10,305 research outputs found

    Overview of Augmented Reality Technology

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    В статье рассматривается технология дополненной реальности, описаны принципы работы, компоненты для реализации, сравнение данной технологии с виртуальной реальностью. Рассмотрены существующие реализации приложений на основе дополненной реальности. Предоставлена информация о перспективах развития технологии

    Enhancing the online decision-making process by using augmented reality: a two country comparison of youth markets

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    Although online stores extend the traditional offer of the brick and mortar ones, the limited possibilities to virtually try the product before the effective buying makes the online purchase decision a complex process for consumers. Therefore, online retailers face new challenges for supporting consumers consisting of the introduction of advanced technologies such as augmented reality systems. The present study investigates the effect of augmented reality technologies on consumer behaviour within the online retail environments, by comparing two different cultural settings. Drawing upon the technology acceptance model (TAM), new constructs related to the technology characteristics (e.g. quality of information, aesthetic quality, interactivity, and response time) developed a new conceptual model. This model has been tested for a new technology for virtual try-on (a smart mirror for virtual glasses). Focusing on young consumers, data collected in Italy and Germany yielding a total of 318 participants was used. Findings across these two markets reflect cross-market similarities, but also dissimilarities, related to consumers’ motivation to employ augmented reality systems for supporting their online purchase decision. These insights should prove helpful to retailers in better manage the online channels, that could be easily extended to the mobile one

    BUSINESS POTENTIAL FOR AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATIONS : Attitudes and concerns inside the focus groups consisting of JAMK students

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    This paper studies the expectations, beliefs and concerns that students of JAMK University of Applied Sciences have towards augmented reality. The goal is to map out potential future augmented reality applications and to understand what kind of concerns do the university students have about the technology and its applications. The theoretical framework consists of thorough information about augmented reality; its history, the current situation and the future of the technology. In addition, specific traits of high tech markets were studied in order to understand in what kind of an environment do these types of applications exist. Also focus group method is thoroughly explained for the reader. The research is based on qualitative focus group research. Four focus group interviews were conducted in April 2013 with 22 people. Participants were Finnish and international students from JAMK. Participants found augmented reality applications that offer additional information, guide the user or help them make for example purchasing decisions valuable. Use of augmented reality in educational and business areas was seen as a potential direction. Applications that were designed for fun purposes did not interest the participants, the lifespan of such applications was a major concern. Future research could be conducted with people of different age groups in order to understand better how they perceive augmented reality and how they see the future of it.Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan Jyväskylän Ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijoiden odotuksia, uskomuksia ja huolia Lisättyyn Todellisuuteen (Augmented Reality) liittyen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää minkälaisia Lisätyn Todellisuuden sovelluksia nähdään potentiaalisina tulevaisuudessa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on ymmärtää minkälaisia huolia opiskelijoilla on kyseiseen teknologiaan ja sovelluksiin liittyen. Teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu perusteelliseen Lisätyn Todellisuuden historian, nykyisen tilanteen ja tulevaisuuden läpikäymiseen. Lisäksi high tech-markkinoiden erityispiirteitä tarkastellaan tarkoin, jotta voidaan ymmärtää minkälaisessa ympäristössä tähän teknologiaan pohjautuvat tuotteet tulevat olemaan. Lukijalle kerrotaan myös tarkasti fokusryhmä-metodista ja sen käytöstä. Tutkimus pohjautuu kvalitatiiviseen fokusryhmä-tutkimukseen. Huhtikuussa 2013 pidettiin neljä fokusryhmähaastattelua 22 ihmiselle. Osanottajina haastatteluissa oli suomalaisia ja kansainvälisiä opiskelijoita JAMK:sta. Haastatteluissa kiinnostaviksi koettiin lisätyn todellisuuden-sovellukset, jotka tarjoavat lisäinformaatiota, opastavat käyttäjää tai auttavat käyttäjää muutoin, esimerkiksi tekemään ostopäätöksen. Opetuksellinen ja ammattillinen käyttö nähtiin kiinnostavana, uskottiin että tällä teknologialla olisi potentiaalia näillä alueilla. Sovellukset, jotka oltiin suunniteltu pelkästään viihdekäyttöön eivät herättäneet paljoa kiinnostusta osanottajissa. Tämänkaltaisten sovellusten käyttöiän epäiltiin olevan lyhyt. Tulevaisuudessa tutkimuksia voitaisiin tehdä eri ikäryhmille, täten voitaisiin paremmin ymmärtää heidän näkemyksensä Lisätystä Todellisuudesta ja kuinka he näkevät sen tulevaisuuden olevan

    The motivation of technological scenarios in augmented reality (AR): results of different experiments

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is an emergent technology that is acquiring more and more relevance in teaching every day. Together with mobile technology, this combination arises as one of the most effective binomials to support significant and ubiquitous learning. Nevertheless, this binomial can only prove valid if the student is motivated to use it during the learning process. An attempt was made through the implementation of Keller’s Instructional Material Motivational Survey model o determine the degree of motivation of Pedagogy, Medicine and Art students from the University of Seville for using AR-enriched notes available by means of mobile devices in the classroom. Three applications designed for the subjects of Educational Technology, Anatomy and Art served to assess it positively in terms of the motivation raised by the participation in the experiment, as well as regarding academic performance improvement. It can additionally be stated that our main finding was a link between students’ motivation to use the enriched notes and the performance obtained in the subject in which they use them. Evidence was also found that the utilization of Augmented Reality benefits the learning process

    Libraries and Archives Augmenting the World

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    I see myself, therefore I purchase: factors influencing consumer attitudes towards m-commerce AR apps

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    Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is starting to represent a significant share of e-commerce. The use of Augmented Reality (AR) by brands to convey information about their products - within the store and mainly as mobile apps – makes it possible for researchers and managers to understand consumer reactions. Although attitudes towards AR have been studied, the overall effect of distinct aspects such as the influence of others, the imagery, projection and perceived presence, has not been tackled as far as we know. Therefore, we conducted a study on 218 undergraduate students, using a pre-test post-test experimental design to address the following questions: (1) Do AR media characteristics affect consumer attitudes towards the medium in a mobile shopping context? Also, (2) Do the opinion and physical presence of people influence the attitude towards an m-commerce AR app? It found that AR characteristics such as projection and imagery positively influence attitudes towards m-commerce AR apps, whereas social variables did not have any influence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio