breast MRI reading paradigm is proposed, exemplified by a breast MRI reading workstation prototype. Instead of mouse and keyboard, it is operated using multi-touch gestures. The concept is extended to mammography screening, introducing efficient navigation aids. (3) Contributions to finite element modeling of breast tissue deformations tackle two clinical problems: surgery planning and the prediction of the breast deformation in a MRI biopsy device

    Automated analysis of heterogeneous catalyst materials using deep learning

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    Heterogeneous catalyst materials play a key role in modern society, as many processes in the chemical and energy industry rely on them. Optimising their performance is directly connected to a large potential of reductions in energy consumption, and thus to a more sustainable future. A fundamental part in the optimisation process is represented by materials characterisation. This is often done using in situ (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopy ((S)TEM) imaging in order to obtain a full understanding of the catalyst performance in different environments and temperatures at high resolution. However, the analysis of corresponding dynamical datasets is often time-consuming and requires manual intervention alongside tailored post-processing routines. At the same time, the emergence of direct electron detectors allowing for the acquisition of datasets at kiloHertz frame rates, as well as novel imaging techniques raised data generation rates significantly and created a need for new, reliable and automated data processing techniques. This work introduces nNPipe as Deep Learning based method for the automated analysis of morphologically diverse heterogeneous catalyst systems. The method is based on two Covolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that were exclusively trained on computationally generated HRTEM image simulations and allow for rapid and precise analysis of raw 2048 x 2048 experimental HRTEM images. The performance of nNPipe is demonstrated in a realistic automated imaging scenario where statistically significant material properties are inferred accurately. Moreover, time-efficient and reproducible retraining methods based small experimental datasets are described for both, further performance improvements and adaption to new imaging scenarios. In this context, a potentially new pathway for the generation of suitable training datasets obtained by thousands of mostly non-expert annotations is highlighted. Finally, the analytical capacities of the nNPipe method are showcased on time-resolved datasets in two advanced applications scenarios: i) Live image analysis during sample acquisition and ii) Analysis of the particle coalescence of an in situ heated Pd/C catalyst

    Computing gripping points in 2D parallel surfaces via polygon clipping

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    Improving the Tractography Pipeline: on Evaluation, Segmentation, and Visualization

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    Recent advances in tractography allow for connectomes to be constructed in vivo. These have applications for example in brain tumor surgery and understanding of brain development and diseases. The large size of the data produced by these methods lead to a variety problems, including how to evaluate tractography outputs, development of faster processing algorithms for tractography and clustering, and the development of advanced visualization methods for verification and exploration. This thesis presents several advances in these fields. First, an evaluation is presented for the robustness to noise of multiple commonly used tractography algorithms. It employs a Monte–Carlo simulation of measurement noise on a constructed ground truth dataset. As a result of this evaluation, evidence for obustness of global tractography is found, and algorithmic sources of uncertainty are identified. The second contribution is a fast clustering algorithm for tractography data based on k–means and vector fields for representing the flow of each cluster. It is demonstrated that this algorithm can handle large tractography datasets due to its linear time and memory complexity, and that it can effectively integrate interrupted fibers that would be rejected as outliers by other algorithms. Furthermore, a visualization for the exploration of structural connectomes is presented. It uses illustrative rendering techniques for efficient presentation of connecting fiber bundles in context in anatomical space. Visual hints are employed to improve the perception of spatial relations. Finally, a visualization method with application to exploration and verification of probabilistic tractography is presented, which improves on the previously presented Fiber Stippling technique. It is demonstrated that the method is able to show multiple overlapping tracts in context, and correctly present crossing fiber configurations